Winter Newsletter February 2015 C OALITION N EWS Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless 7661 Easton Rd. Ottsville, PA 18942 215-371-3945 Visit us on the Web at Like us on Facebook Dear Volunteers, Thank you for all of your hard work, dedication and spirit this Code Blue season. By the time you receive this newsletter our shelter will have opened nearly three dozen nights. We couldn’t have done it without all of you so from the bottom of my heart, a sincere thank you! 2015 Board of Directors Executive Committee Jessie Alfaro, Executive Director / Treasurer Bob Clark, President Deb Neidhardt, Vice President Anne Bishop, Secretary Board Members Tony Alfaro Jeff Griffin Harold Haas Carrie Kaiser Karla Leone Mara Sitasz Lynda Vesely I am pleased to tell you about a recent decision to partner with A Woman’s Place this coming year and to share our many combined resources. In many ways we both have similar agendas – helping others and especially those who may be less fortunate. We both strive to help people create a new life for themselves and we are incredibly excited for the opportunity to work together and lend each other assistance. Board Members-at-Large Raphael Alfaro Again, thank you so much for making this Code Blue season so successful and please keep signing up for Code Blue nights! It’s a chilly winter and the homeless are counting on each of us. Our Mission Statement Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless (CSSH) is an alliance of faith-based and community service organizations working to assist unsheltered adults in Central Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Our first priority is to provide shelter to the homeless on Code Blue nights. At the same time, we try to link the homeless to needed resources within our community such as food, clothing, healthcare and education. All work is done in a spirit of respect for the individual, and without regard to gender, race, nationality, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs. Sincerely, Jessie Alfaro If you want happiness for an hour—take a nap. If you want happiness for a day – go fishing. If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime – help someone less fortunate. 1 the stress of trying to complete a roster and scrambling to find last minute coverage. Shelter Statistics CSSH kicked off our Code Blue season beginning December 2nd at Neshaminy Warwick Presbyterian Church. During this month we sheltered 10 different individuals and averaged 4-5 people per night. In January, our host site location shifted to Trinity Episcopal in Buckingham and along with colder weather settling into place, we immediately began seeing additional guests. We are currently averaging about 10 guests per night at Trinity and we fully expect these numbers to grow as we move deeper into winter and our temperatures drop. Remember…in order to open our shelter we MUST have a complete roster by 12noon of any given day. There are no exceptions. There can be no “let me see if someone else signs up / wait and see” attitudes – because if we don’t have a complete roster in place, we will close. Besides needing to know if we have a complete volunteer roster, our homeless guests need to know whether or not they need to find alternate shelter for the night. Being told at the “last minute” that we are closed makes this more difficult for them. We are doing our best to maintain consistency in their lives – which often lack consistency. Our guests depend on us in more ways than you can ever imagine. Lets make certain that we are there for them throughout the remainder of our 2015 season. Our special thanks to our host site coordinators: Sandi Flynn and Paul Augustine (Neshaminy – Warwick), as well as Lynda Vesely (Trinity), for all of your hard work and long hours. Your dedication has made for a successful start to the Bode Blue season. From our Code Blue Coordinator Thank you to everyone who has volunteered this season filling the 14 positions needed each evening allowing us to open the shelter. The shelter is currently located at Trinity Episcopal Church in Buckingham and will move to Doylestown Presbyterian on January 31st for February and St. Paul’s Lutheran on February 28th for March to conclude our season. Christmas Day at Neshaminy Warwick Presbyterian Church December 25th was a huge success and very rewarding for both the volunteers and guests. There were six guests and lots of volunteers. In the morning, they slept in, which they loved. A big breakfast was prepared which was really enjoyed by everyone present. Music was played and the talk flowed freely. Showers were open and everyone really felt better; then on to watching a movie and playing some cards. To everyone’s surprise a donkey arrived, yes, a real live donkey. It made the guests smile and all got in some pets and hugs (Bill Chicoski got the biggest hug). It was a delightful thing. Later several young ladies arrived with their families and played Christmas carols on the piano and invited the guests to sing along which was incredibly pleasant and enjoyable. The young girls and their families enjoyed being there and being part of something special. I am happy to report that 105 people attended and completed our training courses offered this Fall at five different training sessions. This brings our list of trained volunteers to just shy of 300. Sadly, not everyone has fulfilled their obligation to commit to our request for advance sign-up leaving the majority of our shifts being covered by the same 40 or so volunteers. It is this core group of dedicated individuals that is helping to keep this shelter open and available to our homeless population on these cold winter nights. Please…if you haven’t yet committed to working a shift at the shelter, I ask that you go to today and take a few minutes to commit to working a couple of shifts. Doing this will go a long way to reducing Lunch was terrific, grilled cheese and tomato soup. What could be better? In the afternoon the guests helped make gingerbread houses and gifts were given out. All of this made the day special and memorable. 