2015 Community Lottery – Ticket Return Checklist

2015 Community Lottery – Ticket Return Checklist
Before returning your tickets, please read through this checklist to ensure that you have
completed all requirements and bring it with you for each deposit of your tickets and funds
at a People’s Choice Credit Union branch.
Your cooperation will make it easier for us to process your ticket returns as quickly as
Please note that our Branch Staff have been instructed NOT to accept returns unless the
following checklist is completed correctly with the return of your tickets and funds.
Sold books have been sorted in BOOK NUMBER ORDER with the lowest number on
top and, if applicable, bundled in lots of 50 books per bundle.
Removed the excess portion of the sold book cover and backing sheet leaving the
details with the book number attached to the tickets.
There are NO partially sold books
Completed Sold Ticket Form.
Completed Unsold Ticket Form (if applicable).
Remember you can purchase any unsold tickets in the name of the President, Secretary or Treasurer.
These tickets will be entered into the draw and eligible to win prizes. Your organisation will be
reimbursed in full for these tickets.
Returning large numbers of unsold tickets will impact on your organisations future
participation in the Community Lottery.
Completed Lost Ticket Form (if applicable).
Have the organisation draw ONE cheque for the TOTAL amount of all tickets SOLD (ie
$20 per book sold) for each deposit and payable to “People’s Choice Community
Foundation Ltd.”.