PARTNERSHIP FORUM 15 December 2011 COMMUNIQUÉ On 15 December 2011 the Partnership Forum held its seventh meeting. Key issues discussed by the Forum included the Forum’s strategic directions for 2012; progress with the sustainable funding and contracting reforms between the public and not-for-profit community sectors; progress on establishing the Social Enterprise Fund; an update on the Social Innovation Grants Program and self directed services and supports. PARTNERSHIP FORUM STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS The Partnership Forum endorsed the Partnership Forum Directions – 2012 document, which outlines the Forum’s strategic directions for 2012 and the initiatives to be undertaken to best ensure their successful implementation. Six strategic directions are outlined: Governance, evaluation and oversight by the Partnership Forum across all reforms; Policy, planning and service design to ensure there is a genuine partnership between the public and not-for-profit community sectors and collaboration with service users on the broader aspects of policy planning; Sustainable funding and contracting to enable a more sustainable not-for-profit community sector; Reducing the administrative burden on not-for-profit community organisations; Supporting social enterprise and innovation in the delivery of human services; and Investing in implementation to build the capacity of the public and not-for-profit community sectors. These directions were informed by discussion and input provided at a community Pre Brief held on 11 August 2011. The Forum agreed that the document would be released via its new website to be launched in late January 2012. It was also agreed that an evaluation framework would be developed to effectively monitor and evaluate the Forum’s progress and achievements over time. MENTAL HEALTH REFORM DIRECTIONS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA The Mental Health Commissioner, Eddie Bartnik, presented to the Forum on the Mental Health 2020: Making it personal and everybody’s business strategic policy. The Partnership Forum noted that the mental health reforms are a good example of the partnership between the public and notfor-profit community sectors, focused on improved outcomes for Western Australians and consistent with the Partnership Forum’s reform agenda. POLICY, PLANNING AND SERVICE DESIGN The Partnership Forum identified collaborative policy, planning and service design as a key Partnership Forum direction in 2012. The Partnership Forum agreed to focus on building capacity in both the public and not-for-profit community sectors to collaborate in the development of policy and design of human services. The Forum endorsed an Action Plan for 2012, focused on four key directions: building skills, networks and knowledge; moving to an outcomes focus; driving innovation in service design; and joint policy in practice. SUSTAINABLE FUNDING AND CONTRACTING WITH THE NOT-FOR-PROFIT COMMUNITY SECTOR The Forum considered the second quarterly report on progress with the roll out of component I of the sustainable funding and contracting reforms. The Forum noted the significant progress made by both sectors in the roll out of the component I funding and the ongoing education and training occurring around the implementation of the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy (the Policy). The Forum provided feedback on the strategic approach proposed to Component II. The Forum also considered and endorsed the Capacity Building Implementation Plan, drafted by a joint public and not-for-profit community sector Working Group. The key objective of the Plan is to ensure the Policy and associated contracting reforms are supported in their implementation. The Plan provides a set of capacity building objectives, priority themes for the next four years and immediate capacity building priorities for 2011/12. The Forum agreed to consider longer term priorities 2012/13 – 2014/15 in more detail in June 2012. The Forum also agreed to establish a Sustainable Funding and Contracting Implementation Group to address issues and monitor the implementation of the sustainable funding and contracting initiative on an ongoing basis. SELF-DIRECTED SERVICE DESIGN The Forum considered an update on the Self Directed Services agenda progressed by the Self Directed Services Reference Group. The Forum noted the Reference Group’s work in developing a strategic action plan to progress Self Directed Services in Western Australia. The Forum requested the Reference Group to commence work on agreed immediate actions, including: developing a range of activities to attract, inform and equip consumers from across the community services spectrum to utilise Self Directed Services; developing a clear statement of Self Directed Services principles; and developing a communications strategy. SOCIAL INNOVATION GRANTS PROGRAM The Forum received an update on the status of the second round of Social Innovation Grants. Grant recipients for round two were announced on 15 December 2011. Applications for round three have closed, and applications for round four are now open on the Department for Communities website. The Forum noted that Social Innovation Grants Project Forums will be held in February and August 2012. The February Forum will be held for internal grant recipients to share learnings, while the August Forum will be an opportunity to share learnings across the public and not-for-profit sectors and is aimed at the wider public. Further details of the Forums will be provided on the Partnership Forum website in early 2012. SOCIAL ENTERPRISE FUND The Forum received an update on the status of the establishment of the Social Enterprise Fund. The Social Enterprise Fund will support community organisations establish or enhance social enterprises(s) as one approach for addressing social issues. Funding of $10 million was announced during the 2010/11 State Budget for the Social Enterprise Fund. The Social Enterprise Fund will be launched early 2012 and more information will be available on the Department for Communities website in early 2012. PARTNERSHIP FORUM REPORT TO PREMIER The Partnership Forum agreed on a six monthly report to the Premier, to provide an update on the ongoing work program. PARTNERSHIP FORUM COMMUNICATION The Partnership Forum discussed the issue of communication with the public and not-for-profit community sectors and wider community. The Forum agreed to develop a new website to better manage Partnership Forum communications; and to continue to hold Partnership Forum events in 2012 to effectively communicate with the public and not-for-profit community sectors and community more generally. NEXT MEETING The Partnership Forum’s next meeting will be held in Mandurah on 22 March 2012, followed by a community forum.