天堂在我心 Heaven Is In My Heart 誰說,沉睡已久的花蕾不能綻放一季 繽紛? 誰說,寒冬之後的大地不能展現一片 青翠? Who can say that a sleeping flower Cannot bloom again in springtime? Who can say that a dry, barren meadow Could not grow and flourish again? 誰說,曾經受傷的翅膀不能再度自由 地飛? 我要抬起頭,張開雙臂擁抱神所賜的 世界。 Who can say that a fallen sparrow Could not spread it’s wings and fly? I will mount your wings, live out my faith Gliding with the spirit of God I want to be free 自由地飛, 在愛中無懼怕,在愛中無傷悲, I want to be free, spread out my wings No fear in my heart cause love covers all things I want to be free 不再流淚, Because I believe that heaven is here 我有天堂在我心。 I want to be free, tear dry away Because I believe that heaven is here The Kingdom of God lives in my heart 誰說,沉睡已久的花蕾不能綻放一季 繽紛? 誰說,寒冬之後的大地不能展現一片 青翠? Who can say that a sleeping flower Cannot bloom again in springtime? Who can say that a dry, barren meadow Could not grow and flourish again? 誰說,曾經受傷的翅膀不能再度自由 地飛? 我要抬起頭,張開雙臂擁抱神所賜的 世界。 Who can say that a fallen sparrow Could not spread it’s wings and fly? I will mount your wings, live out my faith Gliding with the spirit of God I want to be free 自由地飛, 在愛中無懼怕,在愛中無傷悲, I want to be free, spread out my wings No fear in my heart cause love covers all things I want to be free 不再流淚, Because I believe that heaven is here 我有天堂在我心。 I want to be free, tear dry away Because I believe that heaven is here The Kingdom of God lives in my heart I want to be free 自由地飛, 在愛中無懼怕,在愛中無傷悲, I want to be free, spread out my wings No fear in my heart cause love covers all things I want to be free 不再流淚, Because I believe that heaven is here 我有天堂在我心。 I want to be free, tear dry away Because I believe that heaven is here The Kingdom of God lives in my heart