Pharmacology ch 5 Questions

Multiple Choice Questions
1. The special property that allows cardiac and smooth muscle to initiate contraction on their
own is:
A. Autorhythmicity
B. Biorhythmicity
C. Tachycardia
D. Bradycardia
2. A type of receptor located at sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia is:
A. Nicotinic-m
B. Nicotinic-n
C. Muscarinic
D. Adrenergic
3. Another name for the autonomic nervous system is:
A. Somatic nervous system
B. Sensory nervous system
C. Visceral nervous system
D. Spinal nervous system
4. Two structures that directly regulate visceral nerves are:
A. Hypothalamus and pituitary gland
B. Pituitary gland and medulla oblongata
C. Pituitary gland and pineal gland
D. Hypothalamus and medulla oblongata
5. The function of the autonomic nervous system is to regulate the rate of:
A. Cardiac muscle contractions
B. Skeletal muscle contractions
C. Spinal reflexes
D. Sensory conduction
6. The term used to describe the complementary actions of either increasing or decreasing a
response in the autonomic nervous system is:
A. Single autonomic innervation
B. Dual autonomic innervation
C. Bimodal autonomic innervation
D. Graded autonomic innervation
7. If the heart of a frog were placed in a petri dish filled with oxygenated Ringer's solution, what
other chemical would be essential to make it contract?
A. Norepinephrine
B. Acetylcholine
C. Serotonin
D. None
8. The ultimate purpose of the autonomic nervous system is to:
A. Increase the action of involuntary muscles in the body
B. Increase the action of voluntary muscle in the body
C. Maintain blood pressure in the body
D. Maintain homeostasis in the body
9. Blood pressure is lowered by:
A. Decreasing sympathetic activity
B. Increasing parasympathetic activity
C. Decreasing parasympathetic activity
D. Increasing sympathetic activity
10. A parasympathetic stimulating medication would be good for which condition?
A. Hypertension
B. Constipation
C. Diarrhea
D. Miosis
11. A patient with tachycardia is experiencing:
A. Parasympathetic activation
B. Parasympathetic inhibition
C. Sympathetic activation
D. Sympathetic inhibition
12. What is the main chemical released by the medulla in sympathetic stimulation?
A. Norepinephrine
B. Acetylcholine
C. Dopamine
D. Epinephrine
13. Patients undergoing a chemical stress test at a doctor's office could expect to receive an
injection of which neurotransmitter?
A. Epinephrine
B. Acetylcholine
C. Serotonin
D. Dopamine
14. Activation of the parasympathetic division will not directly reduce:
A. GI motility
B. Blood pressure
C. Urinary motility
D. Skeletal muscle contraction
15. Neurons innervating increased heart rate and breathing originate from the:
A. Cranial and sacral regions
B. Lumbar and sacral regions
C. Thoracic and lumbar regions
D. Cranial and lumbar regions
16. Neurons innervating increased digestion and urinary output originate from the:
A. Lumbar and sacral regions
B. Thoracic and lumbar regions
C. Cranial and lumbar regions
D. Cranial and sacral regions
17. Nomenclature used for sympathetic and parasympathetic branches is associated with
neurotransmitters released from:
A. Postganglionic neurons
B. Preganglionic neurons
C. Sensory neurons
D. Somatic neurons
18. The neurotransmitter common to both preganglionic fibers in the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nervous system is:
A. Norepinephrine
B. Acetylcholine
C. Epinephrine
D. Serotonin
19. A patient with severe hypertension can be viewed as having an overstimulation of which
A. Beta-1
B. Beta-2
C. Alpha-1
D. Alpha-2
20. A patient with asthma can benefit from taking a medication that stimulates which receptor?
A. Alpha-1
B. Alpha-2
C. Beta-1
D. Beta-2