Jargon-Buster! This jargon buster has been developed with contributions from many education settings and other services in Sheffield. If you have any corrections or jargon we have not included, please let us know by emailing: Bea.Kay@sheffield.gov.uk Jargon: Explanation & further information: ABH/AOABH Actual Bodily Harm: properly known as Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm, AOABH, a statutory offence of aggravated assault in England and Wales, Accommodated Child A child for whom the local authority has provided 'accommodation', with parental consent, under Section 20 of the Children Act 1989; or a child who is subject to Police Protection, Remanded or otherwise Lawfully Detained; or is subject to a Supervision Order with a Residence requirement. Any child who is ‘accommodated’ is a ‘Looked After Child’ (LAC). ADD/ADHD Attention Deficit Disorder: also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, a group of behavioural symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. ASBO Anti-Social Behaviour Order: a civil order to protect the public from behaviour that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress, containing conditions prohibiting an individual from carrying out specific anti-social acts BME Black Minority Ethnic: terminology normally used in the UK to describe people of non-white descent CA 1989 Children Act 1989 CA 2004 Children Act 2004 CAF Common Assessment Framework CAFCASS Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services CCP Child’s Care Plan (LAC): brings together information from the assessment of the child’s developmental needs and from any other assessments of the child and family, including the health plan and the personal education plan. CDOP Child Death Overview Panel CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre CAO Child Arrangement Orders: replace ‘residence orders’ and ‘contact orders’ and decide where your child lives, when your child spends time with each parent and when and what other types of contact, like phone calls, take place CIN Child in Need: children under 18 who need local authority services to achieve or maintain a reasonable standard of health or development, prevent significant or further harm to health or development or who are disabled. CO Care Order: when a court puts a child under the care of a local Health and Social Care (HSC) Trust, sharing parental responsibility with the parents Contact Centre Child contact centres are neutral places where children of separated families can enjoy supported or supervised contact with their non-resident parents and sometimes other family members, in a comfortable and safe environment. Core Groups Core Groups are made up of professionals from differing agencies, including the Social Worker, who are responsible for implementing and monitoring a Child Protection Plan CP Child Protection: The protection of individual children identified as either suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm as a result of abuse or neglect. Version 9, Sept 2016 www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org.uk CP Conference Child Protection Conference: brings together family members, the child (where appropriate), supporters/advocates and those practitioners most involved with the child and family to share information, assess risks and formulate a Child Protection Plan CP Plan Child Protection Plan: a child who has suffered, or is likely to suffer Significant Harm must have a Child Protection Plan, which has clear actions, timescales, how much improvement is needed, and by when. Formulated in CP Conference. CPET Child Protection Enquiry Team: The Safeguarding Service maintains a list of all those children who are subject (current and historical) to a Child Protection Plan, and CPET can provide this information to practitioners where there are specific child welfare concerns or allegations about a child. CPS Crown Prosecution Service: responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales CPSU Child Protection in Sport Unit: a partnership between the NSPCC, Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland and Sport Wales to help minimise the risk of child abuse during sporting activities. CQC Care Quality Commission: the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England, ensuring safe, effective, and compassionate, high-quality care. CRO Community Rehabilitation Order: a sentence made by the courts for offenders aged 16 and over, to ensure young people take responsibility for their offending. It can be made for any period between six months and three years. CSCI Commission for Social Care Inspection: - independent inspectorate for all social care services in England CSE Child Sexual Exploitation: situations, contexts and relationships where young people receive e.g. food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money as a result of them performing sexual activities. CSO Child Safety Order: to protect children under 10 who are at risk of becoming involved in crime; may require a child to be at home at certain times or to stay away from certain places or people. CYPF Children, Young People and Families: portfolio of Sheffield City Council that provides services for children and young people DAT Drug Action Team DBS Disclosure and Barring Service DfE Department for Education DHR Domestic Homicide Review: for someone over 16 who is killed by a person they are related to, in an intimate personal relationship with, or living with. The SSCB is involved in all reviews where there are children living in the house and the findings and recommendations are fed into the Safeguarding Children Board. DoH Department of Health DPA Data Protection Act DSD/DSL Designated Safeguarding Deputy/Designated Safeguarding Lead: specialist staff in schools and early years settings who deal with safeguarding issues for children and young people DTO Detention and Training Order: can be given to someone aged between 12 and 17. They last between 4 months and 2 years; the first half of the Order is served in custody, the second half is served in the community. DofC Duty of Care: a legal obligation which is imposed on e.g. employers, staff and volunteers, to provide a reasonable standard of care and to prevent harm. Duty to cooperate Children Act 