Current students: OSSD accommodations and/or services are not

Office of Services for
Students with Disabilities
705 S. New Street
223 Lawrence Center
West Chester University
West Chester, PA 19383
610-436-2564 (phone)
610-436-2600 (fax)
How to Register with the OSSD
Greetings and welcome to the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities at WCU! If you are
interested in registering with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (OSSD) please be
aware that the diagnostic documentation required for accommodations varies according to the type
and severity of the disability. Please note the following:
 All documentation needs to be current (within the past three years) and must be mailed or
faxed directly to the OSSD.
 Prescription tablet notes are not acceptable forms of documentation.
 To confirm the presence of a learning disability and/or autism/Asperger’s Syndrome, a
psychological evaluation report from a private psychologist or a re-evaluation report from a
school psychologist is required.
 If the disability includes a medical, physical, attention, or emotional diagnosis, a letter from
the treating physician, diagnostician, therapist, or psychiatrist is required. The letter should
be typed on professional letterhead, signed by the professional, and include the following:
the medical, physical, attention, or psychiatric diagnosis
the length of time being treated for the disability
the current treatment regimen, including medication (if any)
student’s functional limitations from the disability in an academic setting
how a major life activity is affected by the student’s disability
specific recommendations for accommodations in a post-secondary setting
When your documentation is received in the OSSD, you will be contacted via your WCU email address
and given information about scheduling an intake meeting. Intake meetings are one-on-one sessions
where you will meet with either our director or assistant director for about 30 minutes to learn about
the accommodations you are eligible to receive. You will be asked to provide your WCU ID card and
to arrive a few minutes early to complete an intake form.
Current students: OSSD accommodations and/or services are not retroactive; therefore, the sooner
you can provide us with documentation, the sooner we can schedule your intake meeting.
Prospective students: Please do not submit your documentation until you have been accepted to
WCU and made your decision to attend.
Rev. 09/22/2015