Haunted History of Huntington Rubric Name: ______________ Total Points:_________ Total Points:_________ Grade:_________ 5 4 3 2 1 Clear understanding of background knowledge (2) Student has a clear understanding of local Civil War events & how they effected Guyandotte Student has an understanding of local Civil War events & how they effected Guyandotte Student has some understanding of local Civil War events & how they effected Guyandotte Student has little understanding of local Civil War events & hoe they effected Guyandotte Ability to use GPS successfully (2) Student can easily manipulate GPS to find waypoints, measure distance, etc. Student was able to locate waypoints with no difficulty Student can manipulate GPS to find waypoints, measure distance, etc. Student can manipulate GPS to do most needed functions with some help Student understands a few ideas about local Civil War events and how they effected Guyandotte Student can manipulate GPS to do most needed functions with much help Student was able to locate waypoints with little difficulty Student took photos of all buildings that were clear Student was able to locate waypoints with some difficulty Student took photos of all buildings that were blurry or cropped too close Student used a source to cover the some of the history of all given houses Student was able to locate waypoints with much difficulty Student took photos of some buildings that were clear Little of the history of all the houses was researched Not all of the houses were researched Student helps create a complete digital product to showcase the history of their houses Student helps create a digital product showcasing the history of their houses but is lacking in details Student helps create a digital product that is incomplete or inaccurate Located Waypoints (2) Appropriate Documentatio n with Photos Thorough Research of Houses (3) Creative Digital Product (3) Student took photos of all buildings that were clear and showed originality Student used a variety of sources to completely cover the history of all given houses Student helps create an interesting and unique digital product to showcase the history of their houses Student used sources to cover the history of all given houses Student helps create an interesting digital product to showcase the history of their houses Student can manipulate GPS to do few needed functions and needs much help Student was not able to locate all waypoints Student did not take photos or photos are unrecognizable Report is clear, concise, and interesting Waypoints are uploaded to Google Earth correctly, with pictures and a brief history of each house with no difficulty Report is Part of report clear, and is unclear, or concise not concise Waypoints are All waypoints uploaded to are uploaded Google Earth to Google correctly, with Earth pictures and a correctly, but brief history of a picture or each house brief history of with some the house is help missing Report is not complete or unclear All waypoints are uploaded to Google Earth correctly, but some pictures or histories of the houses is missing All waypoints did not upload correctly, or none of the waypoints included pictures or brief histories of the houses Time Management Student stayed on task at all times & used time wisely Worked Collaboratively (2) Student worked very well within their group Student stayed on task most of the time & used time wisely Student worked well within their group Student had trouble staying on task or using time wisely Student worked well within their group some of the time, but did have problems getting along Student did not stay on task or use time wisely through most of the project Student worked well within their group little of the time, and had many problems getting along Clear, Concise Report (3) Successful Uploading of Waypoints to Google Earth Student stayed on task some of the time & used time wisely Student worked well within their group most of the time, but did have some problems getting along Report is inaccurate NOTE: This project is weighted to equal 100 points. Categories that have a number in parenthesis will be weighted that amount. For example, “Worked Collaboratively” has a 2 beside it, so the score a student receives will be multiplied by 2. (Score a 5, 5*2 = 10 points) Comments: