NEW FACULTY ORIENTATION PROGRAM RESPONSE FORM 1. Name: 2. Address and phone: (if they will be different from the present ones) (address) (phone) New address and phone effective on: (date) 3. If we need to contact you before orientation, please provide your preferred e-mail address: 4. Person to be contacted in case of an emergency while attending the orientation: (name) (phone) 5. Do you plan on attending the Iron Hill reception on Wednesday, August 14 at ~6 PM? YES NO 6. In the space below, please construct a ~150-word autobiographical paragraph about yourself – whatever you would like your WCU colleagues to know about you. For example, the bios may include your academic background, employment highlights, research and teaching interests, other scholarly activity (such as publications and presentations), and additional information of your choosing (interests, family, recent travel). The biographies will be distributed during the orientation and included in an early fall newsletter from the Provost. The bios will help to introduce you to other new WCU faculty and administrators and to the full campus community. 8. The Faculty Round Table Discussion is a small group discussion during orientation focused on scholarship/research and incorporation of the teacher-scholar model. The following questions will help us form the appropriate groups: a. How many years of research/scholarship experience do you have? b. Please provide a brief description of your area of research/scholarship: 9. Other information you wish to provide (e.g., special needs, dietary restrictions): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Please return this form to Joyce Holste using any of the following options: 1. E-mail: 2. Fax: 3. Mail: (610) 738-0336 Joyce Holste Associate Provost Office West Chester University Philips Memorial Building, Room 008 700 S. High Street West Chester, PA 19383