WlNGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.O. BOX 33220, AUSTIN TX 78764 USA (512)416-9000 #1 -96 FOLK MODELS OF BAD ~IARRIAGE. TIME: 28:56. Anthropclogist Dr. Lenora Ucko studied marriage through folktales to write ENDANGERED SPOUSES: THE LEGACY OF MARITAL INEQUALITY (Lanham MD, USA: Univ. Press of America, 1995). In terview by Frieda Werden. #2-96 GLOBAL TRIBUNAL ON VIOLATIONS OF WOMEN'S HUMAN RIGHTS, Pa r t V: POLITICAL DISCRIMINATION & PERSECUTION OF WOMEN. TIME: 29:09 Maria Suarez of FIRE (Feminist International Radio Endeavour) produced & narrates this update of hearings held parallel to the UN World Conference on Human Rights in Vienna in 1993. Witnesses in this 1/2 hr. are from Puerto Rico, Chile, South Africa, & Algeria. Comment: Gertrude Mongella, [Re-edit for WINGS.1 NOWTHROUGH FEB. 2 -IS THE TIME TO SUBMIT TAPE ENTRIES FORTHE DAWN PR1ZE: Katherine A. Davenport Award for Women's News. This is an annual $100 cash prize for the hottest women's radio news story of the year. Stories or prograrns any length - must have aired in 1995. Announcement March 8. Mail to DAWN Prize, "'liNGS, P.O. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA. Entries may be aired or excerpted for a women's news roundup. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA * (512)416-9000 wings@igc.apc.org Web address (with RealAudio) http://www.hypercity.com/hyp/wings.html #3-96, KILMURY'S WAR: Teamster Union Ethics TIME: 28:49 Diana Kilmury, a founder of Teamsters for a Democratic Union (TDU) & the first woman to be elected to the Teamsters' governing body, fought for and won the establishment of their Union Ethics Committee and now chairs their Committee on Human Rights. CBC (Canada) is producing a movie on her life. This interview is by Carol Stall from the studio of WATER (Women's Access To Electronic Resources). *************** # 4-96 , january WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWSCAST TIME: 28:56 1. (5:05) THE DECLINING FEMALE POPULATION. Incue/Outcue: "The ratio of women to men...Women's International News Gathering Service" On tape: Dr. Lakshmi Goswami, Lalita Balakrishna. Source: Esencia @ KSjS; Frieda Werden Suggested intra: ACCORDING TO C.LA. FIGURES, THE FEMALE PERCENTAGE OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION IN JULY 1995 WAS ONLY 49%. WHILE ELDER WOMEN OUTNUMBER ELDER MEN, ONLY 48% OF CHILDREN 14 AND YOUNGER ARE GIRLS. THE FOLLOWING STORY FROM WINGS CONSIDERS WHY: ... 2. (4:19) BARBARA JORDAN'S POLITICAL CAREER. In/Out: "You have to in my opinion... Frieda Werden for WINGS" On tape: Barbara Jordan. Source: Center for Study of Women & Gender, Univ. of Texas @ San Antonio Suggested intra: A U.S. POLITICAL HEROINE HAS PASSED FROM THE SCENE. WINGS CONTRASTS BARABARA JORDAN'S MACHO POLITICAL STYLE WITH HER FEMINIST SUBSTANCE: 3. (4:46) JENNIFER HARBURY IN GUATEMALA. In/Out: "Human rights activist... Carol Stall in Austin, Texas" Suggested intra: THE RECENT ELECTION IN GUATEMALA HAS NOT CHANGED THE MILITARY. TWO TOURIST WOMEN FROM THE U.S. WERE KILLED IN JANUARY, AND ACTIVIST JENNIFER HARBURY IS UNDER THREAT. CAROL STALL REPORTS FOR WINGS: 4. (3:49) THE COURAGE IN JOURNALISM AWARDS. In/Out:" Several international journalists... I'm Dina Weinstein in New York" On tape: Narda Zacchino; Daisy Li of Hong Kong for Gao Yu of China; Horria Saihi, Algeria. Intra: AT A GALA EVENT WITH MULTIPLE CORPORATE SPONSORS, PROMINENT U.S. WOMEN JOURNALISTS PAID TRIBUTE TO BRAVE SISTERS IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD. DINA WEINSTEIN REPORTS: 5. (5:24) GREENHAM WOMEN & THE QUEEN. Incue/Outcue: "Since 1981 ... WINGS this is Sara Wise" On tape: Sarah Hipperson, Greenham Women's Peace Camp. Source: Margaretta D'Arcy, Radio Pirate Woman Intra: THE WOMEN OF GREENHAM PEACE CAMP ARE FAMOUS FOR CREATIVE USE OF THE BRITISH COURTS. IN THIS REPORT SARAH HIPPERSON EXPLAINS HER STRATEGIES FOR BLOCKING PRIVATIZATION OF GREENHAM COMMON: ... Books $14 US from: Radio Pirate Woman, lOSt. Bridget Place, Galway, Ireland. 6. (3: 11) WOMEN WHO RUN In/Out: "Sunday November 12th...Weinstein in New York. On tape: women runners. Intra: BEFORE THE BLIZZARDS SLOWED PEDESTRIANS TO A CRAWL, THE FIVE BOROUGHS OF NEW YORK HOSTED 26,000 RUNNERS. DINA WEINSTEIN TALKED TO WOMEN OF THE MARATHON: Biza Graney, Mary O'Grady, Clara Garcia, & Donna Hoffman did this mailing. Thanks! WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. o. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web address (RealAudio) http:/ /www.hypercity.com/hyp/wings.html #5-96 MONGELLA'S SWAN SONG: Parting Remarks by the Secretary-General of the UN 4th World Conference on Women TIME: 29:02 After the 4th World Conference on Women, Secretary-General Gertrude Mongella of Tanzania traveled to many local and national conferences where women made plans for implementing the Beijing Declaration & Plan of Action. Her speech in Kansas City November 11, 1995, was recorded for WINGS by KKFI-FM. There she declared her expectation of returning to her country and working at the grass roots, and she warned against leaving implementation of the Beijing document to still-unchanged male-dominated institutions, including national governments & the U.N. For information about copies of the Beijing Plan ofAction, we suggest you contact the International Women's Tribune Center in New York: iwtc@igc.apc.org #6&7-96 "WADE IN THE WATER" Parts I & II Part I - TIME: 29:10 Part II - TIME: 28:02 February is African-American History Month in the U.S., but few of the celebrants look on that history with as clear an eye as storyteller Marian Barnes. Her storyWade in the Water has been suppressed in more than one forum, a rejection she believes is because it contradicts the prevailing myth that the period of Africans' captivity in America was comparatively gentle and somehow necessary for economic reasons and to civilize the savages. Barnes begins her story with a preface that explains why we need to remember the truth, and gives facts about the 300-year period of abduction of over 100 million Africans, with more than 30 million killed. The tale itself describes the price paid by captive people on two plantations who conspired to save a young girl from sexual abuse. Barnes based the story on her own research with elders she met in her girlhood, and on the oral histories in The Slave Narratives recorded under U.S. government auspices in the 1930s. Casettes of both parts of nWade in the Water" can be ordered for $15 (U.S.) from WINGS. Checks should be drawn on a U.S. bank.. The tape is copyright 1996 by Marian Barnes. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. o. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web address (ReaIAudio) http://www.hypercity.com/hyp/wings.html # 8-96 WELFARE & THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT: WHAT'S LEFT? Time: 28:58 The Christian Coalition's 1995 Road to Victory Conference included two African-American women keynote speakers: Kay Cole James, former Secretary of Health & Human Resources for the State of Virginia, now dean of a college founded by Pat Robertson; and Starr Parker, a San Francisco talk show host, single mother and former welfare recipient who now calls for abolition of welfare on Biblical grounds. Refuting their claims that welfare is destructive, you hear from two other AfricanAmerican women: Dr. Barbara White, Dean of the School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin (now a target of Christian Right attacks), and Rahdi , Taylor, contributing e ditor, Third Force magazine. liz Gore is the producer. # 9-9 6 WOMEN IN YEMEN: RAUFA HASSAN Time: 28:39 Raufa Hassan is the pseudonym of a speaker at the NGO Forum of the 4th World Conference on Women, who gave up the veil to become a television announcer in the Arab country of Yemen. She is the founder of both the communications and women's studies programs at Sunna University, and she ran for Parliament in unified Yemen's first democratic elections in 1993. In her speech and a followup interview with WINGS, she tells of the progress towards a women's movement in her country and the creation of the Yemeni organization NGO Networks for Women.. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.0.Box33220,Austin,T~ 78764, USA (51 2) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web address (RealAudio) http:/ /www.hypercity.com/hyp/wings.html # 10 -9 6 FEBRUARY 1996 WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWSCAST Time: 29:06 1. (5:53) U.S. GOVT. WORKERS LOCKED OUT!: lti cue/Outcue: "In November... I'm Eliza Graney." On tape: Kitty Peddicord, Dir. Women's Dept., Amer. Fed. of Govt. Employees; Susan Lander, Equal Employment Opp. Atty., AFGE. Producer: Eliza Graney. Suggested intra: RIGHT-WING ACTIVISTS WHO JOINED THE U.S. CONGRESS LAST YEAR SHOWED THEIR HOSTILITY TOWARD THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BY SHUTTING IT DOWN TWICE THIS SESSION. A GOVERNMENT WORKER UNION RESPONDS IN THIS STORY FROM WINGS: ... 