Sussex Authors User Guide [DOCX 1.69MB]

Sussex Research Online
Making Sussex research available to all
Sussex Research Online
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 3
1. Account Management ......................................................................................... 4
Accessing SRO .................................................................................................. 4
Manage your SRO Account .............................................................................. 5
2. Depositing an Item ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Step 1: Specifying Item Types .......................................................................... 7
Step 2: Uploading a Full Text Article ............................................................... 7
Step 3: Adding Details .................................................................................... 10
Step 4: Selecting Subject Area for the Item .................................................. 13
Step 5: Depositing for Review ........................................................................ 14
3. Live Repository Items........................................................................................ 15
To View Items ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
To Search Items .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Saved Searches ............................................................................................... 23
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
About this Guide
This is the user guide for using the Sussex Research Online system. This document
is intended for Sussex Authors wishing to use the repository in order to submit their
research publications.
Sussex Research Online
Sussex Research Online (SRO) is the institutional repository of the University of
Sussex. It provides a single online location designed to capture, archive and highlight
the research output of University staff. It runs on EPrints, the free software for
Archiving Research data for Organizations.
Submission Process
The status of the item depends upon where it is located in the process of submission
to the SRO. There are four main regions: User Workarea, the Review Buffer, Live
Archive and Retired Items.
A Sussex author will interact with the following two areas in the Archiving Process:
User Workarea: University users of the SRO are assigned their own Workarea. This
is where the metadata for an un-deposited Item is stored. Additionally, it records all
Items the User has submitted to the SRO, regardless of their location and status.
When the Item is deposited at the last stage of the submission process, the Item is
moved from the User Workarea to the review buffer.
Review Buffer: When the Deposit button is pressed, the new Item moves out of the
user's individual Workarea into the system-wide Review Buffer. This is where newlycreated records are held for editorial inspection. The aim of this is to check and
enhance the quality of the metadata (eg to ensure that names have been entered
correctly and include Person IDs; that no important data is missing; to ensure entries
conform to editorial policy, and to check copyright, where full text has been
After checking, the editors can move the Item into the Live Archive, return it to the
relevant User Workarea for corrections, or destroy the Item. The submitting party will
be notified via email and given an explanation if their Item is to be returned or
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
1. Account Management
Accessing SRO
Access the Repository on and click
Enter your Sussex Username and Password.
A Sussex research staff member is assigned the status of a User. A User can
enter details of an item into the repository, edit the details and deposit it for
This is the menu available to you:
The Login page takes you to your Personal Workarea
You can modify the view of listed Items on your home page by selecting one
of the options as shown below:
You can also add, remove or move a column from the information table
displaying your research Items:
Click the
for removing and
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
button for a drop down list for selecting a column,
for moving the order of a column.
Manage your SRO Account
Make changes to your Profile Information, your Account Details and Personal
Apply Editorial Rights restriction. This includes selecting the Divisions,
Subjects and Item Types that you want to associate your editorial rights with.
Access your Saved Searches.
Track Item History.
from the main menu.
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
2. Depositing an Item
A brief overview of the upload process is available in the 5-step User Guide,
found via the Advice for authors tab on the left-hand menu after log-in. This
section looks at each step in meticulous detail, breaking down every field at
every stage of the process.
Depositing an Item is a step-by-step process. You can either add a new item
manually or you can import metadata from an external source.
Select the Type of Publication that is to be submitted
Upload Full Text of the Publication
Enter the metadata for the item
Select the Subject for the Publication
Deposit the Item to the Review Buffer for Verification
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Step 1: Specifying Item Types
Select the Item Type from the List:
If the Item you’re uploading doesn’t appear to be covered by any of the Item types
then please choose the Other category, and include more specific details of what the
Item is in the ‘Additional Information’ field.
If your Conference Item has been published, then select Article or Book section
instead, as appropriate.
If you have guest edited a Special Issue of a Journal, then select Item Type ‘Edited
Step 2: Uploading a Full Text Article
You must first consider the copyright status of the item you wish to upload
before you upload it. Different publishers and publications will have different
copyright coverage. Most allow the ‘author’s final version’ (ie the Word version
incorporating corrections and accepted by the publisher), but not the
publisher’s PDF. If you are unsure of the copyright policy of the publication
your work appears in you can use the SHERPA RoMEO tool, found at or via the link provided on the upload page.
