1 Auxiliary Material for 2 Acoustic emission and microslip precursors to stick-slip failure 3 in sheared granular material 4 5 Paul Johnson et al., 6 (Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los 7 Alamos, NM) 8 Geophysical Research Letters, 2013 9 10 11 12 Introduction The following is supporting information, including descriptions of supplementary figures S1 through S7: 13 14 1. Calculations and Supplementary Material 15 16 1.1) Interevent (recurrence) time and stress drop. 17 18 Fig. S1 shows an expanded view of the shear stress as a function of experimental run time. Superimposed are the precursors. Their relative amplitudes are correct. 19 20 1.2) Calculation of magnitude. 21 AE magnitudes are calculated as M = log (u) where particle displacement u is 22 determined from measured acceleration đĸĖ , đĸ = (2đđ)2 and the measured frequency is 40.3 đĸĖ 1 23 kHz. The distance correction term normally applied is left out of the relation because 24 event distances to the accelerometer are nearly identical, and the quality factor Q for the 25 propagation path through the steel is at least 104. Thus we assume no path loss of wave 26 amplitudes in the steel. The calculation is imperfect but serves to provide an estimate of 27 the magnitude. 28 29 1.3) Construction of the occurrence versus time histogram. 30 Fig. S2 shows the cumulative AEs for the full experiment. The rate is relatively 31 high at the experiment onset where the shear rate is double (until about 500 seconds), and 32 increases nonlinearly as the experiment progresses. Figure S2a shows the sum (i.e., 33 cumulative number of events) of each individual sequence of precursors as a function of 34 time for the entire experiment. An expanded view of a small portion of the experiment is 35 shown in Fig. S2b. There exists an increase in the event density corresponding to 36 compaction and material loss as the experiment proceeds. Fig. S2c shows the cumulative 37 sum of each precursor sequence again but in a different format—each characteristic slip 38 event is displaced to zero time so that the relative sums can be observed. This means that 39 the precursors occur in negative time leading up to time = 0. The interest of this figure is 40 to show the large variation in the sum of precursor sequences. Plotting the data shown in 41 S2c as a histogram gives Fig. 4b. 42 43 1.4) Correlation of precursor stress drops with AE. 44 For identification of precursor stress drops, we apply a threshold of -0.02 to the 45 first order derivative of shear stress ī´ with time, dī´/dt. We eliminate the characteristic 2 46 event stress drops by applying an upper limit threshold of -0.5. We then calculate the 47 precursor signal event rate from the signal that has had the two thresholds applied. A 48 second event rate signal is constructed from the AE data using the inverse recurrence 49 time. Both signals are interpolated for correlation, and a running average with a half 50 width of 10x the sampling interval (dt = 12000/333333 = 0.0360) is applied to smooth the 51 two time-series. The total width of the running average is therefore 20*dt = 20*0.0360 = 52 0.72 sec. In the cross correlation, the time lag of -2.4161x10-4 sec between the two 53 signals is negligible [it is less than the sampling interval of both time-series (sampling 54 interval = 0.0360 seconds)]. 55 56 1.5) Block Motion as a function of experimental run time. 57 Fig. S3 illustrates measured parameters that describe the behaviour of the shearing 58 block as well as the precursors. At the time of a stick-slip event, the central block 59 accelerates rapidly and the gouge material thins abruptly (Figure S3). Following the slip, 60 the central block proceeds through three approximate regimes of behavior. The block 61 first arrests, ‘sticks’, for a period of time (Regime I, Figure S3). If it is moving, the 62 displacement is so small that the digitizer cannot capture it. Simultaneously, the gouge 63 maintains its thickness. As the vertical RAM pushes downward at a constant velocity, the 64 stress on the central block increases through the stiff steel spring, and the gouge behaves 65 in an approximately linear and elastic manner, as illustrated by the linear behavior of the 66 shear stress in Regime I. The block then begins to move forward very slowly (‘slow and 67 silent slip’), accelerating modestly while the gouge material simultaneously dilates 68 (Figure S3, Regime II). As the maximum shear stress and friction is approached, the AE 3 69 and small stress drops commence (Region III), leading to the next slip event, after which 70 the process repeats. During the entire sequence, the displacement of the forcing RAM is 71 linear in time. 72 73 1.6) Experiment conducted at increasing and decreasing normal load. 74 Figure 4 provides an overview of the experimental protocol for experiment p2394, 75 where applied normal load is progressively stepped up from 2 MPa to 8 MPa and 76 subsequently stepped back down to 2 MPa. Figure S4b shows the friction as a function of 77 experimental run time. 78 decreases during longer intervals of relatively stable sliding (e.g., 0.5-1.3x104 µm). 