30TH ANNUAL PHILANTHROPY AWARDS LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 2014 | MUEHLEBACH MARRIOTT, DOWNTOWN | 11:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Diamond Sponsor | $15,000 Sponsorship recognized as: 30th Annual Philanthropy Awards Luncheon presented by (your business here) Prominent name/logo placement on Awards Luncheon publicity materials including: Luncheon and Patron Party invitations, Luncheon program (in The Independent), Nonprofit Connect website and promotional emails* Prominent recognition at event including name/logo recognition on large-screen and logo table signage ½ page ad in Luncheon Program (in The Independent)* 2 reserved tables of 10 with preferred seating and 20 valet parking tickets 20 tickets to Patron Party Platinum Sponsor | $10,000 Name/logo placement on Awards Luncheon publicity materials including: Luncheon and Patron Party invitations, Luncheon program (in The Independent), Nonprofit Connect website and promotional emails* Prominent recognition at event including name/logo recognition on large-screen and logo table signage ¼ page ad in Luncheon program (in The Independent)* 1 table of 10 with preferred seating and 10 valet parking tickets 10 tickets to Patron Party Gold Sponsor | $5,000 Name/logo placement on Awards Luncheon publicity materials including: Luncheon invitations, Luncheon program (in The Independent), Nonprofit Connect website and promotional emails (Includes hyperlink)* Name/logo table signage 1 table of 10 with preferred seating and 5 valet parking tickets 6 tickets to Patron Party Silver Sponsor | $2,500 Recognition on Awards Luncheon publicity materials including: Luncheon invitations, Luncheon program (in The Independent), Nonprofit Connect website and promotional emails (Includes hyperlink)* 1 table of 10 with preferred seating 4 tickets to Patron Party Name/logo table signage Bronze Sponsor | $1,500 Recognition on Awards Luncheon publicity materials including: Luncheon invitations, Luncheon program (in The Independent), Nonprofit Connect website and promotional emails (Includes hyperlink)* 1 table of 10 with preferred seating 2 tickets to Patron Party *Sponsorship must be secured prior to: Name/logo table signage Table Sponsor | $1,000 Recognition in Luncheon program (in The Independent)* 1 reserved table of 10 Organization Name Table signage Luncheon Patron | $350 Individual ticket Recognition in Luncheon program (in The Independent)* Preferred seating Ticket to Patron Party March 15, 2014 to be included in Patron Party invitation March 19, 2014 to be included in Luncheon invitation March 31, 2014 to be included in Program (The Independent) Hosted by Luncheon Chairs Ann & Bob Regnier 30TH ANNUAL PHILANTHROPY AWARDS LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 2014 | MUEHLEBACH MARRIOTT, DOWNTOWN | 11:00 A.M. TO 1:00 P.M. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Please Select Your Sponsorship Level: Diamond, $15,000 Platinum, $10,000 Gold, $5,000 Silver, $2,500 Bronze, $1,500 Reserved Table, $1,000 Luncheon Patron, $350 x _____ (number of tickets) I/We cannot attend but would like to make a fully tax-deductible contribution of $________ to Nonprofit Connect in honor of ______________________ . I/We decline any goods/services in exchange for sponsorship and will not be attending. SPONSOR INFORMATION Sponsor Name: ________________________________________________________________ (Company, organization or individual name as it should appear in all recognition) Contact Name: Address: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ City | State | Zip: ________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Invoice | Please send an invoice for sponsorship payment Check | Enclosed is my check made out to Nonprofit Connect Credit Card | Information provided below: Name on Card (please print): ________________________________ Card Type: ____Visa ____MC ____AmEx Billing Address (if different above)____________________________________________________________________ Card Number: __________________________________ CVV Number________ Expiration Date: ______________ Please return completed form to Nonprofit Connect or contact Luann Feehan, Executive Director at lfeehan@npconnect.org, (816) 888-5601. Mail To: Nonprofit Connect 30th Annual Philanthropy Awards Luncheon Attention: Luann Feehan 125 E. 31st Street, Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64108