Colorado College Staff Annual Performance Evaluation Staff Name

Colorado College
Staff Annual Performance Evaluation
Staff Name:
Job Title:
Evaluation Period:
From: ________ To: _________
Time in current position:
Length of time reporting to this supervisor:
Overall Performance Rating - Completed by the supervisor: Check the rating that most closely describes overall performance.
Exceptional Performance
____ Strong Performance
Performance Needs Improvement
____ Unacceptable Performance
Rationale for Overall Rating – Completed by the supervisor.
Employee Comments Related to Rating
Division Head:
HR Director:
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Feedback from colleagues: Staff may list colleagues who can provide substantive feedback on their performance.
Goals – List goals and indicate level of accomplishment and outcomes. Attach an additional page if necessary.
Goal # 1
Employee Comments:
Supervisor Comments:
Goal # 2
Employee Comments:
Supervisor Comments:
Goal # 3
Employee Comments:
Supervisor Comments:
Core Competencies for All Staff- For each competency, check the description that most closely and consistently represents
Job Knowledge:
Employee – Supervisor
____ Exemplary understanding of job and application of job knowledge.
____ Understands and is performing all aspects of the job very well.
____ Has adequate grasp of essential job duties. Can usually proceed without special instructions.
____ Poor job knowledge and lacks depth and application of some important aspects of the job.
Quality of Work:
Employee – Supervisor
____ Produces excellent, high quality results; strives for continuous performance excellence.
____ Most work done well, acceptable in accuracy and thoroughness.
____ Very few errors, usually minor in nature. Work seldom has to be redone or corrected.
____ Work is often unacceptable, frequent errors or rejections.
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Employee – Supervisor
____ Provides exceptional written and oral communication skills, practices open dialogue and
understanding, and communicates with others in an honest, professional, and respectful manner.
____ Communication is clear and concise: promotes and encourages feedback.
____ Communication skills are acceptable with some guidance to ensure accuracy and clarity.
____ Regularly needs guidance to initiate communication; grammar and methods are not effective.
Employee – Supervisor
____ Demonstrates an exceptional level of professional integrity, welcomes responsibility for
decisions/actions, takes additional responsibility without direction, is always reliable.
____ Exhibits professional integrity, accepts responsibility for decisions/actions, takes on additional
responsibility when requested, is usually reliable.
____ Usually acts with professional integrity, accepts responsibility for direct decisions/actions, does
what he/she says will be done with occasional reminders.
____ Does not act with professional integrity, often ignores or passes responsibility to others, cannot be
relied upon to do what he/she says will be done.
Employee – Supervisor
____ Continuously takes action that promotes work quality, efficiency and effectiveness in self, others,
and processes.
____ Regularly practices proactive consideration and action that will improve the status quo.
____ Takes initiative as necessary with occasional reminding and with specific areas.
____ Takes no action, must be reminded or instructed to initiate action.
Time Management:
Employee – Supervisor
____ Exercises excellent use of time; plans in advance.
____ Available and uses time efficiently; regularly plans in advance to avoid delays.
____ Some inconsistency in use of time and availability and meeting timelines.
____ Struggles with meeting timelines; generally not available.
Interpersonal Ability:
Employee – Supervisor
____ Leverages opportunities to partner with others to maximize success; creates an environment of
positive and respectful exchange, achieves success with collaborative efforts.
____ Gets along well with others and is approachable.
____ Demonstrates acceptable and cordial behavior.
____ Demonstrates a reluctance to cooperate with others.
Employee – Supervisor
____ Demonstrates a keen understanding and respect for others in all situations, creates opportunities
to promote inclusion and an awareness of differences.
____ Develops working relationships with others; encourages inclusion and invites others to express
their viewpoints.
____ Shows an awareness of diversity and will modify behavior when necessary.
____ Shows little regard for modifying behavior to promote inclusion and respect for diversity.
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Employee – Supervisor
____ Exceptionally adept at learning new skills and practices creative thinking; adapts to changing
____ Learns easily; adjusts to changes rapidly and identifies options.
____ Adjusts to changes in methods and duties upon request with an acceptable amount of
____ Unable or unwilling to adjust to new methods, duties, leadership, college direction.
Stewardship of Resources:
Employee – Supervisor
____ Demonstrates a high regard for college resources and sustainability efforts.
____ Is typically very aware of finite availability of resources and acts accordingly.
____ Sometimes needs reminding about the finite availability of resources and then will act accordingly.
____ Demonstrates disregard for the college’s resources.
Supervisory Competencies – Complete only for staff with supervisory responsibilities. For each competency, check the
description that most closely and consistently represents behavior/performance.
Employee – Supervisor
____ Models a high degree of honest and respectful behaviors. Consistently inspires trust in
and from others. Always keeps commitments and leads by example.
____ Models honest and respectful behavior. Represents oneself and the college well with others in all
____ Needs periodic reminding of responsibility to model honest and respectful behavior.
____ Not viewed as a credible leader due to inconsistent and inappropriate behaviors.
Organizational Leadership:
Employee – Supervisor
____ Promotes exceptional levels of employee performance to achieve goals, individually, and as a team.
____ Almost always successful in organizing and influencing others to achieve goals.
____ Usually successful in organizing others to accomplish goals.
____ Shows inconsistency in organizing and directing the activities of others, resulting in poor
achievement of results.
Decision Making:
Employee – Supervisor
____ Makes informed, effective and timely decisions based on a complete and thorough understanding
of the situation and review of all pertinent input and information.
____ Makes thorough decisions using available information and gives careful consideration to the
impact of the decision.
____ Decisions are usually made using good judgment and thoughtfulness.
____ Unable to make effective decisions independently.
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Employee – Supervisor
____ Exercises effective delegation based on a thorough understanding of duties, consideration of
individual skills and development, and timely review of outcomes.
____ Regularly delegates tasks to others with acceptable communication, process, and outcomes.
____ Delegates some tasks appropriately but lacks consistent results in timelines, communication, and
consideration of others.
____ Fails to delegate effectively, clarify activities, and/or follow up to meet timelines.
Performance Excellence:
Employee – Supervisor
____ Consistently sets clear goals for staff that lead to success for the department, division, and college,
gives regular performance feedback, and conducts performance assessments according to college
standards. Creates opportunities for staff to grow and learn in their respective jobs.
____ Sets goals and communicates with staff regarding their performance. Conducts performance
assessments according to college standards.
____ Sets goals and provides feedback though not in a consistent manner. Needs to be reminded of the
importance of conducting feedback sessions and to conduct staff performance assessments.
____ Does not provide staff with clear goals and rarely communicates performance feedback. Does not
complete staff performance assessments according to college standards.
Other Accomplishments: Describe other significant accomplishments achieved during the evaluation period. Supervisors
should clearly identify if this staff person should be recognized for accomplishments that had an unprecedented impact on the
department, division, and/or college.
Employee Comments:
Supervisor Comments:
Professional Development Plan – identify areas where education or support may assist the staff person in reaching a higher
level of success.
Employee Comments:
Supervisor Comments:
Goals for Next Evaluation Period: Attach an additional page if necessary.
Goal #1:
Goal #2:
Goal #3:
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