University of California, Irvine Campus Slip-Resistant Shoe Program Guidelines WHY ARE YOU IN THE PROGRAM? EH&S has determined that your employees work in potentially slippery environments and that their work activities pose a significant slip hazard. WHO PAYS FOR THIS PROGRAM AND THE SHOES? Other than administrative time in each participating department, UCOP bears all the costs of this program and offers it as an injury reduction and cost saving strategy for each campus and location. This program is to be funded by UCOP indefinitely. HOW DO I ENROLL MY EMPLOYEES IN THE PROGRAM? 1. Refer to the contact list below and communicate with your EH&S campus liaison indicated for your department. 2. Provide a table that includes all employees’ names, shoe style, shoe size, employee identification number, and associated supervisor name. 3. Delivery of shoes is expected within two weeks after EH&S places the order and will be delivered directly to the department. If you have questions, contact your EH&S liaison below. 4. Require employees to wear slip-resistant shoes during work hours as a condition of their employment. Any disciplinary action for employees not wearing slipresistant shoes is at the discretion of the department. 5. Distribute shoes to employees. UCI Campus Location Dining Services Facilities Management Student Housing ULAR Student Center & Event Services Campus Recreation Student Health EH&S Campus Liaison Jill Johnson ( Jesse L. Wallace Jr. ( Jesse L. Wallace Jr. Lorena Andrade ( Jesse L. Wallace Jr. Jesse L. Wallace Jr. Jesse L. Wallace Jr. UC Irvine Campus Slip-Resistant Shoe Program Department Point of Contact Lin Tang Jacqueline Campbell Tim Guesman Jefferson Chau Bob Kokkelenberg Greg Rothberg Rick Von Kolen Phone/Email Address x41492/ X4383/ X45497/ x49538/ x46547/ x48502/ x47744/ Page 1 EXCEPTION FOR CUSTODIANS: Custodians who only work on carpeted floors ARE NOT recommended to wear “Shoes for Crews” (SFC) shoes. The “Shoes for Crews” shoes are so slip-resistant that they can actually cause trip/fall injuries on some deeppiled carpets until wearers become experienced with how much ‘grip’ the shoes have on the carpet. “Crew Guards” can be used as a substitute in place of the slip-resistant shoes. HOW OFTEN CAN I GET NEW SHOES FOR CREWS (SFC) SHOES FOR MY EMPLOYEES? UCOP provides two pair of shoes per year for each worker enrolled in the program. Shoes must be re-ordered every 6 months using the process noted above. There is no automatic re-ordering process in place at this time. Typically, after the first fitting, employees are familiar with their sizing and a fitting is not necessary for reorders. Special arrangements can be made with the SFC representative to assist with re-fittings if deemed necessary by the SFC Liaison. Departments must keep track of their ordering / re-ordering timing for the 6-month frequency that fits best into their operations. It’s highly recommended that two months each year are determined to be the “SFC Program Months”, and that this ordering process gets integrated into Department operations as quickly as possible so that it becomes Department routine. W H A T A R E “CR E W - G U A R D S” AND W H E N AR E T H E Y U S E D? “CrewGuards” are “slip-on” covers that go over a person’s street shoes and provide the SFC “slip-grip” sole to reduce slip/fall injury potential. The cost of purchasing / stocking “Crew-Guards” is paid by UCOP. “Crew-Guards” are a shared resource and can be worn by more than one person over the lifetime of the individual “Crew-Guards”. “Crew-Guards” can last up to 6-months of normal wear (40-hour work week) being worn by multiple part-time / short-term / new-hire employees. Dispose of worn “CrewGuards” when any of the following are observed: Cracked, abraded or damaged material is observed on any part of the “CrewGuard”, Tread worn to the point of no longer being visible to the “Crew-Guard” base materials, and/or Holes or leaks occur. It is recommended that the interior of the “Crew-Guard” be cleaned by placing them in a dishwasher. UC Irvine Campus Slip-Resistant Shoe Program Page 2 W H A T A B O U T NEWLY-HIRED, P A R T - T I M E AND/OR S H O R T - T E R M E M P L O Y E E S? Newly-hired employees may use their own shoes during work hours and wear SFC “Crew-Guards” slip-grip-shoe covers that slip-on over their personal shoes until their SFC shoes are ordered, received and distributed to them for use as PPE. Part-time employees, including student / work-study employees, who are working 20 or fewer hours per week in job classes that require SFC shoes as PPE, must be provided with “Crew-Guards” to be worn over their own shoes as part of their PPE for their work. Follow the new-hire guidance above when enrolling part-time employees who work more than 20 hours per week for more-than 60-days in the SFC Program, and provide them SFC shoes / “Crew-Guards” on your department’s order schedule of one pair of shoes every 6 months. Short-term employees, who are to work less than 90 days in a job-class that requires SFC shoes for PPE, may wear “Crew-Guards” over their personal shoes when conducting work at the University. Departments that hire short-term employees must stock and provide “Crew-Guards” to their short-term employees in job-classes that require SFC shoes as PPE. The cost of purchasing / stocking “Crew-Guards” is paid by UCOP. The process to provide SFC shoes as PPE to new hire / part-time employees should be completed within the first-three-months of employment, but can be extended up to 6-months depending upon a department’s semi-annual re-ordering schedule. If necessary, SFC will provide a foot-sizing guide and training for your department’s point of contact so that they can help newly-hired employees select, and then properly size the SFC shoes the employee will use. When new hire / short-term / part-time employees are anticipated, the department point of contact will work with the employee regarding “Shoes for Crews” ordering process, order an adequate supply of “Crew-Guards” to keep in stock, and provide to newly-hired / short-term employees / part-time employees as needed, or until their SFC shoes arrive and are distributed to them. The cost of “Crew-Guards” is paid by UCOP. W H A T A B O U T V O L U N T E E R S W O R K I N G IN MY D E P A R T M E N T? Volunteers, who work on University premises for no pay, but by permission within your department at locations where your department employees must wear SFC shoes as PPE, are NOT required to wear SFC shoes. Departments who allow volunteers to work along-side their SFC-wearing employees should provide one pair of “Crew-Guards” to UC Irvine Campus Slip-Resistant Shoe Program Page 3 the Volunteer to wear over their personal shoes during their voluntary work at the University. WHAT SHOE MODELS ARE OFFERED BY THE PROGRAM? Only certain SFC models of shoes are allowed to be offered to UC employees. These have been approved for use by the system wide EH&S IIP Workgroup. Click on the links below for the two posters with the SFC shoe models / styles currently offered by the program: Shoes For Crews Fax Order form HOW CAN I RETURN SHOES FOR A DIFFERENT SIZE, OR UNDER A WARRANTY CLAIM? SFC shoes are warranted by SFC for 6-months against manufacturer failures. In addition, SFC offers a 60 day “wear and compare” policy where the employee can exchange their style for any reason within 60 days, even if worn. SFC provides prepaid UPS labels with each shoe and an exchange order form that is included inside each shoe box. It is the responsibility of the employee and your department’s point of contact to order exchange-shoes under the “wear and compare” policy. If the employee must go without SFC shoes while awaiting an exchange pair of shoes to arrive, then they must wear their own shoes and cover them with SFC “Crew-Guards” during work-hours until their exchanged SFC shoes arrive. UC Irvine Campus Slip-Resistant Shoe Program Page 4