Student "Welcome Letter"

Welcome to 7th Grade!
Mrs. Holland
Ms. Arenivar
Ms. Singleton
Texas History
Coach Franklin
Writing/Team Leader Mrs. Trietsch
Mrs. Bejarano
Things To Return
Welcome Letter to Parents
Welcome to Strickland Seventh Grade. Middle School is a unique experience
designed to bridge the elementary and high school years. To make the transition
from 6th to 7th graders as smooth as possible, your child has been assigned five
academic teachers (as well as elective teachers) who work together to
coordinate the seventh grade year. We refer to this plan as Academic Teaming.
You should expect a progress report and a report card for each 9-weeks grade
reporting period. In addition you will have access to your child’s grades online.
Should you wish to schedule a conference or talk with one of us, you may leave a
voice mail at the numbers listed above or contact us via e-mail.
Our expectations are high. The learning environment for your child is a
combination of both home and school. We look forward to this joint venture.
Seventh Grade Teachers
All students will:
be prepared (supplies and assignments)
be in seat at the designated time
stay on task
receive permission to speak
respect the rights, feelings, and property of self and others
use appropriate classroom language
follow handbook rules
***While students will be reminded to meet these expectations for
appropriate behavior, failure to modify actions and behavior may result
in the following:
loss of a Ticket
parent phone call/conference
team huddle
office referral
Information Page
Science Safety Contract
Copy paper
Bell Schedule
1st Period 8:20 - 9:05
2nd Period 9:09 - 9:54
3rd Period 9:58 - 10:43
4th Period 10:46 – 11:31
LUNCH 11:31 – 12:01
5th Period 12:04 - 12:49
6th Period 12:52 - 1:42
7th Period 1:46 - 2:31
8th Period 2:35 - 3:20
Supply List 14-15
2-1 subject spiral notebooks (English &
1-3 subject spiral notebook (Math)
3 composition books (2-Science, 1 Reading)
2 – 1inch 3 ring binder w/pockets (Math and
3 pocket folder3 (English, Math, and History)
24 Pencils
Pens (blue or black)
Markers (thick or thin)
Colored pencils
2 large boxes of Kleenex
Large glue stick or bottle of school glue
200ct. wide rule notebook paper
Pencil bag / box
2 large erasers
1 pkg white copy paper
4-AA batteries (English)
4-AAA batteries (Math)
Backpacks / Purses
Backpacks and purses may be used to bring books and supplies to and from school. Backpacks and purses should be placed in the
assigned locker during the day. No backpacks or purses will be allowed in the classrooms.
It is important to be in class every day. While
work may be made up for absences, it is
Each student will have a locker for his/her own use. Students should not trade or share impossible to make up the learning
lockers with other students and every attempt should be made to keep the locker neat. opportunities that are missed. Students are
responsible for work missed due to an
Lockers will be assigned randomly to a student once he/she has returned the Science
absence from class. Each core teacher will
Safety Contract and Team Information Page.
have a procedure for students to follow to
obtain any missed assignments.
Ticket System
It is our hope that we do not have discipline problems. However, a ticket system will be
in place to reward the students that model good behavior. Each student will begin each
9-weeks with 30 tickets. Tickets will be used if the student needs to leave the room for
restroom, locker, etc. Tickets may also be taken for tardies, or inappropriate behavior in
the classroom or in the hall. Parents can easily monitor behavior each day by looking in
the student’s agenda each night. Reward parties will be planned each 9-weeks. If a
student has managed tickets well they will be able to use tickets to attend the rewards.
Additional Ticket
Ticket System –see attached page
Dress Code
The entire ID card must be worn and
visible above the waist at all times
during the school day. Lanyards,
clips, or strings must be school
appropriate. IDs. may not be defaced
in any way. If defaced, the ID will be
taken up and the student must
purchase a new one.
The dress code will be enforced on our campus in an effort to minimize
distractions from learning. Our staff will hold students accountable for
school appropriate clothing. We encourage all students and parents to
read page 8 and 9 in the student agenda. It covers in great detail what is
appropriate and inappropriate for school.
See page 9 in the student agenda for
additional information regarding IDs.