2 Dinner, of course, is always a fun meal on Christmas Day. We all spend that day with family and friends, and have an amazing time with fun and laughter. That’s the feeling that we hope the guests had that day. Transportation / Van News Additional Stop: in an attempt to better reach our homeless population, CSSH will once again modify the pickup locations and van route starting February 1st with our move to Doylestown Presbyterian. The new route will become American Eagle Diner New Hope (7pm), Wal-mart Warminster (7:35pm), Redner’s Market Doylestown (7:55pm), Doylestown Library (8:00pm), Doylestown Wendy’s (8:15pm) continuing on to host site church with arrival to be 8:30pm. Directions and Van route will be posted inside the van for driver and attendant to reference. Our volunteers did an amazing job and gave up time with their own families to make this day special. It’s a proud thing that Neshaminy opened their doors to these special people. This is such a rewarding way to help others and you always leave with a full heart. Thank you again to everyone who has helped with Code Blue in December. Safety Vests A BIG Thank You! Two high visibility safety vests have recently been added inside the van for both driver and attendant. Because there are several opportunities where you may have to step out of the van and into darkness, we ask that you place these over the top of your outerwear (both AM/PM shifts) and give yourself an added layer of protection and visibility. Thank you Steve Downs and Jeff Griffin for donating these important safety items. We wish to thank our friends at Kershaw & Fritz Goodyear Tire of Doylestown for assisting us with our request for new snow tires for the van. Last season’s severe cold, ice, and snow pushed the limits of performance and safety for our “regular tires” and caused concerns on the part of the board of directors. The safety of our volunteers and our guests is paramount, and the more appropriate snow/ice treads that were chosen will go a long way to ensure everyone’s safety this season. Thank you Dave Fritz (store manager), for your thoughtfulness and commitment to community. And to our volunteers…should you need automotive assistance, don’t hesitate to give the folks at Kershaw & Fritz a ring and mention that you are one of our volunteers Sign and Drive Are you a trained driver but haven’t yet volunteered to work a shift? What’s stopping you? To be honest, driver and driver assistant are two of the more engaging volunteer positions available. You have a chance to interact with our guests prior to their arriving at the shelter and before you know it – you’re done and back home. Don’t hesitate…sign up today! Commonly asked questions regarding our Code Blue shelter: What if parents show up with children at the shelter or are at a van stop and need shelter? Unfortunately, we are unable to accept children who are under 18 years of age. There is a shelter specifically for youth but obviously we don’t want to separate a parent and child. In this case, obtain the contact information for this guest and have the board member on call contact Jessie. Arrangements Jeff Griffin (board member) and Dave Fritz (manager) 3 will be made to put this family up in a hotel setting (probably for 2 nights) which will give us adequate time to contact Children and Youth Services Bucks County. listing of those volunteers signed up to work that particular night. You can print this roster out so you have it with you at the shelter. The list contains the names, volunteer position, email and phone number in the event you need to contact someone. PLEASE be sure to shred or remove your copy from the shelter upon leaving so that we can continue to keep personal information as private as possible. What about guests with pets? First of all…this rarely happens but should it occur, we have a contingency plan. Animals are not allowed at any of our Code Blue shelter locations for a variety of reasons nor are they allowed in our van. Arrangements can be made, however, for assistance with ASPCA. Contact information is located both in the van and at the shelter. Should this happen while you are working, contact the BMOC (Board Member on Call). Volunteer Hub Updates Needed Please update your account on Volunteer Hub by going to our website, clicking on “Volunteer”, then clicking on volunteer hub. Sign in, click “Your Account” in the upper right-hand corner and follow the prompts to check your information. Be sure to check all boxes that apply and to complete your preferences as to where you desire to work during Code Blue nights as well as your gender. This will make it easier for us to email specific volunteers groups where a specific job needs to be filled without having to send an email blast to the entire volunteer corp. Also…please do not call the CSSH office to sign up for volunteer shifts. Instead…go to Thank you! I haven’t worked