You want to study whether adult patients with intraoperative hypotension have an increased risk of 30 day all-cause post-operative mortality. First define Inclusion criteria Age between 18 and 100 “valid” preoperative SBP, 90-250 “valid” preoperative DBP, 60-230 ASA 1-4, no ASA E patients Then put these in MPOG format: Source AIMS Data Column Age in years Data type MPOG source table, column, and MPOG and range concept ID Numeric, 18 Aims_intraopcaseinfo.AIMS_age_in_years –100 Preoperative Numeric, 90- AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70212 baseline SBP 250 Preoperative Numeric, 60- baseline DBP 230 Preoperative Numeric Calculated from above two values ASA status Numeric 1-4; AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70233, parsed converted to not inclusive to numeric only; hand review may be necessary numeric of “E” to confirm this. AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70211 baseline MAP Then define your exclusion criteria No cardiac/cardiothoracic patients Expressed in MPOG format: AIMS Cardiac/cardio Character, AIMS_intraopcaseinfo, thoracic Exclude service mpog_primary_procedural_service_concept_id = 80005, 80013 Finally, request other patient/population descriptors that you anticipate using for your statistical analysis Source Data Column Data type MPOG source table, column, and MPOG concept ID AIMS Gender Character Aims_patients.AIMS_sex Procedure Character Aims_intraopcaseinfo.aims_actual_procedure_t name ext (performed, not scheduled) Procedure character diagnosis Primary Aims_intraopcaseinfo.aims_preoperative_diagn osis_text Character Aims_billingprocedures.primary_surgery_cpt Character Aims_billingprocedures.aims_anesthesia_cpt Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70079 Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70125 surgery CPT code Primary anesthesia base CPT Home medications Social history (smoking) Past surgical Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70105 Hypertension Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70031 Previous Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70033 Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70027 Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70026 Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70034 COPD Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70115 Sleep apnea Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70122 Pulmonary - Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70117 Renal failure Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70060 Liver disease Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70052 Diabetes Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70046 Neuro sign/sx Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70094 Neuro - other Character AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70090 Body mass Numeric, 0 – AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70253 history myocardial infarction Coronary artery disease Congestive heart failure Cardiac other other index 100 Weight in kg Numeric, 0 – AIMS_Preop, MPOG Concept ID 70264 1000 Case length in Numeric, 0 – AIMS_IntraopNotes, MPOG Concept ID minutes 1000 3281/3289; used to calculate the number of 10 (patient in minute epochs room to patient out of room) # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs <80 3015 100 SBP # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs <70 3015 100 SBP # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs <60 3015 100 SBP # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs <60 3025 100 MAP # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs <50 3025 100 MAP # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs <40 3025 100 MAP # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs 30% 3015 100 ↓ SBP from baseline # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs 40% 3015 100 ↓ SBP from baseline # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs 50% 3015 100 ↓ SBP from baseline # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs 30% 3025 100 ↓ MAP from baseline # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs 40% 3025 ↓ MAP from 100 baseline # of 10 minute Numeric, 0 - AIMS_IntraopPhysiologic, MPOG Concept ID epochs 50% 100 3025 Date N/a; Hand review of other sources may be ↓ MAP from baseline Death Date of death master if match in index social security necessary to confirm status death master file based upon SSN & soundex (last name) To find concepts for your own projects, please visit: