Curriculum Vita - Thomas D. Hoisch Last update: August 27, 2012 Education 1979 1979 1982 1985 B.A. (Geology) Pomona College, cum laude. Summer field course in geology, Indiana University. M.S. (Geology), Vanderbilt University, minor in chemistry. Ph. D. (Geological Sciences), University of Southern California, J. Lawford Anderson, advisor. Thesis: Metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California. Occupational Experience 2012- Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering, Forestry and Natural Sciences, Northern Arizona University 2011 (July-Dec) Interim Director, School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Northern Arizona University 2000-2003 Chair of Geology, Northern Arizona University 1998Professor of Geology, Northern Arizona University 1996-2000 Assistant Chair of Geology, Northern Arizona University 1992-1998 Associate Professor of Geology, Northern Arizona University Spring 1995 Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey (Denver, IPA) 1988 - 1995 Geologist, WAE (faculty) appointment to the U.S. Geological Survey. 1987 - 1992 Assistant Professor of Geology, Northern Arizona University 1985 - 1987 National Research Council-U.S. Geological Survey Research Associate (Denver), W.B. Hamilton, supervisor. Summer, 1984 Physical Sciences Technician, U.S. Geological Survey (Denver) Fall, 1982 Lecturer in Geology, Pomona College 1980 - 1984 Graduate Assistant, University of Southern California Awards and Honors 2012 2010 1992 1985-87 1984-85 1979-80 1978 Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi President’s Award, Northern Arizona University Awarded early tenure and promotion to Associate Professor at Northern Arizona University National Research Council-U.S. Geological Survey Research Associateship Fellowship, University of Southern California Special Scholarship, Vanderbilt University R.E. Strehle Award, academic distinction in Geology, Pomona College Editorial Appointments 2006-08 1989-93 Associate Editor, Geological Society of American Bulletin Associate Editor, The American Mineralogist Professional Societies Mineralogical Society of America Geological Society of America American Geophysical Union Sigma Xi Phi Kappa Phi Articles published (refereed) 1 P38 Wells, M.L., and Hoisch, T.D, 2012, Reply to comment by E.L. Miller, A. Konstantinou, and A. Strickland on “Geodynamics of synconvergent extension and tectonic mode switching: constraints from the Sevier-Laramide orogeny.” Tectonics, 31, TC4016, doi:10.1029/2012TC003136. P37 Wells, M.L., Hoisch, T.D., Cruz-Uribe, A.M., and Vervoort, J.D., 2012, Geodynamics of synconvergent extension and tectonic mode switching: constraints from the Sevier-Laramide orogen: Tectonics,,v. 31, TC1002, doi:10.1029/2011TC002913, 2012, 20 p. P36 Hoisch, T.D., Austin, B.A., Newell, S., and Manone, M.F., 2010, Application of tablet PCs to lecture demonstrations on mineral optics: J. Geoscience Education, v. 58, p. 221-231. P35 Hoisch, T.D., and Bowie, J.I., 2010, Assessing factors that influence the recruitment of majors from introductory geology classes at Northern Arizona University. J. Geoscience Education, v. 58, p. 166-176. P34 Hoisch, T.D., 2010, Student perceptions of geology and implications for choosing among different science majors: Geoscience Currents #36, American Geological Institute (Invited). P33 Hoisch, T.D, Wells, M.L., and Grove, M., 2008, Age trends in garnet-hosted monazite inclusions from upper amphibolite facies schist from the Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta, v. 72, p. 55055520. P32 Wells, M.L., Spell, T.L., Hoisch, T.D., and Zanetti, K.A., 2008, Laserprobe 40Ar/39Ar dating of strain fringes: Mid-Cretaceous synconvergent orogen-parallel extension in the interior of the Sevier orogen: Tectonics, v. 27, TC3012, doi:10.1029/2007TC002153. P31 Everett, B.C., and Hoisch T.D, 2008, Conditions of metamorphism of the Colorado Yule Marble: Mountain Geologist, v. 45, p. 69-76. P30 Wells, M.L., and Hoisch, T.D., 2008, The role of mantle delamination in widespread Late Cretaceous extension and magmatism in the Cordilleran orogen, western United States: Geological Society of America Bull., v. 120, p. 515-530. P29 Harris, C.R., Hoisch, T.D., and Wells, M.L., 2007, Construction of a composite pressure-temperature path: revealing the synorogenic burial and exhumation history of the Sevier hinterland, U.S.A.: Journal of Metamorphic Geology, v. 25, p. 915-934 P28 Hoisch, T.D., 2005, THERMOD7: A general two-dimensional numerical modeling program for heat conduction and advection, with special application to faults. Computers & Geosciences, v. 31, 698-703 P27 Hoisch, T.D., Wells, M.L., and Hanson, L.M., 2002, Pressure-temperature paths from garnet-zoning: evidence for multiple episodes of thrust burial in the hinterland of the Sevier orogenic belt: American Mineralogist, v. 87, p. 115-131. P26 Hoisch, T.D., 2000, Conditions of metamorphism in lower plate rocks at Bare Mountain Nevada–Implications for extensional faulting, in Geological and Geophysical Characterization Studies of Yucca Mountain, Nevada, A Potential High-Level Radioactive-Waste Repository: U.S. Geological Survey Digital Data Series 058, CDROM Chapter B. P25 Wells, M.L., Hoisch, T.D., Peters, M.T., Miller, D.M., Wolff, E.D. and Hanson, L.M., 1998, The Mahogany Peaks fault, a Late Cretaceous-Paleocene normal fault in the hinterland of the Sevier Orogen: Journal of Geology, v. 106, p. 623-634. P24 Wells, M.L., Hoisch, T.D., Hanson, L.M, Wolff, E.D, and Struthers, J., 1997, Large magnitude crustal thickening and repeated extensional exhumation in the Raft River, Grouse Creek, and Albion Mountains, Brigham Young University Geological Studies, v. 42, pt. 1, p. 325-340. P23 Hoisch, T.D., Heizler, M.T., and Zartman, R.E., 1997, Timing of detachment faulting in the Bullfrog Hills and Bare Mountain area, southwest Nevada: Inferences form 40Ar/39Ar, K-Ar, U-Pb, and fission track thermochronology: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 102, p. 2815-2833. P22 Simonds., F.W., Fridrich, C.J., Hoisch, T.D., and Hamilton, W.B., 1996, A synthesis of detachment fault studies in the Yucca Mountain region; FOCUS '95, Proceedings of the Topical Meeting on Methods of seismic hazards evaluation, American Nuclear Society, Inc., LaGrange Park, Ill. p.107-114. P21 Hoisch, T.D., 1995, Chapter 2: Conditions of metamorphism in lower plate rocks at Bare Mountain, Nevada-Implications for extensional faulting, in Simonds, F.W., ed., Characterization of detachment faults in the Yucca Mountain region, summary report for site characterization plan U.S. Geological Survey administrative report for milestone number 3GTD500M, p. 16-47. Approved by USGS Director. P20 Hoisch, T.D., 1995, Chapter 3: Timing of detachment faulting west of Yucca Mountain, in Simonds, F.W., ed., Characterization of detachment faults in the Yucca Mountain region, summary report for site characterization plan U.S. Geological Survey administrative report for milestone number 3GTD500M, p. 48-76. Approved by USGS Director. P19 Miller, D.M., and Hoisch, T.D., 1995, Jurassic tectonics of northeastern Nevada and northwestern Utah from the perspective of barometric studies: Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 299, p. 267-294. 2 P18 Rothstein, D.A., and Hoisch, T.D., 1994, Multiple intrusions and low pressure metamorphism in the central Old Woman Mountains, southeastern California: J. Metamorphic Geol., v. 12, p. 723-734. P17 Rothstein, D.A., Karlstrom, K.E., Hoisch, T.D., and Morrison, J.M., 1994, Determination of synkinematic plutonism from fluid-infiltrated rocks, central Old Woman Mountains, California: J. Metamorphic Geol., v. 12, p. 709-722. P16 Richard, S.M., Ballard, S.N., Boettcher, S.S., Hamilton, W.B., Hoisch, T.D., and Tosdal, R.M., 1994, Mesozoic tectonics of the Maria belt, west-central Arizona and southeasthern California, in McGill, S.F. and Ross, T.M., eds., Geological Investigations of an Active Margin, Cordilleran Section Guidebook: San Bernardino County Museum Association, San Bernardino, California, p. 272-292. P15 Morrison, J., and Hoisch, T.D., 1994, Outward flow of magmatic fluids from the Old Woman granodiorite, Old Woman Mountains, southeastern California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 99, p. 9469-9476. P14 Hoisch, T.D., and Simpson, C., 1993, Rise and tilt of metamorphic rocks in the lower plate of a detachment fault in the Funeral Mountains, Death Valley, California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 98, p. 6805-6827. P13 Hoisch, T.D., 1992, Thermodynamic properties of muscovite and biotite: inferences from natural compositions: Trends in Mineralogy, v. 1, p. 107-115 (invited). P12 Ashwal, L.D., Morgan, P., and Hoisch, T.D., 1992, Tectonics and heat sources for granulite metamorphism of supracrustal-bearing terranes: Precambrian Research, v. 55, p. 525-538. P11 Miller, D.M., and Hoisch, T.D., 1992, Mesozoic structure, metamorphism, and magmatism in the Pilot Range and the Toano Range, in Wilson, J.R., ed., Field guide to geologic excursions in Utah and adjacent areas of Nevada, Idaho, and Wyoming: Utah Geological Survey Misc. Pub. 92-3, p. 79-92. P10 Foster, D.A., Miller, C.F., Harrison, M., and Hoisch, T.D., 1992, 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of the Old Woman Mountains area, California with implications for Mesozoic shortening, metamorphism, and denudation: Geol. Soc. America Bulletin, v. 104, p. 176-191. P9 Hoisch, T.D., 1991, The thermal effects of pervasive and channelized fluid flow in the deep crust: Journal of Geology, v. 99, p. 69-80. P8 Hoisch, T.D., 1991, Equilibria within the mineral assemblage quartz + muscovite + biotite + plagioclase + garnet, and implications for the mixing properties of octahedrally-coordinated cations in muscovite and biotite: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 108. p. 43-54. P7 Hoisch, T.D., and Hamilton, W., 1990, A granite origin by fluid-induced anatexis, in Miller, C.F., ed., FROGS (Friends of Granites) Report: Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 71, p. 694. P6 Hoisch, T.D., 1990, Empirical calibration of six geobarometers for the mineral assemblage quartz + muscovite + biotite + garnet + plagioclase: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 104, p. 225-234. P5 Hoisch, T.D., 1989, A muscovite-biotite geothermometer: American Mineralogist, v. 74, p. 565-572. P4 Hoisch, T.D., Miller, C.F., Heizler, T.M., Harrison, M.T., and Stoddard, E.F., 1988, Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in southeastern California, in Ernst, W.G., ed., Metamorphic and Crustal Evolution of the Western United States, Rubey Volume VII: Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersy, p. 538-571. P3 Hoisch, T.D., 1987, Heat transport by fluids during Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California: Geol. Soc. of America Bulletin, v. 98, p. 549-553. P2 Hoisch, T.D., 1985, The solid solution chemistry of vesuvianite: Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, v. 89, p. 205-214. P1 Miller, C.F., Howard, K.A., and Hoisch, T.D., 1982, Mesozoic thrusting, metamorphism, and plutonism, Old Woman-Piute, southeastern California, in Frost, E.G., and Martin, D.L., eds., Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Colorado River region, California, Arizona, and Nevada: San Diego, Cordilleran Publishers, p. 561-582. Technical Reports (not refereed) T3 Hoisch, T.D., Hanson, L.M., and Wittke, J.H., 1996, Hornblende barometry of Cordilleran granodiorites, final technical report for U.S.G.S. order number 1434-WR-96-SA-00467: 10 p., plus five data appendices totalling approx. 100 p. (unpublished) T2 Hoisch, T.D., 1993, Thermobarometric and kinematic studies of metamorphic rocks at Bare Mountain and proximal sites, a progress report: Technical Report for the U.S. Geological Survey, Yucca Mountain Project, on activities for fiscal '93, 23 p. (unpublished) T1 Hoisch, T.D., 1983, Metamorphism of the platform sequence, Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California: University of Southern California Final Technical Report for U.S. Geological Survey contract 137877-82, 37 p. (unpublished) Abstracts (refereed,* = Presenter) 3 A78 *Wells, M.L., Hoisch, T.D., Beyene, M.A., and Vervoort, J.D., 2011, Jurassic thrust burial in the Funeral Mountains of the Sevier retroarc: Linking P-T paths and Lu-Hf garnet geochronology. EOS, American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting, Dec. 2011 A77 *Hoisch, T.D., and Wells, M.L., 2011, An updated N-shaped pressure-temperature-time path from the Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah: an example of an orogenic cycle. Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 43 p. 76. A 76 *Hoisch, Thomas D., Cruz-Uribe, Alicia M., Kelly, Eric D., Murray, Timothy T. II, and Wells, Michael L. Pressure-temperature paths from garnet zoning: integrating Gibbs method and G-minimization approaches, 2010, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, p. 565 A75 *Beyene, Mengesha, Wells, Michael, Stockli, Daniel, Spell, Terry L., and Hoisch, Thomas D., 2010 , Late Cretaceous and Late Miocene Motion on the Boundary Canyon Detachment Fault Constrained by 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry: Funeral Mountains, Death Valley. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, p. 459 A74 *Hoisch, T.D., and Bowie, J.I., 2009, Assessment of factors that influence the recruitment of majors from introductory geology classes. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall meet. Suppl., Abstract ED13C-0613. A73 *Beyene, M., Wells, M.L., Hoisch, T.D., Vervoort, J.D., Styger, S., and Stockli, D., 2009, Jurassic shortening and episodic extension in the Funeral Mountains Core Complex, Death Valley, Southeastern California. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, p. 137. A72 *Wells, M.L., Hoisch T.D., Cruz-Uribe, A.M., and Vervoort, J.D., 2009, Geodynamics of synconvergent extension and tectonic mode switching: constraints from the Sevier-Laramide orogen. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, p. 588. A71 Kelly, E., Hoisch, T.D., and Wells, M.L., 2009, Disequilibrium crystallization of garnet cores followed by equilibrium rim growth: implications for determining pressure-temperature paths, Albion Mountains, Idaho. