LEED for Sustainable Design & Construction ARC 6xxx section xxxx Term xxxx Lecturer Bahar Armaghani, LEED Fellow, LEED Faculty PO Box 115701 331 Architecture Phone: (352) 294-1428 Cell: (352) 275-6488 barmagh@ufl.edu barmaghani@aol.com Course Description: Campus projects will be used to demonstrate design and construction of high performance buildings, and application of green building technologies. Economics and market development associated with the application of green building rating systems, focused on LEED will be covered. Successful completion can prepare for LEED™ V4 Green Associate exam credentials. Course prerequisite: Junior standing Course Objectives - To introduce students to the concepts of green and high performance buildings; strategies for design of site, water, energy, Indoor air quality, and material selection; - To think critically about green design and why build green; - To develop a personal appreciation of green buildings; - To encourage innovative thinking to minimize building impact on the environment; - To develop an understanding of the importance of individuals and team actions that contribute to solving environmental problems; - To address ethical considerations associated with building green; - To develop an appreciation of integrated design; - To become familiar with similarities and differences among green building rating systems; - To learn the nuts and bolts of the LEED rating system, LEED online tool and growing pains associated with green building rating systems; - To provide an opportunity to participate in on-campus green building projects; - To learn about the commissioning process and its importance during design, construction, and post occupancy; - To explore the role of architect, contractor and owner in design and construction; - To participate in development of high performance building LEED specification; Delivery Method Lectures, on campus project participation, guest speakers, case studies, work in teams emulating integrated design, presentations, field trips, and reports. 1 Course Periods & Location Wednesdays, periods 3-5 (9:35 AM- 12:35 AM), Architecture, Room 213 Required Reading Materials: - LEED v4 for Building Design and Construction Reference Guide (short version), posted on e-learning - Power point slides and short selected publications will be posted on Canvas. Each week has its relevant reading material. - Road Map to Green Campuses; Posted on e-learning. Tools and Resources: - www.leeduser.com ; An excellent resource to further your understanding on each LEED credit in great details - www.buildinggreen.com ; another excellent resource in understanding green building material and its integration greening into specifications. Recommended Books: Not required - Natural capitalism: by Paul Hawken, Amory B. Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins. This is an excellent book with useful facts about environment and business’s triple bottom line, creating the next industrial revolution. - The Green Studio Handbook: Environmental Strategies for Schematic Design by Alison Kwok, Walter Grondzik Philosophy Statement Never doubt that you as an individual and as a member of a small team of thoughtful citizens can change the world for the better; the reality is that is the only way things get changed. Your inspiration and innovation in green design, construction, and operation can make a difference not only in your life but in your community, city, and the world. Course Expectations - Students attend class prepared for active participation and discussion. A quality learning experience in this course rests heavily on interaction and exchange of ideas related to green design and practices. - Students should be prepared to experience learning through many different venues including case studies, guest speakers, campus projects, team projects, and research and presentations. - Students should be willing to participate in field trips on campus. Attendance and Make-up Quizzes and Assignments: - Students who are absent from class for any reason will assume complete responsibility for obtaining information missed during their absence and for making up missed assignments and activities. College approved field trips; competitions, etc. are considered legitimate absences with proper documentation. To be considered present you must be in class at the official beginning time until class is dismissed. 2 - Only those with excused absences will be able to submit make-up work. All make–up work must be completed within one week of the return to class. Requirements for class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in this course are consistent with university policies that can be found in the online catalog at: https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/regulations/info/attendance.aspx. Academic Honesty and intellectual Integrity: As a student at the University of Florida, you have committed yourself to uphold the Honor Code, which includes the following pledge: “We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity. “ You are expected to exhibit behavior consistent with this commitment to the UF academic community, and on all work submitted for credit at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment." It is assumed that you will complete all work independently in each course unless the instructor provides explicit permission for you to collaborate on course tasks (e.g. assignments, papers, quizzes, exams). Furthermore, as part of your obligation to uphold the Honor Code, you should report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. It is your individual responsibility to know and comply with all university policies and procedures regarding academic integrity and the Student Honor Code. Violations of the Honor Code at the University of Florida will not be tolerated. Violations will be reported to the Dean of Students Office for consideration of disciplinary action. For more information regarding the Student Honor Code, please see: http://www.dso.ufl.edu/SCCR/honorcodes/honorcode.php” Accommodations for Students: Students with disabilities, register with the Dean of Student Office for accommodations, which will provide documentations to the instructor. University counseling services and mental health services: 392-1575, http://www.counseling.ufl.edu/cwc/Default.aspx University Police Department: 392-1111 or 9-1-1 for emergencies. Grading: 20 points, Exam 1 (February 11, 2015), the exam is in the 1st hour of the class. See course schedule 20 points, Exam 2 (April 15, 2015), the exam is in the 1st hour of the class. See course schedule 40 points, Final presentation and report (April 22nd & 29th, 2015) 20 points, Weekly Team Presentation, class participation 100 points total Final reports and presentations will be assigned to individual student; each student will be required to write a term paper (minimum 20 pages, double spaced, 12 point font) on a topic related to sustainability and to make a 30-minute presentation. 