Woodward’s 5th Annual Read-A-Thon PTO Fundraiser September 22 nd – October 23 rd, 2015 Dear Woodward Families and Students, The Woodward PTO is very excited to announce the 5th year for our Read-A-Thon. This year’s theme is “Oh, the places you will go when you pop open a good book.” We are again looking forward to this fundraising opportunity. It is a great way to promote literacy for our students and also raise money for Woodward Elementary. All proceeds (100%) will benefit our school and students. We hope this year that the kids will be even more excited to participate!! Here’s how it works: 1. Woodward students will be collecting pledges (donations) from family and friends (sponsors) starting September 22nd and continuing until October 23 rd. Students will collect pledges or donations by asking family, friends, and/or neighbors to pledge a certain amount of money for every minute they read during the 12 day “reading period”. The average donation ranges anywhere from 5 to 25 cents per minute read. Sponsors will sign the Sponsor Form and the amount they wish to donate/pledge. They can also make a flat donation or a maximum donation that stays the same regardless of the minutes read by the student. Any donation is appreciated! 2. On September 22nd when the Read-A-Thon packet comes home…..let the reading begin!! From September 22nd to October 23rd, students will keep track of how many minutes they read outside of school only, by writing it on the Reading Log each day. The Reading Logs will be kept in the orange Communication Folder that is sent home daily. When you have completed your reading for the day, have an adult initial your minutes on the Reading Log and return it each day to school. We will be keeping track of these minutes during the reading weeks to help students see our progress in meeting our school goal of 100,000 minutes. We will have a “Reading Thermometer” for all class teams to see how they are doing. Remember all reading counts!! Whether you are having an adult read to you, you are reading to yourself, you read to your sister, brother or the cat….it all counts! You can read 5 minutes before dinner and 10 minutes at bedtime, they all add up for the day! 3. This year’s Read-A-Thon will take place in the form of a raffle. Students who return their completed reading log each day will be entered into a weekly book drawing. There will be two books awarded each week for the duration of the Read-A-Thon. Students will also be awarded raffle tickets for prizes as follows: a. Students in Pre-K through 1st grade will receive 1 raffle ticket for every 30 minutes read. b. Students in 2nd through 4th grade will receive 1 raffle ticket for every 60 minutes read. c. All students who receive $10 in pledges will receive 1 raffle ticket. For every additional $5 in pledges 1 additional ticket will be awarded d. There is NO maximum number of raffle tickets a student can earn. 4. After October 23rd, add up all minutes read during the reading period and record it in the total minutes area on the Reading Log. 5. From October 23th to October 25th, collect all money that is owed to you from your sponsors. For per minute pledges, take the grand total number of minutes read and multiply it by the amount pledged to you. For flat donations, collect the predetermined amount. Per minute example: (amount owed) 100 total minutes read x 10 cents (amount of pledge) = $10.00 Or 250 total minutes read x 5 cents (amount of pledge) = $12.50 (amount owed) Return your collected pledge money, Sponsor Form and Reading Log to your teacher by October 26th and no later than October 27th to be eligible for prizes. 5. On October 29th we will have a “Celebration Day” where there will be various prizes and fun activities for the students to celebrate their successful reading! All kids who participate and turn in the Reading Log and Sponsor Form will receive a prize if turned in by October 27th!!! There will be certificates awarded to the top three readers in each class as well as the student in each class with the most pledges. During the celebration, students will have a chance at winning one of many prizes donated by local businesses. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO READ AS MUCH AS YOU CAN FOR YOUR CHANCE AT FUN PRIZES!!! GOALS OF THE READ-A-THON: 1. Generate enthusiasm for reading. 2. Help students to become stronger readers. 3. Raise funds for school programs and technology. REMEMBER: Read as much as you can! Have someone read to you! Read to your pet or friend! Read while your mom gets groceries, while your dad mows the lawn or while your family makes dinner! Read a book, a magazine, a newspaper or anything you want! It will help you to learn and also to raise money for your school! Every dollar donated or pledged will go directly to Woodward Elementary!! Happy Reading!!!