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, p. 237. A70 *Cruz-Uribe, A.M., and Hoisch, T.D., 2009, Trace element distribution in pelitic garnet: implications for petrogenesis, PT modeling, and geochronology. Geochim. Cosmochim Acta, v. 73, p. A253, Suppl. S. (Goldschmidt conference 2009) A69 *Wells, M.L., Spell, T.L., Hoisch, T.D., Arriola, T., and Zanetti, K.A., 2008, Laserprobe 40Ar/39Ar dating of strain fringes: An example from the interior of the Sevier orogen. Eos Trans. AGU, 98(52), Fall Meet. Suppl, Abstract T21E-02. A68 *Cruz-Uribe, A.M., Hoisch, T.D., Wells, M.L., and Vervoort, J.D., 2008, Ages of Sevier thrusting from dating of metamorphic garnet using the Lu-Hf method. Eos Trans. AGU, 98(52), Fall Meet. Suppl, Abstract T23C-2026. A67 *Hoisch, T.D., Manone, M. F., Newell, S., and Austin, B.A., 2008, Application of Digital Ink Technology and Interactive Classroom Software to Lecturing on Mineral Optics: Geol. Soc. America Abstract with Programs, v. 40, no. 6, p. 348. A66 Constantopoulos, J., and Hoisch, T.D., 2008, Conditions of Metamorphism in the Contact Aureole of the Crazy Basin Quartz Monzonite, near Cleater, Arizona. CEFNS celebration of undergraduate research. A65 *Eastman, K., and Hoisch, T.D., 2008, Quartz crystal inclusions from the Bradshaw Mountains, Arizona. Minerals of Arizona, 16th annual symposium, Arizona Mining and Mineral Museum. A64 *Wells, M.L., and Hoisch, T.D., 2008, Multiple triggers for multiple episodes of synconvergent extension in the Sevier hinterland. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, no. 1, p. 76. A63 Manone, Mark, *Umhoefer, Paul J., Springer, Abe, Hoisch, Thomas, and Newell, Shawn,, 2008, An incremental approach for teaching field mapping using rugged tablet computers and GIS. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, no. 1, p. 89. A62 *Sample, James, Best, David M.,, Manone, Mark, Csar, Alex J., Newell, Shawn, Hoisch, Thomas, and Solop, Fred,, 2008. Using tablet computers in large lectures. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, no. 1, p. 90. A61 *Hoisch, T.D., and Wells, M.L., 2008, Textural evidence from garnet schist for a major synconvergent exhumation event in the hinterland of the Sevier orogenic belt. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, no. 1, p. 76. A60 *Styger, S., Hoisch, T.D., and Wells, M.L., 2008, A preliminary metamorphic pressure-temperature path from the Funeral Mountains, California: a record of thrusting and exhumation in the Sevier Orogen. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 40, no. 1, p. 94. A59 *Cruz-Uribe, A.M., Hoisch, T.D., Wells, M.L., and Vervoort, J.D., 2007, Adding t to garnet P-T paths using the Lu-Hf method: Age constraints on thrusting and exhumation events in the hinterland of the Sevier orogen. AGU 2007 fall meeting. A58 *Everett, B.E., and Hoisch, T.D., 2007, Metamorphic processes of the famous Colorado Yule Marble: NAU 4 CENS undergraduate research celebration, poster presentation. Won $100 prize A57 *Eastman, K., and Hoisch, T.D., 2006, Quartz crystal inclusions from the Bradshaw Mountains, Arizona: NAU CENS undergraduate research celebration, poster presentation A56 *Hoisch, Thomas D., 2007, Thermod8: A user-friendly program for two-dimensional finite difference thermal modeling: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 591 A55 *Manone, M.F., Umhoefer, P.J., Springer, A., Hoisch, T., Newell, S., and Solop, F., 2007, An incremental approach for teaching field mapping using rugged tablet computers and GIS: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 623 A54 *Wells, M.L., Spell, T.L., Arriola, T., and Hoisch, T.D., 2007, A mid-Cretaceous age for synconvergent orogenparallel extension in the interior of the Sevier orogen contrained by laserprobe 40Ar/39Ar dating of strain fringes: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, p. 229 A53 *Hoisch, Thomas D., and Wells, Michael L, 2004, Correlation between Th-Pb ion microprobe ages of monazite inclusions in garnet and garnet growth zoning from upper amphibolite facies schist–implications for garnet dating: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 134 A52 *Wells, Michael L., Hoisch, Thomas D., Kula, Joseph L., and Burgett, Darren, 2004, Removal of mantle lithosphere, synconvergent extension and crustal anatexis in the Late Cretaceous cordilleran interior: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 119-120 A51 *Wells, Michael L., Sheeley, Jay C., Spell, Terry L., Kelly, Eric D., and Hoisch, Thomas D., 2004, Eocene extension in northwestern Utah-southern Idaho: early motion on the polyphase Middle Mountain shear zone: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 73 A50 *Kelly, Eric D., Hoisch, Thomas D., and Wells, Michael L., 2004, Metamorphic pressure-temperature paths and isotopic dating in the hanging wall of a major thrust, Sevier hinterland, south-central Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 9 A49 *Harris, Caroline F., and Hoisch Thomas D., 2003, A record of repeated thrusting and exhumation in footwall rocks of the Basin-Elba fault, southern Idaho, Sevier hinterland: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 224 A48 *Kelly, Eric D., Hoisch, Thomas D., and Wells, Michael L., 2003, Pressure-temperature paths and Thorium-Lead monazite dating in the hanging wall of a major thrust in the hinterland of the Sevier orogenic belt, Albion Mountains, south-central Idaho: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p.632 A47 *Manone, Mark F., Umhoefer, Paul J., and Hoisch, Thomas D., 2003, A digital field camp: applying emerging technology to teach geologic field mapping: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 411 A46 Hoisch, Thomas D., Wells, Michael, Grove, Marty, Bailey, Treasure, Harris, Caroline, and Kelly, Eric, 2002, Dating of garnet growth in upper amphibolite facies schist by thorium-lead ion microprobe dating of monazite inclusions: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 311-312 A45 Wells, Michael L., and Hoisch, Thomas D., 2002, Latest Cretaceous to Early Eocene renewed shortening in the interior of the Sevier-Laramide orogen: insitu Th-Pb ion microprobe dating of monazite: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 510-511 A44 Dudash, S.L., Hoisch, T.D., and Wells, M.L., 2001, Polymetamorphism of Archean pelitic schist in the Grouse Creek Mountains, northwestern Utah: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs (Cordilleran Section meeting), v. 33, p. A51. A43 *James, S.C., Duebendorfer, E.M., and Hoisch, T.D., 2001, Location of the granulite-amphibolite facies transition in northwestern Arizona: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs (Rocky Mountain Section meeting), v. 33, p. 24. A42 *Duebendorfer, E., and Hoisch, T.D., and Chamberlain, K.R., 2001, structural and metamorphic similarities between Proterozoic rocks in the Cerbat and Hualapai mountains, northwestern Arizona: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs (Rocky Mountain Section meeting), v. 33, p. 3-4. A41 *Hoisch, T.D. 2000, Use of thrust-related pressure-temperature-time paths in metamorphic rocks to constrain thrust geometry and velocity: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs (national meeting), v.32, p. A114. A40 Hoisch, T.D., and *Southam, G., 2000, Analysis of mineral content in the varnish of a cello made by Antonio Stradivari in 1711: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs (national meeting), v. 32 p. A439. A39 *Mahlen, N.J., Hoisch, T.D., and Dufrane, S.A., 2000, Use of volumetric titration to determine ferrous iron content in biotite from pelitic schist from the Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, p. A365. A38 Wells, M. L., Hoisch, T. D., Hanson, L.M., and Wolff, E. D., 1999, Rapid thrust burial and subsequent partial exhumation, hinterland of the Sevier orogen: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, p. A-107. 