Town of Boscawen Library Trustees Wednesday, March 19, 2014 6:30 p.m. Boscawen Town Library MINUTES 1. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Paul Matthews at 6:31 p.m. 2. Present: Chairman Paul Matthews; Vice-Chair Elaine Clow; Treasurer, Tina Larochelle; Trustees, Lorre Murphy and Beverly Lacoy; Library Director, Eileen Gilbert; Guest: Lynn West, Officer, Friends of the Boscawen Library. 3. The draft minutes of the meeting of January 15, 2014 were reviewed. Tina moved and Lawre seconded to accept the minutes as presented. All in favor. 4. Lynn West, an Officer of the “Friends ,” a 501-c-3 organization, reminded us that the purpose of the Friends of the Library group is fundraising for support of Library programs including quality library services for Boscawen citizens. Formerly, as Librarian at the Boscawen Elementary School, she has administered efforts including artist in residence, site coordinator, and other means of fundraising. She suggests they use a partnership instead of just begging businesses for money. They are initiating a PARTNERS PROGRAM for the purpose of collaborating with local businesses in the pursuit of library support, based on a two-way relationship based on the needs and willingness of each partnering business. “What can we do for you in return for your donation?” including PR, advertising, and assistance with functions. The Friends group has established parameters for various categories and amounts of donations, based on scale. They have identified ten businesses in town for contact for involvement, as well as a “Wish List” for 2014 goals and objectives, as well as approaching one business in town where they have already conducted an interview. Mrs. West also endorsed promoting endowments, and pre-planning wills and trusts for potential library benefactors. 5. Treasurer’s Report (Profit and Loss) statement Jan 1 to March 13th. Reviewed by all. Eileen will speak with Karen McKenzie, Town Treasurer, about how the labor costs and salaries are handled by the town administration. A reminder that the Book Fund is not totally appropriated by the town, but that some of these monies come from specific trust funds as well that are designated for this purpose. Another reminder that the Bookkeeping Expense is reported as a payment for services for the Library bookkeeper. Tina moved and Lawre seconded to accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. All in favor. 6. Eileen reported on the status of the opening date for the Atrium Library Information System, for which we have been invoiced. This is the cooperative venture with other towns, including Allenstown, Boscawen, Chichester, and Northwood are the new users of Atrium. Barnstead, Canterbury, Pembroke, and Loudon are already using it, but will become part of the consortium. It will require four to six weeks to set up, and is expected to be functional by late May or early June. The Friends are contributing to the start-up expenses – benefits the public by having an on-line catalogue for view, and an ability to renew accounts; provides more detail, and issues receipts rather than requiring staff to stamp books. On the staff side it enables the ability to customize reports, offers versatility of modules, and issues receipts. Tina moved and Lawre seconded to make an interim payment for the Atrium System in the amount of $2845 for installation and the first year, plus the estimated $895 for training, for a total of approximately $3740 7. Eileen presented her March Director’s Report (attached), where she reported on: Ongoing Projects, the Tech surveys, which will be discussed at the next Trustee meeting, and The project. Elaine invited all to attend the official launch of the site at the Historical Society meeting on Monday, April 28, 2014 at 6:30p.m. at the James F. Colby room of the former Post Office/Muchido Building, 226 King Street, Boscawen. Eileen designed the site through the assistance of Bobby Slosser at the State Library. Steve Green, of the Boscawen Historical Society, will be the webmaster. The Easter basket sale organized by the “Friends” is on through April 10th. Library and staff outreach of movie days, BES family fun night, PCC Storytime Physical circulation to March 17, 4755 Upcoming conferences, roundtables, committee meetings and educational opportunities The NH Library Trustees Spring Conference will be held on Monday, May 19th, 2014 at the Grappone Conference Center, 70 Constitution Avenue Concord; Eileen will arrange for registrations and payments. The New Trustees Orientation will be held Tuesday, April 29, at the NH Municipal Association, 25 Triangle Drive, Concord, NH. This is a good review for all Trustees, and is free to Trustees. During the month of March the town auditors found a $5,000 account for the benefit of the Library in the Town accounting, which had been previously unknown to the Library. The question arose as to exactly how many CDs, Trusts, and Library Accounts, contain how much money for what uses, and how much is held by the Trustees of the Trust Funds. Tina as Treasurer and Eileen as Director will investigate this, and also what restrictions may be on the unknown account and is there a possibility of using part of it for the automation start-up costs. There is a green filing cabinet that moved down from the 1913 Library when the Public Library moved from the Plain. Eileen and Tina will go through the cabinet, which seems to contain old meeting minutes and financial information. 8. Beverly Lacoy has been elected and sworn in as the new Trustee. She has lived all her life in Boscawen, is a member of the “Friends,” and would like to see more Boscawen residents using the Library. We welcome her input as a Trustee. Next meeting: April 16th, 6:30 p.m. There being no further business, Tina moved and Lawre seconded to adjourn at 7:45 p.m., all in favor. Respectfully submitted, Elaine Clow, Vice Chair Approved May 21, 2014