Career Synopsis - University at Buffalo Academic Health Center

Marsha L. Lewis, PhD, RN
Marsha Lewis, PhD, RN is the Dean of the UB School of Nursing (UB SON). Dr. Lewis was
recruited to the position in February 2012 following a national search. Dr. Lewis was appointed
Dean by University President Satish Tripathi on February 2, 2012 after the retirement of Dean
Jean K. Brown in 2011. Dr. Davina Porock, Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship served
as the Interim Dean for 6 months prior to Dr. Lewis’ investiture. As Dean, Dr. Lewis reports to
the Vice President for Health Sciences, and Dean of the Medical School, Michael E. Cain, MD,
and the Provost. Dr. Lewis has full administrative authority over the UB SON budget, decision
making, and evaluation identical to that of other Deans at UB.
Founded in 1936 as a Division of Nursing in the School of Medicine, UB School of Nursing (SON)
is one of five schools composing the UB Academic Health Center. In 1940, the School of
Nursing was established as an independent unit of UB. The UB SON is fully accredited by New
York State, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), and The Council on
Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs to 2020. The UB SON offers two entry
level baccalaureate programs in nursing, a basic program for students pursuing their first
college degree and an accelerated second-degree option to achieve a baccalaureate degree in
nursing (ABS). Both programs prepare generalist nurses to work in a variety of health-care
settings and meet the diverse health needs of individuals and families across the life span and
populations. The ABS program is an intensive, full-time, 12-month program designed for the
mature, highly motivated, career-minded student who has already completed an
undergraduate and/or graduate degree in a field other than nursing. In response to
recommendations in the IOM Future of Nursing report, UB SON has recently re-established its’
RN-BS Program. This program is designed specifically for nurses who have already successfully
completed a community college (associate’s degree) or hospital based (diploma) nursing
program, and have passed the State licensure exam (NCLEX-RN) for registered nurses (RN). This
program both supplements and builds upon the core nursing knowledge and skills all RNs
achieve prior to licensure and can be completed in 12 months of ONLINE study. UB SON offers
both a clinical-focused Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) and a research-focused Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.). The DNP degree prepares advanced practice nurses in family, adult, family
mental health, and nurse anesthesia to deliver expert care, provide leadership in developing
and implementing new innovations in practice, and translating evidenced-based care to the
clinical setting. The Ph.D. in nursing program prepares nurses as researchers, teachers and
leaders in academia. The School has one of the greatest breadths of academic programming of
nursing schools in New York State.
Overall enrollment at the UB SON is over 400 students enrolled with approximately 225
enrolled in the undergraduate programs and approximately 200 in graduate programs. The UB
SON has one of the most diverse student bodies at the University. Approximately 30% of the
undergraduate student population and 25% of our graduate students are from a broad
representation of cultures.
Currently UB SON has 58 faculty members teaching in our newly renovated facility. The School of
Nursing building, Wende Hall, includes 5 technology classrooms, solely for nursing use as well
as state of the art laboratory space consisting of a clinical skills lab, physical assessment lab, an
anesthesia operating room suite with simulation and 2 additional simulation suites used for
instruction by both undergraduate and graduate students.
The UB SON mission is to produce outstanding clinicians and researchers and to improve
nursing outcomes to meet the current and future needs of society through our academic
programs, research, and scholarship. The mission is consistent with the mission of UB to
improve quality of life in that health is a major factor in overall quality of life. The vision is that
UB SON will be in the top 25 schools of nursing in the country recognized for its commitment to
leadership and quality. The mission and vision align with the broader vision of UB for continued
growth in academic excellence, contributing to the overall quality of life of our region, and
meeting the challenges of the 21st century.
Dr. Lewis has demonstrated exceptional leadership for UB SON faculty, staff, and students
during her short time here at UB as well in her past positions prior to joining UB SON. Prior to
being appointed Dean of the UB SON, Dr. Lewis began her career in higher education as an
instructor at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing in 1977, became assistant professor
in 1992 and rose to director of graduate studies in 2001. In 2006, Dr. Lewis was appointed as an
associate professor and associate dean for education in the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of
Nursing at Emory University in Atlanta. Over the years Dr. Lewis has mentored countless
faculty, students and fellow researchers in their academic achievements. Based on her
leadership skills she was recruited to be the school’s seventh dean.
She has received 19 research grants and seven educational training-program grants from the
National Institute of Nursing Research, the National Institute of Aging, the Department of
Health and Human Services, the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, the Alzheimer’s
Association and the NIH-Fogarty International Research Collaboration.