3 Grade Scale: Letter Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- E Numeric Grade 93-100 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 0-59 Quality Points 4.0 3.67 3.33 3.0 2.67 2.33 2.0 1.67 1.33 1.0 0.67 0.0 Please see the following link to UF’s grade policy: https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/regulations/info/grades.aspx Weekly Team Presentation, class participation: Class is divided into integrative teams of two students, based on the student population in the class, preferably one architectural student and one engineering student or another specialty to encourage them to learn how to work and communicate with other specialist in the green design team and to further improve their research, presentation, and communication skill. Each team is graded based on the topic that is relevant to sustainability, the level of details, presentation skill, and answering the class Q&A and discussion. Online course evaluation: Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted online at https://evaluations.ufl.edu Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are open. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at https://evaluations.ufl.edu. Activities and Assignments, Keep it paperless - Check e-learning for the material and presentations that will be covered weekly. - Check your e-mail for e-learning announcements weekly. - Read assignments before each class. - All assignments turned in electronically through e-learning Term Project Topics Building Envelope; Insulation Material, Glazing, Green Roofs, Green Walls Building Exterior & Interior Lighting; Day lighting, Top lighting, Sidelight, Light Shelves, Internal Reflectance, Shading Devices, Electrical Lighting Heating; Direct gain, Indirect gain, Solar thermal energy system, Ground source heat pump Cooling; Natural and mechanical Energy/renewable energy; Plug load, Energy recovery systems, photovoltaic, Wind, Geothermal Water & Wastewater; Reclaimed water, water harvesting (rain, condensate, gray), Pervious surface, Bioswales Living building challenge Net zero energy building 4 Zero carbon emission building State of Florida legislations on green buildings General Services Administration (GSA) green building approach and standards Course Schedule See below weekly class schedule; class starts with a Team short presentation on subject related to reading material, followed by discussion on the presented subject by student Team, then lecture on the new material, breakout sessions or guest speaker. The discussion will be led by students’ Team per below scheduled. Date Lecture Topic Reading 1/7 1/14 1/21 1/28 2/4 2/11 - Introduction to high performance buildings - Review syllabus - Forming Teams - Team discussion - Green design process & green building rating systems - Integrated design - Utilizing LEEDuser and building green - Team (1&2) presentation and discussion - Minimum Program Requirement - LEED checklist - Intro to LEED online - Team (3&4) presentation and discussion - Sustainable Site (SS) - Breakout session, evaluate site credits - Team (5&6) presentation and discussion - Guest Speaker, site and stormwater design - Sustainable Site (SS) (cont.) - Breakout session, evaluate site credits - Team (7&8) presentation and discussion - In class Team exercise (project site assessment) - LEED online SS Forms completion and data upload - Guest Speaker, Landscape design - Water efficiency (WE) - Water category assessment - Indoor water efficiency calculations - Breakout session, Team Discussion - Team (9&10) presentation and discussion - In class Team exercise (project water calculations) 5 LEED –V4, BD+C Road Map Introduction Introduction Page Xi-XV Page 4-12 Page XVI Page 17-19 Page 1-11 Page 20-23 Page 12-20 Page 24-32 Page 21-28 Page 33-45 - LEED online WE Forms completion and data upload 2/18 2/25 Exam 1, on Canvas - Guest Speaker, Energy modeler - Energy Efficiency (EA) - Energy category assessment - Team (1&2) presentation and discussion - In class exercise on Energy Star Target finder demonstration - LEED online EA Forms completion and data upload - Commissioning (Cx) process - Team (3&4) presentation and discussion Page 29-38 Page 46-53 Pages 39-45 Page 54-66 Page 46-55 Page 67-81 Page 54-64 Page 82-88 Page 65-85 Page 89-93 - Student Union project, LEED review Page 94-107 3/1 Spring Break 3/11 3/18 3/25 4/1 - Guest speaker, Architect - Material & Resources (MR) - Material category assessment - Team (5&6) presentation and discussion - LEED online MR Forms completion and data upload - Guest Speaker, Commissioning - Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) - Daylight & views calculations - Team (7&8) presentation and discussion - LEED online IEQ Forms completion and data upload - Guest speaker, contractor’s role - IEQ (cont.) - ID and RP assessment - Team (9&10) presentation and discussion - Guest speaker, Mechanical engineer (ventilation) - Review LEED project: - Planning & programming - Developing LEED boundary, OPR, BOD, M&V, and calculating FTEs - LEED Registration and administration - LEED certification dos and don’ts Exam 2, on Canvas 4/8 - Review LEED assessment for Student Union project - Field trip to the Student Union project on campus - Review LEED (GA) exam and registration 6 - LEED online Page 108-111 - LEED GA exam guide 4/15 4/22 Teams 1,2,3,4, &5 panel discussion in class addressing what is learned, what is needed to add to their learning & what is next? Attending class graduate students presentations Attending class graduate students presentations Attending class graduate students presentations Teams 6,7,8,9, &10 panel as above Attending class graduate students presentations Attending class graduate students presentations Attending class graduate students presentations Attending class graduate students presentations Attending class graduate students presentations 7 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes