COURSE SYLLABUS Course Prefix/Number: STA 6507 Sections: 2271 and 2273 Course Title: NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS Course Credit Hours: 3 Instructor Name and Contact Information: Dr. Raid Amin Email: Office: Bldg. 04, Room 336 Tel: Ext. 3014 Lecture Times: T/R 4:00-5:15pm Building 04, Room 0310. Office Hours: will be announced later. Prerequisites or Co-Requisites: STA 4321 and STA 2023 or STA 3162C Course Description: Provides the concepts of nonparametric tests and nonparametric models. Introduces the nonparametric approaches for doing goodness of fit test, hypothesis testing, nonparametric ANOVA, and nonparametric linear regressions. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of the course the student will: Demonstrate the ability to do nonparametric one-sample, two-sample, multiple-sample tests. Demonstrate the ability to do nonparametric linear regression analysis Demonstrate the ability to draw statistical conclusions based on test results. Demonstrate the ability to apply the nonparametric methods to real problems. Demonstrate the ability to use the statistical software SAS to solve statistical problems. Demonstrate the ability to collaborate with other researchers to solve real problems. Topics Covered: Tests using the binomial distribution, tests based on ranks, goodness of fit tests, two sample tests, ANOVA. Text book: Title: Practical Nonparametric Statistics, 3rd edition By W.J. Conover, John Wiley & Sons. Regular homework assignments are given to supplement the lectures. Grades will be determined based on performance in all categories below. The midterm exams are closed book, but a formula sheet is allowed. The final exam is comprehensive and may have a take-home portion. Group Assignments 5% Exam I: 30% Exam II: 30% Final Exam: 35% I have modified the syllabus to reflect allowed group work on all assignments. I will ask you to use student mentoring as a method for learning the course material. There is a 5% weight given for individual assignments, but each group of students works together on assignments. I will collect assignments, and I will post the solutions by some of the groups who seem to be doing very well in their homework. Discussions: It is very important that each student contributes to the class lectures by discussions and by active participation throughout the semester Grading Scale: A (91-100), A- (90-91), B+(88-90), B (81-88), B-(80-81), C+(78-80), C (71-78), C-(70-71), D+ (68-70), D (61-68), D- (60-61) F (below 60). Distance Students: The course will be taught via Blackboard Collaborate (formerly known as Elluminate Live!), Attendance is extremely important for each lecture. Students must be logged on and they must participate in each lecture. Online discussions. Students are highly encouraged to participate in any online discussions. You are welcome also to discuss the lessons amongst yourselves by using the threaded discussions and chat rooms. Honor Policy : Students are encouraged to discuss the course material with each other, but no help should be given or received for any graded assignments or exams. Attendance: Class attendance is extremely important. Students are responsible for all material given in class. Inform me ahead if you absolutely have to miss a lecture. Homework: The homework is designed to complement the lectures, and is essential for a full grasp of the material. You are encouraged to attempt all homework exercises. I Project: Groups of students will review articles on a chosen topic. A report is written and is handed in during the last week of classes. Special Technology Utilized by Students: 1) Some of your homework and project are to be completed with the help of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Use e-desktop to access SAS when away from the UWF campus. 2) Use of scientific calculator with no graphic tools is allowed during exams and the final. Expectations for Academic Conduct/Plagiarism Policy: As members of the University of West Florida, we commit ourselves to honesty. As we strive for excellence in performance, integrity-personal and institutional-is our most precious asset. Honesty in our academic work is vital, and we will not knowingly act in ways which erode that integrity. Accordingly, we pledge not to cheat, nor to tolerate cheating, nor to plagiarize the work of others. We pledge to share community resources in ways that are responsible and that comply with established policies of fairness. Cooperation and competition are means to high achievement and are encouraged. Indeed, cooperation is expected unless our directive is to individual performance. We will compete constructively and professionally for the purpose of stimulating high performance standards. Finally, we accept adherence to this set of expectations for academic conduct as a condition of membership in the UWF academic community. Assistance: Students with special needs who require specific examination-related or other course-related accommodations should contact Barbara Fitzpatrick, Director of Disabled Student Services (DSS),, (850) 4742387. DSS will provide the student with a letter for the instructor that will specify any recommended accommodations. Material: Chapter 3: 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 Chapter 4: 4.1---4.6 Chapter 5: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5, 5.7, 5.11 Chapter 6: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 (if time permits) Term exams and the final exam: All exams are closed book exams. One standard sized sheet (letter size) of formulas is allowed (you can write on both sides of the sheet). No examples, tables, rules, or solutions are allowed on the formula sheet. The final exam is comprehensive, and is designed to reflect any improvements in the students' performances. Make-up exams: There will be no make-up exams given for this course. Discuss with me any scheduling problems very early in the semester and definitely before exam days. If a student is excused from a term exam, then the final exam will have more weight for this student. For example, each term exam counts for 30% of the final grade. If a student is excused from this exam, then the final exam for this student would count for 30%+35%= 65% of the final grade, i.e. the weight of the term exam is added toward the weight of the final. Assignments: All students will submit all assignments to a dropbox on elearning. Follow these rules: 1. Write your work legibly and in an organized manner on paper using only one side of each page. 2. Scan the assignment as a single pdf file with a maximum file size of 3MB. 3. Submit the assignment to the drop box on e-learning. Do not use email. 4. No other methods will be accepted for credit. Deadlines for the assignments and other graded material will be "announced" weekly. It is crucial that you check each day or two your e-learning course announcements and your email. There is no acceptable excuse for not checking your email each 1-2 days. Note that this course is a graduate level course in statistics. It will be covering many topics in depth. You will use the Statistical Analysis System (SAS). There will be no excuses allowed for late submission of work since the solutions will be posted on a regular basis. Once the solutions are posted, no partial credit can be given for any late work. WEATHER EMERGENCY INFORMATION In the case of severe weather or other emergency, the campus might be closed and classes cancelled. Official closures and delays are announced on the UWF website and broadcast on WUWF-FM. Weather Emergency Information WUWF-FM (88.1MHz) is the official information source for the university. Any pertinent information regarding closings, cancellations, and the re-opening of campus will be broadcast. In the event that hurricane preparation procedures are initiated, the UWF Home Web Page and Argus will both provide current information regarding hurricane preparation procedures, the status of classes and the closing of the university. Emergency plans for the University of West Florida related to inclement weather are available on the following UWF web pages: Information about hurricane preparedness plans is available on the UWF web site: Information about other emergency procedures is available on the UWF web site: