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Heritage House School – Our Local Offer
1. What is the name of your education provision?
Heritage House School
2. What is your education provision?
Heritage House is a special school for children and young people aged between 2 and 19 years
with severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties. In addition, pupils may have physical,
neurological and sensory impairments, autistic spectrum conditions and complex medical needs.
Heritage House School is organised into three departments: First School (2-9 years); Middle School
(9-14 years) and Senior School (14-19 years). The focus of the First School is on embedding the
foundations of learning, particularly in familiar environments like home and school. The Middle
School sees learners looking increasingly outwards to their communities and built and natural
environments. The Senior School seeks to prepare learners for adulthood and life beyond Heritage
The school benefits from a range of specialist resources such as a hydrotherapy pool, sensory
room, sensory garden, gym and health and therapy suite as well as dedicated spaces for the
creative and expressive arts and other curriculum areas.
Pupils have access to the Early Years Foundation Stage, National Curriculum and nationally
accredited programmes of study from 14 onwards appropriately modified in pace, style of delivery
and means of access to meet their individual needs. Learning is personalised to enable all learners
to learn, achieve and progress. Teaching and learning is guided by the Heritage House Skills for
Life Framework: Literacy and Communication; Numeracy; Life Skills; Physical Fitness; Creative and
Expressive Arts; and The World Around Us. As pupils progress through the school, they are
provided with opportunities to promote their academic achievement and to develop their personal
and social skills. As well as providing an opportunity for teaching of National Curriculum subjects
and Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum areas, the Heritage House Skills for Life Framework
promotes the progressive development of a range of skills to support developing independence and
interdependence : key skills; thinking skills; personal, social and emotional skills; physical,
orientation and mobility skills; work and organisation skills; play, leisure and recreation skills;
daily living skills; home living skills; citizenship and community skills; healthy lifestyle skills; creative
Local Offer Education Providers form V3
and expressive skills; people skills.
3. What is your current Ofsted rating and when was it received?
Heritage House was judged to be a good school by Ofsted at its most recent inspection (March
4. Where is your education provision located and what geographic area(s) does it
The school is located in Chesham and serves the Chilterns and South Buckinghamshire districts of
Buckinghamshire, although a small number of pupils live outside the school’s catchment area.
5. Who does your education provision provide for?
Heritage House is a special school for children and young people aged between 2 and 19 years
with severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties. In addition, pupils may have physical,
neurological and sensory impairments, autistic spectrum conditions and complex medical needs.
6. What is the approximate size of your education provision:
There are currently 75 pupils on roll. All pupils have a Statement of Special Educational Needs.
7. If you are not a Maintained school what is your admission criteria? How can
children & young people access any specialist provision?
Admission to the school is determined by Buckinghamshire County Council.
8. What is the name, job title & contact details for:
 the main contact for staff with responsibility for SEND in the education
 the SEND coordinator in the education provision?
The principle contact within the school for all SEND matters is the headteacher.
9. Who should I contact if I have a compliment, concern or complaint about the
education provision? How is the education provision’s complaints procedure
made available?
The principle contact within the school for all education provision matters is the headteacher.
Local Offer Education Providers form V3
10. What future plans does your education provision have for developing its SEND
provision eg: training, facilities?
We are committed to working with the other schools in Chesham and surrounding areas, the Local
Authority and Buckinghamshire Learning Trust to continue to improve the quality of provision and
range of educational opportunities available for pupils with SEND.
11. Which other Local Authorities/ Counties/ health providers do you have contracts
Heritage House School is a multiprofessional setting and works closely with a range of partners,
including the National Health Service and Buckinghamshire Social Care. The school employs its
own speech and language therapist and has arrangements with other organisations for the
provision of physiotherapy, occupational therapy and school nursing.
There are regular formal and informal opportunities for parents and carers to meet with school
staff to discuss the educational provision of children and young people. Each year there is a formal
review meeting involving parents, carers and pupils to consider progress in relation to the
Statement of Special Educational Needs.
Staff undertake regular relevant training to enable them to meet and respond to the changing
learning and developmental needs of pupils.
Specialist equipment
Heritage House works with others to provide appropriate specialist equipment to enable pupils to
access the curriculum – mobility, personalised seating, standing and lifting equipment, information
technology, communication aids and other enabling technology.
Work with other professionals
Where appropriate the school makes referrals to other agencies including health, social care, BCC
support services and voluntary & community groups in order to meet the needs of pupils and their
The school works closely with others to prepare pupils for the next stage of their lives beyond
Local Offer Education Providers form V3