Curriculum Vitae - University of Florida



Aylin Tasdemir-Ozdes

2915 SW 13 th

St. Apt#56 Gainesville, FL

Cell Phone: (352) 792-3210

(2000-2004) Umraniye HighSchool

GPA: 91.4 /100

(2004-2008) Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, Halic University

Major: Psychology

GPA: 91.67/100 (ranking first in the psychology department)

Scholarships/Awards: Higher Education Institute of Turkish Republic Fellowship

(2010- 2012) Master of Art, Emory University

Cognition and Development

GPA: 3.54

Scholarships/Awards: Scholarship from Turkish Ministry of Education

2012- Philosophy of Doctorate, University of Florida

Developmental Psychology

Scholarships/Awards: Scholarship from Turkish Ministry of Education


(2012-) University of Florida

Research Assistant in Social-Cognitive and Affective Development Lab

Project Manager in Florida Lifestyle Project (PIs: Dr. Natalie Ebner and Dr. Susan Bluck).

This project examines the effect of mental time travel on young and older adults’ healthrelated decision making. Assisted in coordination and student supervision.

(2010-2012) Emory University

Research Assistant with Dr. Patricia Bauer in Memory Lab

Worked on several projects:

(1) Masters Thesis: Consistency between different reports of earliest memories in adults

(2)Type of location information (location scale, location focus) and location information as a determinant for time of the event in autobiographical memories (created a coding scheme and supervised undergrads during coding)

(2008-2009) Seker Ev Nursery School

Provided child observation, interviewing with parents

Measured IQ, personality and developmental stages of children with psychological tests

(2007-2009) Teaching basic lessons to an elementary student

Taught mathematics, literature and Basic English skills

(Summer 2008) Sekizinci Gun Psychological Consultation Center

Worked with children who have Autism, Down Syndrome, Mental Retardation,

Taught basic daily skills, interviewed with parents of children

(2007-2008) Mavi Marti Psychological Consultation Center (internship)

Conducted initial interview with clients

Measured IQ, personality and developmental stages of children

 (Fall 2007) Balıklı Rum Hospital and Anatolia Clinics (internship)

Observed patients addicted to cocaine and alcohol

 (Summer 2007) Mazhar Osman Bakırköy Mental Hospital Psychosis Service


Observed psychotic patients

Attended therapy sessions as an observer

(Spring 2007 ) Ada Nursery School (internship)

Observed children

Talked to teachers about the potential problems of children

 (Fall 2006) Sihirlipark Nursery School (internship)

Observed children

Talked to teachers about the potential problems of children


Bauer, P.J., Tasdemir-Ozdes, A., & Larkina, M. (in press). Consistency in events, ages, and narrative characteristics over time. Consciousness and Cognition.

Tasdemir-Ozdes A., Strickland-Hughes, C.M., Bluck, S., Ebner, N.C., Now or never: The effect of global and specific future time perspective on healthy lifestyle choices in younger and older adults. (Under review for a special issue in Psychology and Aging).


Tasdemir-Ozdes, A., & Ebner, N. C. (2013, July). Effect of Mental Time Travel on Life-

Style Decisions:Does Valence Matter?

. Education, Psychology and Science session presented at

International Academic Conference on Social Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey.

Tasdemir-Ozdes, A., Bluck, S., & Ebner, N. C. (2013, November). Effect of Time-

Frames on Healthy Lifestyle Choices in Young and Older Adults . Poster session presented at

Society for the Study of Human Development, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA.

Strickland-Hughes, C.M., Tasdemir-Ozdes A., Bluck, S., Ebner, N.C., Now or never: The effect of global and specific future time perspective on healthy lifestyle choices in younger and older adults . 6th Annual Spotlight on Aging Research,

Gainesville, FL, USA (Abstract submitted. Poster presentation in preparation).

Strickland-Hughes, C.M., Tasdemir-Ozdes A., Bluck, S., Ebner, N.C., Now or never: The effect of global and specific future time perspective on healthy lifestyle choices in younger and older adults . The Gerontological Society of America, Orlando,

FL, USA (Abstract submitted. Poster presentation in preparation).


Fall 2015 General Psychology

Fall 2014 General Psychology (TA)


2004-2008 Higher Education Institute of Turkish Republic Fellowship

2006 Outstanding Achievement Award, Halic University

2007 Outstanding Achievement Award, Halic University

2008 Outstanding Achievement Award, Halic University

2009-2016 Scholarship for Graduate school from Turkish Ministry of Education

2010-2012 Laney Graduate School Fellowship, Emory University

2013 Graduate Student Council (GSC) Travel Grant

2013 Departmental and CLAS Travel Grant


Computer Skills: Microsoft Office (Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Power

Point, Microsoft Office Excel), SPSS, NOLDUS

Language: Turkish, English
