Department Syllabus - College of Education

Course Prefix and Number: SSE 4600
Course Title: SSE 4600 Reading and Basic Skills in the Social Studies
Regular Instructor (s)
Howard Johnston
Course Prerequisites (if any): None
Course Description
Reading skills and other basic skills as applied to the social studies are examined. Students plan
instruction appropriate to the social studies classroom.
Course Goals & Objectives:
This course is designed to help pre-service and teachers integrate high quality literacy
instruction into their normal content teaching and enable them to assist students in
developing solid literacy skills in their content area. All STANDARDS ACCOMPLISHED,
Standards Accomplished
FDOE Accomplished Practices
3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation. b. deepen and enrich students’ understanding
through content area literacy strategies, verbalization of thought, and application of the
subject matter:
FDOE Reading Competencies
Competency 2: Foundations of Research-Based Practices
Teachers will scaffold student learning by applying the principles of research-based
reading instruction and integrating the six components of reading. Teachers will engage
in the systematic problem solving process
Competency 1: Foundations in Language & Cognition
Teachers will develop substantive understanding of six components of reading as a
process: comprehension, oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, and
NCATE Standards
1b Pedagogical Content Knowledge understand relationship of content and content
specific pedagogy; have broad knowledge of instructional strategies.
COEDU Conceptual Framework \
2. Content and Professional Knowledge
FDOE Subject Area Competencies
6.5 Identify appropriate strategies, methods, tools, and technologies for the teaching of
social science.
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6.6 Evaluate examples of primary (e.g., letters, photographs, political cartoons) and
secondary (e.g., historical texts, encyclopedias) sources
Course Outline:
A. What is “reading”?
B. What is “literacy”?
C. Teaching approaches
D. Reading Phonics
E. Reading Fluency
F. Reading Vocabulary
G. Reading Comprehension
H. Reading Integration
I. Strategic Reading Approaches
J. Metacognition, comprehension and vocabulary
K. Multiple Intelligences and reading and the basic skills
L. At-risk readers (illiteracy and aliteracy)
M. Reading and language: the special case of adolescent literacy
N. Assessment of literacy
O. Basic skills
P. FCAT and high stakes testing
Q. Writing across the curriculum
R. Developing a literacy framework
S. Classroom organization for reading
T. Technology and Technological Resources for Reading Instruction
Evaluation of Student Outcomes:
Critical Task
Standards Met
FDOE Reading Competencies
Competency 1: Foundations in Language & Cognition
Teachers will develop substantive understanding of six components of
reading as a process: comprehension, oral language, phonological
awareness, phonics, fluency, and vocabulary.
Competency 2: Foundations of Research-Based Practices
Teachers will scaffold student learning by applying the principles of
research-based reading instruction and integrating the six components of
reading. Teachers will engage in the systematic problem solving process
FEAP Criterion #3. Instructional Delivery and Facilitation: B. Deepen and
enrich students’ understanding through content area literacy strategies,
verbalization of thought, and application of the subject matter
Grading Criteria
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A. Pedagogical and Content Knowledge. For 80% to 95% of the grade, will be based on
demonstrate content and pedagogical knowledge through a combination of objective and
subjective assessments by:
1. Demonstrating professional literacy of social studies and reading concepts,
terminology, and major theorists.
2. Completing projects, tasks, assignments, etc. that demonstrate an ability to apply
reading strategies to content knowledge.
3. Multi-Day Lesson Plan that incorporates all of the principles of content area reading
covered in this course.
4. Test on FDOE reading competencies applications.
B. Professional Disposition. For 5 to 20% of the final course grade, will be based on students’
demonstration of the dispositions appropriate to the profession primarily through the subjective
evaluation by the instructor using criteria established by the SSE program.
Grading System
The grading system to be used is: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, and F.
Textbooks (s) and Reading
Professor in charge’s discretion
College & University Requirement
The College of Education is dedicated to the ideals of Collaboration, Academic
Excellence, Research, and Ethics/Diversity. These are key tenets in the Conceptual
Framework of the College of Education. Competence in these ideals will provide
candidates in educator preparation programs with skills, knowledge, and dispositions to
be successful in the schools of today and tomorrow. For more information on the
Conceptual Framework, visit:
Academic Dishonesty:
“Plagiarism is defined as "literary theft" and consists of the unattributed quotation of the
exact words of a published text or the unattributed borrowing of original ideas by
paraphrase from a published text. On written papers for which the student employs
information gathered from books, articles, or oral sources, each direct quotation, as well
as ideas and facts that are not generally known to the public-at-large, must be attributed
to its author by means of the appropriate citation procedure. Citations may be made in
footnotes or within the body of the text. Plagiarism also consists of passing off as one's
own, segments or the total of another person's work.”
“Punishment for academic dishonesty will depend on the seriousness of the offense and
may include receipt of an "F" with a numerical value of zero on the item submitted, and
the "F" shall be used to determine the final course grade. It is the option of the instructor
to assign the student a grade of "F" of "FF" (the latter indicating dishonesty) in the
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Detection of Plagiarism:
The University of South Florida has an account with an automated plagiarism detection
service which allows instructors to submit student assignments to be checked for
plagiarism. I reserve the right to 1) request that assignments be submitted to me as
electronic files and 2) electronically submit to, or 3) ask students to
submit their assignments to through myUSF. Assignments are
compared automatically with a database of journal articles, web articles, and previously
submitted papers. The instructor receives a report showing exactly how a student's paper
was plagiarized.
