Canterbury Tales Packet

British Literature
Literary Terms:
Frame Story:
Verbal Irony:
Open Couplets:
Code of Chivalry:
Pilgrim Tone Assignment:
For each pilgrim, I will provide the name, job description, group membership, and Chaucer’s tone. You will be
responsible for finding quotes that support the listed tone.
Tone: the author’s attitude toward the subject, conveyed through details shared either directly or indirectly and through
word choice (diction).
Chaucer reveals his characters
By telling us directly what the character is like
By describing how the character dresses
By presenting the character’s words and actions
By revealing the character’s private thoughts and feelings
By showing how other people respond to the character
Note: Chaucer valued the ability to do one’s job and to do it morally and humbly. He often used physical characteristics to
represent moral characteristics. Remember this when choosing quotes that match the stated tone.
KNIGHT: Soldier for the King and country / Feudal Class / Positive
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote Analysis:
Knight’s Tale: Given the tone and description of the knight, how does the Knight’s Tale represent the knight?
SQUIRE: Knight in training, servant to the knight / Feudal Class / Neutral
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
YEOMAN: Servant in battle to the knight, tends to the knight’s armor, horse & weapons, servant / Feudal Class / Positive
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2:
PRIORESS: Head nun of a convent, pray, tend to the sick and needy of the community / Church / Negative
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
MONK: Leads a secluded life, religious devotions – copying the Bible / Church / Negative
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
FRIAR: Cares for and begs for the poor in a certain district, declines material goods / Church / Negative
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
MERCHANT: Purchasing agent for an organization, organizes the finances / Urban Class / Neutral-Negative
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
Merchant’s Tale: Given the tone and description of the merchant, how does the Merchant’s Tale represent the merchant?
OXFORD CLERIC: Studies philosophy in preparation for entering the Church / Church / Positive
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
SERJEANT AT LAW: Lawyer / Urban Class / Neutral - Negative
FRANKLIN: Land owner / Feudal Class / Neutral
Franklin’s Tale: for fun, in class
HABERDASH, DYER, CARPENTER, WEAVER, CARPET-MAKER: Skilled laborers, Urban Class / Negative
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
COOK: Prepares food / Urban Class / Neutral - Negative
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
SKIPPER: Sea Captain / Urban Class / Negative
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
DOCTOR: Heals, prescribes medicine / Urban Class / Negative
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
WIFE OF BATH: A cloth maker / Urban Class / Neutral - Positive
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
Wife of Bath’s Tale: Given the tone and description of the wife of Bath, how does the Wife of Bath’s Tale represent her?
(textbook pages 138-149)
PARSON: lower level of priest for a parish, life of service to the Church / Church / Positive
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
PLOWMAN: a farmhand / Feudal Class / Positive
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
MILLER: Grinds the grain that farmers bring to the Mill / Urban Class / Negative
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
Miller’s Tale: Given the tone and description of the miller, how does the Miller’s Tale represent the miller?
MANCIPLE: Trader, buyer, seller for more wealthy individuals/ Urban Class / Positive
REEVE: Land boss for a wealthy land owner / Feudal Class / Negative
Reeve’s Tale – a rebuttal to the Miller’s Tale
HOST: Owner of the Tabard (the inn where the trip begins) / Urban / Positive
SUMMONER: Brings civilians before the Church courts / Church / TONE:
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
PARDONER: Sells Indulgences (get-out-of-Hell-free passes/ Church / TONE:
Appearance or Action Quote:
Appearance or Action Analysis:
Quote #2:
Quote #2 Analysis:
Pardoner’s Tale: Given the tone and description of the pardoner, how does the Pardoner’s Tale represent the pardoner?
(textbook pages 129-137)