Letter of Renewed Commitment
Yalova University (Turkey) is a signatory of the United Nations (UN) Global Compact
Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME). Founded in 2008, Yalova
University is one of the most dynamic institutions of Turkey belonging to the new generation.
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is the first and most fundamental faculty of Yalova Univerity. The management department operating under Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences is the largest department with three separate business programs, which are Leeds Beckett University (UK) - Yalova University (TR) Dual Degree Program,
Yalova University Business Administration in English Program and Yalova University
Business Administration Department in Turkish Program. Currently, our programs host international students from various countries with the Erasmus, Exchange and Dual Degree
Since our initial membership and commitment to the prestigious PRME, Yalova University
Department of Management is keen to educate the leaders of future and arm them with the necessary skills for contemporary management. At this point, we highly value responsible citizenship and ethics. The steps taken by Yalova University Department of Management are reflected to a wide range of platforms from curricula and research to seminars.
We did contribute to 2013 PRME Summit - 5th Annual Assembly: New Ways of Developing
Leaders for The Future We Want with our case study titled "Vision at Global, Action at
Local". In addition, we are sustaining our activities to create awareness in the faculty regarding PRME. The values supported and emphasized by United Nations (UN) Global
Compact Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) are also promoted at higher rates in our institution.
Hereby, we as Yalova University Department of Management renew our commitment to the
UN Global Compact’s Principles for Responsible Management Education.
Dr. Mustafa Kurt
Department Head
Yalova University Department of Management
Major Achievements in relation to the Implementation of one or more Principles during the last 18 months
Responsible Management Education is known to have six principles, which are listed as purpose, values, method, research, partnership and dialogue. Yalova University, Department of Management highly contributes to Responsible Management Education in the context of mentioned six principles. Among all, partnership and dialogue at local level integrated with a global vision are highly valued by our institution. Yalova University, Department of
Management is taking important steps and actions to be an eye-catching actor of responsible management education in Marmara region of Turkey. We strong believe that, shaping the best performing leaders of future requires blending theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge from the business sector. So, Yalova University Department of Management continues to strengthen ties and partnerships with local organizations to establish productive base for responsible management education. Concurrently, the department also has a global vision for achieving success and leading by example.
Yalova University, Department of Management do unite innovation with the partnership and dialogue principle. The department interacts and gets in touch with local managers of firms located in Yalova to arm business students, leaders of future with better competences. In fact, this strategy and implementation of Yalova University Department of Management provides mutual benefits. Both business students as the leaders of future and firms do take advantage of interaction. In the former years, local firms of the region were managed with traditional methods, operating isolated from academics and modern business management. But, currently regular visits and meetings are organized with managers of local firms to share ideas and experiences. Bright and talented managers are invited to teach in undergraduate and graduate programs. This supports managers of local firms to get familiar with the academic environment and students also get the change to unite their theoretical and practical knowledge. Additionally, local managers and firms are invited to courses and seminars, so that they can get familiar with academics and realize their position in the value chain.
Furthermore, technical visits are made to local businesses, which are called as “Vision Trips” by Yalova University Department of Management. This partnership assists students to monitor the professional job environment closely themselves, thus enabling to prepare them for future in advance. Definitely, innovative collaboration with local businesses also creates the environment for the department to realize the purpose principle, improving the capabilities of students to be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large and to work for an inclusive and sustainable global economy.
Photo 1: Vision Trip (Technical Visit) to AKSA Firm by Yalova University
An agreement between Yalova University and Yalova Municipality (Yalova Belediyesi) was also signed, which now funds and sponsors thesis related to the city of Yalova. Also, in order to make the graduate education more feasible to local organization personnel, several agreements and contracts were signed with firms of the region. These agreements and contracts offer flexible/adjusted course hours and fees, which make a graduate education much more attractive. All these efforts created a kind of atmosphere at department that many local managers and staff from different local firms meet each other and share their experience as well as expertise. This dynamic environment also helps professors to focus on problems in local business system.
Photo 2: Sponsorship and Fund Raising Agreement Signed with Yalova Municipality
(Yalova Belediyesi)
Moreover, since the low participation of women in the business life has been a problem in
Turkey and Yalova, one of female staff member of the department attended to local “Women
Entrepreneurs Board” in Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry to support local women to perform well regarding entrepreneurship performance. Besides, with the collaboration with local development agency, MARKA, 25 final year business students were directed to attend
“Practical Entrepreneurship Training Program” and they all had gained right to have financial support from the government. Consequently, the department has been focused to develop all types of partnership with firms to facilitate entrepreneurship performance. Yalova University did also host the International Entrepreneurship Symposium in Turkey in 2014. From the perspective of the department, that is also important in terms of responsible management education.
Photo 3: Yalova University International Entrepreneurship Symposium
Consequently, Yalova University Department of Management has been focused to build strong partnership with companies to support a sustainable business system. Through the steps and actions taken, many high-quality relations has established such as Yalova Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Yalova Active Businessmen Association, Yalova Municipality and many other local firms/institutions. Since our department is a newly founded academic group, we strongly believe that this is just a beginning and more fruitful results to be experienced in the near future.
