University of Cambridge Student Parliament, 3 – 5 January 2014

Dane Comerford
Public Engagement Events Manager
University of Cambridge Student Parliament
3 – 5 January 2014
Part A – Offer Letter
Dear Applicant
We are pleased to be able to offer you a place on the University of Cambridge Student
Parliament, which will be held in Cambridge from 3 - 5 January 2014. To accept this place, we
ask that you return your completed Personal Details Confirmation Form (Part B) together with a
signed Code of Behaviour (Part C) in accordance with the terms attached.
The format of the Student Parliament is designed to stimulate political decision-making
processes. You will be grouped into committees and will consider evidence from University
researchers and other speakers. Each committee will be facilitated by current undergraduate
students. Some of the discussion topics will include future transport in the city, demographic
challenges, climate change, civic participation, food production, smart cities and use of data.
A proposed schedule (Part D) illustrates what the few days will look like, but will be subject to
change and a final schedule will be distributed upon your arrival.
The Student Parliament co-ordinators, Nicola Buckley and I will be resident throughout the
Parliament and will be on call 24 hours. All participants, undergraduate helpers and
co-ordinators will be accommodated at Corpus Christi College and meals will be eaten in
College. Please familiarise yourself with travel information to and from Cambridge by visiting:
The Pitt Building
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1RP
Page 1
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 764069
Registration for (arrival at) the Student Parliament will take place at
12-noon on Friday 3 January 2014
Please arrive for 11.30am at the Corpus Christi Porters’ Lodge on Trumpington St, Cambridge,
CB2 1RH. The Student Parliament will finish around 5pm on Sunday 5 January.
There is no charge to participants for the Student Parliament and all accommodation and meals
are free of charge. Students are expected to pay their own travel expenses. In exceptional
circumstances, we may be able to assist with travel costs. Please contact us if you need to
discuss this further. You do not need to bring any money unless you would like to have
spending money with you.
We are expecting that a few dozen students will attend the Student Parliament from schools
across the Eastern Region and London. Please do not worry if you are the only person
attending from your school/college as there will be other people in the same situation and we
will encourage students to mix with people from different towns and cities to discuss the various
topics. We will start the residential programme with activities to help people get to know each
other and participants will be grouped into smaller committees joined by a student mentor.
Please return the enclosed forms as soon as possible (by Friday 6 December at the latest) so
that we know that you are attending. If you are no longer able to attend, please let me know as
soon as you receive this email. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate
to get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Dane Comerford
Part A: Offer letter – page 1-2
Part B: Personal Details Confirmation Form – pages 4-6 (return by Friday 6 December
Part C: Code of Behaviour – pages 7-8 (return by Friday 6 December)
Part D: Proposed schedule – page 9
Page 2
The Future
of the City
European Student
3 – 5 January 2014
A project by:
Page 3
Organised by:
Funded by:
Dane Comerford
Public Engagement Events Manager
Part B – Personal Details Confirmation Form
Please complete and return by Friday 6 December
University of Cambridge Student Parliament, 3 – 5 January 2014
Please complete this form and return it by Friday 6 December at the latest. We need this
information so that we can contact you before the Student Parliament and so that we know what
to do and who to contact in the event of an emergency. We appreciate that you have already
given us some of this information on your application form but it is very important that we
double-check all details. Please write clearly.
The personal information you provide on this form is confidential and will be kept by the
Student Parliament Co-ordinators for use in the event of an accident or other emergency.
Personal Details
Mobile Number (in box below):
Home Address:
Your Email Address (please write clearly):
Repeat Your Email Address:
Would you like to share your email address with
other participants?
Home Telephone:
Date of Birth:
Page 4
If you have any medical condition or disability that we should be aware of, please give details below
(you may continue on a separate sheet) and note any special arrangements we can make to help your
attendance at the Student Parliament.
If you suffer from any allergies, please give details below and note any special arrangements we need
to make. Please also tell us if you intend to bring medication (e.g. inhaler, insulin) with you.
Please give details of any special dietary requirements or other requirements (e.g. use of a prayerroom)
In accordance with the University of Cambridge’s Child Protection Policy, we need to have a
record of anyone who may contact us about any of our participants. Please provide contact
details for two people (over the age of 18) who we may contact in an emergency. At least one
should be a parent or carer. If you provide details for two parents/carers with the same evening
or daytime contact numbers, please count them as one contact, giving both names and details,
and provide another contact (perhaps another relative, a neighbour or family friend) so that
there is a good chance that someone will be available in the event of an emergency.