5 A37 *Hoisch, T.D., Hanson, L.M., and Wells, M.L., 1998, Pressure-temperature paths from garnet-zoning: evidence for rapid thrust burial in the hinterland of the Sevier orogenic belt: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, p. A-72 A36 *Jones, C.S., Duebendorfer, E.M., and Hoisch, T.D., 1998, Structure and metamorphism of the Vock Canyon area, Cerbat Mts., Arizona: Implications for amalgamation and accretion of the Mojave and Yavapai Properozoic crustal provinces: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, p. 12 A35 *Hoisch, T.D., and Mathis, L.J., 1998, Phase equilibria of massive wollastonite rocks from the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, p. A10 A34 *Hoisch, T.D., Wells,.M.L., and Wolff, E.D., 1997, Two-dimensional thermal models of detachment faulting with application to the Raft River detachment in northwest Utah: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, p. A381 A33 Barnett, D., *Bowman, J.R., and Hoisch, T.D., 1997, Isotopic and petrologic evidence for heterogeneous fluid flow during metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, SE California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, p. A92 A32 *Hoisch, T.D., Heizler, M.T., and Zartman, R.E., 1996, Timing of detachment faulting 15 to 35 km west of Yucca Mountain, Nevada: inferences from 40Ar/39Ar, K-Ar U-Pb and fission-track thermochronology: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, p. A125 A31 *Miller, D.M., Wooden, J.L., Hoisch,T.D., Schermer, E.R., and Walker, J.D., 1996, Intra-arc juxtaposition of cratonal and eugeoclinal rocks, north-central Mojave Desert, California: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, p 91. A30 *Hoisch, T.D., 1995, Flat growth-zoning profiles in garnet from lower amphibolite facies schist at Bare Mountain, Nevada: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 27 p. A-263. A29 *Simonds, F.W., Hoisch, T.D., Fridrich, C.J., Hamilton, W.B., 1995, Detachment faulting in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain--A summary: American Nuclear Society FOCUS '95 meeting on methods of seismic hazard evaluation, Las Vegas, September 19, 1995. A28 *Harvey, James L., and Hoisch, T.D., 1995, Compositional variations in amphiboles, Okanogan complex, Washington: implications for controls on coupled substitutions: Geological Association of CanadaMineralogical Association of Canada abstracts with programs, v. 20 p. A-43.. A27 *Morgan, P., and Hoisch, T.D., 1994, Effects of radiative thermal conductivity on mantle geotherm calculations: Eos, v. 75, p. 648. A26 *Wagner, Laura, and Hoisch, T.D., 1994, Fluid pathways associated with the development of massive wollastonite during Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, p. A101. A25 *Harvey, James. L., and Hoisch, T.D., 1994, Sapphirine-bearing amphibolites in the Okanogan complex, Washington: Thermobarometry and tectonic implications: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 26, p. A57. A24 *Hoisch, T.D., 1993, Thermodynamic properties of muscovite and biotite: Inferences from natural compositions and confirmation of the empirical approach to calibrating mineral equilibria in rocks: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 25, p. A100. A23 McCarthy, P.T., *Miller, D.M., Nakata, J.K., and Hoisch, T.D., 1993, Structures adjacent to the Purcell trench south of Sandpoint, Idaho: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs (Reno), 25, p. A117. A22 *Cisneros, E., Hoisch, T.D., and Wallace, J.J., 1992, Fluid interaction in calc-silicate rocks, Old Woman Mountains, southeastern California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 24, p. 15. A21 *Hoisch, T.D., and Simpson, C., 1991, Cretaceous uplift and subsequent tilting of metamorphic rocks from the lower plate of a detachment fault in the Funeral Mountains, Death Valley, California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 23, p. A83. A20 *Miller, D.M., and Hoisch, T.D., 1991, Low-pressure Jurassic metamorphism in the Pilot Range, northeastern Great Basin, as part of regionally variable effects of magmatism-induced orogeny: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 23, p. A193. A19 *Mitchell, C., Hoisch, T., and Cisneros, E., 1991, Fluid inclusions from massive wollastonite rocks in the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California: evidence for water-rich infiltration during regional metamorphism: Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science Journal, v. 26, p. 52. A18 *Hoisch, T.D., 1990, Non-ideal mixing of octahedrally-coordinated cations in muscovite and biotite: Geol. Soc. of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 22, p. A350. A17 *Morrison, J., and Hoisch, T.D., 1990, Water-rich infiltration in marbles and calc-silicates: petrologic and stable isotope constraints: EOS, v. 71, p. 659. A16 *Hoyt, W.C., Hoisch, T.D., and Foster, D., 1990, Late Cretaceous metamorphism and deformation in the northern Old Woman Mountains, southeastern California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 22, p. 30. 6 A15 *Hoisch, T.D., 1989, Six geobarometers for the mineral assemblage quartz + garnet + plagioclase + muscovite + biotite: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 21, p. A233. A14 *Rothstein, D.A., Hoisch, T.D., and Karlstrom, K.E., 1989, Relative timing of ductile deformation, regional metamorphism, fluid interaction, and granitoid emplacement in the central Old Woman Mountains, southeastern California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 21, p. A215. A13 *Hoisch, T.D., and Simpson, C., 1989, P-T-t-movement history of metamorphic rocks in the Funeral Mountains, California, and Bare Mountain, Nevada: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 21, p. 93. A12 *Rothstein, D., Hoisch, T.D., and Karlstrom, K.E., 1989, Regional metamorphism, ductile deformation, and plutonism in the central Old Woman Mountains, SE California: Arizona-Nevada Academy of Sciences meeting, Las Vegas. A11 *Hoisch, T.D., 1988, A muscovite-biotite geothermometer: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, p. A342-A343. A10 *Hoisch, T.D., and Hamilton, W., 1988, Latest Cretaceous metamorphism in southeastern California by fluids from subducted schist: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 20, p. 169. A9 *Hoisch, T.D., 1987, Heat transport by fluids during channelized flow and thermal consequences for regional metamorphism: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, p. 704. A8 *Hoisch, T.D, 1987, Convective transport of heat by fluids: an explanation for high-temperature/low-pressure