any of the shifts yet and am hesitant to sign up. How will I know what to do? Not to worry…there are plenty of experienced people at the shelter on any given night and there is a trained BMOC (Board Member on Call) that will help to guide you through the experience. Volunteering can be very fun and rewarding. Please do not hold back from signing up because of these fears. We all have to start someplace, so why not just borrow the Nike saying and “just do it”! BTW…several “newbies” have come down and observed and shadowed someone doing your job. You are welcome to do this any night that we are open if it helps you to get your feet wet. You will NOT be turned away and there is always something to do. How do I know who is a guest and who is a volunteer? Aha…in the past this could be a real challenge. Recently, identification badges were created and made available to our volunteers. These are located in our equipment bins at the signup desk. Please seek them out upon your arrival and then be sure to pass them off to your replacement or to place back in the bin upon completion of your shift. We only have so many, so if you have accidentally taken one home with you, please return it to the shelter as soon as you are able. These ID badges are a simple lanyard style and work well to identify our volunteer corp. Volunteers: Becky Bernstein (and son) with Michael Hutkin Students Lend a Helping Hand Kudos to the young men and women of Central Bucks East High School Key Club who partnered with us this fall and provided CSSH with restaurant gift cards, hand warmers, as well as a check for cash donations that were collected at the school. All totaled the donations were valued at nearly $500 and were Who will be working with me on a night I’ve signed up? Once our roster is complete, our Code Blue coordinator will email out a complete 4 immediately put to good use with our guests. Next year we hope to continue this relationship with a fund drive effort at the East/West football game at the NEW CB East stadium. Going the extra mile Just recently, it became apparent that one of our young guests was having some serious vision issues. Without prescription contact lenses, his vision was severely impaired and he was squinting constantly to see. Realizing how difficult it must have been (let alone exist homeless) board member Jeff Griffin reached out to a local eye doctor for assistance. We would like to thank Dr. Curt Gottlieb of Allied Eye Care in Doylestown, who provided our guest with a complimentary vision exam and courtesy pair of glasses. Words can’t describe the joy many of us felt as a smile came across the face of our young guest for the first time since meeting him. Monthly Community Meals Hats off to our many volunteers who have worked tirelessly to provide a wonderful meal for our homeless guests or those less fortunate and residing within our community. The Community Meals are held on the first Sunday of each month from 2pm-4pm at Trinity Episcopal Church in Buckingham. These meals are open to anyone interested and are consistently well attended. There are many areas of need ranging from setup, kitchen / prep food, or just hanging out at one of the tables and shooting the breeze with our guests. We think the experience will leave you with a positive experience and a smile on your face. FYI…the February meal will start a little earlier (12:30pm) so that anybody going to our Winter Fundraising Concert can attend both events. Special arrangements have also been made to open up at Doylestown Presbyterian Church a few hours earlier that night so that our guests and volunteers can watch the Super Bowl. Outreach Committee Notes The Outreach Committee has now met on several occasions and any CSSH volunteer is welcome to attend. This is the perfect opportunity to come together and help gameplan important activities such as communicating with the homeless, community education and awareness or just staying in touch with other service organizations, the local police forces and the community (at large) to familiarize them with our services. A very special thanks to Susan Laphen, who came out and worked our last community meal on her birthday. Now THAT is what we call dedication to community! Thank you Susan! Perhaps this is the perfect alternative for those individuals who may not be able to cover shifts at the Code Blue Shelters. Do you have a couple of hours to spare to help post flyers throughout the area, or could you spend some time performing some outreach work at one of our local food pantries? It’s easy, there is no stress and you get a chance to be an important component of what makes CSSH successful. The next Outreach Committee meeting will be Sunday 2/8 @ 2:30pm at Doylestown Library. Recently, one of our homeless guests offered us a tip regarding a homeless encampment. With the help of Allan Johnson (Mental health advocate and outreach worker for Bucks County), Rob “Woody” Wood (Youth outreach / runaway / trafficking) for Synergy Project and Jeff Griffin (CSSH Board Member) the team searched a wooded area near Kmart as well as pipes and tunnels near Septa railroad tracks in Susan Laphen (volunteer) with Raphael Alfaro (board member) 5 Doylestown and found evidence of recent homeless activity. While no homeless were located, information on how to obtain assistance was left at the site and at some point in the near future, we will visit that site again in hopes of making direct contact with any homeless. CSSH is on Facebook Please “like” our page and share with your friends on FB. Special thanks to Doug Keith who has recently volunteered to apply his knowledge of social media and take over the handling of our Facebook page. Other Stuff… CSSH has a number of opportunities to get involved with committees, volunteer activities, board roles, community outreach, fundraising and office work. If you are interested in taking on a more active role within the organization, have a special talent to offer us or are just feeling the need to help on a greater level, please reach out to us or better yet consider coming to one of our monthly board meetings held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Meetings are held at Doylestown Presbyterian Church and begin at 7pm. All are welcome! Rob Wood (Synergy Project) and Allan Johnson (Bucks Co. Mental Health Advocate) Revised Guidelines for Code Blue Bucks County Commissioners recently agreed to revise the current Code Blue policy. Code Blue will be called if conditions create a public health risk to those who may not have stable or appropriate shelter. Determining factors will include temperatures lower than 20 degrees, but may also be called with higher temps based on consideration of wind chill, precipitation, or other circumstances and may also be called for a single night’s duration where in the past it involved multiple days of Board members Anne Bishop and Antonio Alfaro at a recent training session Donations Appreciated Winter Concert Fundraiser Several of you have asked about donating items and we sincerely appreciate all that you do. What we find is most helpful is to have gift cards on hand in smaller denominations ($5 or $10), phone minutes for Trac phone usage, or local fast food restaurants (Wendy’s, McDonalds, etc.) that allow us to give a smaller item to several guests vs. one large gift card that is hard to split up. If you are thinking of donating gift cards, why not call us at the office to check and see if a specific item is needed. One thing we do ask is that you allow us to distribute items directly to our guests so that we can share items equally amongst our guests. We are happy to announce that the Palisades Community Chorus will be holding a benefit concert for CSSH and support of the homeless on Sunday, February 1st at 3pm. The concert will be held at Doylestown United Methodist Church followed by a gala reception at 4pm hosted by A Woman’s Place of Doylestown. Our very own director, Jessie Alfaro, will be performing as a soprano in the chorus! All of our volunteers were recently mailed tickets that we hope you will consider purchasing as a gift or donation. Additional tickets are available online at our website or by calling 215-550-3578 for a donation of $20 for 6 adults or $10 for students. If unable to attend, please consider purchasing your tickets and giving them to someone who you think might like to attend. Thank you all for your generous support of this benefit concert. FYI…this is also Super Bowl Sunday but we guarantee that you will be done and home sitting on your sofa in plenty of time for kickoff. invited to grab a few items prior to leaving the shelter each morning. This has been a great addition and allows us to be sure food items are reaching their intended targets – our guests. Partnering News Rolling Hills Church: This congregation, located in Pipersville, has recently expressed interest in helping us out at CSSH and came through big-time a few weeks ago with a generous donation of gift bags that were handed out at the last community meal. We would also like to thank the anonymous donor who contributed $900 worth of gift cards for our guests. These cards have come in very handy and have been given to our guests each morning so that they could obtain some additional food. They are also used in some of our outreach efforts as well. Currently, our guest supplies committee is overseeing the distribution of this most generous gift. Thank you Rolling Hills! Board Member Lynda Vesely stocking supplies! Homeless and Hunger Facts According to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, there is an estimated 100 million homeless people worldwide. As of 2013, the number of homeless people sleeping each night in the New York City shelter system was already over 60,000, 22,000 of which were children. NYC is also the top U.S. city for homelessness. Lack of affordable housing and homeless shelters has contributed to the alarming number homeless people throughout the U.S. According to the film, “A place at the table”, nearly 50 million Americans – including one in four children - -live in food insecure households. They don’t know where their next meal is coming from and it’s often a source of worry and stress. Board Member Raphael Alfaro (2nd from left) with members of Rolling Hills Church There are 3 Code Blue Shelters in Bucks County (North, Central and South), one full time shelter serving approximately 75 people and over 30 food pantries serving our residents. The Goodie Fridge Some of you may have noticed the small white “dorm size” fridge that was recently loaned to CSSH for placement at our shelter sites. This fridge is stocked with a selection of small items (beverage, pudding, yogurt, etc.) that our guests can have access to at any time throughout their evening with us and are also Do you have additional content that you would like to share for our next newsletter? Photographs of our volunteers (not guests) is always welcomed and can be submitted to Jeff Griffin at 7