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UBC Farm: Farm Fundamentals Tour – PRE-K & KINDERGARTEN: BC Ministry of Education Science Curriculum PLO Chart
Content & Lessons
Farm Introductions
Biology: Annual
Soil Science
PLOs Likely to be Covered
First Nations
Bees & Pollination
Domesticated & Wild
Forest Ecology
demonstrate the ability to observe their surroundings
describe features of their immediate environment
use the five senses to make observations
compare local plants
describe features of local plants & animals (e.g., colour, shape, size,
use five senses to make observations
share with others information obtained by observing
describe properties of materials, including colour, shape, texture, size, &
describe ways to rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, & recycle
describe properties of materials, including colour, shape, texture, size, &
demonstrate the ability to observe their surroundings
share with others information obtained by observing
demonstrate the ability to observe their surroundings
use the five senses to make observations
describe activities of Aboriginal peoples in BC in each seasonal cycle
demonstrate the ability to observe their surroundings
compare common animals
describe features of local plants & animals (e.g., colour, shape, size,
demonstrate the ability to observe their surroundings
identify materials that make up familiar objects
use five senses to make observations
share with others information obtained by observing
describe ways to rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse, & recycle
describe features of local plants & animals (e.g., colour, shape, size,
describe properties of materials, including colour, shape, texture, size, &
Common Science
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Flower Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Soil Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Compost Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Guided Agro-ecology Hike;
Close Observation;
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Activities;
Animal Interaction;
Observation; Discussion
Overall Farm Tour
UBC Farm: Farm Fundamentals Tour – GRADES 1/2/3: BC Ministry of Education Science Curriculum PLO Chart
Content & Lessons
Farm Introductions
Biology: Annual
Soil Science
Forest Ecology
PLOs Likely to be Covered
Domesticated & Wild 
First Nations
Bees & Pollination
G1: describe daily/seasonal cycle changes & their effects on living things
G2: use their senses to interpret observations
G3: describe how plants are harvested & used throughout the seasons
G3: ask questions that foster relevant investigations & explorations
G1: classify living & non-living things
G1: describe the basic needs of local plants & animals (food, water, light)
G1: describe how basic plant/animal needs are met in their environment
G1: describe daily/seasonal cycle changes & effects on living things
G2: infer the probable outcome of an event/behaviour based on observation
G3: describe characteristics & movements of objects in our solar system
G3: compare familiar plants according to similarities & differences in
appearance & life cycles
G3: describe how plants are harvested & used throughout the seasons
G2: describe physical properties of air, water, & soil
G2: distinguish ways in which air, water, & soil interact
G2: explain why air, water, & soil are important for living things
G2: infer the probable outcome of an event or behaviour based on
G1: classify living & non-living things
G2: distinguish ways in which air, water, & soil interact
G2: explain why air, water, & soil are important for living things
G2: distinguish ways in which air, water, & soil interact
G3: compare familiar plants according to similarities & differences in
appearance & life cycles
G3: describe ways plants are important to living things & the environment
G1: describe activities of Aboriginal peoples in BC in each seasonal cycle
G2: describe how animals are important to Aboriginal peoples in BC
G2: describe ways animals are important to living things & the environment
G1: describe the basic needs of local plants/animals (food, water, light)
G1: describe how basic needs of plants/animals are met in their environment
G2: describe some changes that affect animals (e.g., hibernation, migration)
G2: describe how animals are important to Aboriginal peoples in BC
G1: verbally communicate observations, experiences, & thinking
G1: describe daily/seasonal cycle changes & their effects on living things
G2: use their senses to interpret observations
Common Science
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Flower Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Soil Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Compost Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Guided Agro-ecology Hike;
Observation; Discussion
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Activities;
Animal Interaction;
Observation; Discussion
Overall Farm Tour
 G2: infer the probable outcome of an event/behaviour based on observations
 G3: describe how plants are harvested & used throughout the seasons
UBC Farm: Farm Fundamentals Tour – GRADES 4/5/6/7: BC Ministry of Education Science Curriculum PLO Chart
Content & Lessons
PLOs Likely to be Covered
 G4: determine how personal choices & actions have environmental
 G5: analyse how BC’s living & non-living resources are used
 G4: identify sources of light & sound
Biology: Annual
 G4: analyse impacts of weather on living & non-living things
 G4: make predictions, supported by reasons & relevant to the content
Soil Science
 G4: analyse impacts of weather on living & non-living things
 G7: assess the requirements for sustaining healthy local ecosystems
 G4: analyse simple food chains
 G6: distinguish between life forms as single or multi-celled organisms &
belonging to one of 5 kingdoms: Plantae, Animalia, Monera, Protista, Fungi
 G4: determine how personal choices & actions have environmental
Forest Ecology
 G4: analyse impacts of weather on living & non-living things
 G5: analyse how BC’s living & non-living resources are used
 G4: demonstrate awareness of the Aboriginal concept of respect for the
First Nations
 G5: analyse how the Aboriginal concept of interconnectedness of the
environment is reflected in responsibility for & caretaking of resources
 G7: assess survival needs & interactions between organisms & the
Bees & Pollination
 G4: analyse simple food chains
Domesticated & Wild
 G7: analyse the roles of organisms as part of interconnected food webs,
populations, communities, & ecosystems
 G4: determine how personal choices & actions have environmental
 G5: describe potential environmental impacts of using BC’s living & nonliving resources
 G6: distinguish between life forms as single or multi-celled organisms &
belonging to one of 5 kingdoms: Plantae, Animalia, Monera, Protista, Fungi
 G7: analyse the roles of organisms as part of interconnected food webs,
populations, communities, & ecosystems
 G7: assess survival needs & interactions between organisms & the
Farm Introductions
Common Science
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Flower Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Soil Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Compost Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Guided Agro-ecology Hike;
Observation; Discussion
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Activities;
Animal Interaction;
Observation; Discussion
Overall Farm Tour
 G7: assess the requirements for sustaining healthy local ecosystems
 G7: evaluate human impacts on local ecosystems
UBC Farm: FarmFundamentals Tour – GRADES 8/9: BC Ministry of Education Science Curriculum PLO Chart
Content & Lessons
Farm Introductions
Biology: Annual
Soil Science
Forest Ecology
First Nations
Bees & Pollination
PLOs Likely to be Covered
G8/G9: demonstrate ethical, responsible, cooperative behaviour
G8: demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of living things
G9: demonstrate scientific literacy
G8: demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of living things
 G8: describe how water & ice shape the landscape
 G8: demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of living things
 G8: demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of living things
G8/G9: demonstrate ethical, responsible, cooperative behaviour
G8: describe a variety of diverse cultural traditions
G9: describe daily life in Aboriginal communities & British North America
G8: demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of living things
 G8: demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of living things
Domesticated & Wild
 G9: describe daily life in Aboriginal communities & British North America
G8: demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of living things
G8: describe how water & ice shape the landscape
G9: demonstrate safe procedures
G9: demonstrate scientific literacy
G9: demonstrate ethical, responsible, cooperative behaviour
G9: describe changes in the properties of matter
Common Science
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Flower Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Soil Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Compost Activity;
Observation; Discussion
Guided Agro-ecology Hike;
Observation; Discussion
Observation; Discussion
Hands-on Activities;
Animal Interaction;
Observation; Discussion
Overall Farm Tour