regional metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California, U.S.A.: Newsletter of the Geological Society of London, v. 16, no. 4, p. 31 (invited). A7 *Hoisch, T.D., 1987, Conditions of Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in the Little Maria Mountains, southeastern California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 19, p. 389. A6 *Hoisch, T.D., 1986, Fluids, heat sources, and regional metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California: EOS, v. 67, p. 398. A5 *Hoisch, T.D., Miller, C.F., Heizler, T.M., Harrison, M.T., and Stoddard, E.F., 1986, Significance of Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in southeastern California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 18, p. 117-118 (invited). A4 *Hoisch, T.D., 1985, Conditions of metamorphism determined from low-grade metagranites, Big Maria Mountains, SE California: EOS, v. 66, p. 385. A3 *Hoisch, T.D., and Thomas, W.M., 1984, The solid solution chemistry of idocrase: Geol. Soc. of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 16, p. 541. A2 *Hoisch, T.D., and Miller, C.F, 1981, The metamorphism of Bright Angel Shale, Old Woman-Piute Range, southeastern California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 13, p. 61. A1 *Miller, C.F., Sparkes, A.K., Stoddard, E.F., Hoisch, T.D., and Hurst, R.W., 1980, Old Woman-Piute Range plutonic complex, southeastern California: Geol. Soc. America Abstracts with Programs, v. 12, p. 141. Funding (F=funded, P=pending, N=not funded) F 1982 F 1984 F 1987 F 1987 F 1988 F 1988 F 1989 $2,500 - U.S. Geological Survey (contract 137877-82, 1 year, 10/82-10/83), "Metamorphism of the platform sequence, Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California." Grant to the University of Southern California. $750 - Geological Society of America Research Grant (1 year). "Metamorphism of the platform sequence, Big Maria Mountain southeastern California." Grant to T.D. Hoisch. $23,995 - National Science Foundation (10/87-3/89), "Thermal/tectonic evolution of continental crust, Old Woman Mountains area, California." These represent funds from the grant of C.F. Miller and K.E. Karlstrom (P.I.'s). Hoisch's move to N.A.U. in 8/87 caused a change of plans in which funds ($23,995) originally intended for post-doctoral work at Vanderbilt University with C.F. Miller were moved to NAU to fund Hoisch and his students. $3,220 - University Organized Research (7/1/88 - 6/31/89) "Fluid-to-rock interaction during regional metamorphism in the Kilbeck Hills, southeastern California." $10,000 - U.S. Geological Survey, funding for fiscal '89 from Yucca Mountain Project to pursue metamorphic and structural studies the Funeral Mountains, Death Valley. Salary and operating expenses paid directly from government project accounts. $4,662 - University Organized Research (Northern Arizona University internal funding), 7/89-7/90, "Application of seven new geothermobarometers to rocks from the Old Woman Mountains area, southeastern California." $8,000 - U.S. Geological Survey, funding for fiscal '90 from Yucca Mountain Project (continuation). Also, Survey Internal Resource funding for thermobarometric investigation of Okanagon and Kettle 7 F 1989 F 1989 F 1990 F 1990 F 1990 F 1991 F 1991 F 1991 F 1992 F 1992 F 1992 F 1993 F 1993 F 1993 F 1993 F 1993 F 1994 F 1994 F 1996 F 1996 F 1996 domes in northern Washington state. Salary and operating expenses paid directly from government project accounts. $57,674 - National Science Foundation (2 years, 6/89-6/91), "Interactions in time and space of thermal and mechanical processes during orogeny, Old Woman Mountains area, southeastern California. K.E. Karlstrom, P.I., T.D. Hoisch, co-P.I. Grant to NAU. $1,840 - University Organized Research (7/1/90-6/31/91). "Reaction progress studies of metamorphic rocks: Quantifying hot crustal fluids". $5,000 - U.S. Geological Survey. For fiscal '91. Cooperative support for the electron microprobe laboratory. Grant to NAU. $8,000 - U.S. Geological Survey, funding for fiscal '91. Funds from the Yucca Mountain Project (continuation). Also, Survey Internal Resource funding for thermobarometric investigation in the Pilot Range, Nevada-Utah. Salary and operating expenses paid directly from government project accounts. $6,500 - University Organized Research (7/1/91-6/31/92) "Microprobe Investigations of metamorphic rocks". $8,500 - U.S. Geological Survey, WAE (faculty appointment). Fiscal '91 funding from Yucca Mountain Project (continuation) and new funding on the Idaho project to perform thermobarometric studies. Salary and operating expenses paid directly from government project accounts. $40,867, two years (7/1/92-6/39/94), National Science Foundation. " RUI: Fluid infiltration during midcrustal metamorphism, Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California". PI: TD Hoisch. $10,000, U.S. Geological Survey, fiscal '92, "Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project" (continuation). Funding through the Tectonics Project, supervisor Warren Hamilton, Project Chief John Whitney. Salary and operating expenses paid directly from government project accounts. $5,000, U.S. Geological Survey, for fiscal '92 "Cooperative support for the electron microprobe laboratory". Grant to NAU. U.S. Geological Survey, travel funds to northern Washington/Idaho and return for field work, about $500. Salary and operating expenses paid directly from government project accounts. $11,586, U.S. Geological Survey, funding for fiscal '93 "Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project" (continuation). Funding through the Tectonics Program, supervisor Warren Hamilton, Section Chief John Whitney. Salary and operating expenses paid directly from government project accounts. $38,200, U.S. Geological Survey, funding for fiscal '94 "Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project" (continuation). Funding through the Tectonics Program, supervisor Warren Hamilton, Section Chief John Whitney. Salary, SLUC, and operating expenses paid directly from government project accounts. $15,000, 3 years (1/1/93-12/31/95). U.S. Geological Survey. Submitted 1/93, approved 3/93. Cooperative support for the electron microprobe laboratory. Grant to NAU. $2,900, University Organized Research, (7/1/93-6/31/94). A study of metamorphic rocks from the Tonasket Gneiss, Okanogan Dome, northeastern Washington. $3,400, U.S. Geological Survey, Office of Scientific Publications. Page charges for Hoisch and Simpson JGR article. Funds requested 1/93, approved a few days later. Paid directly from government accounts. $38,182, National Science Foundation, 6/1/94-5/31/9. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Alternating contraction and extension during the late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic, northwestern Utah. PI: TD Hoisch. Grant to NAU. $1,000, U.S.Geological Survey, funded for Federal fiscal '94. Fort Irwin Project. Microprobe investigation of metamorphic rocks and granodiorites. Grant to NAU. $35,017, U.S. Geological Survey, 1/1/95-7/31/95, Thermobarometric and kinematic studies of metamorphic rocks at Bare Mountain and proximal sites, Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Project. Grant to NAU through the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970. $5,000, U.S. Geological Survey, 10/1/95-9/31/96. Cooperative support for the electron microprobe laboratory. Grant to NAU. $3,043 ($2,729 grant to NAU + $315 reimbursed field expenses paid directly from government project accounts), U.S. Geological Survey, 6/1/96-8/31/96. Fort Irwin Project. $1,250 approx., U.S. Geological Survey. Travel to Yucca Mountain Tectonics meeting in San Antonio, TX, and to the Geological Society of America National conference, Denver, CO. Paid directly from government project accounts. 8 F 1997 F 1998 F 1998 F 1998 F 2002 F 2002 F 2003 F 2003 F 2004 F 2006 F 2007 F 2008 F 2010 F 2011 N 2011 N 2012 F 2012 $5,000, U.S. Geological Survey, 10/1/96-9/31/97. Cooperative support for the electron microprobe laboratory. Grant to NAU. $100,254, National Science Foundation, 6/1/98-5/31/01. Thrust burial, metamorphisn, and tectonic exhumation of the hinterland of the Sevier orogenic belt, northwestern Utah and southern Idaho. PI: TD Hoisch, $29,092, National Science Foundation, 2/1/99-1/31/01. Upgrading of Northern Arizona University’s Microprobe Laboratory $5,000, U.S. Geological Survey, 10/1/97-9/31/98. Cooperative support for the electron microprobe laboratory. Grant to NAU. $23,500, for FY 02-03, NAU prop. 301 e-learning initiative, Acquisition of 3-d visualization technology for the classroom. $43,000, for FY 02-03, NAU prop. 301 funds through ERDENE, Natural Resources Group. Field Applications of G.I.S. $11,350, for FY02-03, NAU prop. 301 e-learning initiative, WebCT adaptation of GLG100L. Submitted with contributions from Paul Morgan and Larry Coats. $38,325, for FY03-04, NAU prop. 301 funds through ERDENE, Natural Resources Group, Field applications of G.I.S. and 3-d visualization technology [Note: amount shown is the requested amount. The actual funded amount was somewhat less, but I had gone on sabbatical before the final number was decided] $237,127, National Science Foundation, 9/1/04-8/31/07. Acquisition of a scanning electron microscope optimized for elemental analysis for geologic research and teaching at Northern Arizona University. PI: J. Sample, co-PI’s: M. Reid and T. Hoisch. Grant to NAU. $146,677, National Science Foundation, 7/1/06-6/30/12. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Testing theories of synconvergent extension in the hinterland of the Sevier orogen. P.I., T.D. Hoisch. I was the lead P.I. among three institutions. Collaborators at UNLV (ML Wells) and WSU (J. Vervoort, G. Harte) were awarded ~$233K, for a total grant award of $~380K. $189,515, Science Foundation Arizona ($109,515) and a match from NAU’s e-learning ($80,000). 3/14/07-3/13/09. Enhancing teaching effectiveness in undergraduate geology education through the use of pen-tablet computers. Hoisch was the lead P.I. The co-PI’s were Reid, Sample, Springer, Umhoefer, and Manone. Other NAU Geology faculty also participated: Blakey, Best, Riggs. $4,000. Assessing strategies for recruiting geology majors at NAU. NAU Office of Assessment ($2,000) and NAU Foundation – gift from Freeport MacMoRan ($2,000). NAU Center for International Education, $4K, Global Learning Initiative. Applied for in April,2009 and approved shortly afterward. With Rod Parnell and Erik Nielsen (each gets $4K). Grant to prepare a plan to infuse GLI learning outcomes into the Environmental Science degree program. NAU Center for International Education, $4K, Global Learning Initiative. and approved shortly afterward. With Mary Reid and Michael Ort (each gets $4K). Grant to prepare a plan to infuse GLI learning outcomes into the B.S. in Geology degree program. $187,124. National Science Foundation. 7/1/11-6/30/14. Collaborative Research: History of episodic shortening in the Cordilleran retroarc orogenic belt: constraints from P-T-t-D paths. This is a collaborative proposal among NAU, WSU and UNLV totaling $563209. NAU is the lead institution and Hoisch is the lead PI. $203,832. National Science Foundation. 7/1/12-6/30/15. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Testing the theory of orogenic cyclicity in the hinterland of the western US Cordilleran orogen. This is a collaborative proposal among NAU, WSU and UNLV totaling $614,960. NAU is the lead institution and Hoisch is the lead PI. $87,900, Research Investment Fund, Northern Arizona University, 7/2/12-6/30/13, Expanding research at Northern Arizona University by replacement of NAU’s electron microprobe. Professional Service Editorial service and reviews: 1. Reviewer of about one hundred sixty NSF proposals from panels “Tectonics,” “Geochemistry and Petrology,” “Geology and Paleontology,” “Education and Human Resources,” “Arctic Natural Resources,” “Major Research Instrumentation,” and “Instrumentation and Facilities” 9 2. Formal reviewer of manuscripts from Earth and Planetary Science Letters, American Journal of Science, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Geosphere, Geological Society of America Bulletin, Geology, Computers & Geosciences, Canadian Mineralogist, Economic Geology, Reviews in Mineralogy, Journal of Geology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Petrology, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, Geological Society of America Special Paper, American Mineralogist, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, U.S. Geological Survey, and Arizona Geological Society Digest, and informal reviewer for authors P. Dahl (Kent State), M.L. Williams (University of Massachusetts), T. Bell (James Cook University), J. Brady (Smith College), G. Bebout (then at U.C.L.A.), and M.L. Wells (UNLV). 3. Associate Editor of American Mineralogist, 1989-1992. 4. Review of two proposals for the Board of Regents, state of Louisiana (1988), two proposals for the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society (1991, 2004), and one proposal from the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (2004). 5. Associate Editor for Geological Society of America Bulletin, 2006 to 2008. Service to professional societies: 1. Appointed to the Mineralogy and Petrology Research Grant Committee of the Mineralogical Society of America, 1998-99. 2. Science Language Technical Team, Subgroup on Metamorphic Rocks. 