2. (5:55) BANGLADESH ELECTIONS: In/Out: "After nearly 2 yrs of political ... electorate, by the opposition." On tape: Shona Bari, journalist. Producer: Sara Wise Suggested intra: FROM AFAR, BANGLADESH LOOKS LIKE A COUNTRY RUN BY WOMEN, SINCE WOMEN HEAD THE TWO MAJOR PARTIES. BUT A BANGLADESHI JOURNALIST GIVES US A CLOSER LOOK, ON THE OCCASION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTIONS. FIRST, HERE'S SARA WISE: 3. (5: 14) SWISS WOMEN'S CONFERENCE: In/Out: "It was only in 1971 ...Women's International News Gathering Service."On tape: Conference participants. Source: Swiss Radio International. Reporter: Imogen Folkes Suggested intra: SWISS WOMEN ONLY RECENTLY WON THE RIGHT TO VOTE, BUT THEY ARE INTENT ON MAKING UP FOR LOST TIME. HERE'S A REPORT ON THE RECENT SWISS WOMEN'S CONFERENCE:... 4. (6:03) CEDAW RATIFICATION, EAST & WEST: In/Out: "During the 1995 ... Frieda Werden reporting." On tape: Raufa Hassan, feminist from Yemen Producer: Frieda Werden Suggested intro: THE WORLD HAS A STEREOTYPE OF ARAB WOMEN AS REACTIONARY AND WESTERN WOMEN AS PROGRESSIVE, BUT THE TABLES TURN IN THIS STORY FROM WINGS: ... 5. (4:20) MOVE TilE MONUMENT: In/Out: "On the 75th anniversary... I'm Eliza Graney." On tape: Shelley Heretyk, Woman Suffrage Statue Campaign; interviewer, Mal johnson. Source: Recorded by WINGS at Expo '96 for Women's Empowerment Suggested intra: WHEN U.S. WOMEN WERE TRYING TO WIN THE RIGHT TO VOTE, THE SUFFRAGISTS WERE OFTEN CONDEMNED FOR MAKING A DISPLAY OF THEMSELVES IN PUBLIC. SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS LATER, THE CONTROVERSY STILL RAGES, IN THE GUISE OF THE "MOVE THE MONUMENT" CAMPAIGN. NEW HALF-HOURS A VAILABLE NOW FROM WINGS - $10 each # 9-9 6 WOMEN IN YEMEN: RAUFA HASSAN # 8-9 6 WELFARE & THE CHRISTIAN RIGHT: WHAT'S LEFT? #6&7-96 WADE IN THE WATER: A tale of slavery, by storyteller Marian Barnes. Parts I & II (both $18) # 5-9 6 MONGELLA'S SWAN SONG: Parting Remarks by the SecretaryGeneral of the 4th World Conference on Women OR, SUBSCRIBE - 13 PROGRAMS, $99. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. ::lox 33220, Aust in, Tx. 78764, USA (5 12 ) 4 16-9000 * wi ngs@ i gc.apc.or g Web address (RealAuOi o) http://ww w.hyper ci ty.com/ hYD/ w ings.html # 10 -96 FEBRUARY 1996 WOMEN'S INTERNAT IONAL NEWSCAST Time: 29:06 1. (5 :5 3) U.S. GOVT. WORKERS LOCKED OUT!: Il7cu&,.·"Out cu2·" ln November... I'm Eliza Graney." 017 te7,02' Kitty Peddicord, Dir. Women's Dept., Amer. Fed. of Govt. Employees; Susan Lander, Equal Employment Opp. Atty., AFGE. P/1?duceF' Eliza Graney. 5upWste(1il7tro.' RIGHT-WING ACTIVISTS WHO JOINED THE U.S. CONGRESS LAST YEAR SHOWED THEIR HOSTILITY TOWARD THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT BY SHUTTING IT DOWN TWICE THIS SESSION. A GOVERNMENT WORKER UNION RESPONDS IN THIS STORY FROM WINGS: ... 2. (5 : 5 5) BANGLADESH ELECTIONS: 117../0u/.' 'Aft er ne arly 2 yrs of political electorate, by the opposition. " On teoe: Shona Bari, journal isl. P/1'7duce/~' Sara Wi se ~'lu..qgesteLj /rura FROM AFAR, BANGLADESH LOOKS LI KE A COUNTRY RUN BY WOMEN, SINCE WOMEN HEAD THE TWO MAJOR PARTIES. BUT A BANGLADESHI JOURNALIST GIVES US A CLOSER LOOK, ON THE OCCASION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTIONS. FIRST, HERE'S SARA WISE: ... 3. (5 : 14) SWISS WOMEN'S CONFERENCE: 117./0 uC ' l t was only in 1971...Women's Internati ona I News Gatheri ng Serv ice. " 0/7 te7jJ2' Conference part i c ipants. Source' Swiss Radio International. RejJoFter Imogen Folkes Suggested li7tnx SWISS WOMEN ONLY RECENTLY WON THE RIGHT TO VOTE, BUT THEY ARE INTENT ON MAKI NG UP FOR LOST TIME. HERE'S A REPORT ON THE RECENT SWISS WOMEN'S CONFERENCE:. .. 4. (6 : 0 3) CEDAW RATIFICATION, EAST & WEST: 117.,··OuC'Du r ing the 1995 ...Frieda Werden reporting." 0/7 te7,02' Raufa Has san, feminist from Yemen PFoducer Frieda Werden 5u!7.qeste(11i7tro.· THE WORLD HAS A STEREOTYPE OF ARAB WOMEN AS REACTIONARY AND WESTERN WOMEN AS PROGRESSI VE, BUT THE TABLES TURN IN THIS STORY FROM WINGS: ". 5, (4 : 2 0) MOVE THE MONUMENT: 117.,·Du/.'"On the 75th ann iversary... 1'rn El iza Graney." 0/7 t~9jJ2' Shelley Heretyk, Woman SUffrage Statue Campaign ; interviewer, Mal Johnson. St:.")ur cc:' Recorded by WINGS at Expo '96 for Women's Empowerment ~'lu..qgestC?Lj»ura WHEN U.S. WOMEN WERE TRY ING TO WI N THE RI GHT TO VOTE, THE SUFFRAGI STS WERE OFTEN CONDEMNED FOR MAKI NG A DI SPLAY OF THEMSELVES IN PUBLI C. SEVENTY-FI VE YEARS LATER, THE CONTROVERSY STILL RAGES, IN THE GUISE OF THE "MOVE THE MONUMENT" CAMPAIGN. # 11 -96 TRI BUNAL ON VIOLATION OF WOI"IEN'S HUMAN RI GHTS #6 Short and Long Term Effects of t he Tribunal Time 28:58 Maria Suarez of FIRE (Femtru st Int er nat ional Radi o Endeavor ) host s Hie f inal installment of th is series about a piv ota l event in the hist ory of women's sdt ruggle t o have women's righ ts r ecognized as human rights. Updated by Fri eda Werden regarding impact on the 4th Wor ld Confere nce on Women in 1995, WI NGS: WOMEN'S INTERNAT IONAl NEWS GATHER ING SERV ICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (51 2) 41 6- 9000 * w ings@igc.apc .org Web address (Rea1Audi 0) http://www.hypercity.com/hyp/w ings.htm 1 :# 12& 13-96 "WOMEN'S NEWS ROUNDUP" Parts I & II Part I - TIME: 29: 11 Part II - TIME: 29: 12 For Women's Hi st or y Month, Fri eda Werden of WINGS reviews the his toric pas t yea r 1995 th r ough women's news stories t i l ed by WINGS, Pacifica Radi o New s, Monitor Radi o, and ot hers. Par t I I ends with excerpts from the program "Breast Cancer Industry Awareness Mont h" by Car ol Boss of KUNM- FM -. this year's winner of the Kather i ne A Davenport Award for Women's New s. Thi s story unearths the hi dden 1i nks between t he pharmaceut i ca l in dust r y, th e toxi c chemj ca 1 indus t ry ) and suppose dly pub1i c interest campa igns t hat urge the pub1i c t o seek di agnosi s and treatment for cance r but i gnore or act ive ly downp 1ay env i r onment a1 causes and prevent i on f act ors. Listeners can order a cassette of both parts of "Women's News Roundup" for $15 from WINGS. #15-96 SISTER HELEN PREJEAN: THE DEATH PENALTY IN THE U.S. Part I, TIME: 29:09 Susan Sarandon recently won an academy award for her portrayal of Sister Helen Prejean in the film Dead Man Walking. Prejean, who authored the book, talks to Carol Boss. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web address (RealAudio) http:/ /www.hypercity.com/hyp/wings.htnll #14-96 TODAY'S PLAGUES: LAURIE GARRETT TIME: 28:57 Laurie Garrett, author of the The Coming Plague, describes current epidemics such as cholera, ebola, and diphtheria. Her speech was recorded by Maria Gilardin of T.U.C. Radio, San Francisco (who is producing a radio series on social and ecological impacts of globalization). Eliza Graney edited this half-hour. Listeners can order cassettes for $10 US from WINGS. #15-96 SISTER HELEN PREJEAN: THE DEATH PENALTY IN THE U.S. Part I, TIME: 29:09 Susan Sarandon recently won an academy award for her portrayal of Sister Helen Prejean in the film Dead Man Walking. Prejean, who authored the book, talks to Carol Boss. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web address (ReaIAudio) http: / /www.hypercity.com/hyp/wings.html # 1 6-9 6 SISTER HELEN PREJEAN: DEATH PENALTY Part II TIME 29:00 Author of Dead Man Walking talks to Carol Boss. # 17-9 6 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S NEWSCAST April 1996 time: 29:10 1. (4:38) Bolivian Coca Farmers. Carol Stall interviews Cristina Marquez, coca farmer on hunger strike in La Paz. Thanks to translator Cristina Herencia. THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN CARRYING THE WARON DRUGS TO COUNTRIES WHERE IT COMES INTO DIRECTCONFLICT WITH TRADITIONAL CULTURE. FROMWINGS, THIS REPORT ON WOMEN COCA FARMERS IN BOLIVIA: 2. (3:32) Women & Politics in India. Frieda Werden interviewed Veena Nayyar of Women's Political Watch. Script co-written by Laura Saponara. WOMENIN INDIA ARE FACING THE UPCOMING NATIONAL ELECTION WITH DHvtANDS FOR POLITICAL PARIrIY. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: ... 3. (6:00) Antibiotic Resistance Explained. Laurie Garrett, author of The Coming Plague and a recent winner of the Pulitzer Prize for journalism, was recorded by Maria Gilardin and edited by Eliza Graney. PUBLIC POLICY AND PRIVATE BEHAVIOR ARE CONVERGING TO INCRFASE THE RISK OF MAJOR BACTERW, DISEASE EPIDEMICS. HERE'S THE STORY, FROM WINGS: ... 4. (6:09) Caring for Aging Relatives. Tanya Ott produced this story illustrating the unwaged work of women in the home. CARING FOR DEPENDENTS IS A lvIAJOR JOB BEING PERFORlvlED FOR NO WAGES IN HOMES AROUNDTHE WORLD. HERE'S A CLOSEUP LOOK, COURTESY OF WINGS: ... 5. (4:28) Take Your Daughter Home Day. Anthropologist Kathleen Medrowski puts a feminist spin on a holiday declared by the Christian Right with the aim of cou n ter in g feminists' Take Your Daughter to Work Day. SHOUlD YOU TAKEYOUR DAUGHTER TO WORKON APRIL 25, ORTAKEYOUR DAUGHTER HOME INSTEAD? .MAYBE YOU'LL WANT TO DO BOTH, AFTERHEARING THIS REPORT FROM WINGS:... . 