Emergency Contact Details
Contact 1 Name
Contact 2 Name
Relation to student
Relation to student
Daytime Telephone
Daytime Telephone
(must be different to contact 1 number)
Evening Telephone
Evening Telephone
(must be different to contact 1 number)
Mobile Telephone
Mobile Telephone
(must be different to contact 1 number)
Page 5
When you sign the declaration below, you agree to the processing of your personal data (as
defined by the Data Protection Act 1998) by the University of Cambridge.
Declaration to be completed by the student:
To completed by your parent/carer:
I confirm that I have completed this form as
I confirm that I am willing to allow the student in
accurately as possible and that I wish to accept a
this declaration to participate in the University of
place on the University of Cambridge Student
Cambridge Student Parliament and that the
emergency contact details above are correct.
I have read the information presented in the
I understand the terms stated in the Code of
Code of Behaviour and agree to adhere to the
Behaviour document and that I will be responsible
rules and regulations listed. I also agree to
for the named participant in the event that they can
adhere to any additional rules and regulations
no longer participate.
explained to me during the Student Parliament. I
understand that I will not be allowed to continue
on the Student Parliament in the event of serious
misbehaviour on my part.
Relation to student:
Page 6
Part C – Code of behaviour
University of Cambridge Student Parliament 3 – 5 January 2014
Please read this Code of Behaviour carefully. The attached declaration must be signed by you
and returned to Dane Comerford by Friday 6 December. If this form is not signed and returned
you will be unable to attend the Student Parliament.
Expected behaviour
Participating in the Student Parliament will probably be very different from your experiences at
school/college. The aim is that all students benefit from the event and enjoy this new
experience. In order to do this, you will be expected to demonstrate responsible behaviour
whilst attending each element of the Student Parliament as well as respect for the rights of
other students and staff.
Rules and regulations
For health and safety reasons, and for all students to have the opportunity to benefit and enjoy
the Student Parliament Programme, the following rules and regulations will be in operation:
Alcohol must not be brought onto the site or consumed during Student Parliament events.
The purchase or use of any illegal substances is strictly forbidden.
Smoking is not allowed.
Students are expected to attend all timetabled activities (unless there is a valid reason for
absence, such as illness).
Students are not allowed to leave the event without permission from either Dane Comerford
or Nicola Buckley (Head of Public Egagement at the University of Cambridge).
Students are expected to follow any emergency procedure, such as a fire drill, as directed
by event staff.
There will be separate male and female accommodation. Males and females are expected
to keep to their own accommodation areas.
Students are expected to be in their rooms at specified times (which will be indicated on the
first day).
Serious incidents of misbehaviour
In the event of serious misbehaviour, such as fighting, racial abuse or the use of illegal
substances, the student(s) concerned will not be allowed to continue on the Student Parliament
and arrangements will be made for the student(s) to leave.
Page 7
On the first day, staff may explain some additional rules and regulations that will apply to
activities currently being planned. As such, it is expected that you will adhere to them for your
own health and safety, and that of other students and staff.
Please sign the attached declaration to show you agree to adhere to the above code and
return to Dane Comerford as soon as possible.
Please complete this Declaration and return by Friday 6 December along with the personal
details form to:
Dr Dane Comerford
Public Engagement Events Manager
Office of External Affairs and Communications
University of Cambridge
The Pitt Building
Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1RP
I have read the information presented in the Code of Behaviour and agree to adhere to the
rules and regulations listed.
I also agree to adhere to any additional rules and regulations explained to me on the first day of
the Student Parliament programme.
I understand that I will not be allowed to continue on the Student Parliament programme in the
event of serious misbehaviour on my part.
SIGNATURE OF STUDENT: ________________________________
DATE: ______________________________
Page 8
Part D – Proposed schedule for UK Student Parliament
Corpus Christi College
Trumpington St
Cambridge CB2 1RH
Travel information:
3 January 2014 – Opening and first working group session
11 am
12 pm
Arrival and light refreshments
Welcome, setting expectations and code of conduct
Introduction talk
Icebreaker activities, topic assessment
Panel discussion with Q/A
Evening meal
Visit to museum and/or College/s
Evening talk about University of Cambridge
4 January 2014 – Working group sessions and expert hearings
8 am
12 pm
Committee work
Committee work
Additional committee work
Draft resolutions
Punt tour, refreshments
Evening meal
Further discussion on position papers
Evening talk summarising resolutions
5 January 2014 – Parliamentary debates
8 am
12 pm
Page 9
Go to debating chamber, welcome talk
Debate resolutions
Debate resolutions
Debate resolutions
Closing remarks and hand over to policy maker
Refreshments and thanks
Student Parliament ends