2000-05. This is a 15-person team of field mappers, petrologists, and G.I.S. experts, charged with the task of developing a system for describing rock units on digital maps to be used as a national standard. Work completed in 2005. Chair and panel participation at meetings: Co-convener of topical session T3 at the 2011 Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain meeting of the Geological Society of America, Logan, Utah (with Christopher Mattinson, Central Washington University) titled Deep Crustal Perspectives on Cordilleran Orogenesis. Lead convener of topical session T184 on the use of new technologies in geoscience education at the 2008 National meeting of the Geological Society of America, Houston (with Mark Manone, N.A.U.) titled Advances in Using Recent and Emerging Technologies to Facilitate Learning of the Geosciences in the Classroom, Laboratory, and Field. Co-convener of symposium on synorogenic extension at the 2008 Cordilleran-Rocky Mountain GSA meeting, Las Vegas titled Driving Mechanisms and Structural Styles of Synconvergent Extension (with John Platt, U.S.C., and Michael Wells, U.N.L.V). Chair of general session "Cordilleran I" at the 1998 GSA National Meeting, Toronto Chair of general session "Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology" at the 1998 GSA Rocky Mountain meeting, Flagstaff Panelist and presenter at Workshop on the Tectonics of the Yucca Mountain area, Nevada, DOE-USGS, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, 5/96. Co-chairman of general session "Tectonics I: Basin and Range Neotectonics" at Geological Society of America national meeting, San Diego, 1991 Panel leader, SOBART (Southern Basin and Range Transect) meeting, Phoenix, 1990. Organized and led discussion on planning future research in the transect. Meeting funded by Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Science, through Sandia National Laboratories. Chairman of general session "Metamorphic Petrology" at Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section meeting, Hilo, Hawaii, 1987. Co-chairman of theme session (with W.G. Ernst), "Symposium: Cordilleran Metamorphism I", Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section meeting, Los Angeles, 1986. Field trips: Coleader of field trip (with B. Troxel) "Geology of the northern Funeral Mountains" given at the U.S.G.S. Retreat on Earth Science Studies of the Yucca Mountain Project, Death Valley, California. October, 1989. 10 Coleader of field trip "Mesozoic Tectonics of the Maria Belt, west-central Arizona and southeastern California" given at the GSA Cordilleran section meeting, San Bernardino, 1994. Presentations (other than abstracts at meetings or conferences - see under "Abstracts"): Hoisch, T.D., 2011, An updated N-shaped pressure-temperature-time path from the Grouse Creek Mountains, Utah: an example of an orogenic cycle. February 14, 2011, Stanford University (Invited) Hoisch, T.D., 2010, Student perceptions of geology and implications for choosing among different science majors. Webinar given for AGI (Invited). Published on their website for streaming download. Hoisch, T.D., 2009, Assessing factors that influence the recruitment of geology majors from introductory geology classes at NAU” SESES seminar series, 9/10/2009. Hoisch, T.D., and Bowie, J., 2009, “Assessing strategies for recruiting geology majors at NAU” (Hoisch, T.D., and Bowie, J.I.). Poster presented at NAU Assessment fair. Hoisch, T.D., and Bowie, J., 2009, Assessing Factors that Influence the Recruitment of Geology Majors from Introductory Geology Classes at NAU. SESES seminar series Sept. 10, 2009 “Recruiting geology majors at NAU: preliminary findings from the ongoing study” NAU Geology seminar series, Feb. 12, 2009. “Analysis of mineral content in the varnish of a cello made by Antonio Stradivari in 1711,” NAU Geology seminar series, co-presented by Gordon Southam and Tom Hoisch on January 31, 2001. "Evolution of metamorphic rocks in the Sevier orogen: inferences from petrologic, thermochronologic, and thermal modeling studies": UNM Geology seminar series, April 21, 2000. “From seafloor to sapphire: rocks that change,” Oak Creek Gem & Mineral Society: March 16, 1999. "Thrust burial and exhumation of metamorphic rocks from the hinterland of the Sevier orogenic belt, Raft River Mountains area, northwest Utah": NAU Geology Tech session, November 18, 1998. "Evolution of the regional detachment fault west of Yucca Mountain, Nevada": Geoclub Seminar Series, California Institute of Technology, April 9, 1997. "Evolution of the regional detachment fault west of Yucca Mountain, Nevada": U.S. Geological Survey Geophysics Club Seminar Series (Denver), June 6, 1995. "Uplift and exposure of deep-seated rocks east of Death Valley: Implications for detachment faulting": NAU-USGS seminar series, Sept. 28, 1994. "Metamorphism of lower plate rocks in the Funeral Mountains and at Bare Mountain, Nevada: Implications for detachment faulting". U. Nevada, Las Vegas, Nov. 9, 1994. "Thermobarometric and kinematic studies of metamorphic rocks at Bare Mountain and the Bullfrog Hills, Nevada" Yucca Mountain Tectonics Workshop, Estes Park, CO, Jan. 25, 1994. "A proposal of new research in the Funeral Mountains, Death Valley, California", SOBART (Southern Basin and Range Transect) meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, 1991. "Metamorphism, denudation, and detachment faulting in the Funeral Mountains, Death Valley, California": Tech session for NAU Geology Department, 1989. "Conditions and causes of Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in the Big and Little Maria Mountains, southeastern California": FIGS (Friends of Igneous Petrology) seminar series, U.S.G.S., Denver, 1987. "Fluids gushing through the middle crust, evidence from Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in southeastern California": Brown Bag seminar series, U.S.G.S., Menlo Park, 1987. "Conditions and causes of Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in the Big and Little Maria Mountains, southeastern California": PACE seminar series, U.S.G.S., Menlo Park, 1987. "Fluids gushing through the middle crust, evidence from Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in southeastern California": Thursday seminar series, Colorado School of Mines, 1987. "Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in southeastern California": Presentation at Rubey Colloquim VII, U.C.L.A., 1986. "Significance of Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in southeastern California": FIGS (Friends of Igneous Petrology) seminar series, U.S.G.S., Denver, 1986. "Fluids gushing through the middle crust, evidence from Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in southeastern California": FOOD (Friends of Ore Deposits) seminar series, U.S.G.S., Denver, 1986. "Metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California": Branch of Geophysics seminar series, U.S.G.S., Denver, 1985. NAU Service (all were full year commitments unless otherwise indicated) 11 University Service: 1989-90 Electron microscope facility committee: member 1990-91 Electron microscope facility committee: member 1990-91 Electron microprobe advisory committee: chair 1990-91 Liberal studies advisory committee: member (Fall only) 1991-92 Electron microscope facility committee: member 1991-92 Electron microprobe advisory committee: chair 1992-93 Liberal studies advisory committee: member 1992-93 Electron microprobe advisory committee: chair 1996-97 Academic Standards Committee: member 1997-98 Academic Standards Committee: member 1998-99 Academic Standards Committee: member S’ 02 Provost’s search committee, representative of the Academic Chairs Council College Services: 1991-92 Writing-across-the-curriculum task force: member 2002-03 A&S chairs Budget Committee, member 2002-03 A&S chairs Summer School Committee, member 2002-03 A&S chairs Web/Technology Committee, co-chair 2004-05 College Curriculum Committee, member in the Fall, Chair in the Spring. Geology Department Service: 1987-88 Undergraduate Committee: member 1988-89 Planning Committee: member 1988-89 Electron microprobe technician search committee: chair 1990-91 Undergraduate Committee: chair 1990-91 Computer Committee: member 1991-92 Undergraduate Committee: chair 1991-92 Structural Geologist Search Committee: member 1992-93 Committee on Faculty Service, member 1992-93 Undergraduate Committee: member 1994-95 Undergraduate Committee: member (Fall only) F’95 Attended meeting of the Articulation Task Force. 