UNIT 4 THE INTERACTION FUNCTION DATE: 1. DETECTING THE ENVIRONMENT Objectives To study how interaction function allows us to detect the environment. To learn about sense organs Vocabulary Interact receptor sense send perceive Carry out Nervous impulse quick lasting stimulus stimuli sensitive capture scattered response hormone slow Concepts 1.1. Perception of stimuli (page 52) 1.2. Information processing (page 52) 1.3.The response (page 52) Homeworks Resume los apartados 1 y 2 en español. Realiza un dibujo esquemático de cada órgano sensitivo nombrando sus principales partes. Activities What is the interaction function? _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ 1 Define stimulus. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Write three example of stimulus. _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Define receptor _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ How many receptor are there?. Write the different types. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Write the names of the five sensory receptor _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Define effectors _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Explain the differences between nervous coordination and endocrine coordination _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ What types of effectors are there? __________________ ____________________ Make an diagram of how to carry out the interaction function 2 2. THE SENSE ORGANS Objectives To learn about sense organs To understand how the sense organs work. Vocabulary Smell Touch Taste Sight Hearing Ear drum Tear nose skin tongue eye balance eyebrow Lid impulse taste buds pupil ear Eyelash/es Concepts 2.1. Organ of the smell 2.2. Organ of the touch 2.3. Organ of the taste 2.4. Organ of hearing and balance. 2.5. Organ of the sight Homeworks Resumen de los apartados 3 y 4 en español. Activities Mark where they are located and what stimuli receive : Sense Location Smell Touch Taste stimuli . Complete the drawings with the names of the identified structures 3 What senses are located in the ear?. Where are located their receptors? Sense Location Put the following structures in the corresponding part of the ear: cochlea, ossicular chain, semi-circular canals, ear drum, auditory canal.. EXTERNAL EAR MIDDLE EAR INNER EAR Complete the drawings by writing in the numbered structures 4 Explica brevemente el mecanismo de la audición. Explica brevemente cómo funciona el órgano del equilibrio Where are the eye receptors located? _________________________________________________________ Complete the drawings by writing in the numbered structures Explica brevemente el mecanismo de la visión 5