A Pan-cancer catalogue of driver protein interaction

Supplementary Information for the manuscript
A Pan-cancer catalogue of driver protein interaction interfaces
Eduard Porta-Pardo1, Thomas Hrabe1 and Adam Godzik1
and Systems Biology Program, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research
Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA, 92037, USA
1 - The Pan-cancer dataset
We compiled the mutation profiles of 5,989 cancer patients from 23 different
projects of The Cancer Genome Atlas1. Not all of the projects have the same number
of samples (Supplementary Figure 1), with breast adenocarcinoma being the most
represented cancer type and having almost twice as many samples as the next
cancer project, lung adenocarcinoma.
Supplementary Figure 1 – Number of tumor samples analyzed from each cancer type.
We also observed, in agreement with other reports2, that the number of mutations
per sample is highly heterogeneous between both, samples of the same cancer type
as well as between different cancer projects (Supplementary Figure 2). Nevertheless,
some cancer types, such as lung adenocarcinoma or melanoma, had consistently
high number of mutations.
Supplementary Figure 2 - Number of mutations in each sample. The y axis shows the number of
mutations (logarithmic scale) and the x axis the different cancer projects. In each case the boxplot
shows the median number of mutations as well as one standard deviation in each direction. Each dot
represents an individual tumor sample and is colored according to the cancer project where it
2 - Structural coverage of the human proteome
Our analysis is strongly dependent of the coverage and quality of structural
annotations in the human proteome. The whole process to obtain this coverage is
explained in the Online Methods, but in brief we used BLAST3 to query all the protein
sequences from PDB4 (human or not) with each of the human protein sequences
from ENSEMBL v725. Only alignments with an e-value below 1e-6 were considered
for further analysis, and their output was used to map the residues from ENSEMBL
to their corresponding positions in three-dimensional structures.
Using this pipeline we covered of approximately 30% of the human proteome
(Supplementary Figure 3, last bar), but it dropped to only 26% for high-confidence
driver (HCD) genes6. This lower coverage in HCD genes is probably influenced by
several factors, but one of them is likely the higher disorder levels of these proteins7,
which makes them more difficult to crystallize. We found a slight enrichment of
mutations, between 5% and 10%, in the structurally covered fraction of the
proteome (Supplementary Figure 4). Remarkably, this enrichment was more
pronounced, between 50% and 200%, in structurally solved regions of HCD genes.
We then looked for protein-protein interaction (PPI) interfaces using the threedimensional coordinates from PDB. We defined a PPI interface as all the aminoacids
of a chain (A) in a PDB structure that have a heavy atom less than 5 angstroms away
from a heavy atom of an aminoacid from a different chain (B). The 5 angstrom
threshold was selected as the average value of similar publications8. It is important
to note that this approach has certain limitations and sources of potential false
positives. First, we are using BLAST to find structures from homologous proteins and
maximize our coverage of the proteome. Nevertheless, it is possible that two
proteins with homologous domains use different interfaces for their interactions.
Another issue comes from the fact that we are using all the chains in a PDB file to
define interfaces. There are many structures in PDB that have dimers of the same
protein interacting between them that do not represent biologically relevant
interactions, but artifacts derived from the crystal. In these cases we would define a
PPI interface that might not be biologically relevant (though that is still an issue open
for discussion9,10). That being said, a similar pipeline has been used to predict novel
interactions that have been later experimentally verified11. Moreover, the fact that
the regions identified in our analysis have, apparently, a non-random accumulation
of somatic mutations argues in favor of these regions having a defined biological
function, likely mediating a PPI interaction.
This second part of our pipeline yielded over 120,000 PPI interfaces in more than
10,000 different proteins. These interfaces represent approximately 6% of the
proteome, and have roughly the same proportion of cancer somatic mutations,
though, again, there are a slight enrichment in mutations in these regions just as for
whole structures. When looking at HCD genes, we found that 7% of them are part of
a PPI interface, though they have a disproportionate number of mutations, with
enrichments ranging from two to over three-fold depending on the cancer project.
This confirms that disruption of PPI interfaces is a major carcinogenic mechanism of
mutations in HCD genes.
Supplementary Figure 3 – Distribution of mutations across the proteome in terms of structural
coverage. The y-axis shows the fraction of mutations mapped to the different regions of the
proteome, whereas the x-axis shows the different cancer projects. The overall coverage in the
proteome is shown in the last histogram, separated by a red dashed line and marked as “Reference”.
The top histogram shows the distribution for all the mutations in each project, while the bottom
histogram shows the distribution for high confidence driver genes only.
Supplementary Figure 4 – Structurally solved regions from known driver genes are enriched in
missense mutations. This histogram shows the ratio between observed and expected mutations in
structurally solved regions (orange) and PPI interfaces (red) in the different cancer projects. At the top
one can see the relative enrichment when taking into account all missense mutations and at the
bottom when using only known cancer driver genes. Bars are transparent for analyses where there
are no statistically significant (p < 0.01) differences between observed and expected mutations.
3 – Consequences of mutations in interface driver genes
One of the advantages of our analysis over other methods to identify driver genes is
that our results immediately suggest the molecular mechanism of the mutation to
cause cancer: the disruption of that specific interface. This can also help in finding
commonalities and differences across cancer driver genes.