1995-96 Committee on Faculty Service: chair S’96 Reader for the Geology Department at the Recognition Ceremony, College of Arts and Sciences F’97 Attended meeting of the Articulation Task Force 1996-97 Undergraduate Committee: member 1998-99 Graduate Committee: member F’99 Attended meeting of the Articulation Task Force. F’00 Attended meeting of the Articulation Task Force. F’00 Handled gift-in-kind donation of a research petrographic microscope from Tom Brock. F’00 Wrote cover article for departmental newsletter. F’02 Redesigned from scratch the Geology Departmental Web site 2002-03 Contributed majority of content to the12-page departmental newsletter S’02 Created implementation versions of assessment documents and procedures for all of Geology’s degree programs, and implemented them S’03 Revamped entire prerequisite structure for Geology degree programs to resolve issues brought about by the implementation of SOLAR 2005-06 Chair, Faculty Status Committee 2006-07 Chair, PhD Committee 2006-07 Member, Marketing Committee 2006-07 Member, Assessment Committee 2006- Faculty advisor for the Geology Club 2007-08 Member Undergraduate Committee, PhD Committee 2008-09 Chair, PhD Committee 2008-09 Member, recruitment committee 2008-09 Member, Faculty Status Committee 2009-10 Chair, Faculty Status Committee 12 2009-10 Member, Graduate Committee and PhD Committee Teaching and Advisement Thesis Committees (* = chair of committee, d = defended, †=withdrew) d d d d d *d d *d d d *d d d † *d d d d d d * * Alton Albin John Fletcher Rick Wessels Chris Reynolds Steve Finch William Hoyt Tom Ring Laura Wagner Matt Owen Janet Oyer Lori Hanson Tim Orr Peter Evans Sara James Caroline Harris Ben Sewiec Tonia Arriola (MS, UNLV) Anthony Salem (PhD, UNM) Mengesha Beyene (PhD, UNLV) Doug Portis Marci Wills Alison Lacy Matt Cochrane Katrina Sauer (MS, UNLV) d d d *d *† d d *d d *d d d d* d *d d d *d *d d *d Mike Lindholm Mike Kelly Tim Nicholsen David Rothstein Ernie Cisneros Rick Harwood Brad Ilg James Harvey Wendy Meyer Evan Wolff Caron Jones Jamie Hanlon Stephanie Welch Colin Ferguson Eric Kelly Jay Sheely (MS, UNLV) Chloe Bonamici Sheena Styger Alicia Cruz-Uribe Mitchell Prante Sarah Clark Jeff Hamlin Sarah Able Project Advisement David Rothstein, M.S. thesis, "Geology of the Scanlan Shear Zone, Central Old Woman Mountains, southeastern California". Defended 6/90. Graduated S90. William Hoyt, M.S. thesis, "Geology of the Cowpie Peak and Mercury Mountain areas, Northern Old Woman Mountains, southeastern California". Defended 3/91. Graduated S92. Laura Wagner, M.S. thesis, "Petrology of massive wollastonite rocks in the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California". Graduated F94. James Harvey, M.S. thesis, Sapphirine-bearing amphibolites in the Okanogan Complex, Washington: Thermobarometry and tectonic implications. Defended 9/94. Graduated F94. Carl Mitchell, independent project (undergraduate geology major), "A study of fluid inclusions in massive wollastonite rocks from the Maria Mountains, southeastern California". Completed 6/91. Lori Hanson, M.S. thesis, Metamorphic petrology of pelitic schist from the Raft River and Grouse Creek Mountains, northwest Utah. Graduated S97. Evan Wolff, M.S. thesis, Geothermometry and thermal evolution of the Raft River Mountains, Utah. Graduated S97. Stephanie Dudash, M.S. thesis, Polymetamorphism of a >2.5 Ga pelitic schist in the Grouse Creek Mountains, northwestern Utah, 256 p. Graduated summer ‘01. S. Andrew Dufrane, Senior. thesis, Determination of Fe3+ in biotite, July 23, 1999. Nancy Mahlen, Senior thesis, Determination of Fe3+ in biotite, a revised approach, August, 2000. Caroline Harris, M.S. thesis A pressure-temperature path record of repeated thrusting and exhumation in the Sevier hinterland, Albion Moun tains, Idaho. Graduated F’03 Eric Kelly, M.S. thesis, Pressure-temperaturre paths and isotopic dating along a major thrust, Sevier hinterland, Albion Mountains, Idaho. Graduated summer ’04. Brent Everett, Senior thesis and Hooper grant project. Conditions of Metamorphism of the Yule Marble, Treasure Mountain dome area, Colorado. Completed S’07. Sheena Styger, M.S. thesis, Pressure-temperature-time paths from garnet schists in the Funeral Mountains, California: evidence for repeated exhumation during Sevier orogensis. Graduated summer 08. 13 Alica Cruz-Uribe, M.S. thesis, Pressure-temperature time paths from the Raft River Mountains, Utah. Graduated F’08. Timothy T. Murray II, Advanced Thermodynamic Calculation of Pressure Temperature Paths in Metamorphic Rocks from the Grouse Creek Range, Utah. Senior thesis. Graduated S’10. Sarah E. Clark, M.S. in Earth Science, Analysis of ejecta deposits at Barringer Meteorite Crater, Northern Arizona. Graduated summer, 2011. Marci Wills, M.S. thesis, Pressure-temperature-time paths from the metamorphosed Dunderburg Shale in the Wood Hills, eastern Nevada. In progress. Alison Lacy, M.S. thesis, Pressure-temperature-time paths in synkinematic garnet from the Schist of Upper Narrows, Raft River Mountains, northwest Utah. In progress. Alison spent one year at NAY as my MS student (AY 1112). She transferred to UNLV in her second year (AY 12-13) and will graduate with her MS from there. She will stay with same project and I will be on her committee, but in reality will continue to advise her. Michael Wells (UNLV) will be her advisor of record. Courses Taught Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (G153), Pomona College, 1982. Optical Mineralogy (GLG312), Northern Arizona University, fall semesters 1987-92, 1994-99. Mineralogy (GLG309), Northern Arizona University, fall semesters 1988-92, 2005-12 Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (GLG315), Northern Arizona University, spring semester 2006 Physical Geology (GLG101), Northern Arizona University, spring semesters 1988-90, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2005, 200710 and fall semesters 1996-98, 2004-06, 2009 Petrologic Phase Equilibia (GLG616), Northern Arizona University, Spring semesters 1988, 1990, 1992, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007. Fall semester 1994. Petrologic Phase Equilibia (GLG516), Northern Arizona University, Spring semester 2010 Metamorphic Petrology (GLG615), Northern Arizona University, Spring semesters 1989, 1991, 1993, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2005. Fall semesters 1995, 2007. Special Topics in Metamorphism (GLG698), Northern Arizona University, Spring semester 1992. Topics in Igneous Petrology (GLG698), Northern Arizona University, Spring semester 1997 Analysis of Metamorphic Rocks (GLG698), Northern Arizona University, Spring semesters 2007, 2012 Computer Illustration for Scientific Applications (GLG587), Northern Arizona University, Spring semester 2000 Introduction to the Field Geology of Northern Arizona (GLG208), Northern Arizona University, Fall semester 2010. 14