2.1. Principle 1 and 2 Curriculum change (Curriculum, On-Campus Speakers, Joint
Degree Programs)
Yalova University Department of Management is expanding its educational activities with three separate programs, which are Leeds Beckett University (UK) – Yalova University (TR)
Dual Degree (Joint Degree) Program, Business Administration in English Program and
Business Administration in Turkish Program. We also offer MBA programs in English and
Turkish with thesis and non-thesis track. Leeds Beckett University (UK) – Yalova University
(TR) Dual Degree (Joint Degree) Program is running both on undergraduate and graduate levels. New course offerings are always discussed in department meetings and provided to students. Recommendations and opinions of alumni in this regard are also critically important for Yalova University Department of Management. Our department has also applied to activate a Ph.D. program in Business Administration, which is awaiting approval. One of the most recent courses added to our curriculum is International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS), which is in line with European Union (EU) practice concerning transparency and standardization.
Course Code: MAN 319
Course Name: International Financial Reporting Standards
Overview of the issues involving implementation of the International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS). Recognition and measurement issues, practical issues in adopting IFRS, on-going issues post-adoption, and disclosure issues under IFRS. The implementation of some of the more complex issues that accountants encounter when adopting IFRS, such as financial instruments, leases, employee benefits, business combinations, share-based transactions, and accounting for deferred taxes.
In depth and high quality research are run with professors of Yalova University, Department of Management professors and MBA students, then turned into publications. With this publication, businesses accumulate a knowledge that can help them to be sustainable over the
years. In order to increase the quality and quantity of publications belonging to business faculty as well as graduate students, Yalova University Department of Management organized a series of seminars. Well known researchers and academicians visited our department as oncampus speakers.
Photo 4: Prof.Dr. Cengiz Yılmaz’ (METU) Visit to Yalova University as On-
Campus Speaker
Furthermore, Yalova University Department of Management continues to organize Business
Summits. The purpose of the summits is to bring academics and businessman together and share their minds and experiences. During the program, representatives of the local firms share their experiences and success stories and the program motives businesses through some symbolic prizes. Besides, the students of the department are also invited the program, so they also build networks with local business people. Our department also organizes several training programs/courses intended for unemployed, elders and students via university’s lifelong education center.
Photo 5: On Campus Speakers for Business Summits organized by Yalova University
2.2 Principle 3 Research
In this section, we would like to highlight our scientific projects and academic products published by our faculty members. One such project is still in progress and executed by Head
Department Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt. The projects are funded by The Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey and is titled “Management Knowledge in the Late
Ottoman Era (1827-1914): Understanding and Practices”.
Photo 6: Project executives
To conclude and show our contribution, we add our academic products as to reflect our promise to scientific progress and yet to come contributions. This year till July, we have produced the following materials:
International SSCI Journals
Arslan, Mehmet Lütfi, Sadi Evren Seker, and Cevdet Kızıl. "Innovation Driven Emerging
Technology from two Contrary Perspectives: A Case Study of Internet." EMAJ: Emerging
Markets Journal 3.3 (2014): 87-97.
Tansel Cetin, A., Yapıcı, G. (2014) The Regulations to Accounting Ethics, Perception of
Faults and Cheats by Accountants, 4 th
Accounting Thought Camp, 28 August-1 September
2013 . Beyşehir Konya (National Congress)
Kızıl, C., Arslan, L., Seker, Sadi Evren, Correlation Between Intellectual Capital And Web
Trends Of Top 30 Companies In Turkey, International Journal of Social Sciences and Human
Studies 5.2 (2014): 39-49
Kızıl, Cevdet, Valorie Eddy, Laura Clary, and Katrina Crowell. "Hershey’s Entry to the
Australian Market with a New Brand: An Accounting and Marketing Perspective." EMAJ:
Emerging Markets Journal 3, no. 2 (2013): 97-126.
Tansel Cetin, A., Kızıl, C. Zengin, H. I., Impact of Mentoring on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Accounting-Finance Academicians Employed in Turkey ." EMAJ:
Emerging Markets Journal 9/2013; 3(2):1-28
Ünlü, O., Özdevecioğlu, M., Yürür, S., Demirtaş, Ö. (2009), “The Mediating Role of
Perceived Humor on the Effects of the Positive and Negative Affectivity on Employees’ Task and Contextual Performance at Workplace”, International Journal of Advanes of Management and Economics
Geçti, F., Gümüş, N. (2014) Investigating the Facebook Applications and Their Impact on
Customer Loyalty in the Turkish Mobile Telecommunication Industry, International Journal of Business and Management 9 (5), p195
Daştan, I., Geçti, F., Relationships among Utilitarian and Hedonic Values, Brand Affect and
Brand Trust in the Smartphone Industry, Journal of Management Research 6 (2), 124-139.