79 Figure S4c shows the AE for the stick-slip events as a function of experimental run time. 80 The effects of gouge compaction are evident—as the experiment progresses, the 81 amplitude of the AE become progressively larger and more frequent, just as in the 82 experiment conducted at 5 MPa. Further, denser gouge is less dissipative, which is why 83 amplitudes are largest in the ~ 5-8 MPa load range. Friction is relatively independent of load level, however it 84 Figure S5 shows the normalized number of event occurrences, the Gutenberg- 85 Richter plot, as a function of magnitude for experiment p2394. The slope (-1.9) is similar 86 to that found for the experiment conducted at 5 MPa (-1.7), suggesting that, over an 87 interval of 2-8 MPa in normal load, the event statistics are similar. 88 Figure S6 shows precursor time characteristics of the AEs relative to the stick-slip 89 times for all load levels, excluding 2 MPa. Data at 2 MPa show no obvious precursors, as 90 in this regime the material is generally stably sliding. The same is true at 3MPa (shown). 91 Figure S6a shows the time to slip for the first AE in each sequence, and Figure S6b 4 92 shows the time to slip for the last AE in each sequence. The first AE begins progressively 93 later with applied load. The timing of the last event in the precursor sequence (Figure 94 S6b) is unaffected by the load level. Figure S7 shows the probability density functions 95 (PDF’s) for the load levels explored. 5 96 97 Supplementary Figure Captions: 98 99 Figure S1. Expanded view of a portion of experiment p2393 (see Figure 1c) showing 100 shear stress (solid line) and small AE precursors (circles) as a function of time during 101 stick-slip events. The AE precursors are plotted according to their relative strain 102 amplitude, which varies from 3x10-9 – 5x10-8. Note that precursory AEs begin late in the 103 stick-slip cycle and the rate of occurrence increases as stress increases to failure. The AE 104 amplitude increases as time-to-failure approaches zero as well. Stress drop and recurrence 105 interval are noted. Here the shear stress signal is left unsmoothed to show the electro- 106 magnetic spikes. Spurious spikes are eliminated in Fig. 2b (inset) to illustrate only the 107 stress drop behavior. 108 109 Figure S2. Cumulative number of micro-slip events in each successive group of 110 precursors preceding a slip event for (a) the entire experiment p2393 and (b) for a portion 111 of the experiment. (c) All data for the full experiment shown in (a) plotted on the same 112 figure, with each characteristic slip event set to time = 0. 113 114 Figure S3. Block motion with the AE, friction, and thickness as a function of time for 115 experiment p2393. (a) The block displacement is shown by the thick dark curve, the 116 friction is shown as the thin line, and the AE are shown as open circles. (b) Thickness of 117 the gouge layers (thick solid line, with scale). At the time of a stick-slip event, the central 118 block shown in Fig. 1 stops abruptly. The frictional force builds rapidly (region I) via the 6 119 driving RAM, and continues to force the system linearly with time via the stiff spring. 120 The central block then begins to slip ‘silently and slowly’ (region II), followed eventually 121 by precursor AE activity (region III) with associated stress drops. During the entire 122 sequence, the displacement of the forcing RAM is linear in time. 123 124 Figure S4. Overview of experiment p2394. (a) Experimental protocol showing applied 125 normal load versus time. (b) Friction versus time. (c) Recorded AE of the stick slip 126 events versus time. 127 128 Figure S5. Relative probability of AE event occurrence plotted versus magnitude (log- 129 log scale), for all AE in experiment p2394. The AE from characteristic events, the stick- 130 slips, are labeled. The slope of the precursor AE is denoted by the thin, dotted line. 131 132 Figure S6. Time characteristics of slip as a function of the applied normal load for 133 experiment p2394. (a) Time to slip of the first AE in each successive sequence. (b) Time 134 to slip of the last AE in each successive sequence. 135 136 Figure S7. AE preceding slip for individual normal loads in experiment p2394. (a) 137 through (f) show the results for 3-8 MPa, respectively. The data at 2 MPa did not contain 138 a sufficient number of stick-slip events to obtain a clear signal. The upgoing and 139 downgoing applied normal loads (at a given load level) are combined in this figure. The 140 slope of the exponential increase in AE activity (linear in log-log space) is noted for loads 141 greater than 3 MPa. 7