Presents a SHORT COURSE FOR INDUSTRY IN ECONOMIC GEOLOGY OF SOUTHERN AFRICA COAL Coal geology and exploration, CBM, UCG and geophysics 24 - 28 June 2013 FIVE-DAY COURSE OR DAILY ATTENDANCE Module in the Postgraduate Programme LEADERSHIP IN FUEL & ENERGY TECHNOLOGY VENUE: Wits Sports Administration Building, Sturrock Park, West Campus, University of Witwatersrand, Braamfontein Course Coordinators Prof Rosemary Falcon, University of the Witwatersrand (Convenor) Prof Bruce Cairncross, University of Johannesburg OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course seeks to provide introductory and up-dated information on the following issues: Origin, formation, constitution of coal, Coal geology, basin analysis and factors influencing quality distribution Techniques in coal exploration and mine planning DME legislations, JSE regulations and bankable documentation Geological factors on mining, beneficiation, marketing, and optimum utilisation Global and Regional coal resources and reserves Coalbed methane, UCG, shale gas and down-hole geophysics awareness Global and South / Southern African coal resources / reserves MOTIVATION: Image courtesy of Exxaro With the increasing demand for high quality coal products for export purposes and the ever-increasing requirements for a variety of grades of coal for local power generation, petrochemical, metallurgical and industrial use, it is now of vital importance to gain knowledge concerning the coal resources and reserves of South and Southern Africa and the nature of the products being produced. In addition, the availability and potential use of alternative fossil fuel sources is of significant interest and in this regard and overview of the region’s oil, gas and coalbed methane resources is becoming of equal relevance. In parallel, an overview of current legislation and modern methodologies used to assess the distributions, qualities and reserves of coal, oil and gas more accurately than has been the case in the past has now become necessary, including the need to understand the methods by which geological models are developed and from which significantly improved coal mine planning, extraction, beneficiation, marketing and utilisation can be assured. WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS COURSE: Geologists Mining engineers Mine planners Mineral (coal) resource managers Coal processing engineers Marketing and trading personnel Industrial users of coal Engineering manufacturers Fuel technologists Financial funding agencies Government and company policy planners Researchers and lecturers in academia. PROGRAMME: DAY 1 – Monday 24 June: COAL RESOURCES AND RESERVES WORLDWIDE AND REGIONALLY; COALBED METHANE 08:00-09:00 – Registration 09:00-10:30 - Review of coal resources and reserves in the world and South Africa. Mr X Prevost, XMP Consulting 10:30-11:00 – Tea 11:00-13:00 – Coal resources and reserves in Botswana and Southern Africa. Mr A Golding, Consultant, Botswana 13:00-14:00 – Lunch 14:00-15:15 - Applied use of coal seams and related strata: Coal bed methane (CBM); enhanced CBM (ECBM). Mr Oliver Barker, Banzi Geotechnics 15:15-15:30 – Tea 15:30-17:00 - (Cont) Applied use of coal seams and related strata: Coal bed methane (CBM); enhanced CBM (ECBM). Mr Oliver Barker, Banzi Geotechnics. DAY 2 – Tuesday 25 June: COAL GEOLOGY, BASIN ANALYSIS AND SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENTS 08:00-09:00 – Registration 09:00-10:30 - Sedimentary environments for coal formation. Prof B Cairncross, Univ of Jhb 10:30-11:00 – Tea 11:00-13:00 - Tectonic setting of coal basins and Gondwana coal overview. Prof B Cairncross, Univ of Jhb 13:00-14:00 – Lunch 14:00-15:15 - Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Northern Karoo basin coalfields Prof B Cairncross, Univ of Jhb 15:15-15:30 – Tea 15:30-17:00 - Factors affecting coal seam quality distribution. Prof B Cairncross, Univ of Jhb DAY 3 – Wednesday 26 June: PRINCIPLES, PRACTICE AND LEGAL REQUIREMENTS IN COAL EXPLORATION 08:00-09:00 – Registration 09:00-10:30 – Principles of coalfield exploration. Site assessment, planning, drilling programmes. Mining geology principles with application to coal mining; mining methods; mine design, layout, planning and exploitation. Mrs Lesley Jeffrey, Rio Tinto/Mr John Sparrow, Coal of Africa 10:30-11:00 – Tea 11:00-13:00 – Sampling methodology to apply during coal exploration programmes including the sampling and taking of sample increments in respect of bulk sample boreholes and the introduction of bias – with specific case histories in difficult geological areas. Contamination and dilution, and the effect on coal qualities, costs and the environment Mrs Lesley Jeffrey, Rio Tinto/Mr John Sparrow, Coal of Africa 13:00-14:00 – Lunch 14:00-15:15 – Summary of risk management including geology, mining marketing and utilisation potential of reserves and their products. Mrs Lesley Jeffrey, Rio Tinto/Mr John Sparrow, Coal of Africa 15:15-15:30 – Tea 15:30-17:00 - Public reporting and the codes used. Purpose and principles of SAMREC and SANS 10320. Definitions of resources and reserves and the categories under them. RPEEE. Roles and responsibilities of Competent Persons and Technical Specialises. CPRs and compliance documents. Estimation process (from GTIS to Sales). Mr John Sparrow, Coal of Africa DAY 4 – Thursday 27 June: CARBON CAPTURE/STORAGE; UNDERGROUND GASIFICATION 08:00-09:00 – Registration 09:00-11:00 - Advanced coal analyses for quality assessments in geological exploration; impact on washability, beneficiation potential and marketability. Prof R Falcon, CCT Wits 11:00-11:15 – Tea 11:15 -13:00 - Carbon capture and storage (CCS) - current developments in Southern Africa. Prof T Surridge, SANEDI/SACCCS 13:00-14:00 – Lunch 14:00-15:15 - Underground gasification – current and future developments. Prof Mark van der Riet, Eskom 15:15-15:30 – Tea 15:30-17:00 – Underground gasification – current and future developments. Prof Mark van der Riet, Eskom DAY 5 – Friday 28 June: COURSE ON DOWNHOLE GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION TECHNIQUES 09:00-13:00– Downhole geophysical exploration techniques as used in the coal - Mr John Jeffrey, Weatherford REMAINING COURSE PROGRAMME FOR 2013 July 8-12 - Coal Combustion and Power Generation August 19-23 - Coal and the Environment October 14-18 - Coal Conversion and Gasification CONTACT DETAILS: TECHNICAL ENQUIRIES: Prof Falcon / Mrs Maggie Blair - 011 717-7387/8 or 082 451 4753 or DAILY and WEEK LONG INDUSTRIAL ATTENDANCE: Mrs Lesley Stephenson 083 679 0697 ( FORMAL ACADEMIC INQUIRIES: School of Mining Engineering: Mrs Mona Shah – 011 717 7409 School Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering: Mrs Vanessa Naidoo – 011 717 7521