National Journals
Dursun, İnci; Tümer Kabadayı, Ebru ve Ceylan, Kutalmış Emre (2014) German Consumers’
Intentıon Of Purchasıng Turkısh Products: A Study On The Effects Of Country Image And
Consumer ethnocentrısm )
KIZIL, Cevdet, M. Lütfi ARSLAN, and Şadi Evren SEKER. "An Accounting Viewpoint for the Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Web Trends of BIST 30 Firms in Turkey."
Photo 7 : The Poster of Business History Workshop held by Department of Management
Kızıl, C. Measurement, Reporting and Accounting of Intellectual in the E-Commerce
Industry: A Research on Amazon.com Inc Nisantasi University Journal of Social Sciences)
12/2013; 1(2):137-158.
Kızıl, C., Şeker, Ş. E., (2014) Accounting Barter Implementations And Examples From The
Turkish Business World Yalova University Journal of Social Sciences 04/2014 5(7):67-78
KIZIL, C., Akman, V., & Esmer, Ö. (2013). Yalova’daki Aile İşletmelerinde Karşılaşılan
Muhasebe-Finansman ve Yönetim Organizasyon Sorunları.
İşletme Ve İktisat Çalışmaları
Dergisi , 1 (2), 26-43.
Aksoy, M. (2014). The Geography of Borsa Istanbul Stock Returns. Journal of Accounting &
Finance , (61).
AKSOY, M. (2014). The Effects of Terrorism on Turkish Stock Market.
Resource , 6 , 91
Conference Proceedings
Kurt, M. (2013) The Rise of Entrepreneurship and Characteristics of Economic Environment:
The Emergence of Turkish Business Groups During The Republician Turkey, European
Business History Association Congress, 22-14 August 2013
Kızıl, C., Kurt, M., Vision at Global , Action at Local-2013 PRME Summit-5 th
Assembly; New Ways of Developing Leaders for The Future We Want Selected Case Stories
Özşahin, M., How entrepreneurial climate affects firm performance? The Proceedings of 10 th
International Strategic Management Conference, p.841, June 19-21, 2014 Rome, Italy
Çetin, A. T., Aslan, S.., Kızıl, C., (2013) “Behaviors of Academicians Regarding Internet
Accaptance and a Research Run in Marmara Region Universities” Proceedings of Balkans
Between East and West International Conference, 5-7 June 2013, Prizre, Kosova, p211
Ferhat Sayım: 1-General Accounting
2-Bank Management Legislation
2.3. Principle 4 New Learning Frameworks
Other than these activities, we create opportunities for our students to turn their theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge. As part of Erasmus + programme we help our students to find internship programmes provided by European Employers. Our department allows students to be a part of the programme for varying durations (min. 2 months and max. 12 months -detailed information about Erasmus+ Programme Internship Mobility can be received from the following website : http://erasmus.yalova.edu.tr/staj.htm.) Also, for students, that are reluctant to go abroad and keen to attend a local internship programme, we get Turkish employers and our students together. One such programme is turned into life last year with one of the Turkey’s biggest logistics firms: Arkas Holding. 6 of our students attended last year’s programme. In addition, we would like state that, different than many
Management Departments in Turkey, Yalova University Department of Management also pays social security contributions, that is necessary for our students to attend such local internship programs.
Photo 8: Posters and Announcements Inviting Our Students for Internships
2.4. Principles 5 and 6 Partnerships
Lastly, for the social development and the expansion of our students’ professional network, we encourage them to join university’s social clubs and communities as well as often guiding them to establish new clubs. Moreover, we provide clubs with financial support or we find sponsors in order for them to organize activities. Some of the new clubs that our students can join are:
Yalova University Careers Club
Yalova University Innovation Club
Yalova University Entrepreneurs Club
Yalova University Young CEOs Club
Yalova University Biz World Club Yalova University International Students
Yalova University Women Entrepreneurs Club Yalova University Informatics Club
Yalova University Management and Economics Club
Key Objectives for the Next 18 Months
As a quickly developing young university, the most concrete objective that we would like to achieve in short term is to enhance the physical medium (atmosphere) of the students. In coming months (the projected date is July 2015), the management department will move into a new building that has been constructed for the last two years. A much better and modern physical condition will enhance the learning experience of management students.
Photo 9: New Campus Master Plan
Though the exact dates are yet to be confirmed, Yalova University Department of
Management will continue to organize conferences and career days for our students. Like last year, our aim is to both provide our students with job opportunities and equip them with tools, that will help them to be more social and responsible managers that are highly conscious of ethical codes of conduct. We believe that these extra-curricular activities are vital for our students to develop a multifaceted, analytical mind set. In this sense, Management
Department can be regarded as the most active department among others located in the faculty. Below are the best examples of last years conferences and workshops which are also going to be organized this year:
Photo 10: (from left to right) Advertisements of Careers Workshop, Practical
Entrepreneurship Education and International Conference of Business Students.
Additionally, as a department devoted to responsible management education, we give great importance to make contributions to management field as science and development of our faculty members. Especially for the academic development of our research students and to increase their contribution to cumulative management knowledge, we organized methodology conferences which were also open to students’ participation. Below are the examples of such activities.
Photo 11 : Advertisements of Methodology Seminars