JJC Sustainability Initiative Committee January 12, 2012 A meeting

JJC Sustainability Initiative Committee
January 12, 2012
A meeting of the Sustainability Committee (JJCSI) was held on Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 2:30 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Laura Mejia.
Members Present
C. Anderson, J. Bialas, L. Bierman, B. Campus, M. Cepon, B. Campus, A. Chobot, M. Gailus, E. Gorder, S.
La Fevers, L. Mejia, J. Mitchell, A. Neill, T. Pagoria, M. Rafac, R. Rivera, J. Serr, A. Tiu, P. Van Duyne, D.
Vieitez, Q. Williams
Review and Approval of Minutes
The December 8, 2011 minutes were reviewed and approved.
Old Business
a. Home Page Presence – L. Mejia showed the committee the link designed by IT for approval. The
committee gave feedback. J. Serr will take all of the suggestions back to the design team and
will work with L. Mejia to make the link live before the next committee meeting.
Committee Updates
a. Academic Task Force – Nothing to report. M. Rafac asked the committee to please review the
Climate Action Plan looking at the education section in the back and give feedback by
Wednesday, January 18th.
b. Procurement & Finance – Nothing to report
c. Operations – Nothing to report
d. Student Engagement – A. Tiu requested ideas from the committee for Earth Day. M. Rafac
mentioned that the student task force has been meeting quickly.
e. Information Technology – J. Serr reported that IT is currently shutting down 538 computers
across campus automatically, primarily in the computer labs and technology labs, at 11pm every
night. The machines are awakened at 6:15am every morning so that all updates/patches are
applied before anyone uses them. IT is working on identifying the next areas for automatic shutdown. The idea is to go to North Campus next. They have an inventory of 100-200 machines.
The college saves an average of $30-$35 per machine annually by performing automatic shutdowns.
Ad Hoc Committees
a. Website Team – L. Mejia reported that she is working with A. Lehmacher to reorganize the
b. Public Relations – Nothing to report.
New Business/Suggestions and Ideas
a. Small Recycling Bins – M. Rafac brought forth a concern on behalf of Noella D’Cruz. Noella was
wondering why the existing recycle bins had been removed. If the bins have been centralized,
she would like to know where they are located. M. Rafac asked if there’s a possibility of getting
small personal bins that can be emptied by each individual. R. Rivera will follow up with Noella.
b. College Sustainability Report Card – M. Rafac discussed the idea of JJC adding itself to the report
card to be graded on the various categories presented on greenreportcard.org. M. Cepon
agreed to review the report card and bring back ideas to the committee.
c. Department Sustainable Practices Link – M. Rafac presented the Marketing Department’s
Sustainable Practices listed on their Portal Page. The committee was asked to use this as a
template for all departments and create their own sustainable practices list.
d. Climate Action Plan – The committee is asked to please review the Climate Action Plan, which
was emailed to everyone with their agenda, and provide feedback by Wednesday Jan 18th.
e. GR2012 Celebrating Sustainability Kickoff and Festival - M. Rafac distributed “Save the Date”
cards for GR2012 which will take place on May 19th. M.Rafac also discussed some of the events
that will take place from the Celebrating Sustainability Kick Off on April 19th and throughout the
f. Healthy Families, Sustainable Communities: Dr. Sandra Steingraber – Film Screening and
Speaking Event on May 8th with a reception following. M. Rafac announced the partners that
have come together to make the event possible. B. Campus mentioned that he has spoken with
J. Giangrego regarding selling Dr. Steingraber’s books in the bookstore. They will be available
prior to the event.
What’s Happening
a. A suggestion was made to offer books during PPD week. M. Rafac will bring the idea to PPD
b. S. LaFevers mentioned that J. Sullivan is heading a computer collection which will be cleaned
and given to an orphanage. S. LaFevers will send details to M. Rafac.
c. M. Cepon mentioned that she has over 150 items collected through the TerraCycle Donation
Project. She is still waiting for the college to be an approved agent but will be continuing to
collect Dry Erase Markers.
d. L. Mejia reported that Campus Police has received 20 applications for LEV parking. R. Rivera
confirmed that there are 19 LEV parking spots available.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm
Next meeting will take place on Thursday, March 8, 2012 at 2:30pm in the Board Room