Dr. Lewis’ grants have funded research that addresses a number of important issues in nursing
and care giving, such as caregiver stress, online caregiver training and development, and testing
of Hispanic and African American training programs related to Alzheimer’s disease. Her current
research focus is on developing family caregiver skills for the promotion of calm behavior in
persons with dementia.
Dr. Lewis is the author or co-author of more than 20 refereed original journal articles and the
author or co-author of one book and two book chapters. She has collaborated on the
development of four different educational software programs and three educational videos.
Her current funded research grants include:
 Caregiver Stress: Interventions to Promote Health and Well-Being (Bauer-Wu & Miller,
Co-PIs). (M. Lewis, Co-I).
Her current funded Educational, Training, and Program Grants include:
 Atlanta Regional Geriatric Education Center (T. Johnson, Program Director, M. Lewis,
Training Coordinator).
Dr. Lewis earned her BSN in nursing from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, her MS in
nursing and her PhD in education from the University of Minnesota.
As can be seen in her curriculum vita, Dr. Lewis provides service to the profession that reflects
her research, teaching, mentorship, and leadership, accomplishments including:
 Current mentor for the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Leadership
for Academic Nursing Programs.
 Past advisory committee member to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation sponsored
project, “Developing a Graduate Level Interdisciplinary Curriculum for Creating Safe and
Effective Healthcare Environments”, Emory University and Georgia Institute of
 Past consultant for an Alzheimer’s Association grant at Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine
Dr. Lewis serves as a manuscript reviewer for the following peer reviewed journals:
Research in Nursing and Health
Family Relations, Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies
American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias
Medical Decision Making
Journal of Applied Gerontology
Dr. Lewis serves on the judging committee for the Sigma Theta Tau Capstone International
Nursing Book Award and abstract reviewer for the Gerontological Society of America.
Additionally, Dean Lewis is very involved with the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
(CCNE), the accrediting body of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The
CCNE is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a national accreditation agency
contributing to the improvement of the public's health. CCNE ensures the quality and
integrity of baccalaureate, graduate, and residency programs in nursing. CCNE serves the
public interest by assessing and identifying programs that engage in effective educational
practices. As a voluntary, self-regulatory process, CCNE accreditation supports and
encourages continuing self-assessment by nursing programs and supports continuing
growth and improvement of collegiate professional education and post-baccalaureate
nurse residency programs. Dr. Lewis was elected to the Board of Commissioners, served
on the Accreditation Review Committee, currently serves on the Report Review Committee and
serves as site visitor evaluating other schools of nursing on their programs, a testament to her
dedication to quality nursing education.
Dr. Lewis’ professional appointments and honors include:
 2010 Team Excellence Award for Accelerated BSN Task Force, NWSHN, Emory University
 2010 Selected participant in the Emory Academic Leadership Program
 2009 100 Distinguished Nursing Alumni award from the University of Minnesota, School
of Nursing
 Selected participant in the AACN Leadership for Academic Nursing Program for 20062007.
 Elected to the Board of Commissioners of the Commission on Collegiate Nursing
Education 2003-2006.
 2003 “Best Director of Graduate Studies” Award, University of Minnesota Graduate
 2001 International Who’s Who of Professional Educators
 1999 Zeta Chapter Sigma Theta Tau Award for Excellence in Education
 Selected participant in the first Research Training Course for Nurse Scientists cosponsored by NINR and the Clinical Center Nursing Department at NIH, July 22-26, 1996
 1994 Selected Participant, Diversity and Public Problem Solving. Summer Workshop,
Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, supported by the Ford Foundation to
enhance the diversity content of courses in professional schools
Dr. Lewis is an active member of many Regional, National and International organizations
American Nurses Association/Georgia Nurses Association
The Gerontological Society of America
Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society
Sigma Theta Tau National Honor Society
Dr. Lewis is involved in Research-Related Committees and Scholarly Activities at the University
at Buffalo, in the Western New York Community at large, nationally and internationally
 Member of the UB Distance Learning Symposium Committee
 Mentor, AACN Leadership for Academic Nursing Program, Dr. Evelyn Klocke, chair WVU
Tech Department of Nursing, part of the West Virginia University School of Nursing.
Dr. Lewis’ vast leadership experience allowed her to seamlessly take on the helm of the School
of Nursing and meet the challenge of continuing the leadership goals set forth by the executive
administration during this turning point for the school in the coming years.