2004, section 10: agencies have a duty to cooperate to protect children and young people. DA/DV Domestic Violence: also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, intimate partner violence, Version 9, Jan 2016 www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org.uk battering, is a pattern of behaviour which involves violence or other abuse by one person against another in a domestic or relationship setting. EAL English as an Additional Language ECM Every Child Matters: Government guidance which sets out the national framework for early assessment and intervention for children and young people EO Exclusion Order: Family Law Act 1996 may allow a perpetrator to be removed from the home, instead of having to remove the child (private law proceedings). A Court can include an exclusion requirement with an Interim Care Order or an Emergency Protection Order in certain circumstances. EMTAS Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service: deploys resources through schools and in study support settings to raise the attainment and participation in learning of specific groups of young people and improve community cohesion. EPO Emergency Protection Order: made in court to protect a child from significant harm or if Section 47 Enquiries are being frustrated by urgent access to a child being unreasonably refused. EWO Education Welfare Officer; a member of staff attached to schools who deals with non-attendance of pupils EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage: a government framework that sets the standards for early years providers to ensure that children learn and develop well, are kept healthy and safe, have the knowledge and skills they need to start school FAO Family Assistance Order: a means of providing support to families experiencing difficulties after separation or divorce through a CAFCASS Officer or Social Worker, often in relation to facilitating and monitoring contact. FCAF Family Common Assessment Framework: early assessment of the needs of children and their families, to identify support; used across children and adult services and other agencies working with families throughout the city. FGC Family Group Conference: a process led by family members to plan and make decisions for a child who is at risk. Children can be involved although often with support from an advocate. FGM Female Genital Mutilation: procedures which include the partial or total removal of the external female genital organs for non-medical or therapeutic reasons FM Forced Marriage: a marriage in which one or both spouses do not (or, in the case of some adults with learning or physical disabilities, cannot) consent to the marriage and duress is involved. FMPO Forced Marriage Protection Order: to protect a person who is being threatened with a forced marriage, or is in a forced marriage, e.g. to stop someone being taken out of the UK. Fraser Guidance Fraser guidelines: A doctor can give contraceptive advice and treatment providing that the girl under 16 will understand his advice; will not allow her parents to be informed; is very likely to continue having sexual intercourse; and her physical &/or mental health are likely to suffer. Gillick Gillick Competency: under Fraser guidelines the girl should understand the nature of the advice which is being given and have a sufficient maturity to understand what is involved. Groomong Grooming: when someone builds an emotional connection with a child or young person to gain their trust for the purposes of sexual abuse or exploitation; either online or in the real world, by a stranger or someone they know; male or female; any age. HDC Home Detention Curfew: or 'tag', is a scheme that allows certain offenders to be released from prison early subject to an electronically monitored curfew. ICO Interim Care Order: awarded by a court to allow time for a child safety and welfare to be investigated further and plans to be made. The judge will decide how long the interim care order will last and how often it will be reviewed. IDAP Integrated Domestic Abuse Project IDVAS Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy Service: a Sheffield service providing impartial Version 9, Jan 2016 www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org.uk advice and support to high risk victims of domestic abuse Info sharing Information Sharing: the sharing of information between family, agencies and professionals in the best interests of the child or young person, including issues of consent and confidentiality. IRO Independent Reviewing Officer: to monitor how the local authority treats children and young people in care and makes sure their views and wishes are heard when decisions and plans are made about their care. JIT Joint Investigation Team, Sheffield City Council, CYPF KCSIE Keeping Children Safe in Education: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges about safeguarding children and young people in their care, latest edition is 2015 Kinship Kinship Care: The care of children by relatives or close family friends LA Local Authority LAC Looked After Child: A child in the care of the local authority, living with either foster parents, at home with their parents under the supervision of social services or in a residential children's home. LADO Local Authority Designated Officer: deals with allegations against staff, volunteers and carers who work with children, on behalf of the Local Authority LDD Learning Difficulties and Disabilities List 99 A confidential document containing details of teachers whose employment has been barred or restricted, due to misconduct or medical issues. LSCB Local Safeguarding Children Boards MAAM Multi-Agency Allocation Meeting: a meeting that considers the Common Assessment for a child and their family and advises on which services are available MAPLAG Multi-Agency Pregnancy Liaison Assessment Group MAPPA Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements MARAC Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (for high-risk victims of domestic abuse) MAST Multi-Agency Support Team: advice and support service for families NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence NOMS National Offender Management Service OFSTED Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills