Planning Sheet for The Odyssey Bad Choices Odysseus Makes Write example and list page lines #. (impulsive, arrogant, ineffective, not listening) Cicones First meet O brags (Book IX, lines 20-22) – confident Page # 145 Lines #s 20-22 Men mutiny on island Cicones –page 146 Men die Cioines Lotus Eaters Cyclops Claims he knew he would meet the brute (Cyclops) page 151 line 227-231 Inhospitable eats Cyclops food Curious about Cyclops, doesn’t listen to his men page 151 line 241-249 Taunts Cyclops twice – page 159-160 lines 519-544 Doesn’t listen again when me tell him to shut up Tells Cyclops his name – consequences lines 548-618 Bag of Wind Bag of wind he is not honest with his men – page 165-166 lines 39-52 Doesn’t trust men to sail ship up 9 days/nights Falls alseep Lastragonian puts his entire fleet in the bay, loses all but one ship Page # 166 Lines #s 38-52 Circe Can’t resist temptation of Kirke – stays for one year Writing Prompt #1 Good Choices Odysseus Makes Cicones Lotus Eaters he sends scouts to investigate the Lotus Eaters Page # 147 Lines #s 96-97 he has to get all his man off the island or they will never get home Page # 148 Lines #s 101-109 Cyclops Takes just twelve men hides fleet on the other side of other island Page # 150 Lines #s 84-89 Doesn’t kill Cyclops right away Page 154 Lines 324-329 Get Cyclops drunk Tells Cyclops his name is NObody Makes spike, puts out Cyclops eye Page 154 Lines 345-362 Sneaks out of Cyclops cave - under rams Page # 158 Lines #s 365-374 or 480-483 Bag of Wind as a good guest gets gift of wind bag from King Alios Lastragonians -Sends scouts Lastrygonians Circe Surveys Kirke’s island Page 169 Lines 163-166 Stops and thinks about men and what they need before investigating island Page # 169 Lines #s 167-171 Forms two platoons and draws straws to see which platoon goes Page # 171 Lines #s 221-228 Listens to Hermes – Page175 321-324 or 353-358 Manipulates Kirke to change men back Page 177 326-431 Deals with Euryloches page 178 485-495 Convinces Circe to let them go Page 180 533-538