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Name: Dr. Swarna Jaiswal
Dr. Amit Jaiswal
/jaiswal.html itkumar/
Centre for Research in Engineering Surface
Technology (CREST).
Environmental Health Sciences Institute, Dublin
Institute of Technology, Ireland.
School of Food Science and Environmental
Health, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland. e%3A%22Jaiswal%22%20AND%20author_fnam e%3A%22Swarna%22&start=0&context=49073
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Title of the Project: Engineering of novel capped nanoparticles with enhanced antimicrobial properties and reduced toxicity
Project Summary:
Nanoparticles (NPs) such as silver, gold, zinc oxide, have been used for various bio-applications such as antibacterial agents, bimolecular recognition, drug delivery, imaging and fluorescence sensing. Besides, the persistence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria have renewed interest in the use of nanoparticles, as alternative antibacterial agents. However, concerns have been raised over their disposal and their subsequent environmental impact. There is increasing evidence to indicate that prolonged exposure to nanoparticles can have adverse effects on human cells. Their unique physiochemical properties (small size, high surface to volume ratio, chemical composition, and surface property effects) may be significant in nanoparticle-induced toxicity particularly through causing oxidative damage to mammalian cells. Our previous studies showed that capping of nanoparticles significantly enhances the antibacterial [1] and anti-biofilm activity [2] while reduces the toxicity [2] .
Based on the above facts, the project aims at the synthesis of a range of capped nanoparticles with enhanced antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties and reduced toxicity. Several capping agents such as dextran, cyclodextrins, long-chain acids, polyvinlypyrrolidone, pyrimidine, will be applied to achieve the aim of the project. Furthermore, potential application will be carried out against diverse setup.
The PhD student will gain experience in multidisciplinary disciplines, including biotechnology, microbiology, cell biology and nanotechnology.
1 Jaiswal, S., Duffy, B., Jaiswal, A. K., Stobie, N., & McHale, P. (2010). Enhancement of the antibacterial properties of silver nanoparticles using β-cyclodextrin as a capping agent. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 36(3), 280-283.
2 Jaiswal, S., Bhattacharya, K., McHale, P., & Duffy, B. (2015). Dual effects of β-cyclodextrin-stabilised silver nanoparticles: enhanced biofilm inhibition and reduced cytotoxicity. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in
Medicine, 26(1), 1-10.