Key Stage 2 Curriculum Overview Autumn Term 1 - 2014 Maths Literacy Creative Curriculum PE Y3/4 1. Counting in multiples of 10, 100 and 1000; place value; ordering and comparing numbers 2. Mental addition and subtraction; problem solving (including measures and money); interpreting data from graphs 3. Count in multiples of 4,6,7,8,9,25,50,100,and 1000; recall and use multiplication tables to x12; multiply and divide and understand link between them; problem solving Warning stories: atmosphere/ setting; using sentence length for effect; prepositions; powerful verbs Recounts: newspaper article; compound sentences; fronted adverbials; speech marks; paragraphs Poetry: senses poems; similes; alliteration; well-chosen adjectives WW1 – History/Geography focus Within the context of WW1 we will be: Using maps, atlases and globes to locate countries and consider the impact of their position/location in relation to other countries Developing a chronology of British and world history History Considering cause and effect Using historical sources to gather information and develop questions Football Gym Y5/6 1. Place value of numbers to 1 000 000 and decimal numbers to 3 decimal places; ordering and comparing numbers and integers; decimal and fraction equivalents; multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 (integers and decimal numbers); converting measures; problem solving 2. Adding and subtracting integers and decimal numbers; formal written methods of calculation; sequences; problem solving (one and two step); interpreting information from timetables, graphs and data 3. Multiples, factors and prime numbers, using knowledge of known multiplication facts to multiply and divide Narrative Poetry (the Highwayman): character portrayal; figurative language Recount: eye-witness account/ police reports; brackets; fronted adverbials; paragraph structure; adverbs for possibility; relative clauses – who, that, which; formal writing - causal connectives, add on connectives WW1 – History/Geography focus Within the context of WW1 we will be: Using maps, atlases and globes to locate countries and consider the impact of their position/location in relation to other countries Developing a chronology of British and world history History Considering the impact of a ‘trigger’ Selecting information from a range of sources to develop an opinion Football Gym Music Art French RE Computing PSHE Y3 Swimming Rhythmic Patterns Create and perform simple rhythmic patterns using notation as a support. WW1 Poppies Depict poppies using a variety of media, exploring their effectiveness Construct a poppy from clay, joining adequately and working reasonably independently Lyrics and melody Develop our ability to compose a song with an awareness of the relationship between lyrics and melody. WW1 Poppies Depict poppies using a variety of media, exploring their effectiveness Work with increasing independence to construct a poppy from clay demonstrating an understanding of the use of slip to join and tools to create texture. Meeting and greeting Masculine and feminine nouns Basic commands Agreement of adjectives Colours Compose simple sentences Using prepositions – ‘in the .., on the …, behind the …’ Sikhism Islam Key Question: Does joining the Khalsa make a person a better Key Question: What is the best way for a Muslim to show Sikh? commitment to God? Using the Learning Platform Using the Learning Platform e-safety e-safety Dealing with new and different situations (Rainbow scheme/SEAL – New Beginnings)