Unit 6 – Jackson Era Jackson`s Administration

Unit 6 – Jackson Era
Jackson’s Administration
Name ____________________________________Date ___________________Period _____________
Students need to complete the following assignments by the start of class on Friday, February 1st, 2013.
There will be no grace period given and Can Passes can only be used for one of the assignments not all.
1. Read pages 326-331 in your textbook
2. Identify the vocabulary listed below.
a. Tariff of Abominations – a high tariff on imports especially wool that angered the
Southern States.
b. States’ Rights Doctrine – since the states had formed the national government, state
power should be greater than federal power
c. Criteria – basic requirements
d. Nullification Crisis – Conflict between the supporters and the opponents of the Tariff of
Abominations where South Carolina threatened succession over continued use of the
e. Daniel Webster – Massachusetts Congressman who argued that the United States was
one nation and not a pact among the states.
f. McCulloch v. Maryland – Supreme Court ruled in favor of the creation of a national bank
g. Whig Party – favored the idea of a weak president and a strong Congress
h. Panic of 1837 – severe economic depression caused over Jackson’s bank policies
i. William Henry Harrison – army general, 9th President, Whig
3. Answer the following questions based on the reading of pages 326-331. Please use complete
a. Why did New England businesses want a tariff?
i. Tariffs helped them compete with British factories and imports
b. Why did southerners oppose a tariff?
i. Southerners imported their manufactured goods and sold their agricultural
products to Europe, high tariffs angered European trade partners
c. What was the impact of the Tariff of Abominations?
i. Southerners hated the Tariff of Abominations because it hurt their economy.
They would threaten succession if it continued
ii. Caused sectionalism
d. What were the two positions on the Nullification Crisis? Who led each?
i. In favor of Nullification (states made up the Union) – Calhoun and Hayne
ii. United States was one nation – against nullification - Webster
e. What is meant by the phrase “state’s rights debate”?
i. States had formed the national government and therefore have more power
than the federal government opposed to Federal Government having more
power than the states
f. What does Jackson try to do to help with the Tariff of Abominations?
i. Urged Congress to pass a tariff that would be a lower rate than the Tariff of
g. What was Jackson’s position on Nullification?
i. Sternly condemned nullification
ii. Jackson promised to enforce the tariff with the military if needed
h. What would Henry Clay propose?
i. Gradually lowering the tariff over several years and the southern states would
enforce the law
i. What was Jackson’s position on the National Bank?
i. Opposed the Second National Bank of the United States
j. What was the role of the National Bank in the early 1800s?
i. Held federal deposits
ii. Made transfers of federal funds between states
iii. Dealt with any payment or receipts of federal money
k. What led to the Panic of 1837?
i. Jackson weakened the banks power
ii. Inflation due to out of control lending by state banks in the west
iii. Use of only gold and silver
iv. Lowering of the national debt
l. Why had the Whig party been founded?
i. Formed to oppose Jackson 1834 because they believed he was behaving like a
m. Who won the election of 1836?
i. Martin Van Buren
n. Who won the election of 1840?
i. William Henry Harrison
4. Please complete the chart on the back of this paper. You do not need complete sentences. Use
the textbook pages 326-331 for any help.