6. (3:20) Girls' Magazines. New Moon Magazine and Teen Voices representatives were interviewed by Eliza Graney at Expo '96. Laura Saponara produced the story. FEMINIST GIRLS ARE PRODUCING THEIR OWN lvIAGAZINES THESE DAYS. FROM WINGS, HERE'S AREPORT: ..., NEW MOON MAGAZINE, PO Box 3587, Duluth MN 55803 USA (218)728-5507 TEEN VOICES MAGAZINE, 316 Huntington Av., Boston MA 02115 (617)262-2434 WEB USERS: IF YOU HAVE A WOMAN- OR RADIO-RELATED WEB PAGE. WE'D · LIKE TO EXCHANGE LINKS WITH YOU. E-MAIL US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764·, USA (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.a.pc.org Web address (RealAudio) http:/ /www.hypercity.com/hyp/wings.html #18-96 NICARAGUA: The Rolled Back Revolution TIlvfE: 28:23 Dorothy Granada is a nurse from the U.S. who has long worked at a women's clinic on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua. She talks with Sue Supriano about the national and international political and economic milieu that affect her work today. Contact address: c/o Sister Ana Veronica Coyle, 554 Corralitos Rd., Corralitos CA. 95076 USA. #19-96 GERMANY: Arms and the Woman TIME: 28:55 Ellen Diederich, a German feminist radio journalist, talked with Frieda Werden about women in Germany and the former Eastern Bloc, including a prospective alliance for converting the international arms industry to peaceful uses. Cunlacl address: International Women's Peace Archive, Lothringer St rassc 64, 46045 Oherhausen, Germany. Listeners can order casse tte s for $10 us from WINGS. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (5 12) 416-9000 * w ings@ igc ,apc.org Web address (RealAudio ) ht t p:/ / www.hyperclty.com/hyp/wings.ht ml #20-96 NEW ZEALAND LABOUR PARTY TIME: 29: 12 Annette Faye King is a Labour Member of Parliament from New Zealand. During her tour with the U.S. Information Service's International Visitors Program, she told Frieda Werden about the upcom i ng change in her country's electoral system, whi ch she hopes wi 11 allow Labour to regai n government control. #21-96 "FEMALE CIRCUMCISION" TIME: 29:03 Dr. Nahid Toub ta, a surgeon from The Sudan, explains exactly what "female circumcision" is (she calls the term a misnomer), the problems it can cause, the reasons it continues to be performed, and the shift in att itudes that create hope thi s mass mutilation of girls may abate. Interviewer: Diane Bailey. This is a digital re -master of a program first issued in 1993, brought back due to current controver sy around female genital mutilation as a human rights abuse warranting political asylum. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (5 12) 4 16-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web addr ess (Real Audio) http://www.hyperc ity.com/hyp/w i ngs.html #20-96 NEW ZEALAND LABOUR PARTY TIME: 29: 12 Annette Faye Ki ng is a Labour Member of Parl iament from New Zealand. During her tour with the U.S. Information Service's International Visitors Program, she told Frieda Werden about the upcomi ng change in her country's electoral system, whi ch she hopes will allow Labour to regain government control. #21-96 "FEMALE CIRCUMCISION" TIME: 29:03 Dr. Nahid Toubia, a surgeon from The Sudan, explains exactly what "female circumcision" is (she calls the term a misnomer), the prob 1ems it can cause, the reasons it cont i nues to be performed, and the shift in attitudes that create hope this mass mutilation of girls may abate. Interviewer: Diane Bailey. Thi s is a digital re-master of a program f irst issued in 1993, brouqht back due to current controversy around female genital mutilation as a human rights abuse warranting political asylum. ( If you're not ai r mg the news cast pl ease not ify WINGS to stop sendi ng I t . Or or der our weekly ser ies.) WINGS:WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web address (with Rea1Audio): http://www.hypercity.com/hyp/wings.html #22-96 MAY 1996 WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWSCAST ClOTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION) Time: 29:09 1. (0: 17) GLORIA STE INEM PROMO for WI NGS & your stat ion . 2. (5 :3 4 ) EMERGENCY BIRTH CONTROL: !rJ./Outcue'.... A new 24-hour.,. for WI NGS [phone beeps fade]" 017 tape.. Mari e Bass, hot! i ne project di rector; wri ter Debb ie Nathan, emergency contraception jewelry inventor. 5upgested il7tro.. IF A CONDOM FAILS, OR YOU HAVE UNPROTECTED INTERCOURSE, IT' S ST ILL POSSIBLE TO PREVENT PREGNANCY, USING SOME BRANDS OF ORDINARY BIRTH CONTROL PILLS. MARY O'GRADY OF WINGS FOUND SOME SOURCES OF INFORMATION .ABOUT EMERGENCY BIRTH CONTROL: Emerpency Contraception Hotline to rt-rree in u.s. .. / -800-584-99/ / 3, (4:34) VERONIQUE AKOBE !AH-ko-BAY} PARDON PETITION: In./Out' "This is Eliza ... Thank you, Rose." 017 teoe Violaine Truck [ .. trook"]' R&p orte'r. Eliza Graney. El7gil7&&r- Rose Imperato 5tudk~' WATER 5u..qgest edil7tro. WOMEN MIGRANT WORKERS WHO FIGHT BACK AGAINST ABUSE AREOFTEN .ABUSED iN TURN BY THE LEGN. SYSTEMSOF THEIR HOST COUNTRIES. THE FOLLOWINGCASE IS SET IN FRANCE: FAX number for A VFT in Paris.. 45-8J-4J-9J 4. (5:02) CECILE RICHARDS VS. THE RELIGIOUS RIGHT: 1n./'Ou!: "T he Christian Coalition... I'm Liz Gore." 017 tape.' Cecile Richards, founder, Texas Freedom Network (and daughter of former governor Ann Richards). ,5ugpest&d !l7tro,' THE CHRIST IAN RIGHT IS LIKE THE WEATHER: EVERYBODY Tf\ LKS ABOUT IT, BUT NOBODY DOES ANYTHING ABOUT IT ..,UNT IL LATELY, THAT IS.., LI Z GORE REPORTS FOR WINGS:.., 5 . (6 :28) CHILD WORKERS IN INDIA: 117/'OuC 'Your children [music by Sweet Honey in the Rock]... I'm Eliza Graney." 017 tC?pe. · Alpa Vora, director, YUVA (Youth for Unity & Voluntary Action), Bombay; Inten/I'c'wc"r- J an Bartlett; nsrretor: Karen James. Tapt' soorce Women on the L /ne (Melbourne). Ed/tor- E1 tz a Graney . 5upgested/l7tret WHAT ARE THE NEEDS AND DEMANDS OF CHILD LABORERS IN INDIA? WINGS SENDS US THIS STORY, ADA PTED FROM "WOMEN ON THE LIN E": '" 6. (5: 0 1) WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT CANCER? /17/0ut - "Clara Trusty ... lm Wendy Nelson in Russell, Kentucky." 017 Llpe.· Clara Trusty, repor!erWendy Ne 1so n. 5L(qgested /otra WITH TOXIC POLLUTION RAMPANT IN EVEN RURAL AREAS, CN~ C ER IS EPIDEMI C IN THE UNITED STATES. THIS IS NOTHING TO LAUGH ABOUT - BUT CLARA TRUSTY CAN FI ND A CHUCKLE OR TWO, AS WENDY NELSON REPORTS: ... * * * NEW HALF-HOURS A VA/LABLE NOW FROt1 WINGS * * * .tt2 1- 9 6 "FEMALE CI RCUMC lSI ON," Di ane Bai ley int erv iew s Dr. Nah id Toubia, obstet ri c ian/surgeon f rom Sudan. $10 .tt20 - 9 6 NEW ZEALAND LABOUR PARTY. Annette Faye King - member of the executive of NZ's oppos i t io n par ty - expla ins new electoral law s and party history. $ 10 .tr 19-96 GERMANY : Arms and the Woman. Ellen Diederich, f eminist jour nali st and peace act ivi st describes pr obl ems and hopes r aised by th e end of the Easte rn Bl oc. $10 .tt18-96 NICARAGUA: The Rolled Back Revolution. Dorothy Granada, a nur se on t he Atl ant i c coast of Nicaragua, wi th Sue Supri ana. $ 10 6ET //2 HOUR EVERY WEEK - ONLY J99 FOR /J WEEKS. ORDER NOW #23-96 GLORIA STEINEM: FEMINIST Ffu~ILY VALUES TIME: 29:06 The Foundation for a Compassionate Society held a public forum on Feminist Family Values on May 10, 1996. Gloria Steinem was one of the keynote speakers. #24-96 THIRD CITIZENS' CONFERENCE ON DIOXIN TIME: 29:01 This conference, held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in March 1996, drew nearly 600 people from diverse backgrounds. Carol Stall interviewed woman who described the harm they suffered from this chlorine byproduct, and their fights against the racist, money-oriented culture that perpetuates the harm. #25-96 THE BATTERED WOMAN'S DEFENSE: Dr. Lenore Walker TIME: 28:57 Dr. Walker's fame has grown since her testimony in the 0:. J . Simpson trial. This program, digitally remastered from a 1992 .WI NGS release, is based on a "mock trial" held in Kansas City, in which Dr. Walker showed how she would explain Battered Women's Syndrome to a jury on behalfof a woman who killed an abusive husband. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVIC E P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web address (Rea I Audi 0) t1ttp:11 www.hypercity.com/hyp/w i ngs.html #26-96 FEMINIST FAMILY VALUES: A Public Forum TII"'IE: 2 9:0 0 The Foundation for a Compassionate Society held a public forum on Femin ist Fam i Iy Values where lo cal act iv ists spoke of the diffi cult ies facing the feminist family. The event was held on May 10, 1996 in Aust in, Texas. Editor: Rebe cca Bennett. #27-96 MILITARY & GOVERNMENT: No More Lying Ears TIME : 28:59 Dr. Rosalie Bertell addressed the NGO (Non -Governmental Organizations) Forum of the 4th World Conference on Women in Huairou, China. Dr . Bertell enumerated the dangers posed by the separation of military and civilian sectors of society. Taped in China by Frieda Werden. June Start Casey spoke of the effects on tne civilian population of military and governmental experiment, at the 1996 Feminist Anti -Nuclear Gathering in San Marcos, Texas. Editor: Amber Sharick WINGS: WOI"IEN'S INTERNATI ONAl NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Aust in, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wi ngs@igc.apc .org Web address (Rea IAudi 0) http://www.hypercity.com/hyp/w i ng s.html #26-96 FEMINIST FAMILY VALUES: A Public Forum TIME : 29:00 The Foundation for a Compassionate Society held a public forum on Feminist Family Values where local activists spoke of the difficulties fa cing the feminist family. The event was held on May 10, 1996 in Austin, Texas. Editor: Rebecca Bennett. #27-96 MILITARY & GOVERNMENT: No More Lying Ears TIME: 28:59 Dr. Rosal i e Bertell