УДК 539.2
Guzev A.N.
scientific adviser candidate of technical sciences, lecturer Noskov F.M.
Siberian Federal University
The purpose of this study is to reveal the features of the martensitic transformation in Ni–
Ti as a result of the mechanochemical reactions caused by shear deformations both at
the grain boundaries and in the grain bulk.
Titanium nickelide plates with thicknesses of 2– 2.5 mm were subjected to
metallographic treatment with subsequent static extension to break. The Ni–Ti
microstructure was studied by transmission electron microscopy and microdiffraction
with an EM-200 microscope at an accelerating voltage of 125 kV. The patterns of the
triple junction microstructure and the microdiffraction patterns are shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1 – Ni–Ti alloy microstructure: (a) A and B are grains with the B2 structure
(bcc lattice) and (b) electron microd-iffraction pattern of the grain A at the B2
structure orienta-tion by the [111] zone axis perpendicular to the drawing plane.
Two light spots (grains A and B with the В2 struc-ture) can be seen. The electron
diffraction pattern in the inset shows the В2 structure with a [111] zone axis. The surface of
the third grain С exhibits lines of the shear resulting from the martensitic transformation of
the initial В2 structure. The electron diffraction pat-tern of the martensitic phase and a
scheme of its inter-pretation are given in Fig. 2. One can see three super-structural
reflections along the [002] direction of the initial austenitic В2 phase (Fig. 2a). The bcc
lattice parameter of the initial aus-tenitic phase, аbcc = 3.28 Å, can be increased by a fac-tor
of 4, which can be explained within the scheme in Fig. 2b, where closed and open
circles indicate, respectively, bcc lattice atoms circles and martensitic fcc lattice atoms. In
the scheme, the zone axes of both [100] phases are perpendicular to the drawing plane. The
lattice parameter of the forming fcc phase is аfcc = 4.10 Å. This phase was first obtained in
epitaxial tita-nium films in [4]. It is known that the thin-film state is a system of excited
atoms with diffusivities higher by five or six orders of magnitude than those in the bulk
analog. In the thin-film state, due to the difference in the thermal expansion coefficients of
the film and sub-strate, strains of 1–6 GPa arise.
Figure 2 – Microdiffraction electron pattern of a part of the Ni–Ti sample, recorded
during martensitic transforma-tion of the initial B2 structure: (a) [110] zone axis and (b)
the scheme for interpreting the electron diffraction pattern with the [100] zone axis after
martensitic transfor-mation (grain C). The arrows indicate possible atomic dis-placements
during martensitic fcc phase formation.
During martensitic transformation, the system of the martensitic phase atoms is
tightly clamped [5]. As a result, slight heating can easily transfer the martensitic crystal lattice
to the austenitic B2 structure. Thus, the atomic state during martensitic transformation can
be analogous to the thin-film state. It is known [2] that at a temperature of 25°C the α-Ti
lattice periods are а = 0.29503 nm and с = 0.46831 nm. The shortest interatomic distances are
0.2894 and 0.2951 nm, respectively; hence, the axis ratio с/а is 1.587, which is 2.9% less
than that for the ideal lattice. The distance between the basal planes in a close-packed
structure can be reduced by only increasing the interatomic distances in these planes.
Specifically for this reason, the packing density of atoms in the titanium basal plane is less
than the theo-retical one, and this plane ceases to be the only sliding plane. It was believed
in [3] that in sliding titanium occurs in the direction of the highest packing density.
Note that plastic deformation in titanium is imple-mented by twinning. Unlike the
other metals with a hexagonal structure, transverse sliding may occur in titanium along
the same planes as the primary sliding, i.e., along {1010}. The possibility of multipliy-ing the
bcc-lattice period (Fig. 2b) explains the forma-tion of the martensitic phase with the
fcc-lattice parameters coinciding.
It follows from such an orientation that the [210]bcc is parallel to [110]fcc. The latter
two relations connect the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation shown in Fig. 3 with the
orientation of the reflections given in the scheme of the electron diffraction pattern (Fig.
When the transitions occur under pressure, the high-pressure phase is close-packed
and has a smaller volume. The martensitic transformation is a structural change caused
by the cooperative atomic displace-ments. In nickel–titanium alloys, the volume per
atom decreases during martensitic transformation. Consequently, one should not expect
the lattice sym-metry to reduce during such a transition; i.e., the fcc martensitic structure is
most likely for a nickel–tita-nium alloy at the first transformation stage. Thus, the
martensitic transformation follows the Kurdjumov– Sachs scheme and the B2 structure is
transformed into a tightly clamped, distorted fcc structure. The reason is simple: the close-
packed fcc structure at pressures of 1–6 GPa is energetically more favorable. All atomic
displacements occur inside a cluster whose size does not exceed four interatomic
distances, according to the Voronoi–Delone theorem [4]. The reflection shapes in the
electron diffraction pattern are in favor of the Kurdjumov–Sachs scheme.
Figure 3 – Martensitic transformation in titanium nickelide: the (111) plane of the
fcc martensite lattice is aligned with the drawing plane and the (110) plane of the bcc
austenite lattice is aligned with the drawing plane (shown by the bold line).
1 The interpretation of the diffraction patterns has shown that the martensitic
transformation of the B2 structure may follow the Kurdjumov–Sachs scheme.
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