Web Portal Information:
Every newly enrolled USF student receives an official USF e-mail account that ends with
"" Every official USF correspondence to students will be sent to that
account. Go to the Academic Computing website and select the link "Activating a Student
E-mail Account" for detailed information. Information about the USF Web Portal can be
found at:
ADA Statement:
Students in need of academic accommodations for a disability may consult with the office
of Services for Students with Disabilities to arrange appropriate accommodations.
Students are required to give reasonable notice (typically 5 working days) prior to
requesting an accommodation
USF Policy on Religious Observances:
Students are expected to attend classes and take examinations as determined by the USF
System. No student shall be compelled to attend class or sit for an examination at a day
or time prohibited by his or her religious belief. However, students should review the
course requirements and meeting days and times to avoid foreseeable conflicts, as
excessive absences in a given term may prevent a student from completing the academic
requirements of a specific course.
Students are expected to notify their instructors at the beginning of each academic term if
they intend to be absent for a class or announced examination, in accordance with this
policy. Students absent for religious reasons, as noticed to the instructor at the beginning
of each academic term, will be given reasonable opportunities to make up any work
missed. In the event that a student is absent for religious reasons on a day when the
instructor collects work for purposes of grading (homework, pop quiz, etc.), the student
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shall be given a reasonable opportunity to make up such work or shall not have that work
averaged into the student's grade at the discretion of the instructor..
ADA Statement:
Students with disabilities are responsible for registering with the Office of Student
Disabilities Services in order to receive special accommodations and services. Please
notify the instructor during the first week of classes if a reasonable accommodation for a
disability is needed for this course. A letter from the USF Disability Services Office
must accompany this request.
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Course Prefix and Number: SSE 4600
Course Title: SSE 4600 Reading and Basic Skills in the Social Studies
Briefly describe the nature and duration of any field-based experiences.
Any experiences that include instruction, observation, practice, and/or competency
demonstration in any of the following: instructional strategies that address various
learning styles, exceptionalities, achievement levels, and other specialized circumstances.
The reading strategies modeled in the class with social studies content take into account various
learning styles, exceptionalities, achievement levels, and other specialized circumstances.
Activities that assess the impact on pk-12 student learning.
Any components of the course that prepares teacher candidates in the use of technology in
instruction and record-keeping.
The MDLP requires comprehensive use of technology.
Any components of the course designed to prepare teacher candidates to help pk-12
students achieve the Sunshine State Standards?
The MDLP requires use of the SSS in setting objectives.
How issues of diversity are addressed in this course? Indicate which aspect(s) of the course
(e.g., instructional strategies and/or experiences) provide the teacher candidates the
opportunity to acquire and/or apply knowledge, skills, and/or dispositions necessary to help
all students learn. (“All students” includes students with various learning styles, students
with exceptionalities and different ethnic, racial, gender, language, religious,
socioeconomic, and regional/geographic origins, and achievement levels.)
Those topics are addressed in the content topic, “At-risk readers (illiteracy and aliteracy).”
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SSE 4600 / SSE 5641 (Reading)
MICROTEACH/Demonstration Lesson 2012
Description: Effective teachers prepare lessons that provide opportunities for students to learn
from one another, taking information from texts, and applying it in classroom settings. Any
reading assignment can be broken down into three comprehension-building steps:
1. Before Reading Strategies activate a knowledge base upon which students can build and
establish a purpose for reading. Examples include, but are not limited to the following:
brainstorming, predicting, skimming, assessing prior knowledge, previewing headings,
and learning crucial vocabulary.
2. During Reading Strategies allow students to measure comprehension, clarify, visualize,
and build connections. Examples include, but are not limited to the following: rereading,
inferring, questioning, supporting predictions, and summarizing.
3. After Reading Strategies expand students’ prior knowledge, builds connections, and
deepens their understanding of content. Examples include, but are not limited to the
following: rereading, confirming predictions, summarizing, synthesizing, reflecting, and
Preservice teachers may choose from, but are not limited to, the following possibilities:
 Graphic organizers;
 Anticipation guides;
 KWL charts;
 Diagrams;
 Compare & Contrast Webs;
 Modeling tasks; and
 Think alouds.
Criterion #1: Deepens and enriches students’ understanding
Description: The demonstration lesson uses content area literacy strategies to deepen and enrich
students’ understanding of subject matter.
The demonstration lesson fails to use content area literacy strategies to
deepen and enrich students’ understanding of subject matter.
The demonstration lesson poorly uses content area literacy strategies to
deepen and enrich students’ understanding of subject matter.
The demonstration lesson uses content area literacy strategies to deepen
and enrich students’ understanding of subject matter.
The demonstration lesson frequently uses content area literacy
strategies to deepen and enrich students’ understanding of subject
The demonstration lesson routinely uses content area literacy strategies
to deepen and enrich students’ understanding of subject matter.
Linked to standard: Accomplished Practice
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3. Instructional
b. deepen and enrich students’ understanding through content area
Delivery and
literacy strategies, verbalization of thought, and application of the
subject matter:
Linked to standard: NCATE
1b Pedagogical
understand relationship of content and content specific pedagogy; have
broad knowledge of instructional strategies.
Linked to standard: COEDU Conceptual Framework
2. Content and
Demonstrate expertise in a common professional knowledge base and
content specific bases of their fields and integrate content and
professional knowledge into teaching
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