Australia - Queensland University of Technology

IT University Travel Report
Dear Student, this is a template – the aim is to inspire other students who may wish to follow in your
footsteps. You are free to give your report the shape you want and to go beyond the questions, as
long as you cover the information asked for below. You are also very welcome to include pictures and
contact information – but you need not. Remember that the report will be made available on the
Host University: Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
Study Programme at IT University : MsC EBUSS
Exchange Agreement or Study Abroad: Study Abroad
Courses studied abroad: Marketing Internationally. Communication & Negotiation and Leadership.
Management in Theory and Practice.
Exchange Period: semester (autumn/spring) Autumn year 2013
Your stay abroad
What was it like to study at [the university] (including choice of courses, academic level, social life
at campus)?
First of all it was a great experience. The university life is way different from what we know in
Denmark. The campus was enormous and full of life all day. It was like a little city with cafes, a food
court, book shops, a gym, a swimming center and a lot of coffee bars. We could not live at the
campus at QUT, anyway people used all the facilities a lot, also non students, why the atmosphere
became really cool. Everyone was so friendly, and if you had any problems, the study abroad staff
helped you out with any issues.
The academic level was different compared to one I am used to. I think the level is quite the same
but the focus was different, meaning that formalities and methodology was really important at QUT,
but the actual theory level was maybe a little lower. Even though, I study EBUSS, I took international
marketing and two management courses. The reason was to learn some international theory, when I
was abroad, and the international marketing class included people from about 20 countries, which
was really interesting. We had a great interactive class and we used everyone’s background to learn
from each other. Moreover, I wanted to learn some management theory, to hopefully prepare for a
future management role. The classes were like Master classes, with teaching at night, with a big
amount of practical people.
What was your initial motivation for going abroad and did your stay meet your expectations?
First of all I wanted to experience the lifestyle in another country than my own. Moreover, I wanted
to experience the university life in another country and meanwhile improve my English skills.
Therefore, I went to Australia. The language is English, the academic level is quite high and the
people and the weather is really nice.
After being back in Denmark, I can conclude that my stay really met my expectations. I already miss
the country, the university and the lovely people 
Please describe what you got out of your stay, both personally and academically, and how do you
expect it to contribute to your further studies?
Initial, I improved my English skills a lot. I used it in classes, and I lived with people from different
countries. Good English skills are definitely essential in today’s business why it really can help me in
my further career. Moreover, I feel more outgoing and open-minded than I was before and I have a
better cultural understanding after meeting people from all over the world. Generally I personally
grow with more levels after my stay. Academically, I will say that theory is probably not that different
in Australia compared to Denmark. But I learned much about research and referencing, which really
can help me, when I start my master thesis.
Arranging your stay
Please give a short description of the process of arranging your stay:
I started contacting Rikke at the study abroad office at ITU. I really received the best service and
support from her. Nevertheless, ITU don’t have that many exchange agreements why I contacted
Kilroy. Via Kilroy, I started my research about relevant universities and targeted the most interesting
ones. After that, it went step by step, with contact to Kilroy and contact to Rikke from ITU from my
own research. In the end I chose QUT, because it was in Australia and they had some relevant
courses. After that I applied to ITU to preapprove my chosen courses from QUT. I remember 5 or 6
out of 7 was approved and therefore I fulfilled my application to QUT via Kilroy. After a month
approximately, my application was approved. Then all the work started with the financing and buying
fly tickets etc. Again Rikke and Kilroy help me a lot with applying for ITU’s travel pool and SU
Stipendie and to find some relevant scholarships.
What resources did you find helpful in planning your stay and which people did you use (if any)?
As mentioned above, Rikke from study abroad ITU and Kilroy was my main contacts and resources.
They did a great job!
How did you arrange practicalities such as accommodation?
Luckily, my girlfriend’s uncle lives an hour outside Brisbane, why he picked me up in the airport and I
stayed at his place the first week. Anyhow, most of my co-students booked some hostels the first
days and few already arranged their accommodation from home. QUT offered an accommodation
service. Before the official semester start, we could go to the university and they had a department
helping with all that. They arranged a tour around Brisbane, with a local real estate agent who
showed us accommodation options. I chose one of his accommodation options. It was quite
expensive, but it worked out pretty good.
Expenses and Financing
Please comment on expenses connected to your stay abroad
Well, to be honest I don’t have the full overview of the expenses. Because I went on study abroad via
Kilroy I had to pay the tuition fee of approximately 50.000 kr., my self (Australia is one of the most
expensive choices, but Brisbane is cheaper than Sydney and Melbourne). But, Rikke helped me with
an application to SU Stipendie, which actually covers most of it. Then you have to buy fly tickets,
insurance, visa, accommodation and general living, including quite expensive food and beer  All in
all it is an expensive stay, but it is possible to receive some scholarships, SU and a SU-lån, which can
help you out.
Did you apply for scholarships and would you recommend any ones in particular?
I did apply, and I got some. The best thing is to buy, a scholarship book, “Legatbogen”, and then also
make some google research.
Recommendations for other students:
Give yourself the best experience ever. Go abroad. Have a lot of fun, meet some great people from
all over the world and then combine it with relevant studies. Simple, just go! It was the best time of
my life.