The following are the most commonly permitted files for upload:
PrePrint: A preprint is any version of an article before the final, refereed, revised,
accepted draft.
PostPrint: A postprint is any version of an article from the refereed, accepted, final
draft onwards (including post-publication corrections and revisions).
It is best to save your Word document in PDF format before upload as this makes it
more easily accessible cross-platform.
You can add more than one file with your item. There are following options available
for selecting a type of file for your publication:
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
By Selecting a File from your local directory
Click Choose File and Select a file to upload with the Item.
From a URL
You can also enter the URL from an online source.
Alternatively you have the facility to add the following types of files to your item:
Importing a .tar or .gzip file
Attaching a .zip file
From OpenXML
Options available after Upload
Once you have uploaded the required files, they are displayed in the following format:
Against a file you have the following options:
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Reorder Files.
Delete File.
View Editing Options.
When you expand this button you can view the Metadata and File information.
Managing Metadata for Uploaded Files
Content: Specify the Version of the Document uploaded
Format: Select the format from the drop down list
Description: You can enter a brief description to the uploaded Full Text
Visible to: Select the visibility preferences for users for the full text.
License: Select the License for the full text item
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Embargo Expiry Date: If an embargo is applied to the full text, you can enter the
Files Information
In this section, you can:
1. Select the main file (file that is displayed as the first) for your publication
2. Delete a file
3. Upload an additional file Or Convert a document format.
Converting the Format of a document: You can convert the format of an uploaded
file into another type by making a selection as shown below.
Step 3: Adding Details
The details section of a Publication Item varies according to the type of Publication
Item selected in the first Step. Help is available for every field in the Item details
section by using the Help button as shown below:
You can expand a text area by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner as
shown below:
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Entering the details for Publication Item creators is explained in detail below followed
by guide on how to enter details for a Journal Article. The method for entering details
for other item types is similar.
All the mandatory data fields are marked with
Entering the Item Creators
Sussex Authors:
‘Creators’ refers to those who were involved in the creation of the work being cited,
usually the authors of a text. To add a Sussex Creator, enter the Family Name and a
corresponding list of Sussex staff and researchers will be provided to select a name
from, as shown above.
Select the appropriate option and the fields will be automatically populated, including
the necessary Person ID field.
if you need to add more authors for your publications.
To re-order the Authors sequence, use the
External Authors:
Enter the Family Name and Given name manually for an external Author.
Corporate Creators:
Enter the names of the corporate creators manually.
The Contributors field is used for those people who worked on the item in unusual
roles (e.g. choreographer or animator) not covered by the Creators field. For
contributors, first, specify the type of contribution:
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Use the same mechanism as explained for Authors for the Family Name, Given
Name/Initials and Person ID.
These two fields (Corporate Creators and Contributors) do not show in the final
citation, so only use them for additional detail.
Adding Details for a Journal Article
Mandatory Fields for Details:
 Title
 Creators
 Refereed
 Publication Status
 Journal or Publication Title
 Date
 Official URL
(Preferably a DOI link, e.g.
 Identification Number.
(Preferably a DOI, e.g. 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2011.01353.x)
 If the Project is funded by an Organisation , ensure that you fill the sections of
Enter the Uncontrolled Keywords
Additional Information that might be useful to supplement fields or provide
further details, eg for the REF2014.
According to the REF2014 Guidelines Additional Information may provide:
Details about the research questions, methodology or means of dissemination,
where these are not described within the output itself. This applies to practice-based
outputs, for example, an exhibition, performance or artefact.
Factual information about the significance of the output where this is not evident
within the output (for example, if the output has gained external recognition, led to
further developments or has been applied).
Where the item includes significant material published prior to 1 January 2008,
details of how far the earlier work was revised to incorporate new material
For co-authored or co-produced outputs, details of the contribution of the individual
submitted researcher to the output
Add any Comments and Suggestions and Import Notes for the SRO
Administrators and Editors. Import Notes are shown in the Item Details as
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Adding a New Item by importing metadata from External Sources
Adding a new item by importing metadata from other bibliographic sources will speed
up the process of depositing an item.
For importing a new item using an external bibliographic database, select a source
as shown below:
In this example we are importing via a DOI:
Enter the DOI of the
If you want to test the metadata first click
This will fill up the text fields for your Item Details section.
or directly
Please note that an import from an external source will only fill in ‘Step 3’ of
your Depositing Process.
