1 – 5 June 2015 IP Paris Phone : +33 1 44 38 94 26 Fax : +33 1 45 68 83 32 e-mail : evi.gouzelou@gmail.com Application Form Brief description of the LeiSHield training course Objectives and Planned Sessions This training course is devoted to the epidemiology of leishmaniasis. Theoretical modules will also focus on the current molecular approaches used for Leishmania typing and for conducting population genetic studies to assess the molecular epidemiology of the disease. Each lecture will be followed by extensive practical modules (wet labs and/or in silico analyses) on (i) Leishmania species identification using the HSP70 molecular tool, (ii) Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA), (iii) Multilocus microsatellite typing (MLMT) and data analysis, (iv) DNA bar coding of sand flies and (v) QuantumGIS for geographical data mapping. Debriefing oral presentations (summary of results, data interpretation and discussion, highlights and feedback) are planned on the last day of the course (June 5th). Purpose The selected topics and the planned sessions for these sessions aim to extend your knowledge on molecular typing and to provide you with the competence to utilize various typing and data analysis tools. The major aim of this course is the transferring of this new knowledge and valuable know-how back to your home institutes. Above this, the LeiSHield training course provides a forum to discuss about your research project with experts in the field, to launch new collaborations and to widen your horizon on epidemiological research. Requirements and Selection Criteria This is a full-time training course and your active participation is expected all through. We strongly encourage you to interact with the other participants as well as the course instructors. Selected applicants will be working in pairs and are expected to comply with the following levels of experience: 1) Your level of English is sufficient to actively participate in scientific discussions without the need for translation. 2) Given a SOP or the methods section from a publication, you are able to carry out a molecular experiment such as PCRRFLP, gel analysis, and data interpretation independently. 3) You have at least theoretical knowledge of Sanger genome sequencing and sequence alignment. 4) You have basic knowledge on the biology, epidemiology and pathology of leishmaniasis. 2 All information given on this form is important for eligibility and selection of the candidate. Please carefully read and fill in this form. Incomplete documents and late applications will not be considered. Completed application form must be received no later than Friday 8th April 2015. Course Contact: evi.gouzelou@gmail.com Applicant personal information Title: First Name: Last Name: Gender: M F Date and place of Birth: Country of citizenship: Authority who delivered the passport: Passport Number: Issuance Date (DD/MM/YYYY): Expiry Date (DD/MM/YYYY): Applicant contact details e-mail(s): Phone Number Work: Mobile: Fax: Applicant Institution details Select which most accurately describes your position : Undergraduate MSc student PhD student Post-doc Other Institute/Organization Type Academic Government Industry Non-profit Are you a member of the Pasteur Network? No Street: Postcode: Yes (please specify) 3 Town: Country: Supervisor details First Name: Family Name: Position: e-mail(s): Phone Number Work: Mobile: Fax: Scientific background List the last degrees or postgraduate qualifications obtained (type, subject, university, dates) 1. 2. 3. 4. List of publications (up to 5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Level of English Language Please indicate your level of English Low Intermediate Advanced Proficient 4 Relevant Experience related to course topics Carefully estimate your experience in the following relevant topics for the course (tick X per item) Unknown Elementary Intermediate Advanced Epidemiology of Leishmaniasis Basic concepts Projected use Molecular typing methods for species identification Principle Known Advantages Known Limits Protocol If applicable, please specify previous experience in the application of molecular typing tools and projected use of the typing method(s) used Molecular Tools: basics DNA sequencing by Sanger PCR principle PCR protocol Single- and Multi- AFLP principle locus Analyses AFLP protocol RFLP principle RFLP protocol MLSA principle MLSA protocol MLMT principle MLMT protocol DNA data analysis Population structure/phylogenetic analyses GIS analysis tools Multi-locus Analysis Bioinformatics tools If applicable, please specify previous use of bioinformatics tools relevant to the course topics. 5 Scientific Outline of current research topics Please give a brief outline of your current research, focusing mainly on the topics that have a direct link to the subjects covered by the course (limited to 300 words) 6 Motivation for attendance to this course This section should be used to explain (within this page frame) how the knowledge and/or expertise gained from the course will be beneficial to the attendee’s work and institution. 7 Supporting statement from supervisor Please upload a letter of support from your direct supervisor stating why you should attend. This letter must be signed, scanned and uploaded as a pdf file. Do you have any special dietary requirements? Applicant: I hereby certify that the statements and information given in this application form are true and correct. I understand that the application had to be completed in full agreement with my current level of experience. Date: Signature of applicant: