Adult learners brochure (Word, 1.5mb)

Work the way you want
Are you looking to build your skills, or considering
moving into the world of work?
Yooralla College has a wide range of courses
designed to support people with disability to access
educational opportunities.
As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO ID:
4208) Yooralla College can help you on your way
to work, whether it is paid or volunteering in the
community. In our courses you’ll learn job search
skills, literacy, numeracy as well as computer skills.
The length of courses range from a few weeks to
a few years – it all depends on your interests, your
goals and what suits your lifestyle.
Volunteering in the Community
This course is a pathway to an accredited
volunteering qualification. You’ll learn about
volunteering and where opportunities as a volunteer
may lead. As part of the course you’ll have the
opportunity to undertake a placement within a
volunteer setting to gain valuable experience and
work skills. This course is offered in Melbourne’s
Short Courses
Working in the Community
This course is designed to work with you to
understand what is available in your community,
and then support you to work towards your
employment goals.
If you’re after something to build your confidence
and skills in the form of a short course Yooralla
College is offering a series of non-accredited
courses in 2016. These are courses run from 25 to
60 hours per week and are completed over a term
(about 10 weeks).
This can range from:
• accessing the community via public transport,
• building social interactions and confidence, and
• developing a pathway plan for further training or
employment opportunities.
Digital Literacy Intel® Easy Learn Steps
If you’re looking to build up your skills and
confidence with technology, then this course is
tailor-made for your needs. You’ll learn how to use
computers for work and connect with services
online. This course is offered in Footscray.
This course is offered in Melbourne’s CBD.
Introduction to working in your vocation
Introduction to working in your vocation is ideal if
you have completed the Working in the Community
course and developed a pathway plan towards your
employment goals. The program offers a number
of streams for you to select from depending on
your interest including: horticulture, hospitality,
information and communication technology,
warehousing and cleaning. You’ll also learn skills in
basic resume building, interviewing and how to find
a job with Yooralla College’s workplace coordinator.
This course is offered in Footscray.
Accredited Courses
If you feel ready to transition into employment
and want to invest more time in your education
Yooralla College offers two accredited courses to
provide you with qualifications to prepare you for
22234VIC Course in Initial General Education
for Adults
This course provides you with support if you have
low literacy and numeracy skills. The trainers
work with you to build your confidence and help
you progress along a pathway into accredited
qualifications, paid employment or working as a
This course is held two days per week for six
22128VIC Certificate I in Work Education
Certificate I in Work Education provides you with
the knowledge and skills to enter the workforce.
It provides you with the confidence to approach
work experience opportunities and take away
valuable learning from vocational tasters and
practical placement in a real working environment.
Graduates from this course can often go onto
working in mainstream employment.
This course is held two days per week for one year.
Pathways to Adult Living and the
World of Work
Yooralla’s Pathways to Adult Living and the World
of Work course extends and reinforces what you
learn at Yooralla College through activities with
Yooralla’s Community Hubs, Recreation, Business
Enterprises and Personalised Services (which
support people with Individual Support Packages).
In other words you get to practice and build on
everything you learn in the classroom.
To give you an example, the first semester is looking
at building links in the community. Two days a
week you’ll be at Yooralla College where you would
learn about the different types of public and private
transport. On other days of the week you would
work with one of Yooralla’s services to plan an
outing using public transport and go a visit a gym,
hairdresser or café.
The Pathways course is divided into six semesters.
As the course progresses you build your
confidence and skills and by the last semester
you’ll be confident to undertake a job interview and
prepare your resume.
The course incorporates 22129VIC Certificate I in
Transition Education (semesters 1, 2 and 3) and
leads into 22128VIC Certificate I in Work Education
(semesters 4, 5 and 6).
It runs for three years, however adult learners who
already have the ability to confidently engage with
the community, can commence the course at
semester 4.
• Semester 1: Community - building links into the
• Semester 2: Confidence - enhance skills and
confidence to participate in the community
• Semester 3:Pathways - investigate further
training options, work or community activities
• Semester 4: Travel independence and career
planning - developing a vocational plan to
identify employment opportunities.
• Semester 5: Technology and vocational tasters building communication and technology skills
• Semester 6: Work independence and work
placement - research, evaluate and apply for
BSB10115 Certificate I in Business
The next step up in courses to consider is
Certificate I in Business which is suitable if you
want to learn skills such as computers, planning,
communication, occupational health and safety
and organising daily work activities. The skills you’ll
learn apply to a variety of industry sectors and will
give you a better knowledge of the workplace. The
course is offered two days a week for a year. This
course is for people who are ready to learn on-thejob skills.
If you are interested in any of these courses and
want to know more go to
Please register on the website for the course, or
courses, that interest you. You need to register to
secure a booking.
About Yooralla and Yooralla College
Yooralla has a long history of working with people
with disability and consequently has strong
experience and knowledge of the sector.
Yooralla College is a Registered Training
Organisation (RTO ID: 4208). It regards education
and training as central to supporting the individual
achieve greater independence, choice and control
in their lives. Through education, people with
disability are empowered to play a greater role in
determining their own future.
Yooralla College provides a range of accredited
and non-accredited education options designed
to support people with disability to meet their
individual needs in a supported environment, as
well as people looking to work in the disability
These courses may be subject to Victorian and
Commonwealth Government Funding. Please
contact us for more information.
Our courses commence in February 2016.
Contact us
Yooralla College, and our Learning and Community
Hubs, are located around metropolitan and regional
Victoria. Please contact us to learn about a site
close to you.
The short courses will be held in Footscray and
Melbourne’s central business district.
For further information on Yooralla’s education
and training options, please email
or call 03 8851 0824.
The accredited courses will be held in central and
metropolitan Melbourne, as well as regional Victoria.
Yooralla College is a Registered Training
Organisation. RTO ID: 4208
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The information contained in this fact sheet is correct as at November 2015. This material is for general
information only. You should seek advice in relation to your particular circumstances. Yooralla, its employees
and agents do not accept any liability for action taken in reliance on this document and disclaim all liability
arising from any error or omission. ABN 14 005 304 432 © Yooralla. EDU071215.