For example, one of the most commonly mutated families of proteins in cancer is
receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). Among all of them, there are two particular
subfamilies that are recurrently targeted by mutations: ERBB and FGFR. The first
family includes EGFR, which is mutated in >4% of all cancers, as well as ERBB2 (2%),
ERBB3 (2%) and ERBB4 (4%). Our method identified PPI interfaces in the first two
members of this family, EGFR and ERBB2, as strongly enriched in mutations. The
interfaces are homologous, as they both mediate dimerizations or interactions with
other proteins of the ERBB family (Supplementary Figure 5).
Remarkably, the interface responsible for the interaction with their ligands, such as
EGF, is very rarely affected by mutations. In the case of FGFR proteins, even though
they are also RTKs, the mutation pattern seems to be the opposite, with two
proteins, FGFR2 and FGFR3, having strong enrichments of mutations in the region
involved in ligand binding, and none of them altering the homo- or
heterodimerization interface.
Supplementary Figure 5 – Mutation patterns in different receptor tyrosine kinases. The histograms
show the mutation frequencies (y axis) of different receptor tyrosine kinases across the protein (x
axis). From top to bottom the proteins are FGFR2, FGFR3, ERBB2 and EGFR. Note also that each signal
is tissue specific. The shaded areas indicate either residues involved in ligand binding (blue) or in
protein homo- or heterodimerization (red).
Once we found that PPI interfaces are recurrently mutated in cancer driver genes,
we wondered whether these interface driver genes would also have distinct features
in terms of network topology. It is known that cancer driver genes, as a group, are
usually hubs and occupy bottleneck positions in the interactome. To that end, we
used a recent high-quality PPI interactome derived from literature mining and highthroughput experiments12. This network has power-law degree distribution, as
expected for scale-free networks such as the interactome13 (Supplementary Figure
As shown in Figure 3, interface driver genes occupy critical positions of the
interactome, in terms of both, degree and betweenness centrality. We also observed
that they tend to interact together with other cancer driver genes. To assess
whether this clustering was random or if it had some biological meaning, we
compared the observed number of interactions between different sets of cancer
driver genes in the real network, with that of 2000 randomized versions of the same
interactome. The randomization respected the degree distribution and the whole
procedure was repeated 100 times. In all the simulations we found that all the
different groups of cancer driver genes had less interactions between them than in
the real network (Supplementary Figure 7). Therefore, even that interface driver
genes do interact with each other more than expected, this seems to be a general
property of cancer genes.
Supplementary Figure 6 – Degree distribution in the PPI network. The number of interactions per
gene in the interactome follows a power-law distribution: most genes have few interactions and a
few genes have the most interactions. This property has been observed numerous times in similar
biological networks.
Supplementary Figure 7 – Sample network randomization to assess the significance of the
clustering of cancer driver genes. Each of the 10 different rows represents one of the 100
randomization experiments that we did. In all the cases we randomized the interactome 2000 times
and counted the number of interactions between different groups of cancer driver genes (each of the
different columns). We compared that with the observed value in the real network (red dots). In each
simulation we added an additional control consisting of a group of 300 random genes (second
column). All the groups of cancer driver genes for clusters, as reflected by the fact that they have
more interactions in the real network than in any of the randomization experiments. On the other
hand, the group of random genes does not have any specific behavior.
Finally, we used other datasets from the same samples to gain insights into the
consequences of the mutations in the different interfaces identified by e-Driver.
Specifically, we downloaded the expression profiles of over 400 different proteins
from 4,542 TCGA samples. These were measured by RPPA and can be downloaded
from The Cancer Proteome Atlas14 and the TCGA data portal. Next, we compared the
expression of the different proteins in three subgroups: (I) patients with mutations in
the driver interfaces, (II) patients with mutations in other regions of the same
protein and (III) patients with no mutations in that protein. We compared the
expression levels using a Wilcoxon test and the identified those proteins that were
differentially expressed in group (I) when compared to both, group (II) and group
(III). In order to limit the number of false positives caused by the intrinsic variability
in protein expression across different tissues, we decided to do this particular
analysis only for tissue-specific datasets. The direct consequence of this is that we
had to focus our attention to interface with high number of mutations (there is no
proteomics data for all the TCGA samples yet), particularly EGFR and TP53. The case
of EGFR is mostly shown in Figure 5 and explained in the main text; here we show
the results for TP53. Remarkably, we observed that there are 8 cancer types where
samples with mutations in the dimerization and DNA interaction interface of TP53
have consistently higher levels of this protein than the other two subgroups. This
highlights the importance of adding structural and functional context to the
mutations instead of limiting our analysis to just the gene where the mutation
occurs: there is no such thing as a TP53-driven tumor, each mutation in TP53 can
have different consequences depending on the specific region that it affects.
Supplementary Figure 8 – TP53 protein levels change depending on the specific region mutated. The
y-axis shows the protein levels of TP53 in each of the 8 different cancer types where we found
changes caused by mutations in the dimerization interface of TP53. Each dot represents a TCGA
sample, and these are grouped and colored depending on where the mutation in TP53 is located: red
for the interface, green for other regions of TP53 and blue for no TP53 mutations. In all cancer types
there are statistically significant differences between the interface and the other two groups, except
for “lgg”, “luad” and “stad”, where we did not find differences between the interface and protein
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