Final Project Rubric for AP Psychology

The Goal of this project is for you to demonstrate a thorough understanding of Psychology. The way in
which you demonstrate this understanding will be based on your personal strengths/interests.
You will chose ONE project option from the choices listed below. Each project option is designed to play
to your strengths, or multiple intelligences, as education professionals call them. Everyone has a type of
intelligence where they excel and some they could develop further.
You need to take the Birmingham Multiple Intelligence Test (BMIT) online:
g.cfm). Then write down the type(s) of intelligence you tested strongest in: __________________________________
Using this as a resource you may want to choose a project option that plays to your strengths. Or, you
may just want to choose the project that sounds most interesting and inspiring to you. Your project will
be much better, and you’ll probably get a better grade, if you do. All projects require a significant amount
of time and effort, so trying to choose the “easiest” will not benefit you—there is no easy option here.
All projects will be scored using the attached rubric.
Most projects must be done individually but some, like a video or skit, can include two
to three (3 total is the max) people as long as both appear in it equally. Remember you
should be
Menu of Project Choices:
playing to
#1 Make a Movie Poster of a Psychological concept or a Psychologists’ biography
and your
 Draw a picture of the concept or individual Psychologist.
share the
 Label all the major parts of the concept (if necessary)
 Title your movie whatever you’d like
 Write a synopsis of what the movie would be about. You can also use key words on the poster.strengths.
 Choose appropriate actors/actresses to play the roles in the film
 Give your movie a rating appropriate to the level of what would be shown in the film, along with
the explanation (language, sex, drugs, violence, etc)
#2 Create a 3-D model of a part of the body that we discuss or study in Psychology
It can be out of any non-perishable (No Food Items) material like paper Mache, styrene, clay,
cardboard, etc.
#3 Author a PowerPoint about Psychology
Create a slide show on a Psychological concept or idea. It must have at least 10 slides but no more
than 14 slides. You must use real-life examples, vocab words and explanations in your slideshow.
#4 Compose a children’s book or mini-book on Psychology
It can be hand drawn or images/clip art may be used. Include a cover and a title page. Must be
approximately 12 pages.
#5 Create an interactive and educational board game
Create a board game about Psychology that players can use to explore and learn. Make sure the game
can be played with at least two players, pieces (if necessary) and has a set of rules to follow.
#6 Create a video/podcast
Shoot a video that demonstrates knowledge of Psychology. For example, film a skit or a commercial.
Limit to 5 minutes.
#7 Write and perform a song about Psychology
Must include information about several Psychological terms/concepts/people.
#8 Create a ride at an amusement park
The ride would simulate traveling through one of the following: the brain, ear, eye, circulatory
system, nervous system, endocrine system. Describe the entire experience of the ride and your
chosen body part/system as you find them during the trip.
#9 Perform a mini-play or skit
In front of the class, perform a mini skit about Psychology. It can be a group project with up to 3
people. It can be a play where people role-play from the perspective of a patient with a disorder
and the doctor who is treating them from a specific psychological perspective. Limit to 5
#10 Write a short story about some fantasy adventure about Psychology.
It must be illustrated. No more than 5 pages.
#11 Teach a lesson on a unit in our AP Psychology book
To decide on a unit, search your book. Your lesson must include visual aides, something for the
students to do (notes, worksheet, etc.) and last no longer than 10 minutes.
#12 Create a Journal or Scrapbook
Write a journal or scrapbook from the point of view of person suffering from a psychological
disorder. Each entry must be dated and the journal should include at least five entries.
#14 Poetry Collection
Create a collection of poems about a concept or topic (or several different ones) that demonstrates
your understanding of Psychology. The number of poems is up to you. You may use a variety of
different poem styles (i.e. sonnet, haiku, etc.).
#15 Create a photo collage
of anything you see in nature that resembles Psychological concepts or technology that mimics
the human body. Make a collage of these photos and make sure you label each picture with the
accurate concept or function of Psychology.
Multiple Intelligence
“Word Smart”
“Number Smart”
“Picture Smart”
“People Smart”
“Myself Smart”
“Music Smart”
“Body Smart”
“Nature Smart”
Final Project Rubric for AP Psychology
Complete information about a Psychological term, concept or Psychologist.
Accurate and correct usage of terms/concepts, etc.
50 points
Information is well organized: labeled, good spacing, use of underlining, bold,
spelling, grammar, neat and orderly, etc.
25 points
Use of pictures, drawings, diagrams, textures or colors to emphasize and enhance
the appearance of the project
25 points
Quality of student work is exemplary, effort is evident
50 points
Creative, colorful, interesting, appealing, original, etc.
50 points
Presentation of information, demonstration of the project
50 points
Total Points :