January 7th 2013 Melinda Dempster Principal Tel 604-826

Hatzic Elementary School
January 7th 2013
Public Schools
Melinda Dempster
Tel 604-826-2481
Word of the Month: Trustworthiness
Dear Hatzic Families,
Happy New Year! I hope everyone has had a fun
but relaxing holiday and that everyone is ready to
get back to a school routine.
Over the break I had time to reflect on the last few
months at Hatzic Elementary School. It is my belief
that Hatzic students are fortunate to have parents
who take a keen interest and who are participants in
their child’s education. Since joining the Hatzic
community I have been impressed by the generosity
and school spirit shown by parents, family members
and the local community. One of the great strengths
of our school is the fact that parents, families,
teachers and staff all work together in order to
create a superb environment for students.
Many research studies indicate that parental
involvement in school is a significant factor in
student success. Parents who are unable to be at the
school during our 8:30 to 2:30 day can achieve
similar gains by having conversations with children
about school, by maintaining communication
through the web site, emails and attending
parent/teacher and PAC meetings.
In January grade four students will participate in the
Provincial Foundations Skills Assessment and are
tested in the areas of reading, writing and numeracy.
This is just one piece of data that we use each year
when we select areas on which to focus in order to
support effective student learning.
Important upcoming dates:
PAC Meeting
January 9th 7:00 pm
Bike Club Meeting
January 14th 7:00 pm
School Assembly
January 16th 9:00 am
School Assembly
January 30th 9:00 am
Books for Bedtime
Feb. 12th 6:00 pm
Kindergarten Registration
Feb. 4th to 8th
Little Readers:
Thank you to Carly Lazaroff for once again leading
an outstanding series of activities for our Little
Readers. Three and four year olds are welcome to
come out on Friday mornings at 9:00am in the
school library. Little Readers is an excellent way
for young children to become familiar, and part of,
the school community before starting Kindergarten.
Manners Draw
Each week students have an opportunity to be
entered into the manners draw if they are “caught”
exhibiting exceptional respect, responsibility, safety
or manners. The two winners each week get to
choose a prize from the prize box and the rest get
House Team points as well as a yellow slip to take
home to show their families. Congratulations to all
the children nominated so far. Thank you to the
staff for taking the time to fill out the nominations
to encourage outstanding behavior at Hatzic
Elementary. Well done Huskies!
Chess Club:
Students who are interested in learning chess will be
invited to the library on Tuesdays at lunch between
12:30 and 1:00. No experience is necessary.
Melinda Dempster
8465 Draper Road, Mission, BC V2V 5V6 | Phone: 604.826.2481 | Fax: 604.826.8331 | hatzicel.mpsd.ca
Math Problem of the Month:
Due on January 31st. Please visit the website at
hatzicel.mpsd.ca or see the display in the library if
you would like a copy of the problem.
Late Arrival to School Procedure
It is difficult for many of us to wake up early on
these dark winter mornings – but it is good to
remember that being on time for school has a
positive effect on learning for everyone.
Additionally, it will promote a lifelong habit of
punctuality that will carry on in a child’s personal
and working life.
Unfortunately some parents of
Hatzic students have had a few tense
moments when we have called to say
a student is absent at school and they
are here, but have arrived late. In
order to ensure that we no longer induce
unnecessary panic, teachers have been requested to
only admit students who arrive after the bell if they
have a late slip from the office. We hope that this
procedure will ensure that we are certain who is /
and who is not, at school. Thank you for your
cooperation in this new procedure.
Babysitters Course
Several students will be taking the Babysitters
Course offered here. These students are learning
about taking responsibility for the safety of others
and registration has been extended until January
11th. Many grade six students at the school offer
their services to care for primary aged students
during the lunch break. We are grateful for their
helpfulness and excellent role-modeling of good
Kindergarten Registration
Mission Public Schools will hold Kindergarten
Registration from February 4th to February 8th from
8:30 – 3:00pm. Registration must take place at your
neighbourhood school. If you are unsure which
school is your neighbourhood school, please go to
Mission Public Schools website at www.mpsd.ca
and click on School Locator or call the School
Board Office at 604 826 6286. Children born in
2008 are eligible for Kindergarten. Proof of age
and address will be required at the time of
registration. Please bring immunization records and
a birth certificate with you. (Other acceptable
documents include a Passport, Baptismal
Certificate, Certificate of Citizenship or
Immigration Canada document.) A Care Card is
not acceptable as proof of
Dressing for the weather
Please remember as the
weather constantly changes
students need an active break
from the classroom and will
be expected to be outside most days. Please ensure
your child comes to school wearing a proper jacket
and footwear. A spare change of clothes at school
may be helpful on wet days.
Word of the Month: Trustworthiness
What is Trustworthiness? Trustworthiness means
that people can count on you to keep your word. It
means that people can rely on you and they can trust
that you will do what you said you will do, even if it
becomes really hard.
When we practice trustworthiness, people don’t
have to check up on us to see if we are doing what
we promised to do. They can relax, knowing we
keep our promises.
What is a collage? A collage is a work of formal
art, primarily in the visual arts, made from an
assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new
whole. A collage may include newspaper clippings,
ribbons, bits of colored or hand-made papers,
portions of other artwork or texts, photographs and
other found objects, glued to a piece of paper.
All collages are due to the office by January 31st.
All entrants earn points for their school spirit team
and are displayed. One winner is randomly chosen
each month.
Little Champions Anxiety Group
This is a 7-week group for children aged 4-7 who
struggle with anxiety, and their parents. Group
sessions start January 24, 2013. This is a free group
but space is limited. For more information please
contact Danielle Kavin at Child and Youth Mental
Health at 604-820-4300.
Fox Run, Halloween penny drive and Christmas
Popcorn Sale. Also donated were 290 food items for
the Mission Food Bank and individuals bought over
$400.00 in Thai goods and popcorn. These funds
help to provide for 26 children of BBF Children’s
Home in Chiang Mai Thailand. Finally, we were
overwhelmed with the response of our Hatzic
community to the Christmas Box drive for which
we were able to send 36 boxes to needy children
around the world. Congratulations Me To We Club
and all Huskies, what a great job locally and
Mission Public Library
Tuesday, January 8, 15, 22, 29, February 5, 12;
10:30-11 am
Interactive storytime with books, songs and more.
For babies up to 24 months and parent or caregiver.
Family Storytime
Fridays, January 18, 25, February 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 ;
10:30-11:15 am
Fun for all ages and stages. Join us for some stories,
songs, puppets, and more.
Dancing Fools Puppet Show
Saturday, February 16; 11-noon
Learn to twist, hula, and disco! Put on your dancing
shoes and two-step down to the library for some
toe-tapping stories, songs and a puppet show, The
Dancing Princess.
Our next PAC meeting will be on January 9th at
7pm in the school library. A big thank you to
Sonya Klatt and Ricarda Faber our PAC presidents
and all the parent/community volunteers for your
consistent effort in all they do for Hatzic Huskies.
Me to We
The Hatzic” Me to We Club” has been very active
so far this year. Due to the generosity of the Hatzic
students and their families we have been successful
in several projects. Over $600.00 of donations were
received for Cancer Research through our Terry
Sports Corner
Volleyball: Grade 6 practices will take place on
Wednesdays and Thursdays after school. Junior
mixed practices will be Tuesdays and Thursdays at
lunch. On Fridays at lunch we will have Senior
mixed games between students and parents/staff.
On Monday’s in the Gym grade 6 students may
come down for a floor hockey game. And on
Wednesdays the gym is open for grade 4/5 students
who wish to play floor hockey.
Bike Club: Hatzic’s Popular Bike Club is starting
again. There will be a meeting for Parents and
Students on Monday January 14th at 7:00 at the
school. The Bike Club will ride every Tuesday
(starting January 15th) at 2:45. Students will not be
permitted to ride unless their parent has
completed and signed the “high risk” permission