addressed the NGO (Non -Governmental Organ i zat ions) Forum of the 4th World Conference on Women in Huairou, China. Dr . Bertell enumerated the dangers posed by the separation of military and civilian sector's of society. Taped in China by Frieda Werden. June Stuart Casey spoke of the effects on the civil ian population of mi litary and governmental experiment, at the 1996 Feminist Anti -Nuclear Gathering in San Marcos, Texas. Editor: Amber Sharick WINGS : WOMEN 'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org web address (with RealAudio): http://www.hypercity.com/hyp/wings.html -#28-96 WHEN LESB IANS WED TIME: 29:04 Two lesbian stories r ead by t hei r authors: "Th e Wedding " by J ack ie Crossl and, and "Forget Me Not s " by Nora D. Randal l. Reproduced by perm i ssion of Nora Randall, from the tape GREAT EXPLANA TIONS ' 4 LESBIAN STORIES, publ i shed by Women's Pres s, 517 College Street #"233, Toronto, Canada M6E 4A2. Cro ssland and Randall work together as the perform ance partnership Random Acts , based in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. -#29-96 JUNE/JULY '96 NEWSCAST Time: 28:58 1. (5:5 7) AUNG SAN SUU KYI REARRESTED IN BURMA: /n/ Outcue: "Aung San Suu Ky i has al ways sai d ... the Women's Internat i onal News Gathering SerVi c e." On tape: Am anda Zappia, Australian Rep. Natl . Coalit ion Govt. of the Union of Burma; Introducer, Karen James; Interviewer, Ruth Ba rney. 50urce: Women on t he Line , Melbourne . Suggested intro: THE ELECTED LEADER OF BURMA, AUNG SAN SUU KYI (ONGSAHN SOO CHED, WAS RELEASED FROM A LONG HOUSE ARREST LAST YEAR NOW THE MILI TARY REGIME, THE SLORC, ARE PLAYING CAT ANDMOUSE WITH HER, AS THEY TRY TO SU PPRESS THE NATIONAL LEAGUE FOR DEMOCRACY. KARENJAMES REPORTS: ... 2. (5:56) RUSSI AN WOMEN VOTERS: 117./ 0ut · " Pub l i s hed result s of Russ i a's ... You're welcome, thanks." On tape: Anastasia Pozodskaya, founde r of Moscow's f i r s t women's studies c ent er; i nt e r v i ew er: Laura Flanders; i nt r o, Fri eda Werden. ~1Iggt?sted /atro: DID THE RUSSI AN ELECTION HAVE A GENDER GAP? THERE'S NO OFFICIAL COUNT, BUT WINGS OFFERS INSIGHT INTO THE RUSSIAN WOMAN VOTER: 3. (5 :5 0) WHITE HOUSE WOMEN'S CONFERENCE: In/Out: "Foll ow i ng the 4th World Conference on Women .., For WI NGS, I'm Fr ieda Werden . " On tape: Mal Johnson, co-cha ir National Women's Conference Comm i ttee, board member of UNIFEM, member Counci 1 of Presidents of Women's Organi zat ions, etc. etc. & reporter for WINGS. 5ugges ted intra THE WH ITE HOUSE IS PLANNING A NATIONWIDE WOMEN'S CONFERENCE VIA SATELLITE 01'1SEPTEMBER 28 - ABOUT A MONTH BEFORE THE U.S. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. HERE'S MORE, FROM WINGS: ... PHONE NUt1BER GIVEN IN STORr: FOR WHITE HOUSE INTERAGENCY COUNCIL ON WOt1EN. (202 )456-7350. Web address [hat wasn't given in the s t or y. h t tp://www.whi tehouse.gov/WH/EOP/Womenl IACWhome.html 4. (4:4 7) THE PARTIAL ABORTION OF THE PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION BILL: In/ Out ' " l f I could re-wind my l ife ... Mary O'Grady, for WI NGS ." On tape: Cat her i ne Hancock Ragsdale, Episcopal priest ; Vickie Stella, in tact dilatation & extr action abortion recipient. Suggestedintro: THE REPUBLICAN ATTACK ON ABORTION TOOK AN ESPECIALLY CRUEL TURN IN THE U.S. CONGRESS THIS SESSION, WITH THE SO-CALLED "PARTIAL-BIRTH ABORTION" CONTROVERSY. Ir s NOTOVER YET, AS MARY O'GRADY REPORTS: ... 5. (4 :2 9 ) PMS LEAVE IN AUSTRALIA. In,,'Out: "Special si ck leave for premenstrua I syndrome ... Th is i s the Women's I nternat' 1 News Gathering Serv ice." On tape: Meriel O'SUll ivan, Nat!. Tert iary Educ. Union; tnterv tewer, Joce lynnne Bennett; Intro: Karen James. 5u..qgested intro: IN MANY RELIGIONS, MENSTRUATING WOMEN GET TIME OFF FROM WORK BECAUSEOF TABOOS - BUT TODAY IN AUSTRALIA, THEY COULS GET TIME OFF BECAUSE OF THEIR UNIONS. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: WARNING: IfyaJ have IxxngeltingNEWS TAPES FREE, andjf wehaVEn 't haJrdfran youin thepast..JIfBr - TMSIS YOUR LASTONE. Scared? Retum th e enclosed form, or a,,111 -800-798-9703 [U S. & Canada only]. Or, e-mail us: wings@jgc.apcorg AiVNOUNCEMENT: By August 26, WINGS stories will be available free as broadcast-quality audio files through our World Wide Web site. To help us keep casual traffic from interfering with station use, we'd like stations to register. Call, fax, write or e-mail if interested! WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEvVS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 • FAX(512)444-3293 • e-mail: wings @igc. ape . org New V'Jeb Page: http://wwv'/.wings.erg #30-96 AUGUST 196 NEWSCAST Time 28:57 1. (5:32) GERMAN TERRORIST ULRIKE MEINHOF In".outme "20 years ago . .. fer WINGS, I'm Lisa Hayes. On t<p? Hailina Benkcwsxi, Beriin M f<J'auenfraktioo; Laura Flanders, i nterviewer. Slvrce Broadsides, WBAI, New York. .sugget«iintra MOS[ EUROPEANS OVER THE AGE OF FORTY STILL RECALL ULRIKE [ool -REE-kal MEINHOF, A WOMAN WHO WAS GERMANY'S TERRORIS'1' WITH A CA USE. LISA HAYES REPORTS FOR WINGS: ... 2. (5:05) A REBUKE FOR THE CIA: In;Out. . "The United States' Central Intelligence Agency . . . this IS LX~a francs in Washington DC" On lip! Jennifer Harbury, Sr. Diana Ortiz. 5l Jgget«lfntm TH E C I.A GETS BLAMED FOR MANY EVIL DEEDS AROUND THE WORLD, AND A NEW OH1CIAL REPORT SUGGESTS THAT SOME OF THE STORIES ARE TRUE. : " . 3. (5:29) WOMEN AS INVENTORS: ./n/Out: "Hi, this is Frieda Werden ... cooperatton also brings the ideas <X women to daylight. • 'Thank you..- SuggtN«ilntra THE MOTHERS OF INVENTION USED TO BE A ROCK HAND NOW THE TERM COULD APPLY TO REN., WOMEN WHO THINK UP THINGS THAT CHANGE THE WORLD. FRIEDA WERDEN TALKS TO THE FOUNDER OF A WOMEN INVENTORS' GROUP FROM FINLAND ". 4. (5:59) GENDER WARRIORS: ./nPH: "Right-wing Christian groups . .. fascinating, if true. f'Ol' WINGS, I'm Frieda Werden. 07 A t¥ Leslie Feinberg. autherc:l 7J'ansgmdtr WaniCT.'i Smrre Broadsides, WBAI, New York . SuggtSl«i intra AROUND THE AGE OF SIX, CHILDREN LEARN HOWTO TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN - USUALLY, BASED ON Tl--IE LENGTH OF THE HAIR MORE SOPHISTICATED THINKERS, LIKE LESLIE FEINBERG, FOR EXAMPLE, FIND IT NOT SO EASY TO DRAW THE LINE. LISTEN TO THIS, FROM WlNGS: ... 5. (4:5g) WOMEN AT THE UN. HABITAT CONFERENCE: .h~}ut: "The United Naticns held a conrerence in Istanbul . . . this was MItique Perrot-Lanaud fran France" 07 te-p'! Monique Perrot-Lanaud, Prendl feministrepcrter; narrator; Frieda Werdm. Phone nterview reccrdeci fran WATliR (Wcmen's Ar:r.ess to ElednTlic Resources), Austin, Texas. SuggtSl«i intra WOMEN FROM AROUND THE WORLD CONVERGED ON ISTAi\IBl!L THIS SUMMER, TO PROVE Tl ~AT WOMAN'S PLACE IS IN THE HABITAT . HERE'S THE REPORT FROM WINGS: ... WANT TO FILE WiTH WINGS? SEND TAPE, 01i.. QUERY- PRODUCERS' GUIDE AVAILABLE WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATI ONAl NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Aust in, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wi ngs@igc.apc.org Web address (Rea IAudio) http://www.hypercity.com/hyp/wi ngs. ntrn: #31-96 SEXING THE NET (Sex & Identi ty on the Internet) TIME: 28:24 Caitlin Sullivan and Kale Bornstein have co -authored a novel tit led Nearly Road Ki/~ based on the mutual seductions over the internet of two persons of un-revealed gender and racial identity. The authors' experimentation, as they explain in th!s interview by Sue Supriano, has given them new ideas about the nature of identity, attract ion, and the uses of the i nrormation suoerhi ghw ay (" i ntobann"). #32-96 FEMINIST FAMilY VALUES IN MEXICAN CULTURE TIME: 29:08 l1aria Jimenez, of the Women's Commission of the National Committee for Democracy in Mexico, gave a keynote address at the Feminist Family Values forum in Austin, Texas, May 10. She talked about a styl e of Mexi can femini sm that is inclusive of the family and the wider community, wntch she could see extending from the 17th century to the present, and from Texas to Chiapas. She emphasi zed the exam pI e of r ern ini sm within the Zapatista Liberation Army or CIJiapas. Jimenez was introduced by a staff member of the Foundat ion for a Compassionate Society, Patty Salas. At the end of this program, two eyewitnesses (named l1aria Darlington and Lire Has l1eaning) describe how women of Chi apas marked Internat i onal Women's Day 1996. