NATIONAL SUN YAT-SENUNIVERSITY College of Science Regulations for Selections and Recommendations of Outstanding Alumni/Alumnae Approved by the 3rd College General Meeting on May 19, 2008, School Year 96. I. The present regulations are specifically issued in accordance with "National Sun Yat-sen University Regulations for Outstanding Alumni/Alumnae Selections" for honouring achievements and contributions of outstanding alumni/alumnae of the College in expectation of motivating younger generations to improve the reputation of the university. II. Candidate eligibility: Alumni/alumnae of the College without student identity at the time of recommendation. III. Recommendation criteria: All alumni/alumnae of the College with one of the following conditions may be recommended: A. Having outstanding achievements in academic, education, industrial/commercial, and cultural, artistic or other aspects. B. Achieving significant social status through organizing institutions or groups that are beneficial to the country/society. C. Having special contributions to the university. IV. Recommendation procedure: A. Recommendation by alumni associations of each department/institute of the College. B. Recommendation by each department/institute of the College. C. Recommendation by alumni/alumnae themselves to departments/institutes or department/institute alumni associations. V. Recommendation time: Candidates are called via public procedure by each department/institute or department/institute alumni associations in June, and recommendation lists and relevant information are delivered to the university for selections by the end of August. VI. Selection procedure: The College of Science convenes heads meeting for selecting no more than 2 outstanding alumni/alumnae of the College of Science every year, and the recommendation list shall be delivered to the Outstanding Alumni/Alumnae Selection Committee of the university at the end of September. VII. Honouring procedure: Once the outstanding alumni/alumnae of the College of Science are selected, the dean of the College shall issue the College Of Science Outstanding Alumni/Alumnae Certificate in addition to during a public event. VIII. The outstanding alumnus/alumna shall be disqualified if he/she is subject to damaging the reputation of the country, the reputation of the university, or his/her personal reputation. IX. The present regulations shall be implemented following approvals of college general meetings. The same procedure shall be carried out when amendments are to be made. NATIONAL SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY College of Science School Year_______ "Outstanding Alumni/Alumnae" Recommendation Table Name Gender Date of Birth Department Recent Photo Contact Address Contact Number Recommendation Type □ Education □ Administration □ Industry/Commerce/Service □ Academy □ Culture/Art □ Others Education and Experiences Outstanding Excellent Deeds Recommendation Unit Signature Stamp of Unit Head