File - Costa Catholic Academy

CCA Meeting
September 14, 2015
Meeting was called to order by Vice-President Rachelle Poyzer at 6:34pm.
Those in attendance: Mary Donald, Amber Howe, Krista Maciel, Sarah Wooldridge, Stacy Carlson, Tara
Townsend, Jennifer Anderson, Rachelle Poyzer, Carrie Hawkinson, Norma Hedbloom, Diana Barnes, Jen Good,
Steve Eisemann, Connie Borchers
Tara Townsend read minutes from the August 10, 2015 meeting and the Emergency CCA meeting minutes from
September 2, 2015. Sarah Wooldridge moved and Katie Bond seconded to approve August minutes. Sarah
Woodridge moved and Katie Bond seconded to approve the Emergency meeting minutes as well.
Diana Barnes, Pre-K teacher and Norma Hedbloom, 1st grade teacher were in attendance. Both indicated great
starts to the school year. They also indicated the need for a designated cart containing games and activities
specifically for indoor recess. Some suggestions were Etch-a-Sketch, Mr. Potato Head, anything to build but
strictly for indoor recess so teachers aren’t using their own supplies and having them lost or ruined. Mr.
Eisemann reported that there were several supplies leftover from Bridges at the old building that could be used.
Teachers are welcome to look through these items and bring them over any time.
President’s Report: Rachelle relayed Antoinette’s message that there was a good turnout for the Back to School
Bash and Open House.
Treasurer’s Report: Stacy Carlson reported a beginning balance of $2000.00 with an ending balance of $2349.48.
Sarah Wooldridge moved and Carrie Hawkinson seconded approval of the August Treasurer’s report. The motion
was approved.
Committee Reports:
Appreciation—Jennifer Anderson. No report.
Back to School Bash—Rachelle Poyzer. The event went well. Several people commented on how nice it was to
eat in the multi-purpose room and not have to decide which classroom to eat in. It also allowed families a chance
to see the new addition. Many people seemed to stay longer due to the fingerprinting and safe environment
Box Tops—Cheryl Fell. No report.
Chicken Dinner—Sarah Wooldridge, Stacy Carlson, Tricia Thomas, Stephanie Templeton. Sarah Wooldridge will email about available volunteer slots still to be filled. The committee has a layout in their minds for the gym. Katie
Bond is repainting the sign.
CLA—Carrie Hawkinson. Carrie researched the Performing Arts Academy. They were going to look into options
but don’t usually offer their Friday Field Day to local schools. Maybe a group discount for performances?
Antoinette forwarded a magic show option to Carrie. Carrie also contacted the CSC Theatre Department who is
looking to perform for grade school level kids as part of their attempt to have diversity, adapting to performing in
different locations, etc. This would be a free performance and as long as it keeps with Costa’s Catholic values and
is age appropriate, it could be a good option.
Directory—Mary Donald. OSF St. Mary’s was sent an invoice for the advertisement and we are awaiting their
payment. An ad went out in the Salt Shaker seeking smaller, business card-sized ads but there was no response.
Mary still has 26 families with no information and hopes to have the directory out by October 1st.
Schwann’s Cares—Tara Townsend, Rachelle Poyzer. $109 earned to date with 11 “supporters”.
Fellowship—Rachelle Poyzer has the contacts for the local parishes.
Open House—Jennifer Anderson, Carrie Hawkinson. The event was very well organized and there were a few
leftover supplies that will be donated to the Chicken Dinner.
Soup Labels—Stacy Carlson. Stacy will see if Mrs. Ricketts has any needs before ordering the Visa gift card.
Cookies and Cocoa—Jennifer Anderson. Costa Marching Friars will not participate in the Holiday Parade due to
Mrs. Marasa’s leave so Cookies and Cocoa may or may not happen this year.
Teacher Appreciation—Sarah Wooldridge, Krista Maciel. No report.
Trunk or Treat—Katie Bond. Sunday, October 25 from 1:00pm-3:00pm. Access to the restrooms was requested
and use of the multi-purpose room if the weather is bad. The flyer is on Google Docs!!
Welcome and Registration—Amber Howe. Need to reorganize the uniforms (resale). Uniforms can be donated at
any time.
Old Business
Stacy gave Antoinette the name of the individual who has done the calendar magnets in the past.
New Business
Holiday School Shop—tabled until October
Stacy Carlson moved to adjourn and Jennifer Anderson seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 7:17pm.
NEXT MEETING: Monday, October 12, 2015 at 6:30pm.