Citations for Scales included in the Measuring Morality Survey Last updated 1-9-13 Note that (almost) all scales are either a) scales in development, or b) shortened versions of published scales. Any scale that was shortened was modified by the scholar who suggested its inclusion on the survey. Citations are typically to the fullversions of these scales. Thus in publications it may be appropriate to refer to these scales as “modified” versions of the scale to avoid confusion with the full versions. Below are citations for each item on the survey. Blanks indicate items for which we currently have no citation information. Cosmopolitanism Identity Measures Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire, Short-Form Plante, Thomas G., and Marcus T. Boccaccini. 1997. “The Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire.” Pastoral Psychology 45(5):375–387. Plante, Thomas G., Charlotte L. Vallaeys, Allen C. Sherman, and Kenneth A. Wallston. 2002. “The Development of a Brief Version of the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire.” Pastoral Psychology 50(5):359–368. The Rational/Experiential Inventory Moral Relativism Ethics Position Questionnaire Items are taken from the relativism scale of the Ethics Position Questionnaire. Forsyth, Donelson R. 1980. “A Taxonomy of Ethical Ideologies.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 39(1):175–184. Lakoff Scales Wehling, Elisabeth, Matthew Feinberg, Laura Saslow, Ingrid Melvaer, and George Lakoff. n.d. “A Moral House Divided: How Idealized Parenting Values Explain Political Ideology.” Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale Shiota, Michelle N., Dacher Keltner, and Oliver P. John. 2006. “Positive emotion dispositions differentially associated with Big Five personality and attachment style.” The Journal of Positive Psychology 1(2):61–71. Defining Issues Test (DIT) Moralization of Everyday Life Scale Lovett, Benjamin J., Alexander H. Jordan, and Scott S. Wiltermuth. 2012. “Individual Differences in the Moralization of Everyday Life.” Ethics and Behavior. Moralization of Politics Scale Skitka, Linda J. 2012. The Moralization of Politics Scale. University of Illinois at Chicago (unpublished). Moral Foundations Sacredness Scale – Short Version Graham, Jesse, and Jonathan Haidt. 2012. “Sacred values and evil adversaries: A moral foundations approach.” in The Social Psychology of Morality: Exploring the Causes of Good and Evil, edited by P. Shaver and M. Mikulincer. New York: APA Books. Moral Identity Aquino, Karl, and Americus II Reed. 2002. “The self-importance of moral identity.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83(6):1423–1440. Close Relationship Questionnaire The Integrity Scale Schlenker, Barry R. 2008. “Integrity and Character: Implications of Principled and Expedient Ethical Ideologies.” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 27(10):1078–1125. Schwartz Values (Portrait Values Questionnaire) Schwartz, Shalom H. et al. 2001. “Extending the Cross-Cultural Validity of the Theory of Basic Human Values with a Different Method of Measurement.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 32(5):519–542. Triune Ethics Theory (TET) Identities Narvaez, Darcia, Jeff Brooks, and Sam Hardy. 2012. “A Multidimensional Approach to Moral Identity: Early Life Experience, Prosocial Personality, and Moral Outcomes.” Under review. Narvaez, Darcia, Jeff Brooks, and Brad Mattan. 2011. “Triune Ethics Moral Identities are Shaped by Attachment, Personality Factors and Influence Moral Behavior.” in Annual meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. San Antonio, T.X. Moral Dilemma – Trolley Ethical Values Assessment This paper outlines the background for the scale, but does not use the scale: Jensen, Lene Arnett. 2011. “The Cultural Development of Three Fundamental Moral Ethics: Autonomy, Commuity, and Divinity.” Zygon 46(1):150–167. Dictator Game A meta study of dictator games, with references to the first published account: Engel, Christoph. 2011. “Dictator Games: A Meta Study.” Experimental Economics 14(4):583–610.