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web address (Rea IAudi 0) http://www.hypercity.com/hyp/w i ngs.html #31 -96 SEXING THE NET (Sex & Ident i ty on the Internet) TIME: 28:24 Caitlin Sullivan and Kate Bornsteifl have co-authored a nove I tit led Nearly Road Kill, based on the mutual seductions over the internet of two persons of un -revealed gender and racial identity. The authors' experimentation, as they explain in this interview by Sue suar/eno, has given them new ideas about the nature of i dent ity, attrac t i on, and the uses of the i nform at i on superh i ghway (" i n f obahn"). #32-96 FEMINIST FAMILY VALUES IN MEXICAN CULTURE TIME: 29:08 l1aria Jimenez, of the Women's Commission of the National Committee for Democracy in MeXico, gave a keynote address at the Feminist Family Values forum in Austin, Texas, May 10. She talked about a style of Mexican feminism that is inclusive of the family and the wider community, which she could see extending from the 17th century to the present, and from Texas to Chiapas. She emphasized the example of feminism within the Zapatista Liberation Army or CIJiapas. Ji menez was introduced by a staff member of the Foundat i on for ' a Compassionate Society, Patty Salas. At the end of this program, two eyewitnesses (named l1aria Darlington and Lire Has l1eaning) describe how women of Chi apas marked Internat ional Women's Day 1996. WI NGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Au stin, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wi ngs@igc.apc.org Web address:http/ /www.wings.org -#33-96 MATERNAL DEATHS AND DISEASES: AFRICA TIME : 29:03 Dr. France Donnay is a French obstetrician/gynecologist who has practiced in Chad and is a Senior Adviser on Women's Health with UNICEF. She talks with Diane Bailey about the latest edition of UNICEF's yearly Progress or Nations report, whi ch shows an increase in maternal mortal i ty, especi ally in Africa. Fran P Hosken, an Austrian journal ist now in the U.S., has worked for decades to help African women end female genital mutilation. She publishes the ChildbirtIJ Picture Book, which clears up the common misconception that genital mutilation is necessary for women to have babies. Hosken is interviewed by Fri eda Werden. For copies of the Progress or Nations report, contact UN Radio Women, Room l-E-200, United Nations, New York NY 10017 USA. Fran Hosken is at WIN News, 187 Grant Street, Lexington MA 02173. Her book Women Speak about f.g.m . can be ordered for US $15 ($5 extra for overseas airmail postage). WI NGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Aust in, Tx. 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc .org Web addres s.htt p/ /www.wing s.org -#33-96 MATERNAL DEATHS AND DISEASES: AFRICA TIME: 29:0 3 Dr. France Oonn~v is a French obstetrician/gynecologist who has practiced in Chad and is a Senior Adviser on Women's Health with UNICEF. She talks with Diane Bailey about the latest edition of UNICEF's yearly Progress or Nations report, whi ch shows an increase in materna 1 mortal ity, especi ally in Africa. FrarJ P Hosken, an Austrian journal i st now in the U.S., has worked for decades to help African women end female genital mutilation. She publishes the Childbirth Picture Book, wh ich cl ears up the common misconcept ion that genital mutilation is necessary for women to have babies. Hosken is interviewed by Fri eda Werden. For copies of the Progress or Nations report, contact UN Radio Women, Room l -E - 200, United Nations, New York NY 10017 USA. Fran Hosken is at WIN News, 187 Grant Street, Lexington MA 02173. Her book Women Speak about f.g.m . can be ordered for' US $15 ($5 extra for overseas airmail postage). WINGS: WOMENS INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 • wings @ igc. ape . crg http://www.wings.crg nS.,c.anada Station ORDERLINE: 1-800-798-9703 THESE RECENT HALF-HOUR PROGRAMS MAY BE ORDERED FOR $10 EACH OR 2 FOR $18. (OR, SUBSCRIBE TO UJNGS' UEEKLY: 13 PROGRAMS FOR $99.) rUstenersmay not order (Il credit. Ask them to send $10 per program to WINGS.] #31-96 SEXING THE NET (Sex & Identity on the Internet) Caitlin Sullivan and Kate Bornstein have co-authored a novel titled Nearly Road Kill- based on the mutual seductions over the internet of two persons of un-revealed gender and racial i dent i t y. The authors' experi mentation, as they explain in th is interview by Sue Supriano, has given them new ideas about the nature of identity, at tract ion, and the uses of the i nformation superhighway ("infobahn") . #32-96 FEMINI ST FAMI LY VALUES IN MEXICAN CULTURE !1aria Jimenez, of the Women's Commission of the National Committee for Democracy in Mexico, talks about a Mexican feminism that include s the family and community. Intro by Patty Salas. Also, two eyewitnesses describe how women of Chi apas marked Internat ional Women's Day 1996. #33-96 MATERNAL DEATHS AND DISEASES: AFRICA Dr . France Donnay is a French obstetric ian/gynecologist who has practiced in Chad and is a Senior Adviser on Women's Health w iU) UNICEF. She talks with Diane Bailey about the latest edition of UNICEF's yearly Progress or Nations report, which shows an i ncr ease in maternal mortal ity, especially in Africa. Fran Hosken publishes the ClJildbirtlJ Picture Book, which clears up the common misconception that genital mutilation is necessary for women to have babies. [For copies of the Progress or Nations report, contact UN Radio Women, Room l -E - 20 0, United Nati ons, New York NY 10017 USA. Fran Hosken is at WIN News, 187 Grant Street, l.extnqton MA 02173. Her book Women Speak about r.q.rn. can be ordered for US $15 ($5 extra overseas airma il postaqe i.l #34-96 CYBERGRRL Aliza Sherman [Ah LEE zanl created Cybergrrl, which is both a cartoon fi gure and a site on the Worl d Wi de Web <htt p:/ / ww w.cyber gr r l. com>. Sherman founded Webgrrls, which has chapters in cities around the world. Interview wa s conduc ted I ive on the web by Emily Rallapali and Sumi Das, host s of the women's radio proqrarn Esencia, on KSJS -FM, San Jose State University, Cal ifornia. #35-96 PLUTONIUM-FREE JAPAN? TIME: 28 :26 On Hiroshima Day 1996, Jude McGee talked with Fusako de Angeles, founder & executive director of Plutonium Free Future, and Claire 6reensrelter, former execut ive di rector of Green Peace USA, about the Japanese s t ockp i I i ng of weapons-grade pluton ium. Later, Jude ta lked with M. Susan Lindee, author of the book Surrering /1ade Real, about the scientific re search done by the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission on survivors of the 1945 nuclear attacks on Japan, These intervi ews were done I ive on KPFK-FM's program Beneath the Surrace, and were edited for WINGS by Sara Wise. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P. O. Box 33220, Austin, Tx . 78764, USA (512) 416-9000 * wings@igc.apc.org Web site (with RealAudio): ht t o/vwww.wtnqs.orq #35-96 PLUTONI UM-FREE JAPAN? TI ME: 28:26 On Hiroshima Day, Jude McGee talked with Fusako de Angeles, founder & executive director of Plutonium Free Future, and C1 ai reGreens fe It er, former exec ut iv e director of Gr eenPeac e USA, about the J apan esenuc1ear i ndus t ryan d its investment in stockpiling weapons-grade plutonium. Later, Jude talked with M. Susan Lindee, author of the book Suffering rtsae Real, about the scientific research done by the Atomic Bomb Casua lty Commi ssi on on surv ivors of the 1945 nuc 1ear at tacks on Japan. Lindee makes the point that science is always " influenced by its context. These interviews were done 1tve on KPFK-FM's program Beneath the Surface, and were edited for WINGS by Sara Wi se. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 If FAX (512)444-3293 If e-mail: wings @igc. ape . erg Web Page [with RealAudio]: http: /I www . wings. erg #36-% SEPTEMBER 1% NEWSCAST Time: 28:58 1. (5:57) WOMEN IN WARLORDS' AFGHANISTAN: InPJtaJe"A5th~ different canmanders are jostling . . . This is the Wanen's lntemalimal NelNs Gathering Service" 07 tape Pamela Collett, Save the Children; Diane Bailey, interviewer. Sa.ITCE UN Radio •Women:. Su~eo;t«i /ruro: u.s. OFFICIALS COMPLAIN OF A "BLOWBACK" FROM THEIR BACKING OF THE OVERTHROW OF THE AFGHAN GOVERNMENT - BYWHICH THEY MEAN THAT U.S.TRAINED FUNDAMENTALISf TERRORISTS ARE FANNING OUT ACROSS THE WORLD. THEY DON'T SAY SO MUCH ABOUT THE "BLOWBACK" AGAINST AFGHAN WOMEN. HERE'S A REPORT FROM WINGS: ... 2. (5:57) WOMEN'S EYES ON THE WORLD BANK mAd.' "The WerJd Bank is a membership erganizatim . . . Eugenia Piza-Lopez ct Wernen's Eyes on the Wood Bank. was interviewed fer WINGS by Elayne Difl I'm Frieda Werden." On tip? Eugenia Piza-Lopez, Sugge.t«iintro A YEAR AFTER THE UN'S 4TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN, WOMEN ARE CLOSING IN ON ONE OF THEIR TARGETS: CHANGING THE ECONOMIC POLICIES OFTHE WORLD BANK WE HAVE DETNLS, FROM WINGS: ... 3. (5: 57) WEBGRRLS: mPH: "Webgrrls chapters are popping up everywhere .. . A half-hour tnterview with Cybergrrl, f oander ci Webgrrls, is alsoavailabJefrern WINGS. On t3jE Amy Jancta, Jennifer Evans, fatnders Austin, Texas, Webgrrls. Interviewer: Amber Sharidc. Sugget«i intra THE FEMALE POPULATION ON THE INTERNET HAS BEEN GROWING BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS LATELY. IF YOU WANT TO MEET SOME OF THEM, JUST HYPER-LINK ON OVER TO THE WEBGRRLS SITE - AND BE SURE YOU SPELL IT CORRECTLY. HERE'S TH E SCOOP, FROM WINGS: .. . mssdte dthe CYhTgni inttn1lW0/smdng $10 US to U7NG:.£ {Chtd:s a: nuu}" crdrs rranaits/d: the u t; .shaJldCe craun at a Ut; .b:1rLt p'tB5e)J 4. (4:38) DUMP ONTHE BORDER mAd.' "The 1983 La Paz Agreement . . . Natural /J//islmCTs as:t tJx:y GlIJ lTCKr a Resources Catsavatim Canmissim and the U.S. Senate" On tap? Maria del S<xxnu Limon Castro, Feminists fer a Compassimate Scdety; Dara Tc:rres, Estado de Otihuahua, Mexiro. Su~eo;t«iintra GOVERNMENTS OFTEN MOVE THEIR MOST DANGEROUS PROBLEMS AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO SOMEONE ELSES COUNTRY. IN AUGUST, PROTESTERS DEMONSTRATED AGAINST A NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP PLANNED BY ARGEI\il'INA FOR THE ARGENTINE/ CHILEAN BORDER; AND HUNDREDS TESTIFIED IN TEXAS AGNNST A NUCLEAR DUMP SITE 16 MILES FROM MEXICO. THIS IS FROM WINGS: ... 