PACE Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 PCT Primary Care Trust PHSE Personal Social and Health Education PEP Personalised Education Plan (LAC): a record of what needs to happen for looked after children to enable them to fulfil their educational potential and reflect any existing education plans, such as a statement of special educational needs, Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Provision Mapping. PLP Personalised Learning Plan: Education plan drawn up between school, parent/carer/child to provide a curriculum which meets their aptitude and ensures their progression PLO/P Public Law Outline / Proceedings: timescales for care, supervision and other family proceedings. PPO Police Protection Order: if Police believe that a child is likely to suffer significant harm, they can move the child to suitable accommodation (or prevent removal from) and keep them there for up to 72 hours. PR Parental Responsibility: the rights, duties, powers and responsibilities a parent has to their child and the child’s property. Version 9, Jan 2016 www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org.uk PF Private Fostering: a private arrangement about the care of a child under the age of 16 (or under 18 if disabled) by someone other than a parent or close relative, with the intention it should last for 28 days or more. PPR Person Posing a Risk PPU Public Protection Unit: a dedicated police team that deal with crimes of Domestic Abuse, Honour Based Violence, Hate Crime, Rape and Serious Sexual Assault. PRA Parental Responsibility Agreement PRO Parental Responsibility Order PSO Prohibited Steps Order: prohibits a person with Parental Responsibility from carrying out a particular act in relation to a child, e.g. moving house PLO Public Law Outline: judicial protocol regarding the process for care proceedings RAG/SRAG (Sheffield) Runaways Action Group: the key agencies that are working with children and young people who run away or go missing from home, accountable to the Sheffield Safeguarding Children’s Board. Risk Assessment The process of assessing whether or not a person or situation may present a risk to the welfare of a child or young person RO Residence Order: a court order deciding the arrangements about which adult a child will live with. SCR Serious Case Review: undertaken by the Local Safeguarding Children Board where a child has died or been seriously harmed and there are concerns about how agencies have worked together to safeguard the child. S17 Section 17, Children Act 1989: Provision of services for children in need, their families and others S47 Section 47, Children Act 1989: Local authority’s duty to investigate. S8 Orders Section 8, Children Act 1989: Residence, contact and other orders with respect to children. SARC Sexual Assault Referral Centre SCDOP Sheffield Child Death Overview Panel SEN Special Educational Needs: learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for a person to learn than others of the same age SEND Special Education Needs and Disability SGO Special Guardianship Order, Children Act 1989: an order appointing one or more individuals to be a child's 'special guardian' Sig. harm Significant Harm: the threshold that justifies compulsory intervention in family life in the best interests of children. Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse and Neglect are all categories of Significant Harm. SO Supervision Order: Sections 31 and 32 of the Children Act 1989 SOPO Sex Offender Prevention Order: civil preventative orders designed to protect the public from serious sexual harm. SORT Sheffield Outreach Team: an assertive outreach service providing intensive community treatment and support to adults with severe and enduring mental health problems who have complex needs. SOVA Support Others Through Volunteer Action Specific Issue Order A specific issue order gives directions for the purpose of determining a specific question which has arisen or which may arise in connection with any aspect of parental responsibility for a child (see section 8 orders above) Version 9, Jan 2016 www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org.uk SSCB Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board: ensuring that relevant organisations in Sheffield work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people & provide an effective service. SNIPS Special Needs Inclusion Playcare Service Strat meeting Strategy Discussion: A meeting or discussion to decide whether a Section 47 Enquiry under the Children Act 1989 is required and if so, to develop a plan of action for the Section 47 Enquiry. SUDI Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy: See Sheffield Child Death Overview Panel TAC Team Around the Child (meetings under the Common Assessment Framework, now known as Team around the Family, see below) TAF Team around the Family: meetings held under the Family Common Assessment Framework UASC Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Child: children under 18 years who are seeking asylum, but not living with their parents, relatives or guardians in the UK. Local authorities have a duty of care to ensure that the welfare of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children is met. UKBA UK Border Agency: now replaced with UK Visas and Immigration, see below UKHTC UK Human Trafficking Centre UKVI UK Visas and Immigration: responsible for deciding who has the right to visit or stay in the UK USI Unlawful Sexual Intercourse: sexual intercourse between a man and a girl under the age of 16 VBS Vetting and Barring Scheme, now replaced with Disclosure and Barring Service ViSOR Violent and Sex Offender Register: the secure database that holds details of MAPPA offenders WTTSC Working Together to Safeguard Children: guidance about the legislative requirements and expectations on individual services to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; and a clear framework for Local Safeguarding Children Boards to monitor the effectiveness of local services. YJB Youth Justice Board: oversees the youth justice system in England and Wales; an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Ministry of Justice. YOS Youth Offending Service, now known as Youth Justice Service Version 9, Jan 2016 www.safeguardingsheffieldchildren.org.uk