Furlow Charter School Health and Physical Education Program Sixth (6th) /Seventh (7th) /Eighth (8th) Grade Syllabus Fall 2015 Habits of Scholar (INSPIRE) (Adapted from the Furlow Charter School Curriculum for all grades K-12) Inquire: About the practices of becoming more active and living a healthy lifestyle Negotiate: About how to improve the way that you eat and the foods that you out into your body Serve: As a example to your family on how to become more active and healthy Pledge: To practice a healthy and active lifestyle Influence: Others to become more active Reflect: On the findings within the classroom and how you can apply them to your personal life Envision: A healthy and active lifestyle for yourself for the future INSTRUCTOR Name: Steven Sanders Telephone Number: 404-769-6610 Email: ssanders@sumterschools.org Conferences: Email if needed COURSE DESCRIPTION Health and Physical Education is designed to provide students with information to improve personal fitness including assessment, projects, and interpretation/ discussion of Physical Education and selected health-related fitness components and topics. COURSE OBJECTIVES In this course, you will 1. Understand the Five Components of Health 2. Create personal fitness goals 3. Know information about the Food Pyramid 4. Know how to determine your exercising Target Heart Rate Zone 5. Understand the causes and symptoms of Cardiovascular Disease 6. Learn different strategies used in different games and activities 7. Learn about the components of a food label 8. Creating own personal eating goals COURSE ACTIVITIES/ASSIGNMENTS/ REQUIREMENTS 1. Newspaper Articles: Scholars will turn in a total of ten (10) newspaper articles worth 10 points each. Scholars will take these articles and write a one (1)-paragraph summary about the article and what they learned from it. Scholars will get one free pass in case they forget to bring in an article on any Friday that the articles are due. For the one free pass they will earn all 10 points on that assignment. 2. Small Projects will be assigned in class, which each scholar will be given an assignment guideline sheet, and rubric that will provide them with information on how the assignment will be graded (some will not have a rubric). 3. I will provide all scholars with a printout of the health lesson and notes that will be taught in class. All scholars will need is to bring a pencil to class in order to take notes. 4. Four Quizzes 5. Final Exam 6. Debates COURSE EVALUATION Scholars will be given the opportunity to earn points in six different areas: Test (1 Final Exam), Quizzes (Four (4) Total), Newspaper Articles (Ten (10 Articles) Total), Projects, Debates (Three (3) Total), and Participation. Quizzes can be made up if missed; the scholar will just have to talk to the teacher about the availability to determine time to complete quiz (THE SCHOLARS’ RESPONSIBILITY). Assignments will not be accepted late. Final Exam: 25% Quizzes: 20% Articles: 10% Projects: 20% Debates: 15% Participation: 10% Total: 100% IMPORTANT INFORMATION Food and Drinks Scholars are encouraged to bring a bottle of water or any type of sports drink (Gatorade) to class in plastic containers. I do not mind if they have a water bottle, but if they have a plastic bottle it should be discarded in the recycle bin outside the gym classroom. Health Issues Scholars will be expected to participate in all physical education lessons that are taught and if scholar can’t perform certain things that a note is written to the teacher, signed, and dated to the teacher. Fitnessgram Testing The scholars will also participate in the FitnessGram testing which will measure how physically fit they are for their grade and age level. Grades 6th-8th will have all of their results from the test that they will have to perform recorded and set to the state for monitoring. At the end of the year before the students get out for Christmas break, I will send home a report with their pre-test scores and post-test scores and the analysis for your scholar. While in class, I will have your scholar set goals on what they would like to achieve for the posttest before we leave for Christmas break. During the course of the semester, we will work on these skills in the classroom through various games and activities. If you need more information look on my page on the Furlow Charter School website. Cellular Devices Students will not be allowed to bring in cell phones to class or use the cell phones inside the classroom for any purpose. Remind 101 Codes For Students and Parents Students will need to download the Remind 101 app onto their cellular device and will need to text their teachers code to 81010. Students will receive reminders on assignments and updates on what will be due the next day in class. Class 6A 6B 7A 7B 8A 8B Teacher Sundai Tanner Leigh Ciani Pam Buchannan Gorton Kevin Mounigham Liz Noler Codes 006AST 006BLC 007APB 007BG 008AKM 008BLN Semester Tentative Outline Week Dates Topic Assignment Introduction Week 1 Aug. 3-7 2 Aug. 10-14 Fitness Games 3 Aug. 17-21 FitnessGram Testing Newspaper Article Monday: Fitness Goals 4 Aug. 24-28 Yoga 5 Aug. 31- Sept. 4 Health: Peer Pressure 6 Sept. 7-11 Aerobics Newspaper Article Monday: FitnessGram Goals Newspaper Article Friday: Quiz Friday: Fitness Plans 7 Sept. 14-18 Striking with objects 8 Sept. 21-25 9 Sept. 28- Oct. 2 Balancing/ Cooperative Education Health: Nutrition Newspaper Article Friday: Debate (Group 1) Newspaper Article Newspaper Article Tuesday: Monday’s Food Outline (Breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner) Friday: Quiz 10 Oct. 5-9 Rhythms and Dance Friday: Creative Dance Assignment 11 Oct. 12-16 Strategic Games Newspaper Article Friday: Debate (Group 2) 12 Oct. 19-23 Health: MyFood Pyramid Newspaper Article Tuesday: Bring in Food Label Friday: Quiz 13 Oct. 26-30 Frisbee Newspaper Article 14 Nov. 2-6 Aerobics Friday: Debate (Group 3) 15 Nov. 9-13 Volleyball Newspaper Article 16 Nov. 16-20 Health: Cardiovascular Diseases Friday: Quiz 17 Nov. 23-27 18 Nov. 30- Dec. 4 Thanksgiving Week Review Week Wednesday: Health Final