5. (5:05) THE LANGUAGE OF COLD InfiJu!.· "[dogsbarkingJ Haveyw even been in rod.... fer WINGS, this is Meredith Phillips." 5'a.lrlE Alaskan Wcrnen in Science series fran The Alaska Media Arts Group, produced at KCAW-FM, Sitka, Alaska On tap? FJiza Jmes, linguist. and Athabasam indigenous WOOB'l. Su~eo;t«i intra MANY INDIGENOUS LANGUAGES OF TH E WORLD HAVE BEEN RECORDED BYPRIE STS AND ADVENTURERS, WHO FILTER THE WORDS TO FIT CONCEPTS THEY ALREADY HAVE. ,BUT IN THE YUKON, AN ATHABASCAN [ATH-uhBAScun] WOMAN IS WRITING THE DICTIONARY OF HER NATIVE TONGUE. WINGS CALLS THIS STORY "THE LANGUAGE OF COLO." : ... WINGS IS EDITED ON TH E MICROSOUND DIGITAL AUDIO WORKSTATION. We like it ald. It's unusually B'byto /t'EI7J , has unusually powerful features, good manual, very competitive price, runs 00 a P.C base. and the rompany provides personal support. If you're coosidering buying a work station, check them out - & tell them WINGS sent you. MiauTedmdogy Unlimited, P.o. Box 21061, Raleigh NC 27619-1061 USA Phone: (919)870-0344. FAX (919)870-7163. e-mail : INFO@mtu.ccm Web Page: http:/.www.mtu.com WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 .. FAX(512)444-3293 .. e-mail: wings @igc. ape . crg Web Page [with RealAudio): http: II www. wings. crg #37-96 BEIJING ONE YEAR LATER- Program #1 TIME: 28:19 (plus 36-second music bed followss) Laura Flanders & PatIicka Dallas, hosts of "Broadsides" wemen's program crWBAI-FM, New York, talk with threewomen - frem India, Sooth Atri ca, and Brazil - about the progress wanen have made in getting their oountries toimplement premises made towcmen during last year's 4th Wcrld Cooference en Wcrnen in Beijing. Musicbed can befaded - it's far stations louse to reo:.rd a pranofor WINGS. #36-96 SEPTEMBER 196 NEWSCAST Time: 28:58 1. (5:57) WOMEN IN WARLORDS· AFGHANISTAN: h"Q./ta;e"Asthese different canmanders are jostling . .. This is the Wemen's Intematiooal News Gathering SeIVi.ce." 07 tape Pamela Collett, Save the Olildren; Diane Bailey, interviewer. Sauu:! UN Radio •Women.". 5"uggeslaiintro: us OFFICIALS COMPLAIN OF A "BLOWBACK" FROM THEIR BACKING OF THE OVERTHROW OF THE AFGHAN GOVERNMENT - BY WHICH THEY MEAN THAT U.S.TRAINED FUNDAMENTALISr TERRORISTS ARE FANNING OUT ACROSS THE WORLD. THEY DON'T SAY SO MUCH ABOUT THE "BLOWBACK" AGAINST AFGHAN WOMEN. HERE'S A REPORT FROM WINGS: ... 2. (5:57) WOMEN'S EYES ON THE WORLD BANK: In.tOu!· "The Wcrld Bank is a membership crganizatien . .. Eugenia Piza-Lopez ci Wanen's Eyes on the Werld Bank was interviewed fer WINGS by Elayne Oift. I'm Frieda Werden." On t'1X? Eugenia Piza-Lopez. Suggetaiintra A YEAR AFTER THE UN'S 4TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN, WOMEN ARE CLOSING IN ON ONE OF THEIR TARGETS: CHANGING THE ECONOMIC POLICIES OFTHE WORLD BANK WE HAVE DETAILS, FROM WINGS: ... 3. (5:57) WEBGRRLS: In.tOu!-"Webgrrls chapters arepepping up everywhere . . . A half-hour interview with Cybergrrl, foonder cr Webgrrls, is also available frem WINGS. On tap? Amy Janda, Jennifer Evans, foonders Austin, Texas, Webgrrls. Interviewer: Amber Sharick. Sugget«i intra THE FEMALE POPULATION ON THE INTERNET HAS BEEN GROWING BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS LATELY. IF YOU WANT TO MEET SOME OF THEM, HJST HYFER-LINK ON OVER TO THE WEBGRRLS SITE - AND BE SURE YOU SPELL IT CORRECTLY. HERE'S THE SCOOP, FROM WINGS: ... //flist81lTS a5k thy csn crdr a msse'te d the C)4:J:'TgTTl intlTr4ew l:y .!>'"81dng $10 US to liWNG:.£ (OXD:S (T m:ncy crdrs rran mtsid? the US shaodmcraun en a US funk p8!b'"e)J 4. (4:38) DUMP ONTHE BORDER .b7.tOu!. "The 1983 La Paz Agreement. .. Natural Resources Conservation Canmissiat and the U.S. Senate" On tap! Maria del Socorro Limen Castro, Feminists fer a Compassiatate Society; Clara Torres, Fstado de Chihuahua Mexia>. SU&esl«i intra GOVERNMENTS OFfEN MOVE THEIR MOST DANGEROUS PROBLEMS AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO SOMEONE ELSE'S COUNTRY. IN AUGUST, PROTESTERS DEMONSTRATED AGAINST A NUCLEAR WASTE DUMP PLANNED BY ARGENTINA FOR THE ARGENTINE/ CHILEAN BORDER; AND HUNDREDS TESTIFIED IN TEXAS AGAINST A NUCLEAR DUMP SITE 16 MILES FROM MEXICO. THIS IS FROM WINGS: ... 5. (5:05) THE LANGUAGE OF COLD: h.tOu!· "[dogsbarkingiHaveyutevenbeenin aid.... for WINGS, this is Meredith Phillips." 5ivrce Alaskan Wcmen in Sdence series frcm 'The Alaska Media Arts Group, produced at KCAW-FM, Sitka, Alaska. On tap? Eliza jones, linguist, and Athabascan indigenoos wanan.. Su&et«i intra MANY INDIGENOUS LANGUAGES OF THE WORLD HAVE BEEN RECORDED BY PRIESTS AND ADVENTURERS, WHO FILTER THE WORDS TO FIT CONCEPTS THEY ALREADY HAVE. BUT IN THE YUKON, AN ATHABASCAN [ATH-uhBAScunl WOMAN IS WRITING THE DICTIONARY OF HER NATIVE TONGUE. WINGS CALLS THIS STORY "THE LANGUAGE OF COLO.": ... WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 * e-mail: wings@igc.apc.org Web Page [with ReaIAudio): http://www.wings.org 1138-96 BEIJING ONE YEAR LATER - Program #2 TIME: 29:09 Laura Flanders & Patricka Dallas, hosts of "Broadsides" on WBAI-FM, New York, talk with three women· from Barati Sharashivam of India, Mahou Pecou from South Africa, and Thais Corral of Brazil - about the work of getting countries to implement promises made to women during last year's 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing. Two of the women are from WEDO • Women's Environment & Development Organization. Flanders commends a story In the Sept. 11 edition of the New York Times about Fauziya Kazinga's asylum case In the U.S. because of threat of genital mutilation, and later Flanders contrasts First Lady Hillary Clinton's promises at Beijing with President Clinton's signing of the bill ending Welfare as We Know It. #39-96 THE DEFENSE OF GREENHAM COMMON TIME: 28:50 Note: More tape hiss on this show than usual. EO if desired. Radio Pirate Woman (Margaretta D'Arcy in Galway, Ireland) interviews Jean Hutchinson, one of the activists who live at the YeliowGate of Greenham Common in England and have spent the last 15 years defending the Common against the U.S. and British defense industries. Hutchinson describes arguments in a series of court cases, Involving especially the international and British laws against genocide. Book ordering info: Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp, a History of Nonviolent Resistance, 1984-1995. lIIus. Price sterling (Includes domestic postage) 10 pounds 45 (checks payable to Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp Book Account), or $25 US cash (includes overseas surface postage). Mall to: Dept. GCWPC, 15 SYdnev Rd.. london E11 ~).JW lilt' WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.o. Box 33220. Austin TX 78764 USA (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 * e-mail: wings@igc.apc.org _Web Page [with ReaIAudio]: http://www.wings.org #40-96 CALDICOTT'S DESPERATE PASSION TIME: 28:59 Dr. Helen Caldicott of Australia, world-famous anti-nuclear and environmental activist, discusses her newly released autobiography, Desperate Passion (Norton, 1996) with interviewer Jude McGee. Recorded at KPFK-FM, Los Angeles. Edited for WINGS by Frieda Werden. #41-96 WOMEN OF THE EARTH: The Indigenous Voice Speaks Out Time: 29:19 A collage of voices of indigenous women from many communities who are claiming their own cultural heritage and speaking out on behalf of themselves and the earth. Produced by Agnes Patak. For a second 1/2 hour of these voices , contact KMUD-FM, PO Box 135, Redway CA 95560. WDNGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE P.o. Box 33220, Austin TX 78764 USA (512) 416·9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 * e-mail: wings@igc.apc.org Web Page [with ReaIAudio]: http://www.wings.org #40-96 CALDICOTT'S DESPERATE PASSION TIME: 28:59 Dr. Helen Caldicott of Australia, world-famous anti-nuclear and environmental activist , discusses her newly released autobiography, Desperate Passion (Norton, 1996) with interviewer Jude McGee. Recorded at KPFK-FM, Los Angeles. Edited for WINGS by Frieda Werden. #41-96 WOMEN OF THE EARTH: The Indigenous Voice Speaks Out Time: 29:19 A collage of voices of indigenous women from many communities who are claiming thei r own cultural heritage and speaking out on behalf of themselves and the earth. Produced by Agnes Patak. For a second 1/2 hour of these voices , contact KMUD-FM, PO Box 135, Redway CA 95560. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 * e-mail : wings @ igc . ape . org Web Page [with ReaIAudio]: http: II www. wings. org #42-96 NEWSCAST Released Oct. 30, 1996 Time: 29:19 1. (5:50) LIBERIA'S NEW LEADER: In/Outcue: "It is an honor & privilege Frieda Werden , reporting ." On tape : Hon. Ruth Perry, Chairman , Council of State, Liberian National Transitional Government; Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Regional Director for Africa, UN Development Program; interviewer, Rosemary Musumba, UN Dept. of Public Information. Sources: Rosemary Musumba, Lena Yacoumopoulou; United Nations Radio, New York. Suggested intra: IT'S A LESSON OF HISTORY THAT MEN MOST OFTEN ACCEPT WOMEN LEADERS IN TIMES OF DISASTER AND DESPAIR. THUS, AFRICA'S FIRST WOMAN HEAD OF STATE HAS BEEN ASKED TO HEAL WAR-TORN LIBERIA. COURTESY OF WINGS, HERE'S THE HONORABLE RUTH PERRY: . . . 