INSTRUCTOR: Ita Lanterman WILSON READING 6TH GRADE A DAY 7:50-8:50 ELA Standards: RL.6.2, L.6.2, RI. 6.10, RL.6.10 WEEK OF: 2-8-2016 to 2-12-2016 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S)/OBJECTIVES: Student will read and spell words with up to 6 sounds in a closed syllable. EQ: How can words with 6 sounds be decoded and spelled? JUST WORDS 7:50-8:50 6H GRADE B DAY ELA Standards: RL.6.2, RI.6.2, L.6.2, RI. 6.10, RL.6.10 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S)/OBJECTIVES: Students will read and spell words with the double vowels ow, ou, ue, oo, ew, au &aw EQ: What are the options for spelling the sound / ü /? WILSON READING 10:50-11:20 7TH GRADE ELA Standards: RL.7.2, L.7.2, L.7.4, RI.7.10, RL.7.10 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) / OBJECTIVES: Student will read and spell words combining closed syllables and vowelconsonant-e syllables. EQ: What is the strategy for reading and spelling words with 3 syllables? ELA Standards: L.8.4, L.8.6, L.8.2c, RI.8.10, RL.8.10 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) / OBJECTIVES: Students will read and spell words with the double vowels ea EQ: What are the sounds of ea? GRAHAM WILSON READING 9:20-10:20 8H GRADE A DAY INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Wilson steps 2.5- How to blend and segment up to 6 sounds in a closed syllable tapping out sounds Wilson lesson parts: 1-sound card drill, 2-teach & review reading concepts, 3-word card activity, 4-wordlist reading, 5-sentence reading, 6-sound spelling, 7-multisensory spelling, 8-spelling dictation, 9-passage reading INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Just words unit 12- reading and spelling words with double vowels and suffixes added The sounds of ow, ou, ue, oo, ew, au, aw sound option spelling Just Words lesson parts: sound review, build words, word-card activity, vocabulary, spelling, phrase reading, sight word review INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Wilson step 4.3- reading and spelling words combining closed syllables and vowel-consonant-e syllables. syllable division rules Wilson lesson parts: 1-sound card drill, 2-teach & review reading concepts, 3-word card activity, 4-wordlist reading, 5-sentence reading, 6-sound spelling, 7-multisensory spelling, 8-spelling dictation, 9-passage reading INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Wilson steps 9.6- How to read and spell words with the double vowels ea the sounds of ea sound option spelling procedures Wilson lesson parts: 1-sound card drill, 2-teach & review reading concepts, 3-word card activity, 4-wordlist reading, 5-sentence reading, 6-sound spelling, 7-multisensory spelling, 8-spelling dictation, 9-passage reading DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings JUST WORDS 9:20-10:20 8TH GRADE B DAY WILSON READING 11:50-12:50 7TH GRADE A DAY WILSON READING 11:50-12:50 7TH GRADE B DAY JUST WORDS 12:50-1:20 5TH GRADE ELA Standards: L.8.4, L.8.6, L.8.2c, RI.8.10, RL.8.10 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) / OBJECTIVES: Students will read and spell multisyllabic words with double vowels EQ: What are the sounds of the double vowels ai, ay, ee, ea, ey? ELA Standards: RL.7.2, L.7.2, L.7.4, RI.7.10, RL.7.10 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) / OBJECTIVES: Student will read and spell words with suffixes added to changing basewords EQ: What is the doubling rule? ELA Standards: RL.7.2, L.7.2, RI. 7.10, RL.7.10 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) / OBJECTIVES: Students will read and spell words with the double vowels oa, oe and ue. EQ: What are the sounds of oa, oe and ue? ELA Standards: RF.5.3, RF.5.4, L.5.2, RL.5.10, RI.5.10 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) / OBJECTIVES: Students will read and spell words with r-controlled syllables EQ: What are the sounds of ar, or, er, ir, ur? INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Just words Unit11- How to read and spell words with double vowels double vowels-the sounds of ai, ay, ee, ea, ey sound option spelling Just Words lesson parts: sound review, build words, word-card activity, vocabulary, spelling, phrase reading, sight word review INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Wilson step 10.4 - reading and spelling words with suffixes added to changing basewords 1-1-1 syllables, stressed syllables, and the doubling rule Wilson lesson parts: 1-sound card drill, 2-teach & review reading concepts, 3-word card activity, 4-wordlist reading, 5-sentence reading, 6-sound spelling, 7-multisensory spelling, 8-spelling dictation, 9-passage reading INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Wilson steps 9.3- How to read and spell words with the double vowels oa, oe and ue the sounds of oa, oe & ue sound option spelling procedures Wilson lesson parts: 1-sound card drill, 2-teach & review reading concepts, 3-word card activity, 4-wordlist reading, 5-sentence reading, 6-sound spelling, 7-multisensory spelling, 8-spelling dictation, 9-passage reading INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Just Words unit 9 - reading and spelling words with rcontrolled syllables the sounds of ar, or, er, ir, ur Just Words lesson parts: sound review, build words, word-card activity, vocabulary, spelling, phrase reading, sig ht word review DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings JUST WORDS 1:20-2:20 5TH GRADE A DAY JUST WORDS 1:20-2:20 4TH GRADE B DAY ELA Standards: RF.5.3, RF.5.4, L.5.2, RL.5.10, RI.5.10 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) / OBJECTIVES: Students will read and spell mulitsyllabic words with closed and vowel-consonant-e syllables & apply suffix rules ELA Standards: RF.4.3, RF.4.4, L.4.2, RL.4.10, RI.4.10 ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S) / OBJECTIVES: Students will read and spell words with welded sounds EQ: What are the welded sounds? EQ: What are the rules for adding suffixes to v-e syllables and 1-1-1words? INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Just Words mid-term review – reading and spelling mulitsyllabic words with closed and vowel-consonant-e syllables & applying suffix rules Just Words lesson parts: sound review, build words, word-card activity, vocabulary, spelling, phrase reading, sight word review, challenge book activities p.60-64 INSTRUCTION: CONCEPTS FOR READING AND SPELLING: Just Words unit 3-decoding and spelling words with welded sounds the sounds of am, an, ang, ing, ong, ung, ank, ink, onk, unk tapping to blend and segment sounds Just Words lesson parts: sound review, build words, word-card activity, vocabulary, spelling, phrase reading, sight word review DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: Multi-sensory language training 1,2,3,7,16,20,22 ASSESSMENT: Teacher observation, wordlist reading, spelling dictation, timed readings DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATIONS: 1. Allow oral responses to written essay questions. 2. Allow students to verbalize before writing. 3. Use audio materials when necessary. 4. Extend test-taking time. 5. Modify homework assignments. 6. Read tests aloud to students. 7. Read directions aloud to students. 8. Restate, reword, or clarify directions. 9. Provide mathematics manipulatives to assist in understanding (i.e., counters, multiplication table, calculator, etc.). 10. Restate test questions. 11. Preferential seating. 12. Untimed and/or extended test taking time. 13. Modify written assignments. 14. Provide students with study guides. 15. Provide students with copies of notes. 16. Redirect students to keep them focused. 17. Provide breaks when the student becomes frustrated. 18. Check agenda books for proper homework. 19. Reteach lesson using small groups. 20. Monitor progress during lessons. 21. Shorten assignments to focus on mastery of key concepts. 22. Provide support and cueing system. 23. Use mnemonic devices 24. Graphic Organizer