The Step Pyramid

Overview of Pyramid Construction
Beginning with the step pyramids of the 3rd Dynasty, and continuing for centuries, the
pyramid is a marvel of construction, and is considered one of the "Seven wonders of the
world." The pyramids are the only of these seven that remain standing and intact.
The Step Pyramid
The earliest form of pyramid, the step, dates back to the 3rd Dynasty, and consists of several
steps. A descending passage from the north leads to the burial chamber. Underground
galleries surround the pyramid on all but the south sides. The first, and probably the only step
pyramid ever completed, is that of King Netjerykhet Djoser at Saqqara. The Step pyramid is
not near as pleasing to the eye as the True pyramid, which could explain the quick
abandonment of this type of pyramid.
The True Pyramid
The true pyramid is a natural development and improvement on the step pyramid. The first
true pyramids were introduced in at the beginning of the 4th Dynasty. The structure of a True
Pyramid is virtually the same as a step pyramid. Packing blocks are stacked until the
dimensions were right, and then finishing blocks (usually limestone) were the last touch. The
aesthetics are much more pleasing than the step pyramid, but the construction isn't really that
Construction Techniques
A major problem facing the builders of the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids, was that of getting
the Large stone blocks to the height they required. the method shown at left, is the only one
proven to have been used. The ramps were built on inclined planes of mud brick and rubble.
They then dragged the blocks on sledges to the needed height. As the pyramid grew taller, the
ramp had to be extended in length, and its base was widened, else it would collapse. It is
likely that for the construction of each pyramid, several ramps were probably used.
The arrangement of the ramps used for building is in much dispute. Assuming that the step
pyramid was built before the outer structure, and then the packing blocks were laid on top,
the ramps could have run from one step to another rather than approaching the pyramid face
at right angles.
Some of the pyramids indicate an accurate understanding of Pi, but the mathematical
knowledge of the Egyptians did not include the ability to arrive at this by calculation. It is
possible that this could have been arrived at "accidentally" through a means such as counting
the revolutions of a drum.
The internal construction of most true pyramids consists of a series of support walls
surrounding a central core. The core of the true pyramid is essentially a step pyramid. The
internal arrangement added stability to the structure. Packing blocks filled the "steps" formed
by the faces of the outermost walls and casting blocks (often Limestone) completed the
structure of the true pyramid.
Architects and builders used a different form of construction in the pyramids of the 12th and
13th Dynasties. Mainly because of economy, for it was suitable for relatively modest
structures in inferior materials. Solid walls of stone ran from the center, and shorter cross
walls formed a series of chambers filled with stone blocks, ruble or mud bricks. An outer
casing was usually added, and although quite effective in the short term, it did not even come
close to the earlier construction methods. Pyramids which were built with this structural
design are quite dilapidated and worn.