Step 4: Selecting Subject Area for the Item
The fourth step for depositing an item in the repository is selecting the subject area.
The Sussex Research Online uses the Library of Congress Classification.
Expand the broad subject areas to find the required Subject.
Enter text and use the search function to search for a Subject Area.
to assign the subject area for an item.
Please email if you cannot find the desired subject in the list
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Step 5: Depositing for Review
Depositing Items directly after completing Step 4
Before clicking the ‘Deposit’ button, make sure that you have read and agreed
to the Terms and Conditions.
Resolve any Identified Problems by the system before Depositing the Item.
with them.
If you want to save this item in your user area, click
if you have read the terms and conditions and agree
Depositing Saved Items from your Workarea
from the Main Menu.
Click the Deposit Item Icon, as highlighted in the figure below, to deposit the
You will see the following message when you have completed the Depositing
Newly Deposited Item/ Items under Review
If a newly submitted Item is already undergoing a Review by an SRO Administrator,
the Edit option will not be available to you. Only the View option will be available .
Once the Item is deposited into the Repository, click
available to you:
to access the functionalities
Details: The Metadata details for an Item.
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Preview: A Preview of what the item looks like on the Live Repository.
Actions: Functionality allowed to a Sussex Author. These include:
to create another version of the Item.
to create a template for this item.
Request Deletion.
Fill in a Reason for the Request and Click
Export: Export Bibliographic details using a Citation Tool.
History: View the History of changes made to an Item
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
3. Live Repository Items
To View Items
On the Home screen, Click Browse from the menu.
You can select from the seven options below to browse through the Repository:
 This lists the publications for a selected year.
Click the Year you would like to search publications for and a list for
publications will be displayed for that year.
You can choose from a list of Subjects which also indicates the number of
records for each subjects in the Repository.
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Alternatively, If you are looking for a broader Subject List, Click Library of
Congress Subject Areas and select from the list.
This page lists the Publication Authors. Select the required author and a list of
Publications will be displayed.
This page lists all the journal titles for available records in the repository.
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Select the type of research item and a list of publications will be displayed.
Schools and Departments
Select the department form the list provided
Select the year of Publications by that department.
Alternatively you can also click on University Structure. And select the
required School.
Latest Additions
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
You can also see Latest Additions to the SRO which are displayed on the
Home Page:
Click the Title to Access the Item.
Click More to access 20 Latest Additions to the Repository.
Viewing Item Details
Click the Title to open a record. A summary of the metadata will be displayed.
to access the detailed record. You will need your Sussex
Login ID and Password to access the full record
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
You can also expand the Tools section.
Here you can do the following:
Export into a Bibliographic format by selecting from the drop down list.
Find the item on Sussex Library
Share the item on Social Media.
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
To Search Items
There are three types of searches in the SRO.
 Quick Search
 Basic search
 Advanced Search
Quick Search
Access Quick Search on the Home Page of SRO
Enter the Search key word and Click Search
Simple Search
Enter the Criteria for which you want to search an Item.
You can also limit or expand your search by selecting from a dropdown box
shown against every field.
Click Search to view the results. Click the Title to open the record.
Navigate through the result pages to go to the required Item.
You can also edit your search criteria by clicking
You can discard this search results and restart this process by clicking
from the Main menu. The Simple Search Screen will be shown.
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Advanced Search
The Advanced search feature works allows you more comprehensive search options
starting divided into five sections. Enter as much information as you wish to search
for the required items.
Section 1
Enter the title, Creators, Abstract or keywords in the text fields.
Section 2
Select the Subjects of the publication item that you wish to search for.
Section 3
You can make a single or multiple selections for Item types.
Section 4
Select the division/subject for the required item.
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
Section 5
Select the Status, Journal/Publication Title, and any other known information in the
form. You can also select the order in which you wish the results to be displayed.
Click Search.
Shown below is an image of what a search result is displayed:
From here you can:
Refine Search: Takes you back to the Advanced Search Form
New Search: Resets the Search Form
Save Search: The current search criteria for later use.
Saved Searches
Saved Searches feature allows you to record your search query sets for later use.
User Guide-Sussex Authors October 2012
You can access your saved searches by clicking
To save a search click,
search result.
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from the main
, that is a functionality provided to you along a