2. (5:55) RAPE IN RWANDA: IniOut: "Human Rights Watch . . . . cia United Nations Radio 'Women' New York 10017 USA" Ontape : Binaifer Nowrojee (bin EYE fur no FRO jee), author HRW report on sexual violence in Rwanda; reporter , Diane Bailey. Source: UN Radio Women. WINGS editor: Lisa Hayes. Intra: HALF A MILLION TO A MILLION PEOPLE DIED IN RWANDA DURING THE GENOCIDAL MASSACRES OF 1994. BUT ANOTHER PART OF THE STORY IS THAT SEXUAL ABUSE AND RAPE WERE SYSTEMATICALLY EMPLOYED. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: . .. 3. (5:42) DEFENDING AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: IniOut: "Down with racism! Abajo! ... For WINGS, I'm Laura Saponara. Tape Sources: Laura Saponara, Video Documentation Fund. On tape: Dolores Huerta, United Farm Workers; rally crowd, San Jose State University ; Eleanor Smeal, Pres. Feminist Majority Foundation; Jean Morisson, No on 209 Speakers Bureau ; Ramona Ripston , Exec. Dir. Amer. Civil Liberties Union of Southern ·California. Intra: ONE WOMAN'S "EQUAL OPPORTUNITY" IS ANOTHER MAN'S "PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT" - THE OPINIONS OF COURTS VARY AS MUCH AS THOSE OF CITIZENS IN THE STRUGGLE OVER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IN THE UNITED STATES. A WAVE OF PROPOSED LAWS AND CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, HOWEVER, AIMS TO CODIFY COURT DECISIONS AS ANTI-AFFIRMATIVE-ACTION LAWS. LAURA SAPONARA REPORTS ON CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 209.: .. . 4. (5:32) AUSTRALIAN CHILDCARE CUTS: IniOut: "Political scandals hurt . .. This is the Women's International News Gathering Service. On tape : Cheryl Cameron, Victorian Childcare Action Group ; June Wangmann, head of Macquarie University's Institute of Early Childhood ; interviewers: Karen James, Melbourne; Michelle Bawden, Sydney. Intra: IF YOU'RE A GOVERNMENT THAT'S DOWN ON WORKERS, WOMEN, AND PUBLIC SUBSIDIES, WHERE'S A GOOD PLACE TO MAKE A BUDGET CUT? HOW ABOUT CHILDCARE SUBSIDIES? IT'S HAPPENING IN AUSTRALIA. HERE'S THE STORY, FROM WINGS : 5. (4:35) THE WHITEHOUSE WOMEN'S UPLINK: In/Out: "I've really seen the power of a principle . . . I'm Frieda Werden, you're listening to WINGS. Tape source: Foundation for a Compassionate Society ; Editor : Suzette Cullen. On tape: U.S. U.N. Ambassador Madeleine Albright; Betty Friedan; Maureen Reagan. Tape editor: Suzette Cullen. Addit'l research : Eliza Graney. intra: IF YOU LEAN IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, IT GIVES THE ILLUSION OF MOVEMENT. THAT'S A SKEPTIC'S DESCRIPTION OF THE U.S. PRESIDENT'S INTERAGENCY COUNCIL ON WOMEN. WINGS SENT US HIGHLIGHTS FROM THEIR "BEIJING ONE YEAR LATER" SATELLITE UPLINK - FIRST UP, MADELEINE ALBRIGHT, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE U.N.: . . . WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 * e-mail: wings@igc.apc.org Web Page [with ReaIAudio]: http://www.wings.org #43-96 POLITICAL POWER-SHARING: JORDAN & CHINA TIME: 29:07 Toujan Faisal is the first and only woman in the Parliament of Jordan; Wu Ching is an advocate of Constitutional government in the People's Assembly of China. Both are pro-democracy and pro-women's rights. They shared their experiences and values in the closing plenary of the Association for Women & Development conference in Washington, DC, October 8, 1996. The plenary theme was "Power Sharing & Political Partlclpatlon." Recording: Eliza Graney. Editor: Frieda Werden. VVINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 e-mail: wings@igc.apc.org Web Page [with ReaIAudio] : http ://www.wings.org 1< #44-96 THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD IN AUSTRALIAN COURTS TIME : 29:01 Moira Rainer is one of Australia's commissioners for Human Rights and Equal Opportunity, and chairs the National Children's and Youth Law Center. During Child Protection Week in September 1996. she gave the keynote address at a forum on Child Sexual Assault and the Legal System. Her topic was "Every Childhood Lasts a Lifetime ." The speech looks at ways the legal system could be made to better conform with the international Declaration on the Rights of the Child . This program was edited, produced, and narrated by Karen James, and originally aired in Women on the Line. Australia's nationally syndicated community radio women's news program. #45-96 MORE WOMEN IN PRISON - U.S. 1996 TIME: 28:54 On July 24, 1996, Broadsides, the weekly women's radio program of WBAI-FM, New York, examined why women's numbers in U.S. prisons are increasing twice as fast as men's. Guest Brenda Smith, Senior Counsel and Director of the Women in Prison Project of the National Women's Law Center in Washington, DC, discussed the impact of mandatory sentencing and the War on Drugs, and proposed re-evaluation criteria. Sandy Halling, from the Fortune Society of New York, says her time in prison showed her the need to help provide ex-prisoners and people at risk with choices in life. Of interest: the new welfare reform law (signed by President Clinton) precludes convicted drug offenders from receiving public assistance, such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Food Stamps, and Medicaid! Hosts: Laura Flanders , Patricka Dallas. Editor: Frieda Werden. Announcer: Mary O'Grady. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 * e-mail: wings@igc.apc.org Web Page [with ReaIAudio] : http ://www.wings.org #44-96 THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD IN AUSTRALIAN COURTS TIME: 29:01 Moira Rainer is one of Australia's commissioners for Human Rights and Equal Opportunity, and chairs the National Children's and Youth Law Center. During Child Protection Week in September 1996, she gave the keynote address at a forum on Child Sexual Assault and the Legal System. Her topic was "Every Childhood Lasts a Lifetime ." The speech looks at ways the legal system could be made to better conform with the international Declaration on the Rights of the Child. This program was edited, produced , and narrated by Karen James, and originally aired in Women on the Line, Australia's nationally syndicated community radio women's news program. #45-96 MORE WOMEN IN PRISON - U.S. 1996 TIME: 28:54 On July 24, 1996, Broadsides, the weekly women's radio program of WBAI-FM, New York, examined why women's numbers in U.S. prisons are increasing twice as fast as men's. Guest Brenda Smith, Senior Counsel and Director of the Women in Prison Project of the National Women's Law Center In Washington, DC, discussed the impact of mandatory sentencing and the War on Drugs, and proposed ro-evaluatton criteria . Sandy Hal/ing, from the Fortune Society of New York. says her time in prison showed her the need to help provide ex-prisoners and people at risk with choices in life. Of interest: the new welfare reform law (signed by President Clinton) precludes convicted drug offenders from receiving public assistance, such as Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Food Stamps, and Medicaid! Hosts : Laura Flanders. Patricka Dallas. Editor: Frieda Werden. Announcer: Mary O'Grady. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 * e-mail : wings @ igc . ape . org Web Page [with ReaIAudio] : http: II www. wings . org #46-96 NEWSCAST Released Nov. 30, 1996 Time: 29:08 1. (6:15) THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEO PLES : In/Outcue: "About 150 representatives . . . for WINGS, this is Patty Salas." On tape: Patty Salas, of the Foundation for a Compassionate Society radio program on KOOP-FM, interviews Sharon Venne, Cree organizer from Canada , by phone from Geneva, Switzerland. Additional info from: netwarriors @hookele.com. Suggested intra: THERE'S A STRUGGLE TAKING PLACE WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS ON WHO WILL CONTROL THE "DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES." THE RESULTS COULD RESHAPE THE AMERICAS. HERE'S MORE FROM WINGS: . . . 2. (6:26) NAVAJO RELOCATION: In/Out: "On October 11, President Clinton .. . . for WINGS, I'm Frieda Werden reporting." On tape: Ashkie Bitsie, Cathy Chapman, Agnes Tso, trans .; Louise Begay; Nita Bedonie. Intra: MEMBERS OF A MATRIARCHAL INDIGENOUS SOCIETY HAVE BEEN ORDERED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT TO GIVE UP THEIR TRADITIONAL LANDS. UNABLE TO TRUST THEIR ELECTED LEADERS, THE NAVAJO [NAH va ho] CALL ON THE WORLD FOR HELP: . . . 3. (4:55) DIVERSITY IN ISRAELI WOMEN'S MOVEMENT: In/Out: "After you build trust ' " Reporting for WINGS, I'm FriedaWerden. On tape: Yvonne Deutsch, founder Kol Ha Isha women's center, Jerusalem. Intra: YVONNE DEUTSCH ("DOYtch") HAS LONG WORKED FOR PEACE BETWEEN ISRAELI JEWS AND PALESTINIANS. NOW SHE IS TRYING TO BRIDGE THE CHASMS BETWEEN ORTHODOX JEWS AND LESBIANS AS WELL. FRIEDA WERDEN REPORTS FOR WINGS: .. . 4. (4:52) WOMEN'S GAINS IN U.S. ELECTIONS: In/Out: "Political scandals hurt .. . Take care. Bye bye. " On tape: Interviewer, Janet Heimlich; Debbie Walsh, acting director Center for the American Woman in Politics. Intra: THE NOVEMBER U.S. ELECTIONS SHOWED A HUGE GENDER GAP AT THE PRESIDENTIAL LEVEL - BUT ONLY A FEW MORE WOMEN MADE IT INTO CONGRESS. HERE'S THE STORY, FROM WINGS: . .. 5. (5:04) GIRLS' GARDEN: In/Out: "[ambience - train honk] It's easy to miss . . . I'm Wendy Nelson in Grand Rapids, Michigan [chant fades)." On tape: girls & mentors. Intra: IF YOU LEAN IN THE RIGHT DIR CT~, IT GIVES THE ILLUSION OF MOVEMENT. THAT'S A SKEPTIC'S DESCRI J. ON OF THE U.S. PRESIDENT'S INTERAGENCY COUNCIL ON WOMEN. WINGS ENT US HIGHLIGHTS FROM THEIR "BEIJING ONE YEAR LATER" SATELLITE UP tN - FIRST UP, MADELEINE ALBRIGHT, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE U.N.: / . . RECENT HALF-HOURS ($10 EACH - OR SUBSCRIBE TO WEEKLY $99/QUARTER: #45·96 MORE WOMEN IN PRISON - U.S. 1996. Women in U.S. prisons are increasing twice as fast as men, due largely to mandatory sentences for drug offenses, and poverty. The Welfare Reform passed in 1996 denies public assistance to convicted drug offenders. Guests : Brenda Smith, Senior Counsel & Director, Women in Prison Project, National Women's Law Center. Sandy Halling, Fortune Society of New York, ex-offender. Hosts: Laura Flanders, Patricka Dallas, WBAI. #44-96 THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD IN AUSTRALIAN COURTS. Moira Rainer, Commission er for Human Rights &Equal Opportunity, and chair, National Children's & Youth Law Center. Keynote at a forum on Child Sexual Assault and the Legal System. Edited, produced, & narrated by Karen James of Women on the Line, Australia's national community radio women's news program. #43-96 POLITICAL POWER-SHARING: JORDAN & CHINA. Toujan Faisal is the first and only woman in the Parliament of Jordan; Wu Ching is an advocate of Constitutional government in the People's Assembly of China. (Plenary speeches from Association for Women in Development .) WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVIC E (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 * e-mail: wings@igc.apc.org Web Page [with ReaIAudio): http://www.wings.org #47-96 MARILYN WARING TIME: 29:03 Terre Nash won an Oscar for her film on Helen Caldicott, "If You Love This Planet." Her recent 90-minute documentary produced by the Canadian Film Board is "Who's Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics." This program (ed. Frieda Werden & Donna Hoffman) intercuts sound from the film with comments by the filmmaker. Waring was the youngest member and the only female in New Zealand's Parliament in 1975, and became chair of the country's budget committee. Shocked by what she learned about the mandatory U.N. system of national accounts, she wrote the famous and readable re-evaluation of global economics, "If Women Counted." Her newest book is "Three Masquerades." Nash was interviewed by Sue Supriano. Film sound courtesy of the U.S. distributor, BUllfrog Films <bullfrog@igc.apc.org> , or 800-543-3764. WI GS: WOMEN'S INTERNATiONAL N EWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416~9000 .. FAX (512)444-3293 .. e-mail: wings@igc.apc.org Web Page [with ReaIAudio]: http://www.wings.org #48-96 JOANNE SHENANDOAH, IROQUOIS SING ER TIME: 29:08 Joanne Shenandoah's lroquis name is Tekalihwa Kwha - meaning "she sings ." This program is her conversation with another Native American woman, Agnes Patak, producer of the program "Heart of the Earth" on KMUD-FM. Shenandoah 's most recent CD is titled "Matriarch: Iroquois Women's Songs." Her recordings can be ordered from Silver Wave Records, P.O. Box 7943, Boulder CO 80306 USA - phone (303)443 -5617. Mary Youngblood also performs live in this program , playing double-chambered flute . #49-96 8 NAZIR BHUTTO REVISITED TIME: 28:58 On November 5, 1996. Benazir Bhutto was dismissed from her post as Prime Minister by the President of Pakistan, and her husband was seized the next day for questioning about the death of Benazir's brother and political rival, Murtaza Bhutto . This program adds new information to reporter Nafisa Hoodbhoy's narrative "Benazir Bhutto , the Phoenix" [WINGS #18-94). which tells how Bhutto came back to power after the last time she was dismissed by a President, and gives background on the political rivalry between Benazir and Murtaza. This program was recorded by Jane Pipik and scripted and edited by Frieda Werden. #50-96 AFFIRMATIVE ACTIO : FRIEDAN TIME: 28:57 In light of California's passage of Proposition 209, and other attacks on affirmative action in the U.S., WINGS reprises a speech by elder U.S. feminist Betty Friedan. Friedan's prophetic speech was delivered to American Women in Radio &Television in 1995, recorded by Flavia Potenza and edited by Frieda Werden . F;eporters: Don't forget to semi entries by February 2nd for the Katherine A. Davenport Award for Women's News - a $100 cash prize given armua'Iy in honor of WINGS' co-founder, for "Hottest Women's News Story of the Year." Cassette, open reel or dat tapes of any length may be submitted - must have aired in calendar 1996. WI GS: WOMEN 'S INTERNATION L NEWS GATHERI G SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * FAX (512)444-3293 * e-mail: wings @ igc . apc. org vveb Page [with ReaIAudio] : http: II www. wings. org #51-96 NEWSCAST Released De ~ . 3"1, 1996 Time: 29:11 1. (6:23) BENAZIR BHUTTO OUSTED: In/Outcue : "Benazir Bhutto, the Prime Minister ...I'm Elaine Jacobs." On tape: Nafisa Hoodbhoy, political reporter, Dawn daily newspaper, by phone from Karachi. Engineer/editor : Elaine Jacobs. Interview/script: Frieda Werden. Suggested intra: THE PRIME MINISTER IS REMOVED FROM OFFICE, HER HUSBAND IS ACCUSED OF MURDERING HER BROTHER, HER MOTHER SWITCHES SIDES, A~~D HER WIDOWED SISTER-IN-LAW SEEKS REVENGE. NOT SHAKESPEARE PAKISTANI HERE'S ELAINE JACOBS FOR WINGS: . .. 2. (6:39) THE U.S.'S FIRST WOMAN SECRETARY OF STATE: In/Out: "President Clinton has chosen ...for WINGS, I'm Frieda Werden .i ' On tape : Madeleine Albright. Tape source : Commonwealth Club. Script: Frieda Werden . Intra: BILL CLINTON HAS NO~HNATED · THE FIRST WOMAN U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE. SO, IS SHE A FEiI/IINIST? HOW WILL SHE HANDLE FOREIGN POLICY? HERE'S A SNEAK PREVIEW, FROM WINGS: .. 3. (4:51) CHILD SURVIVORS OF WARS: In/Out: "I just want to say that . . . WBAI, New York This is WINGS, the Women's !nternational News Gathering Service." On tape : Children from Bosnia, Uganda, and Gaza, interviewed by Patricka Dallas &Laura Flanders. Source : Broadsides, WBAI. In t ro: IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE WAR WITHOUT HURTING CHILDREN? IF ;IJOT, PERHAPS IT'S TIME FOR WARS TO STOP. : .. . 4. (3:56) W. .0 . STUDIES VIOLENCE AGAI ST WOME : In/Out: "WHO has just begun . . . Sunita Najar's report courtesy of Swiss Radio International. I'm Mary O'Grady. " Intro: VIO LENCE AGAINST WOMEN IS FINALLY BEING EVALUATED AS A HUGE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH' PROBLEM , NOT A JOKEI HERE'S WINGS' MARY O'GRAD Y: 5. (5:04) POLITICAL M CHI ERY FOR U.S. W EN: In/Out: "Maria Rilay directs the Women's Project for the Center of Concern . . . <mriley@igc.apc.org>." Source : Elayne Clift. Intra: HOW CA N THE WOMEN'S MOVEMENT HOLD TP.E UNITED STATES MORE ACCOUNTABLE? IN THIS WINGS STORY, MARIA RILEY CO\\JSIDERS THE POLITICAL MACHINERY THAT 'S REQUiRED.: ... RECENT HALF-HOURS: $10 EA OR SUBSCRIBE WEEKL Y $99/QUARTER: #50-96 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: FRIEDAN In light of California's Proposition 209, and other attacks on affirmative action in the U.S., WINGS reprises a prophetic 1995 speech by elder U.S. feminist Betty Friedan, recorded by Flavia Potenza at the American Women in Hadio & Television conference. #49-96 BENAZIR BHUTTO REV ISITED. Nafisa Hoodbhoy gives background on the recently deposed Prime ;v1inister of Pakistan and her family , including recently murdered brother Murtaza . Recorded by Jane Pipik; and scripted and edited by Frieda Werden. #48- 96 JOANNE SHENANDOAH, IROQUOIS SINGER in conversation with Agnes Patak, producer of "Heart of the Earth" on KMUD-FM. Shenandoah 's most recent CD is titled "Matriarch : Iroquois Women's Songs" [Silver Wave Records, P.O. Box 7943, Boulder CO 80306 USA - (303)443-5617.J Mary Youngblood also performs live in this program, playing double -chambe red flute. #47-96 MARILYN WA RING. Terre Nash won an Oscar for her film on Helen Caldicott, "If You Love This Planet." Her newest documentary (from the Canadian Film Board) is "Who's Counting? Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics." This program intercuts film sound with filmmaker interview. Waring was the youngest member and only female in New Zealand's Parliament in 1975, and became chair of the country's budget committee. Shocked by what she learned about the mandatory U.N. system of national accounts, she wrote "If Women Counted." Nash was interviewed by Sue Supriano. Film sound courtesy of the U.S. distributor, Bullfrog Films <bullfrog@igc.apc.org> , or 800-543-3764. Program editors : Donna Hoffman, Frieda Werden. PRODUCERS : FEB 2 IS THE DEADLINE FOR MAILING YOUR 1996 TAPES TO BE ENTERED FO;:1 THE KATHERINE DAVENPORT AWARD FOR HOTTEST WOMEN'S RADIO NEWS STORY OF THE YEAR. CALL FOR DETAILS: 1-800-798-9703. WINGS: WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL NEWS GATHERING SERVICE (512) 416-9000 * FAX (5 12)444-3293 * e-mail: wings@igc.apc.org Web Page [with ReaIAudio]: http://www.wings.org